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For fun: What Dessert Matches Your Personality?


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You’re a donut. You’re awesome, reliable, you CAN be fancy, but you’re usually a chill, no-frills kind of person. The world would be a terrible place without you. Some people might think you’re overrated but they are bigtime idiots. You’re underrated if anything.


So, what are you?


(I'm guessing we must have at least a few cupcakes on this forum! ;) :lol: )

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"You got: Pie


You’re pie. You’re a class act and a wise soul. You can make any situation better just by being there. And nobody can beat your versatility and adaptability. You’re an original gangster."



That just made me feel so good! I'm going to read that to myself everyday.


I need to get a life :D

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"You’re ice cream. You’re that person everyone likes. Even weird picky people like you because you’re that universally great. Often times children scream and cry around you because emotions run high. Everyone wants to hang out with you, but you don’t do great in hot piercing sun."
Too funny! Ice cream really is my favorite dessert (one of my favorite foods any time, actually!) â€” and I do totally melt in high heat.  :lol:

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I got cookie. I'll take it, I love cookies, and ice cream, and all sweet foods except pie. :D


You’re a cookie. You’re versatile, non-fussy, and you can adapt easily to any situation. Everybody wants you and you’re adorable! Just run away if anyone tries to dunk you in milk. Or maybe you’re into that kind of thing. That’s cool.

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You got: Popsicle

You’re a popsicle. For one, you just look really cool. A beautiful sight to behold. It’s always a good idea to have you around. You’re refreshing and down to earth. Haters avoid you because you’re just gonna melt all over them and make them sticky.joythebaker.com


Meh, I am not that into Popsicles.

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You got: Pudding

Sometimes you might seem a little weird or even off-putting at first glance, but you’re secretly delicious. And really smart people know you’re awesome. And people with texture issues can go home. Because you’re really fun and versatile.



Weird?  Off-putting?  Not even a tiny bit!


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You got: Pie
You’re pie. You’re a class act and a wise soul. You can make any situation better just by being there. And nobody can beat your versatility and adaptability. You’re an original gangster.



which is good.  because as I was readin this, I thought "a blackberry pie".  It had BETTER be a blackberry pie. :toetap05:   I will eat sugar for blackberry pie.


ds talked to his girlfriend and asked if she'd ever had one. "no, I've had blueberry - does that count?"  :svengo:   no. it doesn't. not. even. close.

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"You got: Pie


You’re pie. You’re a class act and a wise soul. You can make any situation better just by being there. And nobody can beat your versatility and adaptability. You’re an original gangster."



That just made me feel so good! I'm going to read that to myself everyday.


I need to get a life :D


Me, too!  And I adore pie.  I've said so many times on this very board.  I've been shunned for my general dislike of cupcakes, even though I said I'd eat the heck out of a mini-pie.


i love the description, too.  

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Me, too!  And I adore pie.  I've said so many times on this very board.  I've been shunned for my general dislike of cupcakes, even though I said I'd eat the heck out of a mini-pie.


i love the description, too.  


I always knew you were a gangster! :lol:


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My favorite! Cake!


You got: Cake

You’re cake. You’re damn near perfect. You’re in high demand because everyone wants a piece of you. But be careful with your time. There’s only so much of you to go around.



Well then, I don't fit the description for cake. I just want to EAT cake.

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