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6th grade plans??

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Here's mine:


BTW-- thanks for all ideas. Just when I think I have a good plan going.... I'm 3/4th of the way through my second 6th grade year, and now I have too many new things to look at. Must....not....look....at....different.....curric!!!! Ok maybe just that Google map thing. It's cheap and I could use it at the end of this year's geography. :)


Grammar: R&S 6 (minus the writing parts) Kids don't actually like this AT ALL, but too bad. It's thorough and I like it.


Writing: IEW SICC A ---Great for my not too creative boys. I'm amazed at how their writing has improved.


Spelling: R&S 6 (until it just wasn't working, now Spelling Power )


Math: MUS Zeta (almost done) and Math Mammoth (as soon as it goes on sale through HSBC ?) story problems 6th grade book


Science: The Elements and Carbon Chem from Ellen McHenry ---Works well, fun


Literature: Lightning Lit 7 really liked this one :)


History: SOTW 1 (he's done it before, but he was 5. ) Gone once through with oldest 2, now doing it for the younger 2


Geography: Trail Guide to World Geography (without the final book as he already read it) and now, thanks to you guys, Google Puzzle book ----Great on-your-own type program Painless learning


Art: R&S art and online Mark Kistler lessons (lots of these are available for free, but I might spring for the membership now that we have almost done all the free ones.)


Music: Mandolin


Language: Chinese with tutor


PE: running around outside after school, doing laps around our apartment bldg and climbing stairs, basketball with dad. :)


Thanks again for all the new options,

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Math: Tablet Math Algebra?

LA: Kiss Grammar, WWS2, reports of some kind or another in various subjects, evan moor books (poetry, daily editing)

Books: Not sure which books I will assign. Maybe use Lightning Lit 7

Hist: K12 Human Odyssey Vol 2.

Sci: Story of Science. Complete Book of Science plus living books, most likely, and Spectrum Science, which i really like. 2

Spanish: continue Easy Spanish Step by Step

Latin: hopefully continue with Lone Pine 200


Geography: Mapping the World Through Art? This might be too involved for me. Want something pretty straightforward...recs?

Art: ?? Loves Mark Kistler, so maybe get his course?

Music: continue piano

P.E.: Hockey, basketball

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I've been really trying to figure this next year out. I've run out of the things I own and have to buy all new this year, so...


It sure helps to write it out...And we'll be moving back to the States for a semester the 2nd semester of next year, so that will reflect.


Bible--1st Semester Read and Discuss New Testament

2nd Sem: Apologia's Who Is God?


Math--MUS Zeta and MM supplement


LA--I'm hitting my head on this one.

Grammar: I'm not sure--Finish ILL, or do MCT, CLE, Hake, keep on going with R&S5 AHHHHH...

Spelling: Megawords is going okay but I'm not sure it's working, maybe Sequential Spelling or LOE or something else

Vocabulary: English from the Roots Up--Latin Portion

Composition: Writing Strands 4

Literature--maybe Lightening Lit or a couple Progeny Press guides, literature to go with our history studies


History: 1st Semester: Study of the Romans and New Testament History

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Things I have decided:


TOG 4 (with SOTW) (using for history, literature, geography, some writing, world view, and fine arts) with a online co-op


Creek edge task cards that line up with TOG

Creek edge task cards for science, artist and composer study

Abeka science grade 6

Competitive dance lessons

Competitive dance team class once a week that also competes

2 homeschool groups that meet once a week. One more social; one with projects and literature



Such a mix and match. That is plan so far. More to come.

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I thought I might as well chime in. Here are the basics:


Science--CPO Earth Science

History--SL D beefed up with The Simple Homeschool's American history and other items (wish me luck on that!)

Math-- Life of Fred & Teaching Textbooks (maybe?)

LA--WWE (lit from SL)

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Mine will change a million times, too. We begin new levels in Jan., so many things will continue into next year. Since I plan for her to take some online classes down the road, I may work through the summer in a couple of subjects to get us back on a traditional school year schedule. My thoughts so far are:


math: finish CLE 6 if we don't this summer, move into Derek Owens Pre-algebra

grammar: R&S 6

writing: continue WWS1 and Killgallon

spelling: complete Spellbound if we don't this year; if we do...not sure.

vocabulary: CE 2

Latin: not sure if I'll just continue LP or pursue something online

Bible: The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study by Starr Meade

science: continue Behold and See 6

geography: Mapping the World With Art


I'm still trying to decide about history, though I am considering The Human Odyssey vol. 1. I'm not sure about literature either, though I'm looking over the suggestions in Where the Brook and River Meet. We may also add in Art of Argument for logic.

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I got the catalog a few days ago, but I haven't had a chance to look through it yet. I just looked at previews of the Tiner books on Amazon, and I really like them! I don't know how I missed hearing about these, lol! I may have to use my MP gift card to order one and look it over. They are missing the hands-on element of science that my kids enjoy, but that is easy enough to add in. The description for the MP guides say that they have quizzes, reviews, and tests...do they actually add something significant to the studies, or would we do fine with just the Tiner books? We don't do the quizzes and tests in any of the other MP products we use (except for the Latin, but I use them as additional worksheets) because they look like they are just designed so that the students memorize/regurgitate/brain dump. How long would you say it would take the average student to work through a Tiner book?


Do you combine your girls for science?

Hmmm, lots to think about.


Sorry, I just now got back to this. Ok. I don't think the guide I have (5th grade History of Medicine) adds that much. My dd reads it alongside the science text she is using at co-op, and she says it adds a lot. There are questions in the Tiner book at the end of each chapter and I have her answer those sometimes. Then I also bought her the Biology book (which is the Tiner book in the 6th grade MP ) and it has questions and extra activities. So you could really use it to make a full program. I am sure the others are the same.


I actually did LOVE the bird program they did, including the questions worksheets. I did combine my girls for the Bird Unit from MPs 5th earlier this year before co-op started. I did not make my 3rd grader do all of the writing that my 5th grader did. I asked her the questions aloud, but had her do narration pages and some of the labeling diagrams and such, and I got her her own color in field guide. Once co-op started, she joined an Apologia elem. class, and odd joined a middle school class, so this is the first year we haven't really combined science all year. (and since dd8's class is zoo 1, I am doing WTM human body study at home w/her too..)


If we are to do science at home together next year, I would combine. I would use the Tiner book as the guide for older, and use Usborne books as the base for younger, but do a lot of videos, projects, and reading together, while having older do more reading on her own and keeping them on the same topic each week. I would probably go ahead and get the worksheets for her if that is all we are doing. Our co-op is doing General Science Apologia next year. I am tempted to put her in there as she is growing up with those kids and they do tons of hands on there. But she is required to keep up the homework, which puts a damper on how much we can do at home. More than likely it will be like this year. We will do MP until co-op starts, then she will do theirs, and MP/ Tiner books will go by the wayside as occasional supplemental reading. But it has worked.

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How long to work through? I am not sure. Using the MP's 5th grade as an example, you wouldn't actually finish the Medicine one along with the bird study in a regular school year. The guide doesn't even go through all of the chapters. The Biology book is longer, and they pair it w/a big tree study for their 6th grade, so I assume it is the same.

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I'm going to update my post.  After talking to my kids for a long time over the summer about schoolwork, we came up with another plan.  My 11 yro and 10 yro are going to be completely combined for everything, except math.  



Math: finish AOPS Pre-algebra, finish Hands-on Equations

English (continuing what we already do): Sequential Spelling, Classical Composition, KISS Grammar (switched from R&S, because KISS is free), Greek and Latin roots

Logic: finish Mind Benders, start Art of Argument

Science: following WTM science

Art: continue with Artistic Pursuits, artist study/notebooking

German: continue with DuoLingo

Greek: they want to study Ancient Greek.  They did the Code Cracker book and now I'm looking for a program (leaning towards Elementary Greek or Greek for Children or Athenaze...or...)

History: SOTW 4 and our usual 3,689 read-alouds/readers that accompany SOTW

Bible: together with the little ones - James: A Letter to the Scattered, The Parables of Jesus, Boy Have I Got Problems...


Various unit studies 


Some books from our reading list:



House of 60 Fathers

Romeo and Juliet

Midsummer Night's Dream


Trumpet of the Swan

Wrinkle in Time

Gentle Ben

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon


Peter and the Starcatchers

The Winged Watchman


Bridge to Terabithia

The Great and Terrible Quest

Adam of the Road...and the list goes on...

From my earlier post:
I would like to take more field trips this year. I would also like her to take an outside class at our homeschool enrichment center. All 4 of my kids will be testing for their Black Belts in TKD this summer, so they have alot of work to do. I think she wants to read the Anne of Green Gables series... (update: we started this and she really likes it).  I'm looking around for an apprenticeship/volunteer work of some kind for her and her brother. She has BIG plans for our garden and landscaping. I mean, BIG. :sneaky2: She has a notebook with lists full of indigenous-Texas plants, their toxicity to dogs (LOL - we have 3 dogs) and what kind of care they need (shade/full sun, etc). LOL.


Edited to add:  I changed our science plans.  Unfortunately, I announced my plan to use the CPO Earth Science textbook and showed them the samples.  Well, it was like the French Revolution in our schoolroom.  After half an hour of debating two tweens (I was really outnumbered), I decided to follow the WTM suggestions for science.    

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Our tentative 6th grade plans are:


Math:LOF Pre-Alg Vol. 1 may purchase Vol 2 or do some AOPS stuff depending on how quickly she moves

Science: A Reason for Science level F done through co-op

History: GA History (Notgrass) done via co-op

SL Core 6 (F now?), the second 18 weeks at a slowed down pace (corresponds with SOTW 2)

English: Megawords 4 and 5, Easy Grammar 6, IEW Writing, Readers from SL 6, Wordly Wise 6/7, Finish W w/Writing level 5 (we do it at half pace b/c of IEW class)

Latin: Latin for Children C



PE: Diving and m.s girls soccer team

Music: Guitar Lessons

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Here are our 6th grade plans:


Math: Saxon 7/6, Tables/Squares/Cubes, xtramath.org, Megafun Math Card Games (done at Essentials)


Logic: Beginning Critical Thinking (Critical Thinking Books Co.)


Greek: Hey Andrew 6


Latin: Latin's Not So Tough 6


Spelling: Spelling Plus (level 3 or C.....laid out in Essentials Guide from CC) and Dictation Resource Book


Grammar: Essentials of the English Language (CC) and Dictation Resource Book w/ Homophones book (done orally together)


Writing: Pre-Scripts Sentences and Passages (for copywork and drawing lessons) and IEW History Theme based (this includes vocabulary)


Reading: McGuffey 6th Reader (oral reading, oral interpretation), McCall-Crabbs Book E (comprehension), 6th grade literature list from The Writing Road to Reading and Veritas Press, literature terms from Teaching the Classics, narrations


Memory Work and Enrichment: CC's Foundations program, AWANA, Character First, West Minster Shorter Catechism CDs, and a stack of notebooks, living books, and reference books (including nature study)


Bible: What the Bible is All About, MacArthur Daily Bible, Life Application Study Bible, OT and NT Study Notebook, Balancing the Sword, ACTS Prayer Journal, Picture Smart Bible (and other Bible reference books for kids), Catechism or Character related family devotionals, hymns, and manners


Read aloud: Classic books from A Thomas Jefferson Education and Teaching the Classics lists, Tiner/Parker books, Poetry Anthologies, and biographies of Christians (usually from Vision Forum or YWAM publishing)


Possible April-August Supplements:

SOTW 4 and VP 1815-Present (self-paced?)

VP Acts-Revelation

Critical Thinking games on the computer


Lyrical Science, Real Science 4 Kids Middle School level, and/or Apologia Science to match previous CC Cycle, related Bible verses

Ludere Latin and/or Latin for Children Activity books or games

Greek copybook from Greek N' Stuff

IEW Theme based book? (Bible or Chronicles of Narnia or American History vol. 2)

SWR cds for spelling practice

Grammar and Diagramming Sentences (Garlic Press) and/or Our Mother Tongue for extra practice?

continue literature selections, sequels, etc.




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Here are our 6th grade plans:


Math: Saxon 7/6, Tables/Squares/Cubes, xtramath.org, Megafun Math Card Games (done at Essentials)


Logic: Beginning Critical Thinking (Critical Thinking Books Co.)


Greek: Hey Andrew 6


Latin: Latin's Not So Tough 6


Spelling: Spelling Plus (level 3 or C.....laid out in Essentials Guide from CC) and Dictation Resource Book


Grammar: Essentials of the English Language (CC) and Dictation Resource Book w/ Homophones book (done orally together)


Writing: Pre-Scripts Sentences and Passages (for copywork and drawing lessons) and IEW History Theme based (this includes vocabulary)


Reading: McGuffey 6th Reader (oral reading, oral interpretation), McCall-Crabbs Book E (comprehension), 6th grade literature list from The Writing Road to Reading and Veritas Press, literature terms from Teaching the Classics, narrations


Memory Work and Enrichment: CC's Foundations program, AWANA, Character First, West Minster Shorter Catechism CDs, and a stack of notebooks, living books, and reference books (including nature study)


Bible: What the Bible is All About, MacArthur Daily Bible, Life Application Study Bible, OT and NT Study Notebook, Balancing the Sword, ACTS Prayer Journal, Picture Smart Bible (and other Bible reference books for kids), Catechism or Character related family devotionals, hymns, and manners


Read aloud: Classic books from A Thomas Jefferson Education and Teaching the Classics lists, Tiner/Parker books, Poetry Anthologies, and biographies of Christians (usually from Vision Forum or YWAM publishing)


Possible April-August Supplements:

SOTW 4 and VP 1815-Present (self-paced?)

VP Acts-Revelation

Critical Thinking games on the computer


Lyrical Science, Real Science 4 Kids Middle School level, and/or Apologia Science to match previous CC Cycle, related Bible verses

Ludere Latin and/or Latin for Children Activity books or games

Greek copybook from Greek N' Stuff

IEW Theme based book? (Bible or Chronicles of Narnia or American History vol. 2)

SWR cds for spelling practice

Grammar and Diagramming Sentences (Garlic Press) and/or Our Mother Tongue for extra practice?

continue literature selections, sequels, etc.




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  • 2 weeks later...

All right, this thread really helped me sort things through and get my butt in gear and make some decisions. So here goes. My 6th grade DD will be using:

  • Bible: Who is God? by Apologia with Journal and read through NT alongside the New Testament Lapbook by Homeschool in the Woods
  • Math: Mix between MM6 and MUS Zeta
  • LA: MCT Town, Evan Moor Daily Language Review and Paragraph Editing, plus add in some Killgallon Sentence Composing, Writing Strands 4, Megawords 2 and Latin roots in English from the Roots Up
  • Reading from home designed list (classics, good books and history based reading). May do some lit guides for Bronze Bow, Anne of Green Gables, Treasure Island and the Hobbit
  • History: Will be studying Rome first semester. Then start Early Church and Dark Ages/Medieval Period 2nd semester. I'm going to use Story of the World, and Kingfisher Encyclopedia unless I find something that fits better. Plus map work and some other hands on stuff
  • Science: God's Design for Heaven and Earth by AIG and several other resources--the plan was drawn up by our dear Lewelma and she encouraged me to flesh it out a bit. I'm really excited to embark on this new science path with my kiddos
  • Portuguese studies using Rosetta Stone, immersion, and thinking about hiring a private tutor
  • Art: Onine Drawing class with Mark Kistler and a paid private lessons for daughter
  • Music: supposed to teach piano lessons but may pick up guitar. We're also going to be doing a Composer study by Homeschool in the Woods.


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Language Arts:

Grammar -- Rod and Staff English Grade 6

Spelling -- Rod and Staff Grade 7

Writing -- WWS1 (and R&S English)



SM6 and Life of Fred???



Either Building Thinking Skills Book 3 or Critical Thinking Skills 1&2



Not sure???



SOTW 4 with Activity Guide



violin lessons



L'art de Lire 6

Rosetta Stone



2 hours per week (usually some science, public speaking, history....)




Family devotions



Maybe Latin???

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I think I have it mostly planned out now, but I'm sure it will change some.


Math: Finish AOPS Pre-Algebra and start Intro to Algebra

Science: Finish CPO Physical, Earth and Space Science and Miller/Levine Biology

History and Geography: Human Odyssey, current events, Studying about Middle East countries and starting Human Geography by Norton

Language Arts: CW Homer, Harvey's Elementary Grammar, CW Poetry for Older Beginners, Windows to the World, Movies as Literature (part)

Literature titles: Reading and discussing with myself and his brother (The Time Machine by HG Wells, Tarzan of the Apes by Burroughs, The War of the Worlds by HG Wells, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, and I, Robot). Also reading along with Excellence in Literature the Complete Curriculum guides (if applicable): Shakespeare stories, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, A Connecticut Yankee in King ArthurĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Court, GulliverĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Travels

Foreign Language: Arabic for Life, Sahlawayhi 1, NPCR 1, Contacts by Valette, and Athenaze 1

Fine Arts: Guitar, drawing

PE: Running, swimming

Bible: Creation Evolution issues using Good Science, Good Faith by Reasons to Believe

Logic: Grid Perplexors D, The Examined Life Advanced Philosophy for Kids, Art of Argument

Computer skills: Typing, Storytelling Alice

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My oldest two are so close in age that we are able to combine for all subjects except spelling.

Our combined 5/6 grade this year:


Math- Math Mammoth 6, LOF fractions & decimals, Math Olympiad

Language Arts- R&S 5, Killgallon Sentence Composing for Middle School, Bravewriter, cursive practice

Latin- LFC B

Greek- EG 1

History- VP self- paced online (Middle Ages), SOTW, History Lives series, and countless other books

Lit- Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, LOTR, Don Quixote, King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table

Geography- map drawing as described in 'The Core' and Mapping the World with Art

Bible- Shorter Catechism by Starr Meade, daddy-led bible study each evening, Confirmation

Science- interest led reading (Tiner books & Wonder of Creation books) and experiments (super charged science electricity, Ellen McHenry Elements)

Spelling/Vocabulary- oldest DS: LOE and 101 Doodle Definitions

younger DS: my own spelling/vocabulary with lists from The Natural Speller

Computer- Kid Coder and Teen Coder with Daddy.

Music- piano, guitar, violin, junior choir, praise band

Extra Curricular: swimming, parkour


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My 6th grader will be using



Teaching Textbooks 7 and Life of Fred Physics the possibly start LOF Pre-A book 1 if she gets it.



I am not sure if we will continue with Rod and Staff or move to the Queens Homeschool materials. That will be decided later I suppose but it will be one of those. IEW Geography Based writing lessons and Writing With Skill 1 I think. (not all at the same time of course) Unless I like and stick with the IEW literature based books. Literature-- This will be a good mix of history, science, and I will use Figuratively Speaking to make a curriculum for this (using books to point out the literary language being studied) I am also going to do something for poetry but I haven't looked that far yet. We will continue with Vocabulary Cartoons. I have all 3 books so not sure where we will be at that time. Spelling with CLP Spelling.



Diana Warings Romans, Reformers, and Revolutionaries plus living books and documentaries and whatever else I find to add to this.



Parables From Nature (Discovering Nature Series) and living books on Space and Earth science thrown in there. I haven't decided on what ones yet for that.


Getting Started with Spanish

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I am through wallering in the winter blahs. This week I was sick and spent some quality time looking at and becoming guardedly excited about next year. I just can't justify the cost of Calvert. What I really need is daily assistance with composition to motivate and encourage my little guy and an online math class where I can call or e-mail someone if we have a question during the week. Calvert ATS will not help with either of these. So, I looked at everything that was included in the 6th grade Calvert package and looked at those texts or similar ones on Amazon. So, I loaded up a wish list with secular, traditional classroom, git-er-done school stuff. Not my cup of tea, but school needs to be done each day and the little monster just isn't interested in anything that I think looks fun. I have no intentions of creating a schedule or doing anything fancy. I am just going to guesstimate where we need to be at the end of each quarter and keep sticky arrows as bookmarks to let me know where we left off the previous day.

Everything in red I purchased today from Amazon. It totaled $300.67. Even after we purchase an online writing course and math course, we will have spent less than the $1700 that Calvert ATS without math would have cost. :-D

Mine is purple and Calvert's is blue.

* Different in content, but hopefully similar in standard completion time


And There Was Much Rejoice Academy 6 / Calvert Homeschool 6

Language Arts

Holt Elements of Language, Grade 6, Introductory Course Holt Elements of Language, Grade 6, Introductory Course

Holt Skills Practice (coordinates with Elements of Language) Calvert Grammar, Composition, Spelling Manual (grammar pages)

Write at Home online composition Calvert Grammar, Composition, Spelling Manual (composition pages)

MCP Plaid Word Study Calvert Grammar, Composition, Spelling Manual (spelling pages)

MCP Spelling Workout F Everday Spelling

Evan Moor Daily Paragraph Editing 5 Calvert activity sheets

Evan Moor Read and Understand Poetry, Grades 5-6+  One Hundred Years of Poetry for Children 

EMC Write-in Reader, Grade 6, Redwood Level  Explorations: An Anthology


First Semester Literature
1 Motel of the Mysteries by Macaulay (not part of CHOLL, no study guide)
2 Maroo of the Winter Caves by Ann Turnbull (not part of CHOLL, but will use a similar study guide)
3 In the Beginning: Creation Stories from around the World (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
4 Gilgamesh Trilogy by Zeman (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
5-8 Hittite Warrior by Joanne Williamson (not part of CHOLL, but will use a similar study guide)
9 Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
10-11 Tales of Ancient Egypt (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
12 I Once Was a Monkey (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
13 The ChĂ¢â‚¬â„¢i-lin Purse (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
14-15 Wild Orchid (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)

Second Semester Literature
1 DK Illustrated Bible- selections from (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
2 AesopĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Fables (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
3-5 DĂ¢â‚¬â„¢Aulaires Greek Myth (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
6-8 In Search of a Homeland (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
9-10 The Odyssey (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
11-12 The Tale of Troy (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
The Bronze Bow (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)


Calvert Literature

Esperanza Rising, The Master Puppeteer, The Phantom Tollbooth, Theras and His Town    



? maybe Derek Owens  Calvert Math text

Evan Moor Daily Math Practice, Grade 6 Calvert Math Practice and Enrichment workbook           

*Competition Math for Middle School              *Steck Vaughn's Critical Thinking Level 1    


Social Studies

A Message of Ancient Days- Houghton Mifflin Social Studies, Grade 6 A Message of Ancient Days- Houghton Mifflin Social Studies, Grade 6

Prentice Hall Readings in Social Studies: Ancient Times Calvert Manual and City by David Macaulay

World Geography and You, Book 2 Eastern Hemisphere  Geography- The World and Its People: Eastern Hemisphere    



Conceptual Physical Science with the Conceptual Physical Science Practice Book Five Science Explorer Titles- Chemical Building Blocks, Chemical Interactions, Weather and Climate, Inside Earth, Earth's Waters

*Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way with Student Guide              *Calvert's Technology Lessons    


Art Appreciation

Charlotte Mason style artist and composer studies based on what is available at the local art museum and symphony A Child's History of Art: Sculpture    A Child's History of Art: Sculpture Cards


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Okay, since I already killed the thread, I will go ahead and 'fess up. My ds11 will be 6th next year.... fall birthday, older 6th grader.... will do Challenge A next year. He's very excited about it.


Good for you for finding an educational program that excites an 11yo boy! That in itself is a small miracle. :thumbup:


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Why is 6th grade so scary? :scared:


Here are my current plans:



McGuffy Reader (dictation, reading, vocabulary, narration, etc.)

Write On


Finish Prima Latina (we just started) and move on to the next level

SCM Joshua Through Malachi and Ancient Greece (covers history, geography, and Bible)



Mavis Beacon typing

SCM Scripture memory and some sort of devotion

All the other typical CM studies (nature, art, music, etc.)

Family Time Fitness

piano, gymnastics, youth group, co-op


I usually plan literature books at the last minute...I am debating picking up a literature guide or two for her to try. We may also do a short physics study, but I'm still figuring that out.

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I've been stalking this thread for a while so i guess i should add my tentative plans too... ? = still researching/deciding


  • TabletClass PreAlgebra?, Alcumus
  • Latin for Children B
  • Growing with Grammar 6
  • WWS
  • K12 Human Odyssey Ancients (starting this is a about a week when we FINALLY finish SOTW4)
  • Modified Classical House of Literature Guide to go along with Ancient history
  • Earth Science - CPO?
  • Programming - ? Not sure what direction we're taking with this one yet
  • Typing?
  • Art/composer study as we feel like it
  • Violin
  • Homeschool PE class/Swimming lessons


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I have also been stalking this thread, and I have some questions.


Logic, the Art of Argument. What grade could that be started in? In other words, could we start now in our 2nd half of 5th grade?


Math: When do we switch to pre Algebra. I know some programs have a year that can be skipped if your child doesn't need the extra year. DS has been catching up so much in Math, but I don't know when to start Pre Algebra.


What would be a good, independent vocabulary thing? I think we need to work on this.


So here is our rough plan, I think a lot of it is staying the same as this year (Which is nice)


Math: TT6, then moving to either TT7 or TTpre algebra, continue LOF, R&S 6

Language Arts:

Writing: Finish WWS1 and start WWS2 (I am planning 4 years for the three levels.)

Spelling: Continue PZ wherever we are at.

Grammar: R&S 6

History: We are starting our own three year cycle. He is picking his favorite parts of history right now by reading all 4 SOTW over the next 2 months. Then we will do an in depth study of his favorite parts of history. We will start with Egypt and Greece. I am going to use the Dorothy Mills books, Famous men etc.... It is going to be a lot of reading for him as that is a strength of his.

Geography: Must start Mapping the world by heart at some point!

Logic: Still researching, I need something that holds my hand. I am looking at Art of Argument.

Latin: Latin Prep 2

Greek: Looking, we might switch from Hey Andrew, but we will keep going with Greek.

Science: Galore Park, with fun experiments from Timberdoodle and Home Science Tools.

Art/Drama: Weekly homeschool classes (back to back and same building, LOVE!)

PE/Extras: Tae Kwon Do, Ballet, Tap, Gymnastics, Swimming, Piano, drums, singing. I am a little worried about how the nutcracker rehearsals and prep for his 2nd degree junior black belt are going to fit. I think we might drop everything but ballet, Tae Kwon Do and piano in the fall.

Typing: Typing instructor for kids.


Am I forgetting something?

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I have revised a few times ... I won't order until July http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/smile.gif


Math: Holt Course 1 or Math in Focus Course 1. We are going to work through MiF 5 this summer (focusing on bar models and word problems) to test it out.


Science: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Earth Science, Intellego Astronomy, Lyrical Earth Science


History: SOTW with K12 Human Odyssey 1 to use as a resource. I will add ancient geography and ancient science.


Language Arts: Moving Beyond the Page 10-12 literature units, Fix-It Grammar, and Spelling Plus


ETA: I was close! I ordered everything and my new plans are in my signature. I have some things staggered but it is still a lot! Hopefully DS can indeed do a good amount independently.

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My tentative plans:

Math: TT6 and into TT7


Language Arts: Seton Grammar, Seton Vocabulary (will use as spelling as well), Classical Compositions Narrative (possibly alternating with WWS), Literature maybe pulled from CHoL


History: Modern History (pulled together by me)


Geography: Around the World (maybe)


French: L'Art de Lire


Science: The Science of Cooking (using this and this)


Music: Piano lessons


Religion: Breakthrough! Children's Bible readings and workbooks

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You guys are so freakin' organized. Gah.

Okay, we decided to "hold back" dd a year, since she wants to enter a local Catholic school in grade 8, she has a very late birthday, and is dyslexic. We needed to make this decision this year. So, instead of a rising 7th grade, she'll technically be placed as grade 6.


This is totally subject to change since I won't order until May. Lol!


Math: Horizons Algebra 1


Grammar: ?

Writing: ?

Poetry: The Secret Code to Poetry

Vocabulary: Marie's Words

Spelling: Apples and Pears C


History: D'Aulaires Greek Myths with MP guide; Light to the Nations 1 (CSTP)


Science: MP Astronomy *and* ????


Literature: MP's lit studies for The Hobbit and Robin Hood; extra lit will probably be The Giver


Religion: Friendly Defenders 2; Stories of the Saints volume 3 (CHC); Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons?; St. Joseph's Catechism volume II


Problem Based Learning (a la MCT): All Work, No Play (child labor)


Outsourced ASL class (online)


Extracurricular: co-op, ballet

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Here is my tentative plan for Dd9 next year:


Literature: VP 6 literature. Figuratively Speaking.


Math: AoPS Pre-Algebra and Dolciani Pre-Algebra We'll do these concurrently and not worry if they take more than a year.


Spelling: Finish up Phonetic Zoo? She is a natural speller who rarely makes a mistake so spelling has always been a formality. I might just have her use her vocabulary words.


Latin: LfC C


History: 1850-Present with VP history cards and various other resources


Science: Possibly Chemistry.


Logic: I have Art of Argument. I will continue with logic problems since she loves them. Building Thinking Skills 3.


Bible: VP Acts-Revelations


Art: Atelier Art


Music: Piano lessons and whatever Opal Wheeler biographies we don't finish this year. I'm not sure where to go after the Opal Wheeler books.


Writing: WWS 1, various other resources


Spanish: I just signed her up at DuoLingo. I taught high school Spanish; you'd think I'd make the time to teach my own kids. I don't like the resources I have and it seems to get pushed back week after week.


What am I forgeting?

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History - Trail Guide to Learning - Paths of Settlement

Science - Winter Promise Equine Science
Apologia Anatomy (continued from this year)
Apologia Sea Creatures (continued from this year)

Math - Math U See and maybe CLE (Epsilon)

IEW Poetry (cont.)
Marie's Vocabulary
French - First Start French


MCT Island level

Building Spelling Skills book 6

Spelling and Grammar undecided

Geography - Expedition Earth
Mapping the World with Art

Mapping the World with Heart

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History - SOTW2 (because I also have 3 younger kids) with HO and other resources for reading, summarizing, and outlining.


Science - Story if Science: Aristotle...


Math - Saxon 6/5 and 7/6


Language Arts -


R&S 6 Grammar

Worldly Wise

I may drop spelling for her and just keep Wordly Wise


Latin - Latina Christiana 1




Catholicism - History of the Catholic Church


Art - various artists and styles I've pulled together


Music - an instruments study and a composer study I've pulled together


Geography - ?


Extras: piano lessons, voice lessons, karate, theatre

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just scanning this thread as I finish up 6th grade with my 2nd and realized that I'd never considered Logic for this age. 8th is in Nance's Intermediate Logic now, but I can see how having something preliminary might have beneficial. He's muddling through though. :)


Checking out some of your logic choices to maybe use over the summer or in 7th.


Apparently it has been a loooong time since I've read TWTM! Maybe a refresher is due?

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EJ - 6th grade (struggling reader)


Composition - WWS1/CW Aesop


Copywork - Wheeler Graded Studies in Great Authors (pdf in EJ's folder)


Grammar - R&S English 5/CW Aesop


Math - Saxon 76 or Fundamentals of Math/BJU


Science -


Literature -


History -


Latin - Visual Latin


Spanish -


Fine Arts -


Guess I need to get on with making a real plan for fall!

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For 6th grade next year:


Math-Saxon Algebra 1/2 with Art Reed (5x per week)

LA-Probably R&S 6 and Worldy Wise (5x per week)

History, Geography, Literature-TOG Year 2 (2x per week)

Science-Finish BJU 6 and Ellen McHenry's Chemistry (3x per week)

Spanish-TellMeMore (5x per week)

Logic-Mind Benders (1x per week)

Art-God and the History of Art (1x per week)

Guitar, Baseball, Boy Scouts

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Math: Edited: Math Mammoth 6, moving into Dolciani Pre-Algebra when she finishes MM Dd has grown weary of MM and wants something more straightforward; I feel that doing MM 6 and then Dolciani would be redundant.

LA: Edited: Hake Grammar 6 or 7, haven't decided whether to skip 6 Dd explained to me why she feels Hake is not the best choice for her (she doesn't like the spiral approach); I'm bummed because I REALLY like Hake, but dd is strong in grammar and I'm not going to force her to use a program she doesn't like. We will be switching to Rules of the Game by EPS, and she will most likely begin in level 2.

School Composition (vintage Google book), moving into Writing in English (same author) when SC is finished

Wheeler's Elementary Speller (vintage Google book), moving into Wheeler's Graded Studies in Great Authors (same author) when ES is finished

Memory Work: Continue memorizing poems from A Family of Poems plus science, history, grammar terms

Hist: Medieval, using our own resources (Suzanne Strauss Art books as spine)

Sci: Weather and Climate by Holt Science and Technology

Spanish: undecided; possibly Berlitz Self-Teacher, plus More Fun with Spanish and maybe The Fun Spanish (from Lulu)

Latin: Latin Book One (free from the Yahoo group)

Logic: Critical Thinking Company books

Art/Music: informal

P.E. Hockey



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Still working on science plans here. The more I look at it I am not sure I care for the Tiner Exploring Planet Earth. It is more about history and explorers than science??? It seems slightly different than the others to me from its samples. But MP uses it for the only science in 7th grade, so it must be more than I can see from the sample.


So right now I am looking at MP Astronomy, Arty Facts Space Science and Art, and Usborne Science encyclopedia, some Nasa Space materials I have, and a telescope for Astronomy.


Earth science so far: The Usborne Encyclopedia will be the guide for the grammar stage child and may be ok for the older too. Plus the Arty Facts Earth Science and Art projects (maybe the Tiner book as a supplement for history and science, but not the guides? Who am I kidding. I will buy it. Will we use it?) and a science fair. That is a pretty full year. Plus I still want a microscope for home. That and nature drawings will make a pretty full year.


I guess I should stop posting and break out my WTM to look at their suggestions. Could make my life easier.

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I think I'm finally figuring this out!!


Social Studies: MFW 1850-Modern Day

Science: BJU 6

Grammar: Growing with Grammar

Spelling: Soaring with Spelling

Writing: IEW B Continuation and Winning with Writing

Literature: LLATL and Figuratively Speaking (we may drop FS until 7th if it's too much)

Logic: Critical Thinking Skills

PE: Homeschool Gymnastics and Swim Team

Music: Piano and Guitar Lessons


Not sure on foreign language and art yet. I might put them in an art class. I haven't decided. Depends on funds and time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am adding mine to bump this thread. I would like to get more ideas :)


Dolciani Pre-Algebra

Holt Earth Science

Sonlight W with MP DĂ¢â‚¬â„¢AulairesĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ Greek Myth Guide & Figuratively Speaking


WW 3000 On-line or CE 1 & 2

HWoT Ă¢â‚¬â€œ still needs work on handwriting

Critical Thinking Basics/Mindbenders

Evan-Moor Map Skills (+ maybe MP Geography 1) Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Teacher Filebox

Big Book of Lively Latin 1 Ă¢â‚¬â€œ continue

MP Christian Studies

Evan-Moor Art Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Teacher Filebox

Maestro Classics Ă¢â‚¬â€œ from library


Grammar Ă¢â‚¬â€œ still trying to decide between:

AG Ă¢â‚¬â€œ looks very thorough, but dry.

CLE Ă¢â‚¬â€œ same.

MCT Ă¢â‚¬â€œ looks awesome, but so expensive!


Any comments on grammar would be appreciated.


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WOW ... so many people doing Alg for 6th grade!


I have a way laid back, got a late start, possibly on the ASD side ds who is very late tracking ... so we are halfway through 5th at 14 with him ... will be starting 6th hopefully this fall ... now schooling nearly year round

here is my current 6th grade plan :


LA - CLE 6

Reading - CLE 6 & maybe 7

Math - TT6 (we are switching to TT next week, going to have him run through 5 doing double lessons and see how it goes)

History - MoH & SotW (going to be starting vol 1 next week, so hopefully vol 2 by fall)

Science - R&S 6 & 7

Logic - still looking around .. but like how Fallacy Detective & Thinking Toolbox look

Bible - CLE maybe .. not sure yet



Even though hes a teen now I feel hes just entering into logic .. and hes doing well learning at the level hes working on :)

We both like the look of the Google Earth book mentioned earlier on this thread! So far I've not done much logic or critical thinking ... but we like the look of the books mentioned here so we might get those started before 6th :)

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Tapestry of Grace Year 1

Apologia's Elementary series -Zoology 3 & Astronomy

Writing With Skill 1

Spelling Workout

Wordly Wise

Rummy Roots

IEW's Poetry Memorization

MathUSee & Life of Fred

Building Thinking Skills, RedHerrings, MindBenders

Latin's Not So Tough

piano lessons

non-competitive gymnastics



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Moving my post here....


Ideally, much of his work could be done fairly independently, with guidance. He loves to read, hates to write, having trouble with math this year. So far, I'm thinking:


History & Lit: Sonlight E (He is an avid reader, and will be doing all readings himself...no need or desire from him for read alouds)


Math: TT6 (math did not go well this year, so this is the level he needs, I think....will probably revisit level just before ordering, after lots of drill work between now and Sept)


Writing: EIW 6


Science: coop


Grammar: Analytical Grammar


Spanish: Mango? Rosetta?


Logic: ???


Latin: ??? maybe


Typing: ??



Am I missing anything? Anything fun that might fit in there? Other ideas?

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We just started Visual Latin - we are on lesson 3 so will continue with that. It seems to be good for this age.


I am not sure what to do about math. 6th grade seems young for preAlegebra. We could do MM6. But he really gripes about MM and I do not blame him, it is kind of boring. I am tempted to take the year and do kind of "living math" but it seems so out of the box and scary I am not sure. Math is not his favorite subject.


I have enjoyed hearing what others are doing.

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Language Arts:

Grammar -- MCT level 3

Spelling -- Sequential Spelling

Writing -- WWS1 or IEW (Medieval History or Rockets, Radar, and Robots)

Literature -- Medival lit (list to be compiled)



AoPS PreAlgebra



Not sure yet



Not sure yet



Interest led science with weekly group lab taught by me, science fair project



SOTW 2 with additional reading


Fine Arts:

Piano, guitar, quarterly musical production, art



YMCA co-op


After writing this I actually feel a little better. At least I have an idea for most subjects already!

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History: TOG Year 4 dialectic

Literature: 20th Lit heavily influenced by TOG rhetoric lit, some Omnibus III (in other words, as usual, I can't leave well enough alone :001_rolleyes: )

Writing: Finish up WWS 1 then ? Some TOG writing assignments.

Language Arts: CLE6

Science: BJUP Life Science

Math: Derek Owens Pre algebra. He also may use some LOF but I'm not sure which level.

Latin: Latin Alive 1

Logic: The Art of Argument

Christian Ed: Continue memorizing the Westminster shorter catechism as well as working through a text I picked up called Bible Doctrine for Older Children. Really looks excellent.

Enrichment: history of the micro computer and lego stop action animation if they fit our schedule. Piano.

Handwriting: Memoria Press New American Cursive II. And maybe a ruler for hitting knuckles. Kidding. Kind of.

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We just started Visual Latin - we are on lesson 3 so will continue with that. It seems to be good for this age.


I am not sure what to do about math. 6th grade seems young for preAlegebra. We could do MM6. But he really gripes about MM and I do not blame him, it is kind of boring. I am tempted to take the year and do kind of "living math" but it seems so out of the box and scary I am not sure. Math is not his favorite subject.


I have enjoyed hearing what others are doing.


I hear you! What we're going to do is use MM6 as a spine, but spend a lot of our time covering the concepts with other resources, if that makes sense . . . so we're using Math for Real Kids, Kiss My Math, Hands-On Equations (the fat verbal problems book), and Zaccaro Challenge math, and the LOF PreAlgebra books. I'm also planning on introducing Alcumus, when the time seems right. It's funny, I have a whole spreadsheet with everything lined up, and when I look at it, I see that we may not even do whole sections of MM, because we'll cover things in other ways. I like having the MM chapter reviews & tests, though, to ensure mastery.

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