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Anyone have a "signature gift"??


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I was wasting time on YouTube and came across this site http://www.gomominc.com/choosing-a-signature-gift-gift-giving .  She has some interesting stuff (most of it is pretty common sense).  The idea that intrigued me was the "signature gift".  My kids get invited to a ton of birthday parties.  I'd like to keep some stuff around the house so I don't have to make a last minute trip to the store.  I'm thinking maybe some Barnes and Noble gift cards and a big box of candy??  Target gift card?  Little bottles of lotion for girls?? 


Do you have a "signature gift"?  Any suggestions on what I can keep around?

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I think this would be a perfect idea for kid birthdays - this would eliminate last minute runs to the store the night before a party. I suppose you could say we have a "signature " gift with my mother. We always get her Charles Dickens figurines every Christmas. She has a whole village now with houses and people.


As far as gift suggestions go: flashlights, key chains, those "headlamps" that strap around your head and have a bright light in front, Tootsie Rolls, matchbox cars, silly string/colored pipe cleaner for crafts, and gift cards as you mentioned.


I have no daughters and will leave the gift suggestions to those who do.  :)

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We buy and keep small lego sets on stock for this purpose-DD gives a small lego set in a theme she believes the birthday child will enjoy, often with something else added (normally cute pencils/erasers, note pads, and stuff like that). I buy on sale and keep on hand. 


Our go-to gift for weddings without a registry is a small fireproof lockbox.








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I always buy Snap Circuit sets and give them as birthday gifts. For very close friends of DS, we add on an accessory set from snap circuits or books to these presents. I have Amazon prime, so I decluttered my "gift storage" closet and now just click and order for 2 day delivery. I followed Flylady for a while and got rid of many things stored in my house because I could not clean easily.

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I love to do gift baskets in themes

Here are some other things i do or include:

For weddings, one of these:  http://uglybowls.wordpress.com

For babies, I love to give books. Board books plus collections-

For baby boys: http://www.amazon.com/Richard-Scarrys-Storybook-Little-Golden/dp/0307165485/ref=pd_sim_b_3

For baby girls: Madeline collection

My girls are getting older and go to young teen parties. I order the jewelry from amazon that is around $1 shipped. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008AQUJM0/ref=pe_385040_30332190_TE_3p_M3T1_ST1_dp_1

and also the jewelry listed on that page as Customers Also Bought...

The boys always give legos now. Lego star wars books are awesome. When they were younger I liked giving lincoln logs and the books of how to build with them. 



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For bridal showers, I always give a betty crocker cook book and a kitchen fire extinguisher.  Everybody gets a laugh out of it at first and then later someone always says how handy an idea that is, because they never thought about getting a little fire extinguisher for under the sink.

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My signature baby gift is hand sewn baby blankets (large ones that work as nursing covers or as a play mat or can be easily draped over an infant carrier) with a matching bib set and a wooden baby toy (usually Hape).


My signature wedding gift is a gift card to a store they have a registry with.


My signature kid party gift is a gift card to Target or amazon. It used to be Lauri puzzles and a book when all of our kids were younger.


For other gift giving, I utilize amazon prime. My kids used to raid my gift closet before I had a lock put on it.

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I sew ballet skirts and give them whenever a gift at dance or to a dancer is needed.  It's fun to watch a class at our studio and see several of my skirts in action!  The girls appreciate them and wear them often.  The moms appreciate that it's a gift that will really get used, and will save them some $ in outfitting their dancer.  The cost to me is around $6 (plus labor, although they are fairly easy to make), whereas they sell for $25-$30 in the ballet shop.

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For kids, no.  Kids are way too varied.


For adults, yes.


I always have a nice deep lasagna size baking dish on hand or a Denby  9x13 pan.  If I give the deep baking dish, it is with a lasagna recipe and Italian spices from Penzys.  If I give the 9x13 it is with a brownie recipe and baking spices from Penzys.   I stop and grab the spices fresh from the store, so they don't go bad in my cupboard.  



If it is for a wedding or other larger celebration, I tell the person if they send the deep dish pan home with me at some time in the year, I will fill it and return it full of lasagna when ever they want as long as I have about a weeks notice.  I have had two different people take me up on it. :0) 


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We are known for a "King size chocolate bar."  We give a card with a gift card to Game Stop or Target depending on the interests of the birthday child and the chocolate bar.  Sometimes I will change it up and buy a gift if I know what the child would like, but I always include the chocolate bar.  I figure it gives the child something to enjoy now and a chance to buy something they really want. 

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I have signature gifts for Baby showers and weddings.  I made a hooded towel out of a large towel and half a hand towel for all baby gifts. 

For weddings I crochet afghans.  I always make the same one and if I have time to make one in a color they prefer I do, otherwise I try to always have an off white/cream colored one going.  Some years when I have 4-5 nieces and nephews getting married ( Yup, it happens) they get a lovely card and promise of their afghan by their lst anniversary.  Haven't missed an anniversay yet!


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I always include a book of some sort for any child gift, from babies to teens.  I pick up books at the scholastic warehouse sales or other sales they have throughout the year.  


For birthdays I often go to science gifts.  They have so many different kinds now from the bouncy ball kit to the perfume making kits to the candy kits.  


For my nieces and nephew for Xmas I always buy them pjs and books.  

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Not me but a friend of mine with kids my kids' ages.  She of course would have to get a new one every year.   The one I remember is that she would buy white pillow cases and then a piece flannel.  She would sew the flannel to cover the folded back part of the pillow case.


Found this picture:


The yellow part would be where she sewed the flannel.


Then she used fabric paint and wrote the person's name on the pillow.  My kids still use them.  We had a family from church go on a one year mission experience.  (They filled in for someone on furlough.)  She made these for the entire family and  everyone at church signed the cases.  The family has been back for years and they still use these!



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Books (I always buy Madeline for appendicitis!)

Card or Boardgames

Coffee/tea/soup mugs or wine glasses. (These can be personalized really easily with ceramic paint pens and you can use any cute whatever you find at goodwill to do it.)

Something handmade, crochet, knitting, needlepoint. (We're always making something, but not always for anyone in particular. For example, if I find a pattern for a beautiful baby blanket, I go ahead and make it. "Worst" case scenario I'll donate it to the hospital or Madonna house or something.)

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