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Did that nasty house get you to clean yours?


Did the pictures of the nasty house inspire you to clean yours?  

103 members have voted

  1. 1. Did the pictures of the nasty house inspire you to clean yours?

    • Oh yes! My house was already pretty clean, but now it's even cleaner!
    • Yep! My house was messy, but those pictures got me to do some serious cleaning!
    • Yes, my house was kind of a disaster, and those pictures made me clean it all up.
    • Yes, my house was kind of a disaster, and I made some progress with more to come.
    • Yes, it inspired me to clean, but one of the above choices doesn't work for me.
    • No, my house was already spotless, so I didn't feel the need to clean.
    • No, my house was a little messy, but I didn't feel the need to clean.
    • No, my house was kind of a disaster, but I didn't feel the need to clean.
    • No, I didn't clean after seeing the pictures, but choices 6-8 aren't right for me.
    • What are you talking about?
  2. 2. How much extra cleaning did you do after seeing those pictures?

    • None.
    • 5-15 minutes
    • 15 - 30 minutes
    • 30-60 minutes
    • 1-2 hours
    • More than 2 hours
    • I don't know, I'm not done yet!

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I kind of feel like I should have titled that other thread, "I can make you clean your house!"


My house is always pretty clean, but seeing those pictures sure inspired me to go do some cleaning. I cleaned out several drawers and cupboards and threw away a couple of bags of junk that had accumulated. I'm still feeling inspired to clean today, so I'm heading to my own scary pit of horrors - my husband's workshop in the basement. (If I don't return to this thread, you'll know I was crushed beneath a cascading pile of husband debris!)


Did those nasty pictures make you clean your home?

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Not here. This week, we are already busier than usual - out of the house every day this week, when we are used to only going out once, maybe twice. I'm barely even accomplishing school with our "new schedule", so no extra cleaning here. I do hope to get some extra done tomorrow, but I was already planning for that.

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I could have checked more than 2 hours AND I'm not done yet. Sigh.


I spent an hour last night just shoving things back where they belong in children's rooms and vacuuming. The kids usually straighten up their rooms on their own, but I need to pare down again after Christmas.


I've been cleaning my bedroom all morning here and there, but I can't leave the kids unattended or they create a bigger mess than the one I'm cleaning. Truthfully, you can barely tell that I've done anything in my room until you look at the pile of junk we'll be donating this week.

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I am laying on the couch, incredibly sick, but yes, it made me get up and take out the trash. We had chicken last night and I knew it was going to smell, but no one took it out last night. Since everyone was talking about the smell of that house, I figured I should do that. ;) Other than that, my house doesn't need to be cleaned, whew.

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I'm too sick to worry about cleaning.

And if I weren't, my kids are too sick to worry about cleaning.

Thankfully, the house is mostly decent.


The standard we try to keep is "can be company clean within 20 minutes."

We figure most people will give us that long (at least).

As slow as we're moving currently, we might be 30 minutes away right now.


BTW, it is confirmed, we have the flu, a strain not in the vaccination (that only two of us received). Monkey also has an ear infection :(

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It made me WANT to clean my house, but newborn DS3 thinks I have better things to do with my time. Namely, sit on the couch and nurse him. Between having a newborn and the rest of the family being down with some flu-like illness for the past 2 weeks, things are beyond my normally high tolerance for clutter and messiness.

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It motivated me to spend about an hour vacuuming. No, my carpets aren't that bad, it took me that long because I have a big house (wish I could get wood floors), and my 2 yr old insisted on following me around with the other vacuum. He had to unwind the vac cord on his too, and pretend to plug it in, and my vacuum was always getting tangled with his vacuum. And he would have mini meltdowns when his vac got stuck, it's heavy for a toddler to push around. So his "help" made it take twice as long as usual. And because I've had the flu, an ear infection, and now a cold my adult son who works retail brought home, I've been sick for going on 3 weeks and my kids did pitch in a lot, but their idea of vacuuming is to quickly swoop the vac around the rooms. I pull out furniture, and use the crevice tool along the base boards, so it takes me awhile.


And now I am so tired, that was about all the stamina I had for today. Can't wait to get over being sick for good and tend to some details that are bugging me. But in general, my house is fine and is clean enough.

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We have someone coming over at 4:30, so I had planned to do our usual routine plus sweep, mop, and vacuum living room, quick clean guest bathroom and put fresh hand towels out / make sure we have a new roll of t.p. in there. I actually didn't do this but dictated toy husband who is off while I get my hair done :). It'll take like 30 min to do that though. I already did the basics, such as straitened the house, made beds,

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I decided to do my weekend cleaning a couple days early, as I was away last weekend and so only the minimum got done. Plus, looking ahead on the calendar, I knew it might not get totally done on Saturday either. So, now, as long as we can keep it tidy, we can go into the weekend with a clean house. Looking at that house made me determined not to let mine get gross (though my definition of gross is still miles away from that house!!)

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LOL yep! There was a windstorm in my area last night, it was HOWLING around our bedroom and I couldn't sleep. So I was wide awake at 4am thinking "I'm awake anyway.... I should probably fold that pile of laundry while I'm up. And maybe dust a bit. And get caught up on dishes." by 8am my house was great, and I was exhausted. :glare:

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Not that I think this was the case at all with the pictures you posted, but it made me think about what people might think about my parenting if they walked in at certain points in my day and my week. Not in a bad, running scared kind of way, just in a "wouldn't this be funny" kind of way. But, also, I just really stepped back and thought, if I did a no-holds-barred photo shoot of my messes right now, what would people say? It's been a crazier than usual week but it has me thinking.


I was, honestly, impressed by how many of you seem to have fairly neat houses most of the time. My house is plenty healthy and sanitary but it often feels like a disaster to me! So I felt kicked in the butt, but in a positive way. Not in a depressed or competitive way.


So . . thanks?

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I will probably do more this weekend than I would have. We've been busy here. The man-cold has come to our house :glare:, so I've been doing double duty. I had to take the kids to TKD tonight and we got home not long ago. I did make the boys straighten up their room when we got home. That usually waits for the weekend.

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My kitchen had been getting pretty bad due to some deadlines this week. Let's just say that within a day of that thread, every dish was clean, dry, and put away, and every item of clothing was washed and either put away or still in the active laundry cycle. I also got through the pile of stuffed toys that needed culling so my kids could use the top bunk of their bunkbed. (I had dumped them on the floor of their play area the other day.)


So if CPS would have come yesterday, it would have appeared that my children are never allowed to eat nor change their clothes. ;)


Today they have a snow day (while I work upstairs), so I'm sure things will look a lot different by the end of today!

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