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Psycho...or not?


Psycho or not?  

132 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you let your dc watch this movie (or others like it)?

    • Absolutely! I'd watch it with them, too!
    • Over my dead body (ha! pun intended)
    • Perhaps, depending on their age.
    • Other random answer here...nothing clever comes to mind, though.

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I didn't answer specifically, but I will say the 12 (almost 13) year old here has watched a number of horror movies over the last year. I don't remember the tone of that one, but if we previewed it, we'd likely let him watch it. He has always been a kid that has done fine with movies. He has zero violent tendencies and definitely looks at movies as fiction. He has written a number of screen plays and does theater too.

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most of my kids are adults - and they can do what they want.

dudeling, no way, no how.  I've lectured his brothers on some of the movies they let him watch, reminding them "he's eight!"  now they're pretty good about not allowing him to watch age inappropriate movies.

this is a sticky subject for me - as my mother was a huge movie buff and had NO SENSE whatsoever that there is such as thing as age appropriateness.   I'm still irritated with a number of the movies she took me to because she didn't want to find a babysitter. 

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my mother was a huge movie buff and had NO SENSE whatsoever that there is such as thing as age appropriateness.


My mother, whom I loved dearly, invited some friends over to her mobile home--her little 2-bedroom, no-family-room, mobile home--to watch a movie when we were visiting with her. My dds were, oh, 4 and 8yo. The movie she chose? Robo Cop. It must be one of the most violent, f-bomb-full movies in the whole entire world. There was no where for me to go with the dc where we could not hear it. So I sat frozen the whole time and prayed desperately that angels would hang their wings over my dds' eyes and erase all memory from their brains. I asked her the next day what she was thinking, and she said it had a sweet story line. o_0 I said, "MOM! It was rated R!!" She said, "What does that mean?" !!!!!


Happily, I think my prayers were answered. :glare:

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Perhaps ...when they are much older of course. I can't stand horror movies and haven't even watched it myself ..I'm a big chicken. I remember all my high school friends being really into that stuff...Freddy Kruegar at the time....I never watched a single one with them LOL.


Oh and my mum was one of those who wouldn't let me watch anything not age appropriate yet I remember one night when I was about 8/9 she came and got me out of bed and said she was watching a movie that was too scary for her to watch alone and did I want to watch it with her. Of course..I shot out of bed at the chance to stay up late. The movie....the Amityville Horror....I don't know what she was thinking but it cured me of watching scary movies for life LOL. (I think she must have been scared brainless ...that was the only scary movie she ever let me watch once she regained her senses).

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We have watched the original.  Only my 5 year old has not seen it, though she does join in when we mimic the shower scene stabbing with the appropriate noises lol  Until this thread I didn't realize there was a remake, but even then I would let my teens watch it.  The original while still a horror movie is rather tame over all, blood and gore were not the focus the suspense was.  Horror movies these days are not scary they are gory and that is a whole different ball of wax imo.

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What, there's a remake? Haven't seen that but I have seen the original and I would let my teens watch if they wanted. Not the 8yo though. I don't typically watch horror of the supernatural or slasher variety. I think I'm still scarred from growing up with a mom who dragged us kids with her to watch Exorcist and Omen and others like it.

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My mother, whom I loved dearly, invited some friends over to her mobile home--her little 2-bedroom, no-family-room, mobile home--to watch a movie when we were visiting with her. My dds were, oh, 4 and 8yo. The movie she chose? Robo Cop. It must be one of the most violent, f-bomb-full movies in the whole entire world. There was no where for me to go with the dc where we could not hear it. So I sat frozen the whole time and prayed desperately that angels would hang their wings over my dds' eyes and erase all memory from their brains. I asked her the next day what she was thinking, and she said it had a sweet story line. o_0 I said, "MOM! It was rated R!!" She said, "What does that mean?" !!!!!


Happily, I think my prayers were answered. :glare:


Not understanding why you stayed? Or didn't run to the 7-11 for 90 minutes? Or didn't go outside to play with the kiddies?


My goodness.

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By comparison to today's "horror" movies, Psycho is so unbelievably mild. In fact, I've never thought it qualified as "horror" at all. Like many of Hitchcock's films, it's suspenseful, but it's not gory by today's standards. And there is no supernatural element. (Hope that's not a spoiler for anyone!)


My son went through a Hitchcock phase when he was 10 or 11-ish, and we watched a bunch of the films. So, while I wouldn't sit down with a four year old and a bowl of popcorn and hit play on the DVD, I'd watch with a kid who was forewarned of the creep factor and interested, especially if said kid was a budding film fan.

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I'd let my relatively mature 11yo watch it if she wanted, and yes I'd watch it with her (though it's not the Hitchcock I'd prefer to start with; my first was Dial M for Murder and I've always loved The Trouble With Harry). She'd probably prefer to read the book first though, as is her wont, so that would take some of the fun out of it. Now whether she's ready for the book would be totally up-to her.

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that movie scared me so much when I was a kid that I don't ever watch horror movies, neither do my dc.  However, I do love Hitchcock movies and my dc have seen the following movies many times:  Rear Window, North by Northwest, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Vertigo, etc but then none of these are horror movies. 

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Yes, depending on age.


My 14yo watches scary movies with me. My 10yo has seen a few (Paranormal Activity, Mama, pretty tame stuff). My 7yo and 5yo recently watched Mama, too. I wouldn't let my 5yo watch anything scarier at this point. My 7yo could watch Paranormal Activity if he wanted to. Maybe he has and I'm just forgetting.


ETA: Regarding Psycho specifically, I'd let my 10 and 14 yos watch it.

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Yes, but only when older. It's rated R, I believe. It's also an excellent movie.



By comparison to today's "horror" movies, Psycho is so unbelievably mild. In fact, I've never thought it qualified as "horror" at all. Like many of Hitchcock's films, it's suspenseful, but it's not gory by today's standards. And there is no supernatural element. (Hope that's not a spoiler for anyone!)


My son went through a Hitchcock phase when he was 10 or 11-ish, and we watched a bunch of the films. So, while I wouldn't sit down with a four year old and a bowl of popcorn and hit play on the DVD, I'd watch with a kid who was forewarned of the creep factor and interested, especially if said kid was a budding film fan.

yes ,depending on age and maturity of the kid. My 15 yo would do fine. My 11 yo, not so good.


It was rated R when it was made because it shows a woman in her bra and implied violence.  A more modern rating would be PG13. (I'm referring to the 1960 Hitchcock version.)




I love that movie because it proves that movies don't have to full of gore and nudity to imply what happens. Hitchcocks filming of the shower scene is amazing.

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I would let my kids watch it in high school. I'm talking about the original Hitchcock film. I dont know anything about the remake.


I remember watching it for the first time with my mom when I was in high school. I was going to watch it alone at night, but she insisted I have company because it's really scary. I kept telling her that nothing in black and white could be all that terrifying. Boy was I wrong, lol!

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