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Thank you card dispute

Debbi in Texas

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I think I am right on this, but wanted to get other opinions.


My son graduated from high school in May. He received several gifts of money and sent thank you cards out to all Except to four people in our church. He kept putting these four off and now it is October and the cards were not sent. He thinks that if he sends them now, it will just remind people that he didn't send them when he should have. Dh and I say he should send them anyway.


Who is correct?

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Tell him to send it or maybe one of them will do what someone did to my dh -- an aunt of his had sent a check for $10 when our twins were born. xDH and I had agreed that he would do thank-yous for his family, I for mine, so this was his responsibility. He didn't write the thank you. Several months later he got a really nasty note from this aunt basically telling him how horrible he was not to have sent a thank-you note to her. It was awful. I felt so bad.

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what shows the greatest love to those who gave gifts?


right/wrong are absolutes, but the Right choice (if there is one) has already come and gone. (ie. sending them out promptly). 

so now to choose the least bad choice..... for them, not for him.  (but of course the least bad for them becomes the least bad for him, IYKWIM)




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Tell him to send it or maybe one of them will do what someone did to my dh -- an aunt of his had sent a check for $10 when our twins were born. xDH and I had agreed that he would do thank-yous for his family, I for mine, so this was his responsibility. He didn't write the thank you. Several months later he got a really nasty note from this aunt basically telling him how horrible he was not to have sent a thank-you note to her. It was awful. I felt so bad.



And this is exactly why I hate thank you cards.  Being hurt and then putting another person down because they didn't send you a silly little card is just stupid.  I do not send thank you cards.  I always make it a point to thank the person in person when they give me something and then be done with it.  Anyone who bases our relationship on whether I give them a thank you note or not is not worth my time.  


Its not the idea of them I don't like because showing your thanks in a card can be a great idea.  Its the obligation behind it and that people get offended when that silly obligation is not met.

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