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Assuming that you really wanted to do it, would you commit to a weekly 7 AM appointment?

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Nope. I can't think of anything today that would drag me out of the house that early, thereby dragging me out of my bed that much earlier and out onto the roads with all the rush hour commuters. If they can't offer a schedule after 10am, then I'm not part of the population that needs that service.


I've made this sacrifice for my child's health before, but trust me when I say that those mornings were less than gracious in our house.


When I taught in public school (before children), I left the house before 6am. That was not pretty, but a necessity.

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Sure, if it is something I'd really want to do, why not?

Our local men's choir rehearses every week on Friday at 7am- the guys and the conductor and the accompanist show up.


I do something three times a week at 8am, and will add another thing in the fall that is on the other two mornings at 8. I would do something once a week at 7 - , but it would have to be soemthing I really want to do.

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Yes. If dh was fully on board. Because it would mean he needed to go to work later and stay with dc. I'm not at the point with my 3yo where I'd be willing to drag her out of bed and go anywhere with me at 7am every single week. And dd11 isn't quite old enough to be babysitting. In a couple of years, I'd give an unreserved yes.

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I'm a night owl, so I sleep in.


But we're always up for Friday morning Mass, and have been since my own childhood.


Some Fridays I attend, having pulled an allnighter or having only "slept" for a fitful 2-3 hours.


It's hard, but it's important to me to go. So I make it happen.


Of course, on those days the rest of our day is shot because I come home and nap OR I'm a zombie all day long!


But it's not something I'm willing to give up, so we just make it work.


And you can, too. For something important that has you excited, you should B)

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I'm a night person and 7 am regularly would be painful to me. But if I really wanted to do something I would try to find a way to do it. That said, the child care and expense and all...I would not harm my family to do something. So, for us, if I were doing something at 7 am I would have to have my husband stay home with the kids/adjust his schedule to accomodate. My kids sleep well past 7 and no way would I regularly wake them unnecessarily.

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Yes if it was an activity just for me that only lasted an hour that would actually be an ideal time of day for me. No if it was a whole family activity. I am a morning person but the rest of my family are generally not and like their sleep.

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Well, it depends on how many weeks it went on. :tongue_smilie:


If it were indefinite, then no, absolutely not. If it were for a finite period of time, I would drag my older out of bed to do it (my younger is always up by then).

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Ugh. 7am? I can't imagine wanting to do anything so badly as to commit to a weekly 7am appointment.


That being said, if it really meant that much to me, yes, I suppose I'd do it but it would be very,very difficult. And? I'd only do it if I was home in time for my dh to go to work. Getting myself up and out the door before 7am is bad enough, doing it with the kids would be near impossible.

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If I can do it alone, sure. I have to be at work at 6:00 3 days a week, so 7:00 is no biggie.


If I had to bring the kids along, it would be a lot more questionable, but I suppose I'd manage if it was something I *really* wanted to do and having the kids along wasn't going to outweigh any benefit I might get/give from whatever it is.

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Yeah, I probably would do it if I really badly wanted/needed to. DH & I are up at 4am anyway. Anything after 7pm is more of an issue here! In fact, it's 6am and I'm just about to log off and bake a pecan pie.

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Yes. If it was something I really wanted to do, I would make it happen. I would not drag my kids along though - I would have them spend the night before at my mom's house and then pick them up after the meeting (I realize not everyone has that option - but I do, and that's how I would handle a once a week 7am commitment). FWIW, I am definitely not a morning person.

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I'm out of the house around 7am every day for work because I have to be. Even then everyone at my office knows to not bother me until after 9:30am. I just can't think of anything I'd want to do on my own accord that I would willingly commit to attending at 7am in the morning, and especially not on a Monday.

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Well, I leave the house every morning at 5:30 to take my DH to work (we have one car and he has to be at his desk by 6:30) so 7 A.M. doesn't sound that horrendous to me. If you want it badly enough (like I want access to our car during the day), you'll make it happen.


:blink: <Where did the fainting smiley go?>


Crimson Wife, I've always enjoyed your posts, and I've thought you were a woman to be reckoned with.


But, now I am simply in awe.


Holy moly.


I am pretty much 10,000% sure that I'd simply stay at home all day with the kids if I had to get up that early and do all that driving just to have a car. You are heroic.

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I have done such things in the past when it was important to me - several years ago, I left home to commute to a workplace 90 miles away each way (almost 2 hours each way on the road) - I was single and poor and needed the job and that is the only job I could get. I am not a morning person and usually sleep around 2 am and would love to wake up after 10:00 am. But, I used to leave home at 6:00 am every single day for 1 year and it was brutal. So, if it was a matter of great importance to me, I would definitely make it happen - no matter what. Recently, I have been going to a yoga class on the weekends at 7:00 AM and it is hard, but I feel fine after I get to the class!

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7am...yes, absolutely.


Would I commit to a 10pm, 11pm...etc appointment? Absolutely NOT. I know my limits. If my brain needs to be functioning for the task, even more so. But if I needed to stay up to 10pm to drive my child somewhere for something important, that I could probably handle once a week.

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When I really wanted to earn my first degree black belt and I was working full-time, I was at the gym by 5am 5x/week -- 3x to meet with my instructor, 2x just for cardio work. It got to just be not only a part of my routine, but something I actually enjoyed because I wanted to do it.


7 am is just a time of day.



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