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Let's see your 10th grade list for next year

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As of right now(still subject to change or add to) our 10th grade fall semester will be

Apologia Physics

Lively Art of Writing

Lukeion Muse on the Loose Greek


Lukeion Latin 2A

Intro to Oil painting/Acrylics and colored pencils

The Art of Argument

Possibly another archeology course

History ancients

possibly Spanish or back to german, not sure which


spring semester

Apologia physics



Lukeion Latin 2B

Music history, by time period (possibly jazz)

Anatomy and Physiology

History ancients

foreign language


for extras dog 4H, dog training/showing, karate, volunteering

also will take courses online with courser/MIT,etc

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DS will be in 10th grade next year. Plans:



Chang: General Chemistry-the essential concepts. Lab kit from Labpaq


Algebra 2: AoPS Intermediate Algebra


Medieval and Renaissance literature and history - integrated course

lots of literature; Spielvogel as spine,

TC lectures: Daileader (Early, High, Late Middle ages, Crusades), Vikings (forgot prof), Bartlett Itaalian Renaissance, Dante


Italian 2

Prego! textbook+workbook+CDs+labbook; Practice makes perfect grammar drill books; Duolingo


Electives: continuing courses with 1 credit earned cumulatively over the course of high school

Art history

Computer skills


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I think I've got this.


Honors English 2 - Blue Tent

Algebra 2: Lial's Intermediate Algebra

Advanced Biology: Thinkwell w/ Campbell's Biology and CLEP or AP exam at the end

Chemistry: BJU 

AP Psychology: SL, I'm planning to do an AP Course audit for this one

Photography: OM Photography + Photoshop/image editing

Personal Finance: Dave Ramsey Foundations

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Both teens will be grade 10 next year, they are doing a combination of online through alberta distance learning, and online with our school board and home brew depending on course.


All year


*English 20 (grade 11) using online high school writing, online literature classes plus R&S 6, LLATL grey and a study of shakespeare (not sure which play yet)

*PE 30 (grade 12 PE, they have their credits for 10 and doing 11 right now)

*Latin (10 for ds15, 20 for dd14) using a combination of Henle and Lingua Latina

*French 10 (grade 10 french online)


Term 1


Biology 20 (grade 11 bio)

Introduction to wildlife

Introduction to agriculture

wildlife diversity

forests & society

snacks & appetizers

Contemporary baking

fast & convience foods

MUS pre-Alg


Term 2

Social studies 20

Forensic science 25 (grade 11 sci elective)

word processing (1-3)

Chemistry 20 (grade 11 chem)

MUS alg 1

euclid's geometry 1a 

traditional logic 1

and some sort of religion or world view course, not sure which yet.



cadets, shooting team (part of cadets), cadet may be starting a biathalon team they will try out for, nordic ski club, archery and kuk sool won.  possibility of each getting a p/t job it is being considered.  PLUS summer Hunter ed/jr firearms possession camp (each earns a credit in my province)



Completely packed but should be fine

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(Can be a prior 10th grader list you already have!)



Yea! That lets me participate! :)





English: writing = various; literature = "Worldviews in Classic Sci-Fi Lit."**

Math: Algebra 2 (Forester's)

Science: Biology (Apologia) -- 1/2 credit

Science: Anatomy (chapters from Miller/Levine) -- 1/2 credit

History: 20th Century World (last 400 pages Spielvogel HO + other resources)

Bible (variety of materials)

Elective: PE (public school JV tennis team + other activities) -- 1/2 credit

Elective: Classic Literature -- 1/2 credit



- church youth group

- assistant Sunday School teacher

- homeschool Student Council member, and website person

- JV tennis team

- Youth & Government, lobbyist

- public speaking co-op class

- community service hours


** we made our own lit that year:

- Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (Christian)

- Frankenstein (romanticism)

- The Time Machine (socialism/evolution

- Animal Farm (communism/capitalism)

- The Giver (utopia/dystopia)

- Brave New World (utopia/dystopia)

- Farenheit 451 (apocalyptic)

- A Canticle for Leibowitz (post-apocalyptic)

- short stories from Cosmi-Comics (existentialism)

- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (absurdist)






English: writing = various; literature = American Lit. (made our own)

Math: Algebra 1 (uncredited review) & Geometry (MUS)

Science: Biology (Apologia) -- 1/2 credit

History: American (Notgrass Exploring America)

Government (Great Source American Government textbook + other resources) -- 1/2 credit

Bible (variety of materials)

Elective: PE (public school JV tennis team + other activities) -- 1/2 credit



- church youth group

- homeschool Student Council member

- JV tennis team

- Youth & Government, legislator

- community service hours

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DD will be a 10th grader next year.  I am still working out so of the details, but this is where we are headed as of now.


Algebra 2 (Derek Owens online)

Chemistry (Apologia in a local class, but supplemented to prepare for the SAT Subject Test)

French 3 (local class - Holt text)

Greek 1 (Lukeion)

AP Human Geography (PAH)


I still haven't decided on Literature and History.


Electives - these are only .25 or .5 credit per year

Art (local class) and Art History

Piano + Music Theory

PE - Tennis



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DS - 10th grade


Bible - New Testament at co-op.


Math - I'm nearly 100% certain that we're going to backtrack and do Algebra 1 again. He didn't really "get" it last year and Geometry has been a bit of a struggle this year. Moving on to Algebra 2 next year would be a big mistake, I think.


History - FundaFunda U.S. History will be our base along with Connect the Thoughts current events units and reading/discussing The Economist and Time magazines.


Science Marine Biology


Language Arts -

  • Grammar - Analytical Grammar season 2
  • Vocabulary - Mish mash using Anki SRS
  • Writing - Write at Home Online Comp. 2
  • Literature - IEW's Intro. to Literary Analysis (WttW & TtC) plus reading and discussing books.
The next step would be paring down the literature list.


Foreign Language - Spanish 2 at co-op.


Electives Photography, Worship Team, and SAT Prep. at co-op. I'm also putting together a full-year course on film-making/film-appreciation that looks like it is going to be a lot of fun.


Extra-curricular - baseball, karate, rhetoric, drums


Driver's Ed - :blink: :eek: :scared: :svengo:

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Our plan:



Math Geometry and Algebra II at the community college

English: Great Book class + grammar and writing (WWS 2)

German: OSU German online III

History: We'll have two strands of history 1. Ancient History using SWB's book 2. American History of the 1900s at our coop

Science: Chemistry at the community college


Electives to work on over the course of 4 years: Music, Art, PE, computer related courses

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Just starting to piece together our plans for 10th grade ds:


Honors Algebra 2 (Derek Owens)


Chemistry at tutorial


English II. Also at tutorial--emphasis on American Lit and composition.


American history--The Great Courses: Interpreting the 20th Century: The Struggle Over Democracy, A Short History of the twentieth Century, additional reading.


German III. OSU online


Electives still up in the air. Probably logic and/or programming class.




First Tee program/Ace level (includes many hours of community service)

Golfing on jr. tour and golf team

Mock trial

History Bee


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Physics (Education-Portal.com and Abeka Academy - finish with CLEP Test)


US History (Abeka Academy, Education-Portal with CLEP Test)


Just a couple of notes that you probably already know lprstn, but just in case others are getting ideas from this thread… 


There is no Physics CLEP

US history is divided into 2 CLEPs

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AP Human Geography
AP Computer Science
Pre-Calculus (I am not sure what we are using for this)
English (???)
French 2 online
Museum Studies (Elective that I am in the middle of planning)
Chemistry (again I am not sure what resource we will be using)
AP Human Geography
Honors English 2 - Blue Tent
Geometry  - Teaching Textbooks
French 2 
Museum Studies
Music Theory (maybe AP not sure yet)
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My pseudo 10th Grader has a packed schedule. She is doing a blocked schedule and we do school year around. Her 10th grade year will start first week of April.



Chemistry (Education-Portal.com and Abeka Academy-finish with CLEP test)

Physics (Education-Portal.com and Abeka Academy - finish with CLEP Test)

Natural Science (CLEP Test)

English Lit (Education-Portal.com and Abeka Academy)

American Lit (Education-Portal.com and Abeka Academy)

Java (Homeschool Programing)

Art (See the Light-DVD based Art Class Curriculum)

US History (Abeka Academy, Education-Portal with CLEP Test)

Algebra 2 (Abeka Academy with Teaching Textbooks followed up by Algebra CLEP test)


This will be her last year doing Abeka Academy since she will enroll into the local Community college to finish up her AA degree.

I didn't realize that Education-Portal.com also did science stuff!  We just started looking at that for Spanish.  Have you used it for science before?  What did you think of it?  Are you using it as a supplement?  Do you think it is beefy enough for a stand alone?

Thanks for the info!

Hot Lava Mama


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Science: Biology (Apologia) -- 1/2 credit

- Youth & Government, lobbyist


- Youth & Government, legislator



Science:  Why 1/2 credit?  Are you using the whole book? Is Apologia only considered a 1/2 credit?


Lobbyist:  What is this?  Is dc assisting a lobbyist?  How interesting!  How were you able to do this?

Legislator:  Same question as above.


Hot Lava Mama

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Science:  Why 1/2 credit?  Are you using the whole book? Is Apologia only considered a 1/2 credit?


Lobbyist:  What is this?  Is dc assisting a lobbyist?  How interesting!  How were you able to do this?

Legislator:  Same question as above.


Hot Lava Mama




Yes, we used all of Apologia Biology, BUT, we split it up over 2 years -- doing it in 9th & 10th. (It was actually more like 2/3 credit Biology in 9th, and 1/3 credit Biology in 10th). Then in 10th, we also did a few sections from Miller & Levine's Biology to cover Anatomy for 1/2 credit.



Done through the YMCA Youth & Government model legislation program, which is in about 40-45 states in the U.S. Students participate in one of three "delegate" roles: lobbyist, legislature, or press. Once a week all semester the students meet and learn about state Government, and what they need to do for their role, and then at the end of the semester they attend the 3-day Mock Legislation Session at the state Capitol to actually DO those roles.


Legislators research and write a bill, which they then attempt to get through committee, and then both houses and finally to be signed to the student Governor of the program.


Lobbyists write and give pro or con speeches on a number of those student legislator bills they have been assigned to.


Press members write articles, take photos, edit, do layout, take classified ads, etc., and print/distribute 3-4 newspapers about the Mock Legislative session over the 3-day event.


Side Note -- JMO:

Y&G is an AWESOME program -- gives students ability to develop leadership and public speaking skills, opportunity to analyze/debate bills, learn first-hand how our government works and gets them much more jazzed about their civil responsibilities when it comes to elections, and even city council public forums. AND, it is a nationally-recognized organization that looks REALLY good on college and scholarship applications! ;) Even though neither DS had ANY interest in going into politics or law, they had a BLAST, and each of them ASKED to return each year and do it again.


Because each DS did it 3 years and really understood the legislative process, we were able to skip portions of the dry Government textbook and count the Y&G towards the Government credit, AND as an extracurricular.


Other great nationally- or state-recognized programs for high school:

- STOA or other speech & debate program

- Model UN (also check and see if your local university hosts one)

- Junior State of America

- Civil Air Patrol

- 4-H (it's not just animals!)

- Lego FIRST robotics

- Technology Student Association


- Future Farmers of America

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We're doing 10th this year. After some tweaking our year will end up like this: 


English - LAoW, literature including short stories, Around the World in 80 Days, Moby Dick, Time Machine, Frankenstein, and Douglas Adams

math - Geometry - he wanted to do Geo and Algebra II - it just didn't work out well

Astronomy - Discovering the Essential Universe

History/Social Studies - Introduction to Human Culture (custom) includes bits of many thing development of time, linguistics, ethics, sociology, power & greed, religion, and exploring the concept of "happiness"

Japanese II - bits of Irasshai/ Beginning Japanese/ Genki

Argumentation - Work books for Arguments - giving .5 credit once it is completed. Lots of discussion

Film studies - .5 more of study on the stories in films - studying some series. 


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I've never heard of these before.  Have you used them in the past?  What do you think of them?


Hot Lava Mama



Muse on the Loose is a survey of Classical literature, with the first semester devoted to Greek lit and the second to Roman. It's taught by Sue Fisher. Lukeion has another literature class, taught by Amy Barr, that focuses specifically on Classical mythology. DS audited the mythology class; it's a rigorous class with a lot of writing.


Lukeion's Latin classes are (IMHO) exceptional — intense, rigorous, and very well organized. They cover Wheelock's in Latin 1 & 2, followed by reading in Latin 3 and then AP Latin. Their students do very well on the National Latin Exam — DS says that the NLE is a piece of cake compared to Amy's tests! If you search the board for "Lukeion" you will find many reviews of their courses.

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My up and coming sophomore


English Lit.  (Essentially the Great Books ala WTM)


World History (see English)

French II

Speech II

Debate II


Critical Thinking




My previous sophomore


English II

Algebra II

World History (essentially a mix of Omnibus and MFW)



Latin Grammar 1 semester

Introduction to French 1 semester

Speech I

Debate I

Finance 1 semester

Economics 1 semester




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I've never heard of these before.  Have you used them in the past?  What do you think of them?


Hot Lava Mama

My daughter LOVES/ADORES whatever other glowing adjective you would like to put in there Lukeion Latin. However this will be her first other course through Lukeion.

Well, she is signed up for some short summer courses through Lukeion as well but she is very excited so I am pleased.

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My Current 10th grader's schedule:


Saxon Advanced Math

Excellence in Literature - American Literature

Amercan History with NROC

AP English Language and Composition (PA Homeschoolers)

Chemistry (Spectrum Chemistry)

Vocabulary for the College Bound

Japanese 1 with Irasshai

Architectural Drafting (on-line)

Intro to Structural Engineering (Teaching Company videos, readings, papers)

Introduction to Java Programming (local community college)



Basketball, Weight training, Driver's Ed, Part-time job

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10th Grade is looking as follows:


English 90 - Community College with a wrap up of grammar at home and perhaps a Bravewriter class to fill in gaps

Physics - Conceptual Physics and most likely Homeschool Science Physics lab

Spanish 2 - Homeschool Spahnish Academy

Math - Life of Fred - finish Geometry and start Advanced Algebra with some Beginning Algebra review

History - Some type of history/political science/social science at Community College

PE - Dance

Health - Combination of Girl Scout badge work and indepent reading to cover the bases

Elective - To be determined - Currently looking at a continuation of current textiles elective or perhaps and art class at Community College.

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Yes, we used all of Apologia Biology, BUT, we split it up over 2 years -- doing it in 9th & 10th. (It was actually more like 2/3 credit Biology in 9th, and 1/3 credit Biology in 10th). Then in 10th, we also did a few sections from Miller & Levine's Biology to cover Anatomy for 1/2 credit.



Done through the YMCA Youth & Government model legislation program, which is in about 40-45 states in the U.S. Students participate in one of three "delegate" roles: lobbyist, legislature, or press. Once a week all semester the students meet and learn about state Government, and what they need to do for their role, and then at the end of the semester they attend the 3-day Mock Legislation Session at the state Capitol to actually DO those roles.


Legislators research and write a bill, which they then attempt to get through committee, and then both houses and finally to be signed to the student Governor of the program.


Lobbyists write and give pro or con speeches on a number of those student legislator bills they have been assigned to.


Press members write articles, take photos, edit, do layout, take classified ads, etc., and print/distribute 3-4 newspapers about the Mock Legislative session over the 3-day event.


Side Note -- JMO:

Y&G is an AWESOME program -- gives students ability to develop leadership and public speaking skills, opportunity to analyze/debate bills, learn first-hand how our government works and gets them much more jazzed about their civil responsibilities when it comes to elections, and even city council public forums. AND, it is a nationally-recognized organization that looks REALLY good on college and scholarship applications! ;) Even though neither DS had ANY interest in going into politics or law, they had a BLAST, and each of them ASKED to return each year and do it again.


Because each DS did it 3 years and really understood the legislative process, we were able to skip portions of the dry Government textbook and count the Y&G towards the Government credit, AND as an extracurricular.


Other great nationally- or state-recognized programs for high school:

- STOA or other speech & debate program

- Model UN (also check and see if your local university hosts one)

- Junior State of America

- Civil Air Patrol

- 4-H (it's not just animals!)

- Lego FIRST robotics

- Technology Student Association


- Future Farmers of America


Thanks!!!!  I will look into this!




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My Current 10th grader's schedule:


Saxon Advanced Math

Excellence in Literature - American Literature

Amercan History with NROC

AP English Language and Composition (PA Homeschoolers)

Chemistry (Spectrum Chemistry)

Vocabulary for the College Bound

Japanese 1 with Irasshai

Architectural Drafting (on-line)

Intro to Structural Engineering (Teaching Company videos, readings, papers)

Introduction to Java Programming (local community college)



Basketball, Weight training, Driver's Ed, Part-time job

Have you used the Excellence in Literature curriculum before? I am feeling these out a bit and really keeping them on the radar for the future. Any thoughts about them would be great!

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I am happy to say that I think I might be able to respond to this!!!!!!!Yeah! after much research...


Bible ---- MFW-WHL

HIstory       "

Literature     "

Composition-- Potter's school English 2

Chemistry--Conceptual Chemistry

Algebra 2--MUS Al2

Language--Chinese with tutors


possibly Geography with Trail Guide

               Music with guitar lessons online


This is the most current plan.  It could change at any moment, especially when some well-meaning hive member brings up another "hey, did you hear about this new curric" post.  :)




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This is my second year using it. If your dc is pretty good at writing an essay without a lot of hand holding, and you feel comfortable grading the essays, it would probably work. I like the reading selections and context materials. We don't do all the context materials, but that is not suggested. There are no comprehension questions, but it does require the student to be active readers. The author even suggests purchasing the books so that you may write in it. The essays require the student to support their thesis with examples from the book, so it's important to take notes while they read.


My son likes the program because it allows him to be independent and to work on his time management. For example, each module covers 1 book, and there are 4 weeks in a module. There is usually 2 weeks to read the book, and 2 weeks to do the writing assignment. But you can schedule that however you feel, and my son likes that freedom because he can usually finish a book in a week, which gives him more time to write.



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My current 9th grader chose to go to school this year.  It's been a mixed experience but he's decided to come home for 10th grade.  So far we've decided on:


Math - Saxon Algebra II

Latin - Cambridge (to continue what he's used in 9th grade)

Physics - A Beka - taken with a homeschool class

History - American - not sure yet (he might take a class offered in the homeschool community)

Literature - American but not sure yet (ditto)

Religion - he's in a great teen study group that meets weekly.  It's awesome.


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We're just starting to begin thinking through things, but it will probably look something like:


TT Algebra 2

Bio 101 videos with reading, labs, and a few projects

Spanish-La Clase Divertide year 2

WWS3 with maybe more Creative Writer and essays on travel writing and food writing

Art (if we end up liking Artistic Pursuits)/Discovering Music 

Bible-a Nancy Pearcey book and not sure what else, probably another BJU text and some more books thrown in like this year

History--up in the air, maybe geopolitics or Durant's overview of world history  Heroes of History: A Brief History of Civilization from Ancient Times to the Dawn of the Modern Age  I have the full set of Durant, and while he's a beautiful writer that seems a bit nuts for this age. There's the outside chance I'll pair the Durant book with Pearcey and do kind of a hack/cram version of TOG instead.  We're just thinking through options.  If I had something brilliant for geopolitics, I'd go that way since that's what she wants.  Any suggestions?  I found this website http://www.geocurrents.info  but most of the books I'm finding seem over her head.

Lit--again, up in the air, probably depends on what we do with the history.  Not that it has to merge, but it could.  I'd like to step up a bit, with more requirements, but I haven't decided in what way.  This is a kid who reads Candide on her own, so it has to be right.

Dressmaking 101-103--I'm toying around with some things I found online to create some syllabi for her.  We never get around to everything at once, so it's a sooner or later kind of goal.  We might start this summer. She already sews, so we'll fill in some skill holes and go toward the creative side.



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This is my second year using it. If your dc is pretty good at writing an essay without a lot of hand holding, and you feel comfortable grading the essays, it would probably work. I like the reading selections and context materials. We don't do all the context materials, but that is not suggested. There are no comprehension questions, but it does require the student to be active readers. The author even suggests purchasing the books so that you may write in it. The essays require the student to support their thesis with examples from the book, so it's important to take notes while they read.


My son likes the program because it allows him to be independent and to work on his time management. For example, each module covers 1 book, and there are 4 weeks in a module. There is usually 2 weeks to read the book, and 2 weeks to do the writing assignment. But you can schedule that however you feel, and my son likes that freedom because he can usually finish a book in a week, which gives him more time to write.



Thanks! This helps quite a bit. I am beginning to see how we need to be significantly moving in this direction with my son. His fiercely independent self is really beginning to come through. (Where could he have gotten that from - ahem!). There might be a mutiny coming if we don't start segueing into more self direction. I might just have to start 'trolling around Amazon.

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How are you doing these?  Books?  Classes somewhere?  Clubs?


Hot Lava Mama


Yes to both.  Both dds participated in two different groups.  They competed with NCFCA and joined a local club that held weekly classes.  The classes amounted to roughly 6-7 hours a week plus a couple of hours a day minimum in study time. It includes so much time per week I could not in good conscience only list it in clubs.  It definitely warranted credit on the transcript.  Dh also worked through the book Policy Debate with them and they competed in Lads to Leaders, a church convention, which includes a yearly topic and a minimum of two debates (one affirmative and one negative) for each participant.  We also had them watch several live debates and analyze/live blog.   

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  • 5 weeks later...

I think I am finally narrowing this down... here's what we have so far...


Math - Finish Pre-calculus - VideoText

Science - AP Chemistry

History - Biblioplan Middle Ages with Teaching Company videos

English - Excellence in Literature British Literature, couple of Bravewriter writing courses

Language - Continue Italian studies - Prego, online vocabulary builders, Practice Makes Perfect books

AP Psychology - Sonlight 

One more elective but not sure what yet. She has a list and I'm trying to see what will fit...



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Medieval History

Medieval Literature with Composition

Studio Art

Latin 2

Biology with Lab

Logic 2

Economics and Personal Finance

Martial Arts 2

Algebra 2


Previous kid:

Ancient History

Ancient Literature with Composition

Biology with Lab

Latin 3

Martial Arts 2


Algebra 2

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Tentatively (Subject to change depending AP and ACT results)....

  • Math:  Saxon Advanced Math with Art Reed DVD's
  • AP Language and Composition  PA Homeschoolers
  • Latin 2: Lukeion
  • Human Geography with AP exam:  11th Edition Fellman, Human Geography in Action (Kuby) plus TC and other online video-this will be a homespun course
  • Earth/Space: Tarbuck Earth Science text, Pasachoff The Cosmos text, Teaching Company dvds including Meterology, Oceanography, Astronomy, Night Sky, How the Earth Works, the Nature of Earth, and The Worlds Greatest Geological Wonders (totals about 120 hours of lecture)
  • Spanish 2-3:  Wrap up grammar begin the fun parts

(Also on the planning table:  Psychology, Italian, Philosophy, Dystopian Lit/Comparative Politics & Government, Logic with Rhetorical elements, Art History, Economics (macro and micro) and Music:  not for next year but all on her wish list beyond core studies.)


Extracurriculars:  Dance (8-10 hours/week), Voice + Choir, Guitar, Theatre, Weekly volunteer hours, Chess club....and more.


Dd wants to add one of the subjects from the "planning table", but I am weary of taking on more.  I am trying to see if I can find a compromise.


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At this point, our plans are as follows:


AP Chemistry (Zumdahl text)


AP Calculus BC (Larson text)


AP Latin (Lukeion)


Greek V (Homeric?)


Hebrew, or possibly intensive Italian  (exploring options with private instructor)


Computer Science/Programming (designed by husband)


Medieval & Renaissance History/Literature study: spine TBD, variety of Teaching Co. series, online resources for learning Middle English, Medieval Latin readings, still exploring best books beside the classic Great Books


Rhetoric/Composition: continuation with curricular tie-ins


Extras: fencing, tutoring, ongoing project design work




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We are just wrapping up 10th grade. Our school year officially ends in two weeks, though there will be some summer school going on for all of the kids.



Latin 3 (DE) .5

Latin 3B (FLVS) NC


English Literature (DE) .5

Poetry Writing (DE) .5


Ancient Greece (DE) .5

Ancient Rome (DE) .5

US History I (DE) .5


Oceanography (DE) .5

Plants & Plagues (DE) .5

Gardening (DE) NC


Web Design (FLVS) 1


Math - none  :blushing:


We will be devoting the summer to math review so dd can take College Algebra through DE next fall.

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Still in the planning stages, but so far it looks as if dd will be doing the following:


World History:  Oak Meadow plus various sources (from a course I put together for ds a couple of years ago)

Biology:  Oak Meadow with Lab Kit from LabPaq

English:   World Literature with analysis essay writing course.  Vocabulary for the College Bound, Grammar (still trying to decide, but she needs more), spelling.  Writing the Research Paper. Some Brave Writer courses

Foreign Language:  ASL 2 (Landry)

Fall:  Adobe Photoshop 1  Spring:  Adobe Illustrator  (Landry)


Through ps homeschool enrichment program:

Math:  TT Geometry

Musical Theatre



Current Events


Extras:  Hopefully back to playing volleyball (this year was a complete disaster thanks to new ownership of her club team by a very disorganized (understatement) Division I college coach.)  Rock climbing, snow skiing, fencing, archery, and piano. Needs to find a volunteer position she really loves.

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math:  TT Geometry

history: modern World History (post reformation through present)

literature: world and brit lit

art: AOP


science:  Genetics if it works out, Conceptual Physics if genetics doesn't happen


writing: focus on essay and research paper



Oldest dd graduates this year but in 10th grade she did:

math: Saxon algebra 2

science:  BJU Chemistry

history: World history

Spanish 1



brit lit




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Our plan:



Math Geometry and Algebra II at the community college

English: Great Book class + grammar and writing (WWS 2)

German: OSU German online III

History: We'll have two strands of history 1. Ancient History using SWB's book 2. American History of the 1900s at our coop

Science: Chemistry at the community college


Electives to work on over the course of 4 years: Music, Art, PE, computer related courses



Well our plans already changed. sigh


Math: still Geometry and Algebra II at the community college

English: American Literature based on a Teaching Company course + grammar and writing (WWS 2)

German: OSU German online III

History: American History using Tindall'a America: A Narrative Story + government + Coop

Science: Chemistry at the community college


Elective: Theater at the local theater.

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We're currently working on our plans, but here's the tentative list:


Calc. I & II at local Uni.




Asian History 


Asian Literature


AP Japanese


Russian I


eIMACS Computer Science - maybe AP exam, not sure


Linguistics - don't know if we can squeeze this in or not...it may have to wait

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I have two going into 10th grade next year.


They will both take:

Modern World History (haven't decided what we'll use yet)

English II (maybe EIW)

Jacobs Geometry

Bible study


One will take Latin II, Forensic Science and Psychology at coop. The other will take Spanish II at coop and guitar if she can get in (wait list) She will also take Astronomy at home and considering a course on the history of fashion.

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My current 10th grade ds did this:


Bible - Thinking Like a Christian with DVD's, PAC's Inner Man and Bible NT with brothers

History & English - Notgrass American with two PP guides - Uncle Tom's Cabin and To Kill a Mockingbird, plus CLE English II

Math - Algebra 2 c/ TT

Science - Bio at co-op with Science Shepherd - already did Chem and Physics

Electives:  Health, and not a lot else cuz he was very elective heavy already. See work schedule...


He will have 19 credits at the end of this year and we are heading to CLEP/AP/DE for the next two years and some at home. Once I figure out what to do which way....ugh!!!!


Extras - Works as Social Media and Website Administrator (got certification that will be 1/2 credit also) for Health care co...started own IT company and doing well.  And, teaches guitar lessons to several students.  He also does a lot of film making and editing - mostly for free for church/youth group.  So, he's been busy with work stuff this year.   

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They don't have pricing on their web site.  Do you know how much this is?

Hot Lava Mama


Sorry, I hadn't stopped back in to see the question.


I don't know the current price. I bought it through http://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org. They have it every few months. I'm sure it will come up again sometime this summer. I looked back and according to my budget worksheet I paid $115 for the video course, 2 student books, plus the extra giving supplement (too expensive for what it was even though I wanted to include it). I used it with ds last year and will use it with dd next fall.



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Our 10th grade plan


MATH: Geometry (Power Basics)


HISTORY: American History (Notgrass Exploring America)


ENGLISH: EG101.com/Daily Grams

                  Vocabulary culled from reading

                  American literature unit studies and PP guides

                 still trying to find our way with writing


SCIENCE: Integrated Chemistry & Physics (DIVE Science CD and internet textbook)


FOREIGN LANGUAGE: American Sign Language 1


ELECTIVES: Christian Worldview (various resources)

                       Informal Logic


ACTIVITIES:  church youth group

                       church youth volunteer



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