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Do you ever feel like the sky is falling in?


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*PLEASE do not quote as I am sure I will come to my senses and remove much of this. *


Perhaps that's a bit extreme but it's how I feel most days. I feel like most days we just can't win or get a leg up. Things start to look really promising and then BAM! time for a giant knock down again.


We sold our business in November, such a HUGE blessing and at just the right time. When we sold it we had enough money to move, pay bills, Christmas and a bit for the savings account as a cushion. We knew things would be tight financially for a bit but we were prepared. Dh had a job offer that was to start on January 3rd. Things were going to be okay and so much less stressful than the previous months.


January 2nd we get the call that the company has to postpone all hiring for a couple of months. Meanwhile the checking account is drained, the car is freaking out, and a plumbing issue hits us. Dh is searching for a job but now the gas money is non-existent (problematic when you live 30 min from civilization). With $20 bucks in the bank and half the house listed on Craigslist I am so overwhelmed with even basic things like breathing and making dinner. Now all that stress we walked away from in November has come back double fold just like it always does.


So now the house payment is due in two weeks, our water pipes freeze nearly every night, the car needs some love, I need to get math purchased for dd, we can't file taxes yet (which would replenish our nest egg and pay the bills) and all I can think is that I would just love to escape into a great book for at least the next 3 months.


I know everyone has their struggles but sometimes I just want to NOT have financial problems. For the first time in my life I can understand why those men during the depression disappeared or committed suicide (I don't get the suicide portion just the disappearing portion). Prolonged money worries just suck every single ounce of hope out of a person.


I have no one to talk to in IRL. All my friendships/family relations are superficial at best. Sometimes I just want a shoulder to cry on except that isn't something I am afforded. I am the strong one, the level headed unemotional one. The older I get though, I find myself suddenly filled with so much emotion wanting to come out and no where to release it. I am tired of being strong and trying to fix every problem that comes our way. I am tired of the problems finding us. I'm just tired.


I know I sound depressed and honestly I am not. I just feel so beaten by life today that sometimes it's hard to count the blessings that surround me everyday. Today I just need to wallow for a bit. Tomorrow I can go back to tackling every stupid tomato that gets thrown at us.


PS I have a great family, especially a great husband. He feels all this and more so today I share with all of you instead of him to lighten his load a bit. I do have support from him, just throwing that out there in case it gets brought up. :)

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You are SO not alone. We are dealing with unemployment for the 4th time in our 15 year marriage and we've lost all we own each time. It's getting very very old and our economy is not getting better. I feel hopeless at times, but I know that God has it all in control and he's always taken care of us up until now, and I believe he always will.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry you're going through this. Bad things seem to happen all at once, don't they?


Deep breath, one step at a time, one day at a time. Don't get so caught up in the bad that you fail to notice the good. If an opportunity presents itself, you need to be ready to jump on it. In the meantime, even though you aren't depressed, you should do self-care as though you are (plenty of rest, healthy food, exercise, etc). You're in a rut but you don't want to be stuck in it long-term.


Best of luck. :grouphug:

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OK, first, hugs. I'm sorry. BTDT, except without the business to sell. It doens't make it any easier for you, but we sure "get it."


Then, since I'm not a plumber or mechanic, what kind of math do you need? Perhaps someone can help with that. I don't have much left, but maybe I have something that will help. Or maybe someone else does.

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OK, first, hugs. I'm sorry. BTDT, except without the business to sell. It doens't make it any easier for you, but we sure "get it."


Then, since I'm not a plumber or mechanic, what kind of math do you need? Perhaps someone can help with that. I don't have much left, but maybe I have something that will help. Or maybe someone else does.

I second the question "what do you need". I have some things I can get rid of that I don't plan on using again.

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Yup, just when I thought things were looking up, this week has slammed hard. I'm beyond ticked and irritated. Dh was supposed to give me some money for school and not happening now. We're blessed and fortunate, but geez, I was looking forward to accomplishing a few things this spring. Probably not going to happen now.


These last few years have sucked. Dh and I have been married 20 years, been through a lot together, hell and back type stuff. These last two years have taken that to a whole new level of suckage.


My super power is I get up each day. Some days the only reason I do is because of ds, honestly. As of this week, I've quit planning anything but school and today. Beyond that I'm not sure I care anymore.


And I get the venting at dh. He's just as distraught, he bears the burden or responsibility more than me.

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My super power is I get up each day.


It truly feels like super power doesn't it? :grouphug: I wish you didn't know how it feels.




DD just finished TT 3. I really like the cd's as it removes me from the equation, which in all honesty is best for dd and I. :) However we will try anything at this point except Horizons.

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hugs. I am so sorry you are going through this. I really truly am. i wish there were something i could do.


I do have MM 4th grade. I could email Maria and request permission to mail you a printed copy. I could get it in the mail Tuesday (Monday is a holiday). Also, if you have anything for sale, please post it. Perhaps someone here could use it, and you would get magic Paypal money.Hang in there.

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BTDT. Misery does love company, but I would never wish the stress on anyone.


I love EL's superpower. I will remember that one.


And, I add a little gem from my dad. When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and swing. I've spent months and months swinging before. It can be done even if you get a little sick to your stomach from time to time.


Hang in there!

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And, I add a little gem from my dad. When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and swing. I've spent months and months swinging before. It can be done even if you get a little sick to your stomach from time to time.


Hang in there!



I love that. I am going to keep that one in mind. The visual alone makes me smile.


And honestly, I wish there weren't so many of us in this position. Although it is glad to see that I am not so alone. Sometimes I feel like I walk through life somehow lesser than most people who don't appear to have a struggle in the world. I am completely aware that I don't *appear* to have one either. Sometimes misery just isn't logical.

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Yes, I really get it. We went through a lay off last year and DH had a really good severance package. His company told them they'd be rehiring in a few months and he'd have his job back. Well, a few months came and went and instead they laid off hundreds more. We were completely broke. It was the longest and hardest 6 months in our marriage. I had every feeling you have right now and DH was beyond stressed. I know this doesn't help but wanted to give you :grouphug: It got better and keeps getting better. Hang in there. :grouphug:

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