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I could use some prayers


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At 1pm today I got a frantic call from another fire fighter's wife to please come and drive her to the hospital.  I live 2 minutes from her place.


Her husband suffered to events that the dr's said could kill anyone on their own.  First, he had a massive heart attack and then his lungs rapidly filled up.  There was nothing they could do.


The ambulance driver looked my husband (also a fire fighter) in the eye and told him to keep the wife calm and get her to the hospital.


When we got there, they immediately took us to the quiet room.  I could tell by my husbands eyes on the way to the hospital that our friend was gone.  Both of these men have been to too many medical calls to not know how this was going to end.


I have to say, I am awful glad that I didn't have to tell my kids that he died at a fire call, he was at home and had just finished lunch with some friends.  It is some how easier for my kids to handle this as children of a fire fighter, that their hero and friend died the way he did.   A fellow homeschooler is going to take my kids tomorrow so I can go and help this dear friend plan her husband's funeral and we as a couple are to be the liaison between the fire department and the family.  I could use prayers for strength for my husband, this dear friend and myself, along with our whole Fire Dept tonight.  Thanks.

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The couple never had any children.  Could everyone do me and favor.  Even if you can't afford to pre-pay for everything, take the time to find some forms online and fill all that information in.  Tell someone, even better write down what you want and don't want and tell a couple people where that information is.


I told Chief that the men need to be spoken with and told to tell their wives what is available and what their wishes are.  I have a wife who never asked her husband what he wanted and now is struggling to figure out what would be best to do.


If you are a fire fighter's/ police/ EMS/ military wife,  talk with you husband or Chief to find out what they will do.  Our dept is organzing an honour guard, pallbearers, transportation of the coffin and two men to stand with the coffin all through visitation and the funeral.  The wife didn't understand that because her husband was the Director for the whole county that it wouldn't just be his station, it's the whole county!  7 stations will be attending the walk through tonight, let alone all the Chiefs and Dept Chiefs from the two cities in our county.  Then there are the EMS and the Police!  She has no blessed clue how loved he was.


Please, it's a terrible subject but talk to your loved ones and ask what they want and tell them what you want.  If someone wanted to post this request to the hive, feel free to start a new thread.  We get so busy living our lives that we sometimes forget to have our exit strategy in place.

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Very wise advise Amy and I second it. DD is a medic, and her shift supervisor and the county EMS director told her when she started to have these talks with us now, not later.


It's a horrible thing to discuss and yet so necessary.


Thanks for sharing Amy;  I'll pray for the widow.

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Praying! As an LE wife thanks for the reminder to have a plan in place. Although since none of us know the time allotted to us I think is a good idea for all couples/families to have these tough conversations.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:



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