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North Korea- - - -how concerned should we be?


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For show. Internal politics. Also, yes, all signs do point to him being completely insane.


Yes, and I think it's also to get some money. I remember the last time something like this happened with his dad he got paid off to back down. Of course, it wasn't worded like that.... but that's the way I remember it happening.

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I was glad to see this thread. My oldest dd is in Austin with her dh, and texted me all in a panic over something she read about it last night. I don't keep up with the news if I can help it (just because of things like this that I can't do anything about so would prefer not to worry about), but I looked up some info so I could ease her mind. I know she'll be relieved to be home from Austin, just in case.


FWIW, my dsil is military and they haven't been warned of anything thus far.



I live outside Austin. Please tell your dd that there is nothing to worry about. No one has opened an EOC, no forces are on any sort of greater alert, her biggest headache is going to be normal Friday traffic. I'd seriously be surprised if KJU could even find Austin on a map. I mean, think about it, why Austin instead of Houston or Dallas?


And please tell her the best thing she can do is NOT listen to Gov "Hair", lol.

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After watching Kimjongilia on Netflix, it is my understanding that life in NK would make anyone mentally unstable.


A mentally unstable dictator with nuclear weapons is scary, but I think that NK is too weak to do more than saber rattling at this point. It is for show, hopefully he doesn't do something desperate, but whatever he can do is limited.


I come from a military family, my mother is retiring this year as a Lt. Col. In the Air Force this summer. She was stationed in Japan a few years ago. She is not very concerned about any of this, she feels it will blow over soon, it is just the new regime demanding attention in the hopes of increased aide from China. I hope she is right.

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Whenever someone makes the bolded statement online, I immediately declare "shenanigans".



That previous statement and statements like "My contacts say..." make me want to say "wow! a homeschool mom with top security clearance! Cool!"


Which also makes me say, "you don't really know anything and neither do your contacts.


Sorry, I do not buy it either. This really is NOT anything to worry about. Contacts or no.

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I grew up in a household with a father with high clearance and I do remember a time I was worried. Sometime in the later 60's, he had to pack a suitcase because of increased tensions. That was the only time I knew something was not right- they used to have a list of people they would evacuate from the DC area and apparently my dad was one of them. Now I have lived with my dh for his entire 26 years in the AF. First of all, since he has clearances, he doesn't tell me anything. It was funny when we both had clearances but his from DOD and mine from DOJ. We still couldn't talk about secrets. So I am right there with you, aslana and chocolate reign.


First of all, we aren't keeping the deployments of anti missile defense secret. We want North Korea to know we have deployed the systems so they don't even try, Also, the Israelis have a system they used in the last year with great success. Since theirs was based on ours, and that was a really test with actual missiles being fired, I think we are okay.

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That previous statement and statements like "My contacts say..." make me want to say "wow! a homeschool mom with top security clearance! Cool!"


Which also makes me say, "you don't really know anything and neither do your contacts.


Sorry, I do not buy it either. This really is NOT anything to worry about. Contacts or no.



Hey now! I used to have a security clearance!


Still, I agree with you. When dh was in the Navy, he had a security clearance. Even though we were both nukes, he never did share anything confidential with me.


Just to stay on topic. The only people who should be worried about the little Napoleon wannabe are the North Korean people, the South Korean people, maybe the Japanese people, and the military people who have to deal with little I-need-to-take-my-meds-more-frequently (KJU).

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Ok, given that this is the WTM boards... am I the only one who dug out SOTW4 to get a little more background on this? Because I honestly have no recollection whatsoever of studying the Korean War at all. And that's with multiple college level US history courses as well as standard high school world history.


I mean, I'm sure we studied it, but I think we were rushing to get through history at that point and it was overshadowed by WWII and Vietnam.

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Ok, given that this is the WTM boards... am I the only one who dug out SOTW4 to get a little more background on this? Because I honestly have no recollection whatsoever of studying the Korean War at all. And that's with multiple college level US history courses as well as standard high school world history.


I mean, I'm sure we studied it, but I think we were rushing to get through history at that point and it was overshadowed by WWII and Vietnam.



You probably only discussed it for a few minutes, if at all. I was a history major in college and we never discussed it either.


It's commonly referred to as "The Forgotten War" - because it's never really talked about. WWII and Vietnam overshadow it.

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Ok, given that this is the WTM boards... am I the only one who dug out SOTW4 to get a little more background on this? Because I honestly have no recollection whatsoever of studying the Korean War at all. And that's with multiple college level US history courses as well as standard high school world history.


I mean, I'm sure we studied it, but I think we were rushing to get through history at that point and it was overshadowed by WWII and Vietnam.


My uncle fought in the Korean War, so I know about it from him.

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I'm not worried. As others have already stated, he's posturing.



That previous statement and statements like "My contacts say..." make me want to say "wow! a homeschool mom with top security clearance! Cool!"


Which also makes me say, "you don't really know anything and neither do your contacts.


Still, I agree with you. When dh was in the Navy, he had a security clearance. Even though we were both nukes, he never did share anything confidential with me.



I agree. People with security clearance don't discuss these things, or at least they aren't supposed to. Dh has one of the most common clearance levels (Secret) and yet there are things he can't even tell me.

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generally - the huffing and puffing is par for the course with NK. (especially as sanctions were recently strengthened.) bellicose rhetoric is to be expected with a new regime, especially when the "leader" is very inexperienced and perceived to be weak. some theorize his posturing is as much for the west in protest against sanctions as it is to inspire confidence in his people that he is "strong".



  • he's gotten rid of (re: executed, "disappeared"), a number of his father's top level advisors and generals.
  • his aunt and uncle that his father had 'banished', are now in his inner circle and it is theorized they are high level advisors.
  • the russian foreign minister has expressed surprise that even the russians have been told to leave
  • china has been concerned and since november trying to send an envoy to NK. NK has said "no".
  • because NK wouldn't even talk to the chinese about their nuclear tests, china supported the sanctions against NK.
  • now, NK wants china to send an envoy, and china has said "you can come to us".
  • reports are average chinese are mocking him.
  • a chinese gov official wrote a scathing column published in a western paper denoucing Kim.
  • "face" is a big deal in asia. he's backing himself into a corner where the only way to save "face" is either for the west to drop/lower sanctions, and the west increase his aid, or shoot something to try and show he is strong.

maybe the military will stage a coup.

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Plus didn't the whole Austin as a place of interest thing come about because of the pictures and videos KJU HIMSELF released? Knowing that they'd be scrutinized?

samsung (south korean company) has production facilities in austin. I seriously doubt NK has anything that could reach the mainland of the US, let alone texas.

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Worrying for your son, I understand.


Worrying because the man is unstable? Please... really and in all honesty, this is nothing to worry about!


I'd worry about my kid a world away even at times of peace--this is normal and I do not begrudge you that!


But Posturing Piglet? Nah....

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Funny image in my head right now about Posturing Piglet:


He's standing on the boarder of NK and the demilitarized zone and he's got all sorts of cool toys with him, flashing them around. The people on the other side, SK, are standing there laughing, pointing, and shaking their heads at him which is just making him madder and madder. So he picks up one of those cool toys and fires it and what happens?


A banner that says "POW!" pops out.


Yep. That's about all it is.

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So yeah, the people privy to REAL classified information are not the type to run around handing out portions of that classified information to the general public and saying things like, "that's all I can say" or my favorite, "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you".

However, the person saying "That's all I can say" has never said (at least in this thread) that she personally has any sort of security clearance. It is very plausible to me that someone who knew something might give someone close to them a vague warning that they should have a few weeks of supplies on hand without going into specifics.


And really, that's good advice for any time. 2 weeks of food is a fairly minimally stocked pantry.

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Funny image in my head right now about Posturing Piglet:


He's standing on the boarder of NK and the demilitarized zone and he's got all sorts of cool toys with him, flashing them around. The people on the other side, SK, are standing there laughing, pointing, and shaking their heads at him which is just making him madder and madder. So he picks up one of those cool toys and fires it and what happens?


A banner that says "POW!" pops out.


Yep. That's about all it is.




that's funny!


I love your screen name, BTW! Aslana...like a female Aslan, right?

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Guest inoubliable

Finally -- someone with real insider information!!!


I am so relieved. ;)


I have a friend who has information from her pedicurist. I'm not at liberty to say what that information is, though.

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Guest inoubliable

You're quite the fountain of knowledge on this whole North Korea thing.


I, for one, am impressed.


Oh aye.

And the things I could tell you about Cuba!

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Can North Korea really afford to get into it with China and South Korea? Since the US suspended food aid to North Korea in 2009 over broken agreements, I believe the Chinese and South Koreans are presently providing them with a considerable portion of their food supply. If anything does happen, the people who will suffer the most will be the non-elite in North Korea.

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I have a friend who has information from her pedicurist. I'm not at liberty to say what that information is, though.


I got a manicure on Tuesday from a Korean lady. She gave me some tips. :ph34r:


The French are the key.


Sorry, but I can't say anymore.


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Can North Korea really afford to get into it with China and South Korea? Since the US suspended food aid to North Korea in 2009 over broken agreements, I believe the Chinese and South Koreans are presently providing them with a considerable portion of their food supply. If anything does happen, the people who will suffer the most will be the non-elite in North Korea.



Agreed that the "regular" NK people will be the ones who suffer most. A shame, but that's the way it almost always is.


The NK people need foreign food so much at least partly because their esteemed leader (*cough, cough*) siphons off any money the country has to support his reportedly very lavish lifestyle. I believe I've read that one of the things he fears is that the U.S. will, overtly or covertly, decide to support a regime change. And that his bluster is at least in part because he wants a treaty that says that won't happen.

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I appreciate the input. I realize that we can't know for sure but I would think 'someone' out there knows more than I do. :tongue_smilie: I've wondered if the media has been downplaying it so as not to give Kim Jong-un the attention he appears to want and wondered if the embassies in question http://www.reuters.c...E93408020130405 are actually going to evacuate. Would we know if they did?



Seems to me that the media does not have a track record of playing things down so as not to give attention to people who want it. I've thought for a very long time that all the attention the media gives to mass murderers encourages other potential mass-murderers to do the same. They don't seem to exercise any restraint at all in that regard. So I think the media is down-playing it because their sources don't think it's a big deal and they don't want to look stupid.

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Hmmm, I don't know about being a Queen, but my name is just my real name shortened. I wasn't sure if my real name would all fit, so I just cut it down to Aslana. My full name is Aslandria.


Edited by Moderator
Unnecessary and nasty. Knock it off.
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Can North Korea really afford to get into it with China and South Korea? Since the US suspended food aid to North Korea in 2009 over broken agreements, I believe the Chinese and South Koreans are presently providing them with a considerable portion of their food supply. If anything does happen, the people who will suffer the most will be the non-elite in North Korea.


the little boy doesn't care about the starving masses. neither did his father or grandfather.
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I heard this article on NPR this morning:


Annual NK missile crisis


Reader's Digest paraphrased version: This happens just about every year when SK and the US do their joint military exercises each spring.


Thank you. That was interesting, especially the concerns about escalation/conflict between North and South Korea. I especially liked what he said about this being a war that has been frozen rather than resolved.


We have a South Korean exchange student living with us right now, and we talked about North Korea last night after dinner. She says that of course she's not at home right now, but she's reading the news and in touch with friends and family, and they are concerned. Not alarmed, exactly, just uneasy. I'm interested to hear what she thinks about some of the ideas in this interview.


It was interesting to hear her ideas about the future possibility of a reunified Korea, too, whether it's possible or likely.



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Forgive if this is a stupid question, but here is what I don't get. We invaded Iraq because they 'supposedly' had weapons of mass destruction (among other reasons, I know, but that was the tipping point supposedly). North Korea not only HAS nuclear capabilities, but has threatened the US directly. Posturing or not, how do we let that go? Why is this "no big deal" when the Iraq situation was an immediate threat to security?

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Just to stay on topic. The only people who should be worried about the little Napoleon wannabe are the North Korean people, the South Korean people, maybe the Japanese people, and the military people who have to deal with little I-need-to-take-my-meds-more-frequently (KJU).


I think that should read 'with little I -need- to-take-my-meds-more -frequently- why- aren't-my-meds-making- my- peeeenis-biiggerrrrr?"

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Forgive if this is a stupid question, but here is what I don't get. We invaded Iraq because they 'supposedly' had weapons of mass destruction (among other reasons, I know, but that was the tipping point supposedly). North Korea not only HAS nuclear capabilities, but has threatened the US directly. Posturing or not, how do we let that go? Why is this "no big deal" when the Iraq situation was an immediate threat to security?



I don't think this can be answered without it turning political. At least, that's what I'd answer.


And, this about sums it up.


(removed comment since Moderator took care of issue)



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