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What did you think of the pictures of baby Prince George at his christening today?


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I thought this was a delightful and lovely touch:


Following the 45-minute service, Prince George's paternal grandparents will host a private tea in Clarence House. Guests will be served slices of christening cake, which is a tier taken from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's wedding cake.

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I loved the pictures! I wonder if it was intentional that the Duchess was wearing the same color as Prince George? It was like he had his own baby camouflage!


They looked so lovely and happy...you just can't help but be happy for them!

LOL. I thought the same thing. I have a huge lacy and satin one and I very nearly let the baby slip out of it. There was so much fluff I had a hard time making sure I had a grip on baby and not just fluff!


His looks much thinner though. Long, but not thick.

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Could someone explain the Christening cake to me?  If it was a tier from their wedding cake from 2011, that means it was 2 years old, right.  Even if it was frozen, as I'm sure it must have been, wouldn't it have had freezer burn or something?  Isn't one year for a frozen cake the limit?


Apparently not if you're a royal and can suspend the laws of physics.  Or if you're a royal and people don't dare point out the obvious.     JK...

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No, a frozen wedding cake can stay quite good for quite some time and it is often traditional to keep a tier for either the one year anniversary or even later. It's considered good luck if it tastes as good as the wedding day. (Mine did!)


The type of cake and frosting makes a difference in how well it will hold up. A very dense cake with a buttercream frosting that is very well packaged can hold up well for a few years.

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British wedding cakes aren't the same as American ones.  Many are fruitcake - much like a traditional British Christmas cake, with a marzipan layer, then a layer of Royal icing.  For Christmas they are made well in advance, and stored in a tin; at least that's how we always did it.

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Could someone explain the Christening cake to me?  If it was a tier from their wedding cake from 2011, that means it was 2 years old, right.  Even if it was frozen, as I'm sure it must have been, wouldn't it have had freezer burn or something?  Isn't one year for a frozen cake the limit?


I was wondering the same thing!

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British wedding cakes aren't the same as American ones. Many are fruitcake - much like a traditional British Christmas cake, with a marzipan layer, then a layer of Royal icing. For Christmas they are made well in advance, and stored in a tin; at least that's how we always did it.

I saw that and wondered if that was just their cake or a tradition. I thought it looked disgusting. (No offense to the British!) Fruit cake with almost a one inch layer of marzipan and then royal frosting. Just.. Not a combination I'd ever think to enjoy. But then again, I am very persnickety about cake. I'm more of a pie gal. :)


Now the grooms cake looked divine!

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Martha, I am with you. As a guest, I'm not certain I'd be able to choke down a piece of that. It is just kind of revolting to me. But, I have never met a fruitcake that I liked yet, so I am biased!


Pecan pie....that's my kind of dessert!


I didn't see a pic of the groom's cake.


As for the other pictures, I'm a sucker for a gorgeous christening gown. I don't know...I love to see ones that have been passed from generation to generation. I know a family that has 11 grandchildren and all of them were either Christened or dedicated (an Evangelical ceremony for those that adhere to believer's baptism) in the a gown that had been worn by the grandfather and the great-grandfather. Everyone has worked hard to preserve the gown and all of those pics of little ones wearing the same gown appeal to me. I thought George's gown was just lovely. Plus, it's about the only time in a boy's life when it's okay to wear lace - I LOVE LACE! LOL


My husband, a bit too traditional, would not allow our boys to have gowns or lace. They had little white eton style suits. Sigh......my middle boy, in particular, would have been a vision in lace!



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I liked the christening gown. It made me remember the one I had for dd. My mother took a scrap of heavy satin fabric left over from making my wedding gown and made that the basis of the christening gown. It was medium length. Not long enough to trip over, but a lot longer than the baby!

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He is a cutie!  I hope he grows up to be somewhat normal, considering the kind of life he'll lead.  And as usual, Kate looked gorgeous!  That hat!  Even Camilla's hat was stunning.  


We ate the top of our wedding cake a year later and it was delicious.  It tasted just like it did the day we were married.  Man, now I want cake!


Both my boys had blue Christening gowns.  We are non-believers, but decided to have the boys Christened in the Catholic Church (we're former Catholics), in case they choose to believe.  They both wore blue Christening gowns.  I decided not to use Indy's for Han Solo, because then they each have one for their own children if they want.  I did get James Bond's Christening suit (bubble suit) from his mom and took photos of each of them in it.  


BTW, just because I want to show it off, this is Han Solo in his Christening gown.  I don't have Indy's on this computer, or I'd post a photo of his too.




It was handmade for him by a woman in England out of silk shantung.  He was actually only 2 months old when we had him Christened, because his godfather was deploying to Afghanistan, and the outfit swallowed him, so these were taken when he was about 7 or 8 months old.  

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I sort of miss the days when babies were dressed as babies, not linebackers for the parents' favorite football team, KWIM? :-)


YES!  I do not allow character clothes or team clothes on our boys when they are little.  I HATE them with a deep and abiding passion.  It is so hard to find clothes that aren't sports or character related!  We're not sports people anyway, so they don't wear jerseys and whatnot and Indy is now allowed to wear a few Star Wars and Indiana Jones shirts that he has.  

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I saw that and wondered if that was just their cake or a tradition. I thought it looked disgusting. (No offense to the British!) Fruit cake with almost a one inch layer of marzipan and then royal frosting. Just.. Not a combination I'd ever think to enjoy. But then again, I am very persnickety about cake. I'm more of a pie gal. :)


Now the grooms cake looked divine!

there is a 'marzipan cake' we often get for special occasions from a Danish bakery.  the cake is covered in a dense buttercream layer to smooth things, then covered with marzipan.  the marzipan layer is 1/4" or less.  it is rolled into a sheet, then formed over the cake and the edges trimmed.  (much like a pie crust dough.)   then it is decorated with regular buttercream frosting. 


there is one fruitcake recipe that I make every year.  the family loves it.  it's not soaked in rum or anything, but does use a bottle of lemon extract.  (the fruit are cherries, pineapple, and raisins, with walnuts and peacans - and half a pound of butter.)  I've no idea how long it would stay fresh as it isn't longer than a week before it's all gone.   it's baked in a tube pan, so it's big.

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YES!  I do not allow character clothes or team clothes on our boys when they are little.  I HATE them with a deep and abiding passion.  It is so hard to find clothes that aren't sports or character related!  We're not sports people anyway, so they don't wear jerseys and whatnot and Indy is now allowed to wear a few Star Wars and Indiana Jones shirts that he has.  

I'm generally a "grandma" style of clothing for children.  I adored, but couldn't really afford, Janie and jack.  dudeling is 8, and I did get him a t-shirt with darth vader trick or treating.  he has two storm troopers behind him.  they each have an orange plastic pumpkin.  he refuses to wear it until Halloween.

someone gave me a local baseball team set when he was a newborn - I sold it at a consignment store.  (and we're not baseball fans anyway.)

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Martha, I am with you. As a guest, I'm not certain I'd be able to choke down a piece of that. It is just kind of revolting to me. But, I have never met a fruitcake that I liked yet, so I am biased!


Pecan pie....that's my kind of dessert!


I didn't see a pic of the groom's cake.


As for the other pictures, I'm a sucker for a gorgeous christening gown. I don't know...I love to see ones that have been passed from generation to generation. I know a family that has 11 grandchildren and all of them were either Christened or dedicated (an Evangelical ceremony for those that adhere to believer's baptism) in the a gown that had been worn by the grandfather and the great-grandfather. Everyone has worked hard to preserve the gown and all of those pics of little ones wearing the same gown appeal to me. I thought George's gown was just lovely. Plus, it's about the only time in a boy's life when it's okay to wear lace - I LOVE LACE! LOL


My husband, a bit too traditional, would not allow our boys to have gowns or lace. They had little white eton style suits. Sigh......my middle boy, in particular, would have been a vision in lace!




Since they package the cake pieces up in these commermative tins, I'm not sure the cake is meant to be eaten...

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YES!  I do not allow character clothes or team clothes on our boys when they are little.  I HATE them with a deep and abiding passion.  It is so hard to find clothes that aren't sports or character related!  We're not sports people anyway, so they don't wear jerseys and whatnot and Indy is now allowed to wear a few Star Wars and Indiana Jones shirts that he has.  


I never, ever buy those for my grandson. Apparently his other grandmother does (much to my dd's dismay), but I'm not the boss of her, lol. 

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I think George is absolutely adorable, and I loved his expressions during the ceremony. Kate looks great - must be nice to be a countess and have a wardrobe at your command.


Love Camilla's coat. The Queen looks lovely in her favorite blue.


She's a Duchess, which is one rung higher than a countess.  And yes, it must be nice!

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 Kate looks great - must be nice to be a countess and have a wardrobe at your command.


oth- if she, as a duchess who is a future queen of England (when William becomes king), is NOT dressed to the hilt, the critics are incredibly vocal with pictures plastered across the front page.

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there is a 'marzipan cake' we often get for special occasions from a Danish bakery. the cake is covered in a dense buttercream layer to smooth things, then covered with marzipan. the marzipan layer is 1/4" or less. it is rolled into a sheet, then formed over the cake and the edges trimmed. (much like a pie crust dough.) then it is decorated with regular buttercream frosting.


there is one fruitcake recipe that I make every year. the family loves it. it's not soaked in rum or anything, but does use a bottle of lemon extract. (the fruit are cherries, pineapple, and raisins, with walnuts and peacans - and half a pound of butter.) I've no idea how long it would stay fresh as it isn't longer than a week before it's all gone. it's baked in a tube pan, so it's big.

Oh I know what marzipan is, I just don't like it. The texture is icky to me. Though it certainly does make some very beautiful looking confections.
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oth- if she, as a duchess who is a future queen of England (when William becomes king), is NOT dressed to the hilt, the critics are incredibly vocal with pictures plastered across the front page.


Yep.  Fergie wasn't due to be queen, but the tabloids ripped her apart for being "frumpy."  It was the late 80's/early 90's!  Everyone was frumpy!  Camilla also got serious flak before the palace cleaned her up.  They can't win.

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As long as he doesn't look like the chauffeur, I don't care who he looks like. He's ridiculously cute even for a pudgy baby. He is so squishably begging for snuggles. I hope they are as happy as they look.


And I noticed they set aside two more tiers of their wedding cake for more children's christianings.


Gives me the warm gooey heart feelings, iykwim.

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