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I am terrified by horses.

Guest inoubliable

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Snakes. I hate snakes. I despise snakes and I am terrified of them and I wish they were all exterminated from the face of the earth! Right now, the US has a plan to deal with some very nasty tree snakes in Guam by dropping mice that have poison on them so the snakes will gulp up the critters and die. I'm all for it! I could practically throw a party in favor of it. Mice dead....snakes dead...very, very good day for the Department of Defense! War on snakes, something I can get behind. lol



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What's *your* irrational fear?


Well... there are snakes, sharks, being eaten alive, being burned alive... but, I don't think any of those are irrational fears.



Puppets, however -- especially marionettes or ventriloquist dummies -- freak me out. :eek: Take me to a Jeff Dunham show and I would gnaw off my own leg to get the h3ll out of there.

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I have a fear of falling from heights. I'm totally ok with being up in the air, as long as I'm not near an open balcony, floor to ceiling windows etc. I hate going to the mall with my kids because they like to stand right by that damn upper level railing and it freaks me out to no end. I truly know they are safe and won't fall through or anything, but I get all sweaty, my heart races, etc. until they step a good 2ft away from it.

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There's really only one thing I'm afraid of, and that's being submerged deep under water. I can swim and dive just fine, but being really deep underwater totally freaks me out (my one attempt at scuba diving was an epic disaster). I think that's totally rational, so I guess I don't have any irrational fears. ;)

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Heights. I'm talking 10 feet off the ground gets me feeling sick and shaky. It's ridiculous. Uniforms. Having to deal with doctors, cops, or anything like that leaves me shaky and feeling sick. Mice. If I see one, I get pretty loud and move pretty fast. Even if it's dead.

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Motorcycles, diving boards, and back hoes. :confused1: I can trace my fears of the first two to my childhood when I was forced to go on both, but back hoes - :confused1: If I drive near a construction site I swear those things swing around and come within inches of me every time! Totally freaks me out!

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Snakes, being on long bridges when my kids are with me, being in high places when my kids are with me, puke in any form, injuries involving fingernails or toenails - all of these things freak me out to the point that I'm uncomfortable even thinking about them.

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I started quoting some of the posts, but I had too many. Some of you are posting rational fears. It's not irrational to be afraid of snakes, spiders (yes some can hurt you...even kill you), heights, not being able to breathe, the dark, and so on. These all have to do with our primal instinct of survival. So not irrational.


Be comforted.You are all normal. :laugh:

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Mirrors. I'm convinced one day I'll be looking in a mirror and my reflection will move on its own or something.


Yes! Mirrors are freaky! Worse in the dark. I have to force myself into a dark room if there is a mirror in there. I race by if I have to actually *gulp* pass the mirror.

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I have a story for you mouse-o-phobes. Where I work, my office was in a temporary trailer complex for quite a while. It was 14 trailers put together to make a big office and cubicle area. One Monday morning I was in early and heard one of our administrative assitants start squalling when she got to her desk. It seems, on Friday, she had left a big plastic cup on her desk with an inch or two of whatever she was drinking in it. Over the weekend a mouse had managed to jump into her cup, but just couldn't tread water long enough for someone to rescue him on Monday morning.


I took the cup outside and dumped the contents, dead mouse included, into the weeds. She was relieved at that, but wasn't really excited when I brought her cup back to see if she wanted to wash it out and keep using it. I just don't get women sometimes.

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I started quoting some of the posts, but I had too many. Some of you are posting rational fears. It's not irrational to be afraid of snakes, spiders (yes some can hurt you...even kill you), heights, not being able to breathe, the dark, and so on. These all have to do with our primal instinct of survival. So not irrational.


I notice you didn't mention rabbits...:)

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I notice you didn't mention rabbits... :)


Yep, I left that one out. That is truly an irrational fear. Maybe if there were like 100 rabid rabbits coming at you......that would be a rational fear. :tongue_smilie:



I haven't seen you around much lately. Nice to see you again.

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Guest inoubliable

Wow. You guys are really weird.




I kid, I kid!


Horses truly do scare me. I have no reason for this. I cannot go near one.

DH and I like to watch horror films. It's fun to let ourselves gets scared for a while. It never follows us into a dark bedroom where we're so scared that we can't sleep. I guess not believing in ghosties and beasties comes in handy there, right? The other night we watched Sinister. Yeah.... not trying to post a spoiler, but the ending *did* have to do with some sort of possession. So DH and I should have shaken that off, right? Nope. Because the crime being committed seemed to be something that your run-of-the-mill mentally disturbed person could commit. Ghosties and beasties don't scare me, but I've read enough in the news to be scared of what *humans* are capable of doing to each other. And *that* sort of scary, horror film keeps me awake at night and makes me want to install a security system in the morning.

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I took the cup outside and dumped the contents, dead mouse included, into the weeds. She was relieved at that, but wasn't really excited when I brought her cup back to see if she wanted to wash it out and keep using it. I just don't get women sometimes.


She must not have been Asian.


We tend to be more cheap than squeamish :coolgleamA: LOL

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Needles. But even more irrational (according to my husband) is the fear that our main floor is going to crash into the basement. When we moved in the floors were all over the place when we moved in and the laminate was bouncy. It's also a 150 year old house. The more things we put in the house (new flooring, books, furniture, people) the more freaked out I get. It's awful.


I can trace the fear back to a furniture store in the Byward Market in Ottawa. We went into the basement to look at more furniture and it sounded like a bunch of elephants we running around on the main floor. Then when we bought our first house, we found out that the previous owner had hacked a big section out of the supporting beam.

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I have a story for you mouse-o-phobes. Where I work, my office was in a temporary trailer complex for quite a while. It was 14 trailers put together to make a big office and cubicle area. One Monday morning I was in early and heard one of our administrative assitants start squalling when she got to her desk. It seems, on Friday, she had left a big plastic cup on her desk with an inch or two of whatever she was drinking in it. Over the weekend a mouse had managed to jump into her cup, but just couldn't tread water long enough for someone to rescue him on Monday morning.


I took the cup outside and dumped the contents, dead mouse included, into the weeds. She was relieved at that, but wasn't really excited when I brought her cup back to see if she wanted to wash it out and keep using it. I just don't get women sometimes.


Poor mouse. Eh, I'd reuse the cup. Don't clump all women together as having the same irrational fears.


However, feel free to have a fear of all women. That I'll support you in. :thumbup1:

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I am afraid of walking through a dark house, even my own. DH always goes around turning off all the lights on at night, then if I leave our room you can see the trail of light behind me.


Parrots and other large very intelligent birds. They terrify me, and they know it, so they seem to be extra jerky when I am around them. Bleh, big claws, and that beak could take my nose off!


Oh and getting pink eye, but I think that is pure vanity.


ETA: I am not afraid of the dark in general, I have no issues tromping the through the woods or a field, or our neighborhood in the pitch black, just through a house!

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Horses? Aw, KK, I thought you were cool and stuff. (Just kidding. I still think you're cool. I just have a mess of horses, so I cannot have much sympathy for your fear of them. ;) )


I don't know if I have any irrational fears. I hold my breath when walking past someone. I guess that's not a fear, that's just weird. I have no idea why I do it. I'm not a germaphobe or anything.


I don't let my child near water any kind of water (pools, rivers, lakes) if he is not with me and at least one other adult, preferably my husband. I don't have a fear of water, though--grew up on the water, I swim well enough, we vacation at the beach, etc.--and my kiddo takes swim lessons. I want him to be comfortable and safe in and near the water. But I won't, say, let my husband take him to his parent's second house without me, which is on a lake. Can't do it, won't do it. I won't let him near swimming pools unless I can be there, too. I *think* this has something to do with a classmate's young sibling drowing when we were in elementary school. I am still affected by that.

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My foot hanging down from the bed when I am sleeping. I know that there really isn't anything living under the bed, but...


Well, if you live in my house, this is a very practical, and not at all irrational, fear, because if you hang your foot off the bed when sleeping, the psychotic cat we live with *will* try to eat you alive. I speak from experience.

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dirty bathrooms


Not fecal germs, not poop (cause that would make sense). But mildew/mold. To the point that thinking about it to write this down is skeeving me out. Ugh. HATE IT. I barely manage to shower each day because there are old mildew stains under the newer caulking in some places, and also old stains on some grout under a ledge at the edge of the walk in shower. dear heavens, it is awful. I never touch AnYTHING in the shower. ick ick ick ick ick ick ick ick


I actually have nightmares about his.

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Mirrors. I'm convinced one day I'll be looking in a mirror and my reflection will move on its own or something.


Ok, I had a totally weird fear like this too.

I always found it unnerving when I walked into a room and found the VCR (back in the day) blinking "12:00"


It was just creepy.


Then, for a long time I had this fear that one day I'd come into the room and find it saying. . . oh, I don't know, "Die!" or "I'm gonna get you!" or something completely weird like that.


Then, one evening, I was watching the show "Medium" and there was something similar to that. I nearly FLIPPED!


But, it also let me know that I wasn't the only one who found the possibility/impossibility ripe for fear. :)


(Plus, for some reason, that fear has faded--thought it only took 20 years.)

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Yes! Mirrors are freaky! Worse in the dark. I have to force myself into a dark room if there is a mirror in there. I race by if I have to actually *gulp* pass the mirror.


Yes! Exactly. I do the same thing. We should start a social group, lol. "Well-Trained Minders who run past mirrors in dark rooms." :p

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My foot hanging down from the bed when I am sleeping. I know that there really isn't anything living under the bed, but...


Exactly! I take this one step further, though. I cannot sleep with any part of me uncovered besides my head. Even in the hottest summer months, I MUST have covers, even if it's just a sheet. Because, you know, the creepies under the bed can't find you if you're covered up.


Butterflies and fish


Oh, yeah. I forgot about the fish. I always though scuba diving looked fun, except for all those dang fish.... Think I'll stick with aquariums. Now sharks, on the other hand, I'd love to swim with sharks. :D

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I am also afraid of scorpions in my pants (and other clothing, too.) I won't put anything on until I shake it and turn it inside out to be sure there aren't any in there. In my defense, I did have a scorpion in my pants once about 4 years ago and it was not any fun. What are the chances it will ever happen again, though?

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