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Would you continue to do laundry for someone who complained about how you did it?

Would you continue to do laundry for someone who complained about how you do it?  

  1. 1. Would you continue to do laundry for someone who complained about how you do it?

    • No
    • Yes

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Actually I could just shorten that to "I have no patience" ;) But DS is one comment away from taking on his own laundry just because of tone of voice, not even to the point of an actual complaint. It doesn't take much for me to skip straight to "well here's the basket and there's the washing machine -- have a blast."

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Nope! Dh had to learn the hard way about some things. Laundry wasn't one of them, but he said something about the way I took care of something in the house (I can't even remember what it was now. LOL). I quite doing it. After a few weeks I added it back in the way I had always done it and he hasn't said anything since.


The day dd tells me that I'm doing "it" wrong or I should do "it" differently is the day it becomes her chore.

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I didn't vote because I complain about how my mom does mine. She will automatically do mine if she is at my house watching the kids. ggggrrrr!!!:glare::glare::glare:


She messes my whole system up and I have to start all over again. so I didn't vote.


For me if I did somebody else's laundry and they complain then I would ask them how they would like me to do it. I have a system but what is their's??


food for thought!


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I want to say yes, because I'm guessing it's your honey. But I bought my dh socks 10 years ago and he hated them and complained because the seams bothered him (he's sensitive about clothes - weirdo LOL). Now he complains he runs out of socks because I won't buy them for him. If someone is too picky they have to learn to do those things for themselves.

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I have a strict policy that all complaining experts assume the job, because I just couldn't bear the heartbreak of disappointing them.;)


Especially if you did it "right" but once it is in the closet he(or she;)) is careless and the clothes end up wrinkled?
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I didn't vote because I complain about how my mom does mine. She will automatically do mine if she is at my house watching the kids. ggggrrrr!!!:glare::glare::glare:


She messes my whole system up and I have to start all over again. so I didn't vote.


For me if I did somebody else's laundry and they complain then I would ask them how they would like me to do it. I have a system but what is their's??


food for thought!


My darling MIL loves to fold my washing. Whenever she comes she attacks my mammoth pile and gets all the boys clothes mixed up, folds the towels in a way that doesn't fit into the cupboard and so on. I smile gratefully and rearrange things once she has gone. I figure I am several steps further ahead for her efforts even if I have to do this. If it bugs me too much then it is just a great incentive to either fold my own washing before she comes round or to hide it even better.


I used to iron my husband's shirts but he complained too much about the order in which I did the sleeves, collar, back, front etc so one day I just stopped. He's been ironing his own for about two years now and on the odd occasion where i iron one due ton him being in a rush he is immensely grateful.

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Especially if you did it "right" but once it is in the closet he(or she;)) is careless and the clothes end up wrinkled?



I have a 17 yr old has been doing her own laundry since she was 10 for this exact reason. Yes 10. She FREAKED out b/c something she wanted to wear wasn't clean.


Gee, weeelll it WASN'T in her basket but apparently my mad mom skillz should have read her mind & picked it up from under the BED! Instead, my mad mom skillz taught her how to use spot remover!!!

Even now at 17,shes one of her few friends that knows how to do laundry, spot clean, sew a button & press her clothing.

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I voted yes. I was shocked to see the percentage saying no! If it were my husband who complained, I'd talk to him about it and see if we could find some common ground on how it should be done. If it were one of my children, I'd talk to them and make sure they knew that it was rude to complain about a service done for them, and tell them to keep their comments to themselves, or do it themselves if they preferred, and I'd expect them to abide by that. I would not just stop doing the laundry though! :001_smile:



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Especially if you did it "right" but once it is in the closet he(or she;)) is careless and the clothes end up wrinkled?


I'd be teaching the complainer how to do her own laundry then calmly give her the choice: don't complain or do your own laundry.


If the complaining continued, she'd be doing her own laundry for a looooong time, but I would be very unemotional about it.

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I voted yes but really it just depends. If it is for my dh, certainly I will keep doing his laundry. I might say, 'hey bud! Don't be so picky!' or on the off chance that he has a point, I would try to do better (with gritted teeth, mumbling under my breath)


If my 8 year old complains about anything, I sternly remind him I am not his maid and he is being unkind to complain about his mother that way. When he deliberately wiped his BBQ covered hands down the front of his light colored shorts...he got a lesson on laundry. He is about old enough to learn it anyway, but I guess that is another topic.

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I have talked to this person and I asked what it is I could do differently. I was told to button the shirts and make sure the collars are neat. I already do that. He pulled the shirts out last night and showed them to me. Collars smashed, all wrinkled and unbuttoned which means they were tried on, and put back by someone other than me! He believes I hung them up that way!


What am I gonna do? I already do it "right"

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Can't vote, because my answer is: it depends.


Yes, I would continue to do my DH's laundry. Yes, I guess I would continue to do my son's.


But it depends on several factors: What the complaint is, what the attitude of the complainant is, if I was at fault for not doing something like I typically would (or just not getting it done in a timely fashion.)


If someone had a really bad attitude, I would say "Have at it" and let them do their own. Thankfully I've not experienced that.


I'm kind of a laundry freak, though. I like things sorted a certain way, I like the way I do spot removal because I actually remove the spots, and I like how I fold/hang because I reduce wrinkles. When the guys do laundry, we get stains and wrinkles and they don't fold right so it doesn't go back right.


So, I'm the one that would complain if someone did my laundry wrong. (Yes, I've been known to re-fold the towels that my dear son has folded for me after he has gone to sleep at night.)


I did finally stop doing laundry for my MIL when visiting. I used to help her with towels, as she never had any clean towels. She didn't like the way I folded them. (I refused to spend a half hour folding towels into thirds like she showed me, when I could fold a load quickly and efficiently in a matter of minutes without using a bed on which to fold them.)


I actually miss doing laundry for my dad. He was always so appreciative to have a helping hand.

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I have talked to this person and I asked what it is I could do differently. I was told to button the shirts and make sure the collars are neat. I already do that. He pulled the shirts out last night and showed them to me. Collars smashed, all wrinkled and unbuttoned which means they were tried on, and put back by someone other than me! He believes I hung them up that way!


What am I gonna do? I already do it "right"


I think you deserve a medal for not having choked him with said shirt.... seriously, I must be a total b***ch....because I asked my dh if he had any problems with how I do laundry and he got a bit of a look in his eyes....something that resembled a 'frightened animal in the headlights'....and said, "no, why do you ask?" :lol: I would NOT continue to do his laundry....I am not a servant and he is not my master.... so, if he doesn't like the way I do it.... he has my absolute permission to do it himself.:D

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My DH is not a complainer and he doesn't pick at me. If he mentioned laundry not being the way he likes it, I might be irritated and I might want to say something snappy back, but probably would try to be more gracious than that.


Anyone else could just do his own dang laundry. I stopped doing my oldest son's laundry when he was 11 for this very reason. I honesty haven't done more than a load or two for him since then.

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So, I'm the one that would complain if someone did my laundry wrong. (Yes, I've been known to re-fold the towels that my dear son has folded for me after he has gone to sleep at night.)




A couple of people responded they would/do do this...and I used to be that way as well....not anymore though...especially with the way we go through towels....it isn't worth it to me. I'm just greatful for any laundry I don't have to fold....LOL

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I have talked to this person and I asked what it is I could do differently. I was told to button the shirts and make sure the collars are neat. I already do that. He pulled the shirts out last night and showed them to me. Collars smashed, all wrinkled and unbuttoned which means they were tried on, and put back by someone other than me! He believes I hung them up that way!


What am I gonna do? I already do it "right"


Keep doing it.


If he keeps complaining, then ask him very sweetly, and with genuine love, if he'd rather do it himself or hire it out.

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My dh helps with the laundry sometimes, and NEVER complains! I'd guess he'd have a logical reason for complaining if he ever did, so I'd work on doing it the way he asks!


Funny, he and I were just talking about this on Sunday. I had some baskets out and was sorting clothes. He came down with more and asked me which baskets I wanted them in (kindly refraining from just tossing them where he wished). I said, "You know what? I think it's neat that you help me so much! I really don't care WHERE you put them--and you can switch where I put mine if you want to! I don't care!" I was saying that happily, because I'm like a couple of other people said, I'm just happy to have someone help whether they follow my way of doing it or not! My mil helps with laundrey and dishes and things, and folds differently, or puts dishes in different places where she thinks they go (usually she asks where they go though). I do NOT like housework, so I can put up with crookedly folded towels and inside-out underwear or socks, or whatever, if someone is voluntarily helping me!!! :D


A friend of mine will not allow her dh to load the dishwasher "cuz he does it sooo wrong!" I tell her, "Hey, at least he's helping, and the dishes are getting clean! But that's just me....

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I have talked to this person and I asked what it is I could do differently. I was told to button the shirts and make sure the collars are neat. I already do that. He pulled the shirts out last night and showed them to me. Collars smashed, all wrinkled and unbuttoned which means they were tried on, and put back by someone other than me! He believes I hung them up that way!


What am I gonna do? I already do it "right"


Maybe you should get some of those paper tags the cleaners use....and put it around the top buttons...tell your dh, 'once the seal is broken, you can't complain!' Hee hee...

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I have talked to this person and I asked what it is I could do differently. I was told to button the shirts and make sure the collars are neat. I already do that. He pulled the shirts out last night and showed them to me. Collars smashed, all wrinkled and unbuttoned which means they were tried on, and put back by someone other than me! He believes I hung them up that way!


What am I gonna do? I already do it "right"


I don't know that I could have stood there with a straight face. You have two options - quit doing the laundry or ignore the complaints. Is this person like this about other things as well? He sounds like he has control issues.

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I don't know that I could have stood there with a straight face. You have two options - quit doing the laundry or ignore the complaints. Is this person like this about other things as well? He sounds like he has control issues.


Oh, I forgot to add you might have to ignore his complaints---like DQ just said.


My dh has complained of 'bleach spots', saying I ruined his clothes. Grrrrrr....Ok, in 25 years there might have been 6 items with questionable marks on them....but it isn't like I bleach his clothes. I don't know how they got there and he certainly can't prove it was ME that did it...and in some cases it is just worn out, faded out cloth, but I can't get him to understand that. So I just ignore him. Or throw the item away before he sees it. :tongue_smilie:

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I voted no. Although, all polite requests will be considered. In your case, I'd call him on it. Tell him that you put the shirt on the hanger properly and buttoned it. He must have tried it on and not re-hung it properly. I like someone's idea about the broken seal. If this is your dh, then hopefully you guys can find a workable solution.

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If you still want to do the laundry, have the complainer take the neatly hung shirts from the laundry area HIMSELF and hang them up. Then he will KNOW they got into the closet all neat.


Although I'd be inclined to make the twerp start doing his own laundry.

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No. I would hand the person the basket and smilingly say that if I can't do it right, he'd better do it himself. Same goes for any child over about 7.


Several years ago, my husband decided that he was old enough to stop wearing t-shirts to work and start only wearing button-down shirts (cotton plain ones, you know). When he just had one or two of those shirts, he mentioned that he would like me to take the laundry out of the dryer right away so they wouldn't get wrinkled, but he soon realized (on his own) that I don't have time to watch every load of laundry like that, and he didn't want to ask me to take on another job. So he's been washing his own shirts ever since, and taking care of them the way he likes. I like my husband.

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My husband is very particular about how his laundry is put away. He wants it folded/hung up a particular way. I wash all the laundry but he puts his own laundry away. He also folds all the towels when he's home because he hates the way I fold towels. His mom was visiting once and actually told me I should learn to do it his way. I looked straight at her and said "he's a grown man, he is just as capable of folding laundry as I am." She never said anything to me about it again. *shrug* eta: I will say that I have a loud timer on our dryer and I have things that need to be taken out of the dryer and hung up too. So, I wash those things when I can keep an eye out and hang them up....but he usually fixes them on the hanger after the fact, anyway. ;)

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We've had laundry issues here but I'm still the one doing it. I do not, however, iron. Hubby complained about how I iron the creases on his pants so he does his own ironing now. He irons the creases flat and says that makes them crisp and neat like they are suppose to be. I've always wondered why most of his pants don't have creases anymore. :confused:


The other issue we've had was him running around looking for work clothes one morning, telling me he has nothing clean to wear. I looked in his closet, there was 4-5 pairs of pants and 15-20 shirts (he has more clothes than I do) so I did other laundry the day before. When I mentioned he had plenty of clothes in his closet, he told me that they didn't fit. Ah, why are they in there then and how was I suppose to know that? My kids do this to me now...either the clothes don't fit or they don't like them. Ugh!

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That depends. Who is complaining, my 86 year old father with Alzheimer's, or my 16 year old daughter with an attitude? Currently, I have neither of these people in my household, but if I did, my response would be determined on a case-by-case basis.


For example, my husband, sweet and wonderful though he may be, is NOT the neatest person when it comes to his clothing. When we first were married, he made some passing comment about how I folded the collars on his polo shirts -- meaning, I didn't do it "right." So... from then on, whenever it was time to hang up the shirts, there they were, on the bed, nicely spread out with hangers nearby. In other words, you complain, you do it yourself. He did get the point, and I DO hang up his shirts at times, but if he started fussing again, he knows he'd starts hanging 'em up again, too!


I do NOT (usually) turn his socks right side out. Humph. 'Nuf said.


Oh, and I gave up (mostly) trying to organize his underwear and shorts and T-shirts in the drawers -- I fold and neaten and fold and neaten and fold and neaten, and he stuffs it all in. Every. Single. Time.


I figure, if it isn't bothering him to have to dig in his drawers for a wrinkled pair of cargo shorts and a wrinkled, raggedy T-shirt, why should I sweat this out every darn day? So, I keep my children's clothes and my own clothes nicely organized, and am teaching my oldest daughter to be "nice and neat." ;) One slob per household is more than enough, thank you.


(I do love him, though! Sometimes, I even hang up his pants and jeans the "proper" way, instead of letting them hang on a hanger by the belt loop!) :eek:

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If I happened to be married to the person, I would. But, I would also declutter the closet to make sure it wasn't stuffed with too much clothes (if they don't fit, then there are too many). I would invest about $10 in new hangers (the plastic hangers) and get rid of all wire hangers. Then, I would make a point of showing the person how nice the clothes look going into the closet (neatly hung on the new hangers). After that, I would ignore further complaints, but I would still do the laundry. I might remind the person that the clothes looked neat going into the closet, and I might remind them where the iron is stored, but I wouldn't just stop doing laundry. That seems rather passive aggressive to me.


Now, if this person happened to be a child of mine, I would simply give them a quick laundry lesson. My kids do their own laundry already, though, so this wouldn't happen with them.

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