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My trivial question of the day - If you have a smartphone...

Lady Florida.

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Do you still carry a notepad and pen/pencil? I rarely make paper notes while out and about - I just use the appropriate app on my phone (notepad, grocery list, contacts list, etc.). I can't even remember the last time I used the notepad. No one has asked me if I had paper or a pen in a very long time. For some reason though, I can't bring myself to take the physical notepad out of my purse. I carry a small notepad, a mechanical pencil, and a pen. If it matters, no I don't work outside the home.


I can see continuing to carry a pen, but I don't really need paper. I usually don't have a problem letting go of "old technology" but for some reason I can't let go of this. :)

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I have a smartphone, yet I still use and carry around a paper journal (bullet journal style---search for discussion here) for my daily and longterm planning and note-taking.


I use smartphone apps for the family calendar (so dh and I always have access to it), grocery lists, and a list of books to get from the library.

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I still prefer to take notes and make lists with pen and paper. It is faster for me. I am one who just cannot use my smartphone very quickly in regards to notes, lists, or texts. I've been at for years now but if someone texts me a question they usually end up calling me for the answer as I am still typing up my reply. :blushing:

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Yes. I like to have a scrap of paper or an index card in the car. It's quicker and easier to jot a note when I'm at a red light than to try to save it as a memo in my phone. I can write fairly legibly while not looking at the paper; I can't enter text without looking at the phone. (I don't text and drive, neither do I jot and drive.  :p ) I still have a notepad in my purse. Doesn't get used much but I find there are some times/places when I'd rather just use the notepad than my phone. And if dd wants to write something down she uses the notepad, not my phone.

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I have to write on paper.
My smartphone is for calls, tests, checking email (rarely writing them), GPS, and quick consults with Mr. Google.  I have 2 notebooks, a planner, and a small calendar in my purse.  Plus countless pens one day and zero the next. @@


Oops. Texts, not tests!

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I still prefer to take notes and make lists with pen and paper. It is faster for me. I am one who just cannot use my smartphone very quickly in regards to notes, lists, or texts. I've been at for years now but if someone texts me a question they usually end up calling me for the answer as I am still typing up my reply. :blushing:


this  It's much faster to whip out my pen and notepad to jot down a quick note or phone number.

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Everything goes on the smartphone here.  I rarely have even a pen, but that's more because someone, ahem - DS! - usually swipes it.  


The only time I make notes on paper are at the doc's office.  My doc is lightning fast with her thoughts, and there's just too much info flying too fast for me to get it all down on the smartphone.  DH can do it, but I need paper/pen.  Luckily, she has it available.  Once I leave the office - the info is transcribed into ... the smartphone.   :D


Other than that - smartphone for everything.  

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I don't carry a notebook with me and use my phone if I need to document something. However I do write out my grocery list on paper and take that with me. It's more efficient to have the paper at my fingertips rather than having to keep taking my phone out and keying in my code to get to the list.

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I did for a long time, but now I am all about putting it on my smartphone. I can email any list to DH from my phone or even to myself if need be.


And the bigger issue is that I am much less likely to lose my list if it is on my phone. I was constantly making lists, notes to myself etc and losing them, or finding them much too late to be any use

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Do you still carry a notepad and pen/pencil? I rarely make paper notes while out and about - I just use the appropriate app on my phone (notepad, grocery list, contacts list, etc.). I can't even remember the last time I used the notepad. No one has asked me if I had paper or a pen in a very long time. For some reason though, I can't bring myself to take the physical notepad out of my purse. I carry a small notepad, a mechanical pencil, and a pen. If it matters, no I don't work outside the home.


I can see continuing to carry a pen, but I don't really need paper. I usually don't have a problem letting go of "old technology" but for some reason I can't let go of this. :)


I've never carried a notepad around.  :blink:  Why would I do that?


At one time, like in high school and college, I had a planner.  It still wasn't with me every second, though - just in class and school and stuff.  In my backpack.  


I do make my grocery list in a notebook - it sits next to my fridge all the time, and I make the list in it every week.  


I always have a pen.  I wouldn't have a pencil but I used one at work to put my hair up and stuck it in my purse to take back... and I keep forgetting to leave it there.  :P


As far as appointments, contacts, etc, it's all on my phone.  I take the iPad with me to the homeschool convention to take notes when I see different speakers, keep lists of curriculum to look at, etc.  

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I have one of these in my bag




I write much faster than I can type on my phone. 


My notebook has some recipes, grocery lists, I took notes today in it while at  convention, it has little thoughts that occurred to me, and I sometimes write in it interesting or hilarious things my kids said. 


I don't use it to just jot down lists, I write in mine all the time. If I fill one up I get another one.

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I don't carry a notepad anymore, but I do always have a pen handy.


I do have a colleague who, despite having a very good smartphone, still uses a DayTimer for keeping her calendar, contacts and notes.  She simply prefers it that way. 


To each her own, I suppose.

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