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Do you pop your kids' acne?


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I confess that prior to this post I had never seen or heard of this. I had to google. I had NO idea there would be so many videos online on this topic. Wow.




I know! I don't think I've ever had a blackhead(yet) and I'm just amazed that this exists. I get, I think, one whitehead every other month...I had no idea pimples could be so controversial!!

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Well, I'm irrationally jealous of y'all who have blackheads or whiteheads as such a rarity you are grossed out!


I've had terrible skin since 10, two rounds of accutane, every topical med ever, and...still have bad skin. It's not diet, its not hormones, it's just...me. I also have severe metal allergies- think huge cysts and boils from metal contact. Not pretty.


It's such a fact of life for me that no, it's not particularly gross.

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Well, I'm irrationally jealous of y'all who have blackheads or whiteheads as such a rarity you are grossed out!


I've had terrible skin since 10, two rounds of accutane, every topical med ever, and...still have bad skin. It's not diet, its not hormones, it's just...me. I also have severe metal allergies- think huge cysts and boils from metal contact. Not pretty.


It's such a fact of life for me that no, it's not particularly gross.


Sorry for giving that impression.


It's the idea of popping someone else's pimples I find gross. Heck, I'm 46 and still have occasional acne.

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:ack2: :ack2: :ack2: Absolutely not...although they don't really get any acne per se. But my kids have always been more than capable of taking care of their own personal hygiene. Now someone needs to pass me the brain bleach so I can get this thread title out of my head. :ack2:

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How are you all mothers if this grosses you out so much?!?! LOL! And a nurse being that disgusted at the idea of popping a pimple?! Seriously blows my mind!


Yes, there are some gooooood videos online of big HUGE zits being popped. There's one of a laser treatment being done that is particularly nasty. Like a PP said, I think I would have been a good dermatologist or aesthetician in another life.

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How are you all mothers if this grosses you out so much?!?! LOL! And a nurse being that disgusted at the idea of popping a pimple?! Seriously blows my mind!


Yes, there are some gooooood videos online of big HUGE zits being popped. There's one of a laser treatment being done that is particularly nasty. Like a PP said, I think I would have been a good dermatologist or aesthetician in another life.


I was almost certainly traumatised by John Belushi in Animal House.

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I think what's weird is that most of the kids could do it themselves if they were that bothered. I would never make my dd let me do this because I don't want her to think it matters so much. I don't find it horribly gross to look at my dd, or anyone else, who has acne. It just isn't that important. I get others think differently but it doesn't change that it is really weird for me to think of parents out there popping kid's pimples. It's also different if kids are asking for help. I can't imagine doing it then either but I would show her how to take care of it.

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I think what's weird is that most of the kids could do it themselves if they were that bothered.


I agree when they get to a certain age they certainly can. But until they care at all about their hygiene or appearance, I guess I look at it as part of my job. :confused1: Just like I wouldn't let them go out with tangled, dirty hair or not brush their teeth, etc. It's just all a part of hygiene. I certainly don't want to go around with big white heads. Of course she hates it, just like she hates me brushing her hair or one of my sons hates me flossing his teeth. But it needs to be done, esp. in her ears so they don't get infected. I guess our mileage just varies on this topic.

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I get what you're saying but I think one of the most awesome things about my mom was that she did let us go out with tangled hair and unbrushed teeth (after a certain age). She didn't micromanage or pressure us about our appearance and we somehow still learned how to do all of those things for ourselves. It was usually due to peer pressure which was more influential than anything mom could have said or done. I've done the same for my dds when they've hit the age they should be able to take care of their own appearance. They both stepped up eventually, even my youngest who I thought never would. I get that appearances matter more to some than others, though.

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I will explain my "grossed outted-ness". Those of you who REALLY don't want to be grossed out, look away now. You have been warned. Zits gross me out because of a guy who used to sit in front of me at a particularly awful desk job I had one summer during college. This guy would pop his zits and EAT it. Almost every day. I can hardly even think of pimples now without heaving. :ack2: For all of you now vomiting quietly into your hands, I apologize. And I thank the good Lord every single day that my kids were never plagued with zits. Or I would have been in the funny farm due to the flashbacks.

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I was almost certainly traumatised by John Belushi in Animal House.

I will explain my "grossed outted-ness". Those of you who REALLY don't want to be grossed out, look away now. You have been warned. Zits gross me out because of a guy who used to sit in front of me at a particularly awful desk job I had one summer during college. This guy would pop his zits and EAT it. Almost every day. I can hardly even think of pimples now without heaving. :ack2: For all of you now vomiting quietly into your hands, I apologize. And I thank the good Lord every single day that my kids were never plagued with zits. Or I would have been in the funny farm because of the flashbacks.


And by Diane. Twice now. :tongue_smilie:

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I agree when they get to a certain age they certainly can. But until they care at all about their hygiene or appearance, I guess I look at it as part of my job. :confused1: Just like I wouldn't let them go out with tangled, dirty hair or not brush their teeth, etc. It's just all a part of hygiene. I certainly don't want to go around with big white heads. Of course she hates it, just like she hates me brushing her hair or one of my sons hates me flossing his teeth. But it needs to be done, esp. in her ears so they don't get infected. I guess our mileage just varies on this topic.


I get it now. I don't think I've brushed my 11 yo's hair in 2 years, nor have I ever flossed either of my children's teeth. Different strokes and stuff.

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It's not related to washing. I got them from the time that I was about 12 until I was about 19 or 20. It's just the genetics you get. I got lousy, acne prone skin with large pores. At least the ears are not such a bad thing anymore, but from time to time it happens.

Yes. I had blackheads in my ears too. I had very little acne on my face but I had blackheads in my ears. Blech.



My kids are young but when the time comes, I will help them with a warm compress and an extractor if they want me to. I will not force it on them.

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Well, I'm irrationally jealous of y'all who have blackheads or whiteheads as such a rarity you are grossed out!


I've had terrible skin since 10, two rounds of accutane, every topical med ever, and...still have bad skin. It's not diet, its not hormones, it's just...me. I also have severe metal allergies- think huge cysts and boils from metal contact. Not pretty.


It's such a fact of life for me that no, it's not particularly gross.



Sorry. I was grossed out by the idea of popping someone else's zits, not the zits themselves or the people that have htem. I do admit I was completely unaware of the particulars of zit popping.

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Oh, Diane!! No wonder!!!! WTH is wrong with people?!?!


I can promise I am not overly obsessed with appearance, just moreso with hygiene. If you saw my family out and about on a daily basis we definitely would NOT look like we just stepped out of a magazine...at all.



Any favorites? ;)


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I don't have a problem with zits.

I don't have a problem with people popping their own zits if they want.

I don't have a problem with someone seeking out someone else to pop their zits (if they want).


I find it disturbing when people get so obsessive about zits that they need to pop another persons. Zits are not a personal comment on your family hygiene or a personal invitation to 'help' your family member. Hygiene is not the reason you're doing this. Hygiene is showing your child how to wash and care for their skin and body and making sure they do it regularly to get into the habit.


BTW, they can, and often do leave marks. And when you start pressuring other people in your life to let you pop them or to pop them themselves, you're crossing a line. It makes the person feel that all you notice is the bad things about them and it's a creepy invasion of space....even if they finally let you after being constantly harangued.



Someone who has an obsessive popper in their life

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I'm sorry this brings back traumatic memories for some of you. :( I can promise you this is not a regular thing...although I have been trying to be more regular about her ears to prevent infection, as I have said. Dh tends to do the face ones every once in awhile. She has plenty of breakouts that we never say anything about or bother her about and we aren't holding her down screaming or anything like that!

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And actually, my Dd18 does it in our house because she had to take esthetician courses for her cosmo license. Regular removal of blackheads keeps your pores small. My best friend's niece (who comes over often in the summer) is also an esthetician and she takes out people's blackheads for a living. Of course, she also does makeup. Her skin? Is gorgeous. And she makes quite a bit of $.

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This has been an interesting thread. My son uses a warm washcloth over the ripe acne to get rid of the white heads on the pimples. But I tell you what, I'm completely jealous of some of you who seem to keep acne at bay by simple face washing. That certainly isn't the case with my son. I hate to think that someone will see his face and automatically assume he doesn't wash properly just because his face is full of acne. That hurts my heart for him.

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I will explain my "grossed outted-ness". Those of you who REALLY don't want to be grossed out, look away now. You have been warned. Zits gross me out because of a guy who used to sit in front of me at a particularly awful desk job I had one summer during college. This guy would pop his zits and EAT it. Almost every day. I can hardly even think of pimples now without heaving. :ack2: For all of you now vomiting quietly into your hands, I apologize. And I thank the good Lord every single day that my kids were never plagued with zits. Or I would have been in the funny farm due to the flashbacks.



Omg. I'm dry heaving. I've never even heard of that! And he did it in public?!

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Oh, Diane!! No wonder!!!! WTH is wrong with people?!?!


I can promise I am not overly obsessed with appearance, just moreso with hygiene. If you saw my family out and about on a daily basis we definitely would NOT look like we just stepped out of a magazine...at all.





This afternoon is my mom's afternoon to chill. What do I do? I watch this video and then after following a link to another video I start mentally planning out a unit on acne. The homeschool unit study of zits. Then I had the thought that I really needed to find something else to entertain myself and I thought of knitting. But then I found myself thinking about how the insane knitting group would probably find a knitted cyst including sebum that can be "popped" a bit too over the top even for them. So I decided to clean up the kitchen and give the zit free dog a bath.

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Too. Many. Bodily. Function. Posts. Today.


I am going to have to practice chastity of the eyes and look away.



Shoot... I should have thought of that. Bleach didn't work. Now it hurts to close my eyes.

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My DH is the zit-popper in our household. I get blackheads in my ears and he takes care of them for me (I actually find it kind of relaxing). Our children, although they aren't teens yet, get blocked pores in their upper arms on occasion. While they hate it, DH does get rid of those.


As for the tool that's been shown, you can find those at almost any drug store or retailer with a makeup section. Just look where they have the tweezers on display. They aren't very expensive and are less painful than using hobby pins.


BTW, I'm kind of grossed out by talking about it, but we do it, so...

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This thread needs to GO AWAY! It's been popping for for, what, seventy days in a row or something. Every time I see the title I feel a little sicker than the time before. Make it stoooooop!


Ok,maybe it's only been 2 days, but it feels like 70.

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  • 1 year later...

Comforted to learn I'm not the only one who is so desperate to pop her child's zits that she will pay up to $5...on the rare occasion that she lets me, which is getting less and less  :001_rolleyes: I just told her that if she will wash her face every night (like she's supposed to be doing), I will keep my pimple popping tool and fingers away from her face. It's the blackheads and whiteheads (someone used the word "ripe") that really get to me. 

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Comforted to learn I'm not the only one who is so desperate to pop her child's zits that she will pay up to $5...on the rare occasion that she lets me, which is getting less and less :001_rolleyes: I just told her that if she will wash her face every night (like she's supposed to be doing), I will keep my pimple popping tool and fingers away from her face. It's the blackheads and whiteheads (someone used the word "ripe") that really get to me.

You pay your kid? :blink:


ATM, that totally overrides the resurrection of this thread....

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Absolutely not. I do not think my kiddos ever got one anyway. I get them started on a very aggressive skin regimen at the first sign of the first pimple. Then no zits through the teen years.


For the record, I would help them with a boil if they were to ever get one, but those larger abscesses do require drainage. Zits do not.

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Yes I have, and yes it was done to me.  It is usually in a place the kid can't reach. (ears, back, etc.)  

I also have to add, all the facial cleansing, remedies, plans, etc. in the world won't help some people.  I, and two of my daughters, have skin that is very very prone to horrible acne as a teen/young adult.  I absolutely hated it as a teen, and knew that a large portion of the population assumed it was from lack of proper hygiene (which made me even more embarrassed about it.  It isn't.

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