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woman in coma is giving dh 25 million dollars

Jeannie in NJ

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dh got an email that a woman in Malaysia , that is "in comatose" (her words) is giving my dh 25 million dollars. I was in just amazement with the idea that a person "in comatose" could write an email that I kinda skipped over the rest of the email but I am guessing that we need to send her some money, like maybe $1,000. So if some of you, my good friends here, could send me $1000, I will make sure that this woman "in comatose" gets it and I will split the 25 million with you.


Just send it to:


Jeannie in NJ

A white house with blue shutters

Somewhere on a barrier island off the coast of NJ


or if you would rather bring it in person, just follow the UPS truck as he is going to be making lots of trips to my house


Thank you, thank you very much

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The truly amazing thing is that somewhere, some poor gullible idiots are believing these ridiculous emails.


It's so hard to imagine it, but apparently some people actually send money to these scammers.


Not that the email your dh received was a scam, Jeannie. That one sounded real to me. :D

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That's fantastic!


International money transfers to Malaysia are risky though, so let me handle this for you. I know just what to do.


Just PM me with your full name, social security number, date of birth, and the bank account number for the account you want the Malaysian funds to be transfered to and I'll take care of your money. :D

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I feel cheated. All I got was a special offer for a pill guaranteed to enlarge my penis.

Mine are to add 2-4 inches to my "manhood." Is that the same thing? I get daily offers to have affairs with cheating wives. And emails that "Your Credit Report Was Ran on (date)"

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Oh..so many things I could say. Except this is the WTM board.



Yeah, things never get risqué or double entendre-y here. :p

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The truly amazing thing is that somewhere, some poor gullible idiots are believing these ridiculous emails.


It's so hard to imagine it, but apparently some people actually send money to these scammers.


Not that the email your dh received was a scam, Jeannie. That one sounded real to me. :D



This response was priceless, in a line of great posts!

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The truly amazing thing is that somewhere, some poor gullible idiots are believing these ridiculous emails.


It's so hard to imagine it, but apparently some people actually send money to these scammers.


Not that the email your dh received was a scam, Jeannie. That one sounded real to me. :D


Funny!!!! :lol:


I agree about the poor gullible idiots, though.


A bit different, but along the same lines (scam), I have been getting phone calls... around nine or so now, saying that the caller is from "the prize department" and "I am calling about your entry for the $25,000 and 2013 hybrid car", yadda yadda. Some have outright said "you" have won and to call them back, etc. I haven't called any of them back because:


A. I have not entered any contests

B. They only say they are calling from "the prize department" or some variation of that

C. They never say MY name.

and D. I am *not* stupid.


But, boy, if it was true and I *had* won $25,000 and a 2013 hybrid car nine times ....... :lol: :lol:

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