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Does anyone here know someone who believes in this Mayan apocolypse?


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Yes and no, unfortunately. I have a close family member that watches a lot of the late night "christian" talk shows. Not to harp on anyone's favorite past times. I am Christian but I feel these shows are weird, false and did I mention weird?... well, anyway, there have been several "prophets" on these shows that don't see past the year 2012 according to my family member and she believes that the world ending tomorrow is within possibility and she is GIDDY about it. It is sad. I will say this family member is disabled and so is the spouse. I think they want Christ to come back soon so that their bodies can be made whole. It is a sad topic and makes me frown. Makes me wonder just how many poor souls that only watch these shows and believe that this is their best hope are hoping tomorrow is the end of the world?

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I talked to my dad yesterday and we're both big Ghostbusters fans so I told him "See you on the other side, Ray." before I hung up. Just in case.


I don't know anyone who does and I don't. But I'm pretty curious to see people's reactions and behaviors tomorrow.


Someone on my FB had a funny post that when we wake up tomorrow we should run out into the street and scream "He did it! The Doctor saved us all again!" That'd be a hoot.


That is so funny. I'm going to do it. I'll report back on the horrified reactions of DD and DH. :)

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I don't know anyone, but apparently there is a country where basically everybody believes it. The government has been running psa's to tell people the world is not ending. Can someone help me out here? What country is this?


Is this what you were thinking of? http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/12/putin-claims-to-know-when-the-world-will-end/

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No. I almost wish it were true sometimes.


I do believe that the world ending is within possibility any day/year. I just believe it will be not be predicted.


I agree with you on all these. Sometimes life is very hard and it would be nice to be on the other side where there is "no sickness and sorrows are no more". But, I doubt it will come with much fan-fair or notice.

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I will say this family member is disabled and so is the spouse. I think they want Christ to come back soon so that their bodies can be made whole. It is a sad topic and makes me frown. Makes me wonder just how many poor souls that only watch these shows and believe that this is their best hope are hoping tomorrow is the end of the world?



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I don't know anyone, but apparently there is a country where basically everybody believes it. The government has been running psa's to tell people the world is not ending. Can someone help me out here? What country is this?

france has closed access to one mountain some believers believe will be a landing site for aliens who will save them. they just moved their place of worship to another mountain. update: access to the second mountain has been closed as well.

serbia is now facing the same problem.

a pyramid shaped mountain as a landing platform for alien spacecraft . . . . where have I heard that before? . ? . ? reminds me of the caller I heard years ago on a *legitimate* talk radio show I listen to while driving that said the reason bush went into iraq was they had a giant stone ring to contact aliens and he wanted it. . . . Okay . . . . the nice men in white coats are here to help you.

michigan has closed 33 schools in fear of a nutjob being nutty tomorrow.

china has been having trouble with people feaking out, and making psa's the world is not ending.

nasa made a "why the world didn't end yesterday" video that was supposed to be released on saturday. they released it on the 12th instead.

what has blown my mind is the people spending $100,000+ on underground survival shelters (one is in CA complete with big screen TV). won't do much good in an earthquake - even if they could be predicted. people selling everything they own and then blowing the money.

okay, so I read a tabloidish site that likes to mock these people.

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My father does. He was an extremely intelligent man. He has seen a lot of decline in the past couple of years. It is finally bad enough that he realizes it is happening. His reasoning ability is almost completely gone. And, yes, he fully believes the world is ending. He thinks my family stands a chance because of our location.

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My father does. He was an extremely intelligent man. He has seen a lot of decline in the past couple of years. It is finally bad enough that he realizes it is happening. His reasoning ability is almost completely gone. And, yes, he fully believes the world is ending. He thinks my family stands a chance because of our location.



What do you think he'll do if it doesn't end and he realizes he was wrong?

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No, but we are having an end of world party, complete with end of the world type movies (Armageddon, Deep Impact, Day after Tomorrow, etc.).


Wonder if I should give my girls the sonic screwdrivers I got them, just in case.


ETA - I wonder if this is why there is no movement on the fiscal cliff. ;-)

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What do you think he'll do if it doesn't end and he realizes he was wrong?



I think he will be very thankful. Possibly realize that it was his loss of his ability to reason. Might be embarrassed a bit.






My thought too cause it's already tomorrow in a lot of places.


Silly, it is only going to happen when it is that date where the Mayans LIVED.

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I have an 8 year old dancer who is terrified. She heard about it at school 2 years ago....who tells a six year old that. She has extreme anxiety and her mom can't wait for tomorrow to be over! They have tried everything to help her, but this week she started hearing about it again :(

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I have an 8 year old dancer who is terrified. She heard about it at school 2 years ago....who tells a six year old that. She has extreme anxiety and her mom can't wait for tomorrow to be over! They have tried everything to help her, but this week she started hearing about it again :(



Oh no! My kiddos are 4 and 8 and I know they'd be scared if they'd heard of it. :grouphug:

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michigan has closed 33 schools in fear of a nutjob being nutty tomorrow.



This is likely weather related - rain turning to ice to several inches (or more) of snow by noon. Though in my small town the highschool has had a specific threat and will have extra police presence tomorrow (but they're not planning to close).

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