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Most unusual thing you serve for breakfast


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Today I served pumpkin pie for breakfast.  I do this quite often because it is healthy.  (I put less sugar than it calls for and no whipped cream)  My 10 ds thinks it's cool to eat pie for breakfast.  He said he was going to tell all of his friends about his unusual breakfast.  That got me to thinking.  Does anyone else have any unusual breakfasts they serve?  We get tired of the same ole thing. 

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I have one child that will eat almost anything for breakfast other than "normal" breakfast foods.  Last week, he ate an 8 oz container of mushrooms for breakfast and called it good.  Typically, it's leftovers, sandwiches, soups, or something he scavenges out of the fridge (like mushrooms.)


Other than the occasional cold pizza (or leftover pumpkin pie, we do like that), the rest of us are dead boring and eat things like eggs or cereal.  

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This morning, ds & I had taco dip w/ tortilla chips. Mine was just beans w/ cheese, while his also included some ground beef. We were both kind of tired of the usual breakfast stuff, so I pulled out our little tapas-sized portions of the dip from the freezer & heated them up. Yum. Definitely something we will eat again someday for breakfast.


I also like lentil soup for breakfast.

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One of my dds and I often eat non-breakfasty things for breakfast. 


She went through a refried beans & rice phase, and then a sweet potatoes & eggs phase.  Now she usually eats whatever leftovers she can find.  Sometimes she and I will have green salad with cheese and meat and whatever other veggies I have on hand.


I enjoy canned salmon with avocado & sauerkraut.  It's quite tasty IMO, but the rest of the family does not perceive this as a breakfast food and does not care to try it. 

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leftovers for breakfast is a favorite around here - especially pizza or chinese food!


I created a banana "sushi" for DS last year and it's been a hit. wrap (any kind - whole wheat, white, etc), smear with peanut butter, place a whole peeled banana on one end and roll up. Slice into sushi pieces. 

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I enjoy canned salmon with avocado & sauerkraut.


:drool: Sounds like just the kind of thing I eat though I often have my kraut at lunch. I'm thinking *smoked* salmon, avo and kraut for breakkie with a perfectly boiled egg on the side. I'd have to be pretty hungry though to eat that much in the a.m. but for lunch, yep!


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Apple or peach crisp with cream. Its a step above plain oatmeal as it has fruit!! ;)And I did pumpkin pie on Halloween morning but I did add real whipped cream because I'm not one that thinks it unhealthy :). And I bragged about because really how often are the rest of you serving vegetables for breakfast?!? ;)

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We frequently have pie for breakfast.  It's kind of become the standard- when I make a pie, I cut it into 8 slices.  We have four slices for dessert and save the other four slices for breakfast.  I actually think it's a pretty good breakfast- not too sweet and loaded with fruit.


I like sweets for breakfast- things like quick breads, muffins, scones, etc.  I've been trying to curb the sweets, so this week I tried half an avocado smeared on whole grain toast and sprinkled with sea salt and pepper.  The first few bites left me wanting, but by the time I was done, I was dreaming of doing it again.  Even better, it stuck with me for a very long time.

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We usually sleep through breakfast. :blush: Unusual for us would be to be awake, and to eat anything!


If anyone wakes up for breakfast, it's usually last night's leftovers. And I can tell you, in my house that wouldn't be pumpkin pie. No, that would be my before-bed snack (to enjoy once the kids were in bed). I'm a bit selfish and mean that way, I like the good stuff for me. LOL

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We eat anything for breakfast - I've never understood exactly why there are different "breakfast" foods.  If there are leftovers, those are typical.  If I'm headed to school I'll often make a toasted, then microwaved, cheese sandwich (healthier and easier than the grilled variety) or cottage cheese.  If I'm staying here, it's whatever I feel like.  We do have our own chickens, so it can be eggs, but eggs can also just as easily be lunch or supper.


I'm not really a cereal person.


We rarely eat breakfast together since we're all on different schedules.  Everyone gets what they want.  We (adults) were gone last night.  It looks like youngest opted for microwave popcorn for his breakfast this morning...  that is unusual, but him picking unusual things is not.  The other day he just had a bowl of mini-marshmallows that generally go in hot chocolate.  It's weird as he's usually a very healthy eater - esp for lunch and supper, but breakfast seems to be "different" in his mind.

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I enjoy canned salmon with avocado & sauerkraut.  It's quite tasty IMO, but the rest of the family does not perceive this as a breakfast food and does not care to try it. 


Interesting. I love avocado, salmon, and sauerkraut. But, it never would have occurred to me to eat them all at the same time. :blink:   But, they are all healthy ingredients, so enjoy!

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I usually can't handle more than dry multi-grain toast and a banana for breakfast.  My stomach doesn't like a lot in the mornings.  Unless of course it's a Panera soufflé and then it's on!  That's a rare event though.  Indy likes to make a tortilla wrap with meat, cheese, alfalfa sprouts, and hot sauce.  Just the thought makes me ill.


I do pumpkin pie without the crust for breakfast and call it pumpkin custard. I usually put a dollop of plain yogurt and a sprinkling of nuts on mine.


I might be able to do this!  Can you share how you make it?

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I usually can't handle more than dry multi-grain toast and a banana for breakfast.  My stomach doesn't like a lot in the mornings.  Unless of course it's a Panera soufflé and then it's on!  That's a rare event though.  Indy likes to make a tortilla wrap with meat, cheese, alfalfa sprouts, and hot sauce.  Just the thought makes me ill.



I might be able to do this!  Can you share how you make it?


I just put the filling that would go in the pie (I also reduce the sugar by about 1/4 a cup) into a greased casserole dish and bake in the oven until set. I think it takes about 45 minutes. It is better after it cools for about 10 minutes.

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I've been on a SERIOUS apple crisp kick lately, so I've had it for breakfast a lot. I think I've made two a week for over a month now. It's a problem. I also make a rice pudding that we like for breakfast too. Most mornings, though, I just have my tea and hold out until lunchtime when I can eat dinner leftovers.

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Well, we had spicy chicken masala pizza this morning. Does that count as weird? We had it last night for dinner and the kids asked to have the leftovers for breakfast so I said why not?


Yum, I wish I were at your place this morning.  We don't have leftovers of any sort so I need to scrounge around this morning...


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Does anyone know how traditional "breakfast foods" gained that label?


This morning, so far, I've had some cashews, green tea, one Oreo cookie (left over Christmas gift), and a bite sized Krackle bar.  It's a bummer when we don't have leftovers...   When hubby wakes up I'll probably fry some potatoes with onion, etc.

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