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What new curriculum are you most excited about starting this year?

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Starting our second official year of homeschooling this year, and I am making a few changes, adding some new things and starting a full-time kindergartener.  We're using an actual curriculum for science, Bible and spelling this year instead of doing our own thing too.  As you make new plans for the upcoming school year, which new curriculum are you planning to add that you are MOST excited about?


It can be a small booklet you picked up at a used fair or a whole curriculum switch, but what new thing has you SO excited to start the school year?


In all the new things that we are doing, I am most excited to find the Classical Academic Press curriculum choices.  We are using their Song School Spanish, which I think my kids will love.  I am super excited about their Bible and Writing curriculum though.  I feel like their writing will give my son that creative spark he desires in learning how to write with solid methods.  I am also ridiculously happy to do God's Great Covenant with them.  I feel that it teaches Bible the way I want to teach it and adds all the meatiness that I was having a hard time pulling together.  Hoping I will be as happy at the end of the year as I am now.


How about you?  



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I'm excited about starting Zaccaro's Upper Elementary Challenge Math. We've done Beast Academy for the

past two years, but we are about to run up against their publication schedule. Zacarro's looks like a new challenge that I think my daughter will really enjoy. I'm also looking forward to Nancy Larson Science, 1 and 3. We did 2 the year before last, we should have gone directly to 3, but we didn't. Now I've got a 1st and 4th grader and were going to do both levels. I've got my eye on Song School Spanish, but I'm waiting to see how much time our other schoolwork takes. I'm afraid we won't have time to add anything else without me feeling like we're always in a hurry to complete one thing to get to the next. All in all, I'm really excited about this year, we had a great last year, and we are keeping the things we really loved, like CAP's W&R and Miquon.

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I'm excited about science. I have been so..... just horrible about science over the years. This is our 7th year and my kids science education has been sketchy at best.  Last year was filled with Bill Nye the Science Guy videos and Moody Science Videos. And that was science. (Let's not get into the theology of that combination, please! ;) )  Anyhow, this year, with my three older kiddos we're going to all do Apologia Astronomy together.

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I am also excited to start CAP's W&R.  We are trying BJU Science 4 this year.  I am crossing my fingers it will be a good fit for the long haul.  I hear all the great things about it being rigorous and great for middle and high school.  I really want it to be a great fit for us.

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I am excited about our year as a whole. We are probably doing the exact opposite this year from every other year that we've homeschooled, so that is, in and of itself, exciting and scary all rolled into one. Looking back now, I feel that I could compare myself to that frog that was in the slowly boiling water the last few years.I didn't even realize that I was basically running myself into the ground. I had a really hard time choosing curricula last year and this spring was really bad. I just couldn't place my finger on what the problem was. (Cue CIRCE thread!)

Changes I am most ecstatic about:

  • I am thrilled to finally allow myself to embrace the multum non multa philosophy. (Something I have never been able to do!)
  • We're approaching our language arts organically this year vs. many parts, which is a huge load off my shoulders.
  • Morning Time is like a breath of fresh air. We've been in school for 1 week now and spending this time in the morning with the kiddos on the couch has been amazing. I am very excited about this for the upcoming year.
  • Volume of reading. Both kids are reading very well and this is a big part of our day - read aloud and independently. We are doing an hour of quiet reading after lunch and I make myself sit and read with them. (Nice!)
  • MEP - this was a hit this week, but it wasn't "quick". I am going to have to really ponder if I'm going to do a time limit (and have the constant fear of becoming seriously behind in math) or just allow that to be a hefty chunk of our day. I do like that I don't feel the need to supplement MEP, like I was Saxon.
  • All my self education, including learning to utilize, not use, curricula.


If I had to pick just one curriculum I am most excited about, I would have to say Brave Writer. (Is that considered a curriculum?) We have done IEW in the past, which I still really enjoy and think we can learn a lot from, but we totally burned out on it last year. Brave Writer seems to be amazing in scope and fitting with my new-found philosophy. Both of my kids wrote two full pages this week for their freewrite. Twice. They begged me to do "freewrite" again this year after we ended the year doing a few last year. I'm using her Partnership Writing concept and really pleased with the narrations I'm getting from my son. Pleased as punch with BW! I feel like we've hit a good stride with our homeschooling this year.


ETA: Whoa, sorry for some technical difficulties with my formatting there, lol!

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I am just excited for this year in general.  We have hit a bit of a groove and I'm excited to just keep rolling with it.  I feel like summer has stalled my "rhthym" a bit and I'm looking forward to getting back in to it in the fall.  If I had to pick one thing, I guess I am most looking forward to reading Anne of Green Gables with my kids.  I've been wanting to start it since they were toddlers, but I've restrained myself. LOL

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I, too, am excited to have found the Circe/schole/multum non multa philosophy. We'll be starting morning time but more than anything I'm just really excited to start with ME teaching from rest and really giving focus to the good,true & beautiful. I'm a high strung, type A perfectionist and I'm excited to start on the journey of letting go and bringing my littles along with me. :)

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I'm excited about continuing PAL Reading and adding in PAL Writing.


I'm excited about CLE Algebra 1.


I can't WAIT to get my hands on the Catholic Mosaic program I just ordered (and the corresponding literature for it).


I'm also pretty excited about the CAP Narrative I have in hand for my dyslexic, writing phobic 7th grader!

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We successfully started  AOPS Pre-Algebra Online a few weeks ago.   Glad we had the courage to try it - although I've heard that Algebra I becomes much more difficult.  We also purchased memoria press courses for logic and classical composition, along with the dvd's which contain narrated lessons for each.... I also signed up with Kolbe Academy to have their staff review and comment on all the essays and papers the kids write this year, as I know getting feedback from more than just one person is important and I don't trust myself to catch everything. 


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I'm excited to start Science in the Beginning.  I've heard my DS9 tell at least two different people lately that science is his favorite subject, so I'm excited to start this new book with him.  I know he will love that each lesson has an experiment.  We didn't do many experiments last year, so this will be so much fun for him!  


I'm also excited to start the Memoria Press Kindergarten Enrichment book with my DS6 and DS3 (listening in).  The art cards are beautiful, the music is great, the read-alouds look fun...can't wait!

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I'm doing several new things next year. I'm hoping SOTW will be a hit. I think La Clase Divertida will be fun, but it's only worth the time and money if he learns a lot as well.


I'm dreading RSO Earth & Space for science because we will be making things for every lesson--the same reason DS will probably love it. (I don't plan to use their stuff the following year regardless.)


Mostly, I'm excited that he is really reading and doing math now.

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I am very excited to finally arrive at modern world history! It should merge nicely with our ongoing study of current events.


Other than that, Art of Argument. Very excited about that!


Ha! I'm the opposite, soooo glad to go back to ancients. I'm excited to start the process all over again. 

We did AoA this last year and it was a big hit. Hope you enjoy it too!


I think I'm most excited to use Michael Clay Thompson's literature program. It's not that big of a deal as far as deeply involved curriculum, but hopefully a subtle, richer, experience. iykwim.

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We are 10 days into our new year and we are really enjoying Apologia Swimming Creatures and BJU Heritage Studies. This is our 6th year homeschooling and my first year down to just one child.  :(

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Let's see:

  • Jump In for writing
  • Philosophy Adventures
  • The newly revised IEW Fix-It Grammar - The Nose Tree
  • Interest-led science -  first up is virology!

I'm also excited that DD is moving from upper grammar to the dialectic stage in TOG.  I can't wait to start the Socratic discussions with her.

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Let's see...I've really switched it up from what we had been doing, so I'm excited about a lot of things!


Math In Focus: will be using 2 levels of this for the two oldest this year. They love the look of it and I love the format.


Sequential Spelling: starting this with 2nd grader.


Mystery of History 1: after a year of Early American, DD and I are excited to start ancient history. Little man in K can follow along if he likes.


Science in the Beginning: first year of real science.


Prima Latina: DD is so excited to start this! We'll go slow and easy and enjoy it.


Hopefully this will be a fun year. The kids are both enjoying the summer break and looking forward to starting again in 5-6 weeks.

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We're completely switching our curricula this year and I am very excited about it. K and 1st were huge learning experiences for me and I now have a handle on my son's learning style and my teaching style.


We are diving into Sonlight's Core A for Bible, history, and reading. I know a lot of people here disdain it as nothing but an expensive book list, but for me, a lit-based curriculum that is already laid out is freeing, not confining. DS loved being read to, so I anticipate that Sonlight will be a hit.


I'm also excited about Science in the Beginning. I want my son to get a good science education, and for that to happen, I must find something that works for ME. Last year, we used several Usborne books and other resources, and I hated it so much, I dropped it. DS like it, but I just couldn't bring myself to pull it out. After much investigation, I settled on this new resource because the lessons are short, laid out with a clear beginning and ending, have several levels of notebooking questions for each lesson, and because it has experiments in each lesson--and the experiments truly use typical household stuff. I've already looked through the book and it is MY dream come true! I know DS will love it, as well. He enjoys experiential learning, and this text holds my hand to get that done.


We're doing many more new things this year, but those are definitely my top 2!

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So much really! I can't wait. I'm excited to do FIAR with DD. Super excited about American history and science. We will be doing Sassafras Zoology and they are HUGE fans of that stuff so I think it will end up being really fun. I'm excited that I ditched the idea of an art curriculum and instead bought a bunch of art books and I'm just going to let them find their own way with it. 

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I'm excited to be using less curricula and winging it more than in the past.


But we will still have some.  I'm excited for whenever Faltering Ownership from Brave Writer comes out (should be by the end of summer).  And I'm excited to get to Jousting Armadillos, though we probably won't be there until next spring.

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I am pretty much excited about everything since ds and I (both!) are home from PS. It is exciting to get to *choose* what we will use! More than being excited about a certain program, I'm excited to give ds one-on-one time.

But, if I *had* to mention a particular portion of what I've chosen, it would be geography :). Because, there was NONE in ps.

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I'm excited but nervous about starting BFSU. We've never been completely satisified with any of the science curricula we've tried so far. BFSU looks like it'll be great, but a lot of prep on my part. I hope I can keep up.

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I'm excited about going through Ancients again, but now with an older ds, and SOTW 1 with my lovely dd. I'm excited about using the Dorothy Mills books as spines for each period (Egyptians, Greeks, Romans) and using Mind in the Light's Book Notes. Lively Latin sounds lively as well, and we've never delved into Latin before. Lastly, I'm excited about the projects dd is going to be doing with the SOTW AG.

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I am really excited for the whole year, new plans and new ways of doing things. I haven't ordered that much curriculum this year (as compared to other years) and I am trying to simplify what they do during the day so that we can mix in classes, social activities and some PE this year. Last year we spent to much time in the house and I am really ready to do things a bit different.


The curriculum that i am most excited for with my 8th grader would be the One Year Adventure Novel. I am excited to see how it helps her grow as a writer and move her closer to writing her own book which is her goal.


For my 7th grader, probably the Chemistry (Apologia Chemistry and Physics). She really has always wanted to do lots of experiments and I am hoping this will be fun for her. I also ordered the whole lab kit to go with it. I just wish it was a whole year of Chemistry and not half the year.


I am also looking forward to some great classes we have found already for September including clay class, a mural project, drawing, a medic class, archery...just lots of good choices. Still looking for a photography class for ydd. And, doing more with a new homeschool group that has lots of fun things planned for the year including a STEM club, book club, overnight trips and so much more!


I also think that taking an extended summer break this year has been good for us - we still have lots of time to enjoy the summer and relax before school starts and hopefully we all feel ready when the time comes. Last year starting in July made for a really long year.

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I'm excited about incorporating many of the Circe principles.




I am excited about our year as a whole. We are probably doing the exact opposite this year from every other year that we've homeschooled, so that is, in and of itself, exciting and scary all rolled into one. Looking back now, I feel that I could compare myself to that frog that was in the slowly boiling water the last few years.I didn't even realize that I was basically running myself into the ground. I had a really hard time choosing curricula last year and this spring was really bad. I just couldn't place my finger on what the problem was. (Cue CIRCE thread!)

Changes I am most ecstatic about:

  • I am thrilled to finally allow myself to embrace the multum non multa philosophy. (Something I have never been able to do!)
  • We're approaching our language arts organically this year vs. many parts, which is a huge load off my shoulders.
  • Morning Time is like a breath of fresh air. We've been in school for 1 week now and spending this time in the morning with the kiddos on the couch has been amazing. I am very excited about this for the upcoming year.
  • Volume of reading. Both kids are reading very well and this is a big part of our day - read aloud and independently. We are doing an hour of quiet reading after lunch and I make myself sit and read with them. (Nice!)
  • MEP - this was a hit this week, but it wasn't "quick". I am going to have to really ponder if I'm going to do a time limit (and have the constant fear of becoming seriously behind in math) or just allow that to be a hefty chunk of our day. I do like that I don't feel the need to supplement MEP, like I was Saxon.
  • All my self education, including learning to utilize, not use, curricula.


I, too, am excited to have found the Circe/schole/multum non multa philosophy. We'll be starting morning time but more than anything I'm just really excited to start with ME teaching from rest and really giving focus to the good,true & beautiful. I'm a high strung, type A perfectionist and I'm excited to start on the journey of letting go and bringing my littles along with me. :)


:iagree:  Ditto to all of the above. I've already been dabbling heavily into Circe/schole and it has been so refreshing. We've not been able to get too deeply into it since we moved this summer, but by August we should be going full throttle. :driving:  I can't wait to see where the year takes us!!!! 

Plus my new ideas about how to teach history that I'll be ready to try in January. I'm still pulling stuff together and solidifying my thoughts, but I think it's going to be perfect for us.

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I'm excited about so many of our upcoming programs!  Youngest will be in 1st and we're beefing up our academics this year!

1. History -- this will be the first year we've done a formal history; everyone's excited!

2. Science in the Beginning -- again, first formal textbook science (as opposed to just library books and videos).

3. CLE -- we're switching to CLE for LA and math and I'm nervously anxious to see how it goes.

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Our new thing that I'm super excited about is Laying Down the Rails and Rails for Children from SCM. It's not what you'd typically think of as "school" but I'm realizing more and more that intentionally helping my children build good habits is just as important as the academics. I'm excited for what I will learn too! I'm finding that many of my own personal struggles are due to bad habits in my own life. I want to help my kids develop a strong moral character and the ability to govern themselves and do it in a positive, intentional way. I think too often I just react to the negative things they do and I'd like to change that.


I'm also excited about our morning time this year. We've always done our Bible and read aloud during/after breakfast but this year I'm going to expand it. I'm going to add artist and composer study to this time and maybe our history readings too. I don't have all the details worked out yet but I'm excited to make morning time really work for us.


Most everything else is staying the same for us this year with a few tweaks and embellishments. I'm excited about those little changes as well as the schedule changes I'll be making that I'm hoping will make our days more productive and enjoyable. :-)

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We've already started, but honestly, I'm surprisingly excited about Saxon Math with my dd.  Given that I ignored Saxon in the years I've been learning about curriculum options (which has been a lot longer than we've been schooling), this is weird.  But it is SUCH a good fit for her right now.  I'm just really happy that it is working and that she likes it and I like it!  I still probably won't use it for my younger girls, but for this dd, it is just perfect!

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I'm excited to get into Latin and French this year. Those are going to be the two major subjects our school centers on this year. All of our other subjects are just a continuation of what has already been working for us. I'm going to use Lively Latin and Galore Park SYRWTLF. We're making them both a family affair (well I'm not really going to push the issue with my two younger children), but my DH and I are going to work the lessons with my oldest. 


I'm also excited about reading K12 Human Odyssey with my oldest this year. And starting The Wand with my 7 year old. 


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I'm looking forward to the World Geography course that I'm putting together for my 8th grader. I've spent the last couple of weeks pulling together resources and creating a book list. I haven't "planned" a course in years, so this has been pretty fun.


Of course, the fact that I'm excited about it means that my son will probably hate it. :D

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4th Grader

  • CAP Fable and/or CAP Narrative I
  • Also, for Composition, we are going to branch out a bit more and try different things.
  • Phonetic Zoo C or B (still undecided). She's ready for something independent, and I'm ready to put her spelling on the Independent Work part of the daily list. 
  • Guided Reading (she reads to me) will now be all the student's choice, not assigned. That is to say, she will bring to me whatever she wants to read aloud to me -- something challenging, something funny (to her), something poetically appealing. So now I only have to listen. ;)
  • MP English Grammar Recitation (as a change of pace from FLL 4, which we'll do half of).
  • Also for grammar, Mad Libs!
  • A new approach to History for this year -- We're not going to do a "new, big History" this year. We just need time to focus on other things for a while, and absorb what we've studied to date. Each week, the student will read anything from our extensive history bookshelves (2-3x/week), and then write at least one narrative summary of a chosen topic. These narrations will be placed chronologically in the student's own History notebook.
  • A new approach to Science for this year -- As with History, in Science the student will read from our science bookshelves and write a report for her notebook. We'll also do Evan-Moor Daily Science, structured nature study, and some health materials.
  • First Form French, after she completes EP 4
  • Children's choir for older singers at a local church

2nd Graders (twins)

  • They are starting Latin (Prima Latina), French (Ecoutez, Parlez 1 & 2), and a musical instrument. So, new for them, but not new for me. Still, it's exciting to see them enter new territory.
  • A new approach to History for this year (see above)
  • A new approach to Science for this year (see above)
  • Children's choir for younger singers at a local church


  • Literature Book Club. I think it's going to be wonderful to all be together for literature, instead of in separate tracks (MP guides), like we have been. All reading the same book  or listening to the same audiobook, all discussing the same story, gleaning new vocabulary, keeping track in our literature binder of what we read and learn. I'm looking forward to it.
  • Shakespeare Summer Theater -- that's the plan, anyway. Next summer, as we're wrapping up loose academic ends and doing a few weeks of VBS, we'd like to read and act out one play from the Bard. Probably A Midsummer Night's Dream or Much Ado About Nothing.
  • New Bibles. Yes, I am excited about these! The NIVr was driving. me. up. a. wall. That little "r" was killing me. Short sentences. KWIM? So happy to have new Bibles.
  • Tuesday Poetry Tea Time :) Scones with butter and jam, what's not to love? We may read poems, too....
  • Craft Co-Op Club at a local church -- crocheting, knitting, embroidery! My children will be in crafting heaven. Me, too. ;) I get to buy materials and let someone else unravel the knots and do the "over, under." LOL.



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We're starting PreK in January. I can't wait to begin preschool style SWR. It's our first real thing. We've always done fun stuff and he can read, write letters, and count but now I have to be disciplined about it.



We're also amping up our Spanish which has always been very important to me.

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:iagree: Ditto to all of the above. I've already been dabbling heavily into Circe/schole and it has been so refreshing. We've not been able to get too deeply into it since we moved this summer, but by August we should be going full throttle. :driving: I can't wait to see where the year takes us!!!!

Plus my new ideas about how to teach history that I'll be ready to try in January. I'm still pulling stuff together and solidifying my thoughts, but I think it's going to be perfect for us.


I agree! I'm also excited to read your blog posts!

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I'm excited about everything and my Rainbow Resource order arrive this morning so I'm having fun going through it. Song School Latin is what I think my kids will like the best.


I'm looking forward to SOTW because I never had a formal history class outside of my 4th grade state history class. I expect that I'll learn quite a bit this year.


My son is really excited about science, he's been flipping through the animal encyclopedia that just arrived.


I think it's going to be a fun year!

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