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Does anyone here know someone who believes in this Mayan apocolypse?


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I don't know her, but I did overhear a woman in the library this week tell the librarian that she was returning her books early because she didn't want "to be in debt when the world ends on Friday." He thought she was kidding, but unless she's the most spectacular deadpan actress I've ever seen, she was gravely serious. The poor librarian ascertained this and muttered something like, "Oh. Ok. Well...good luck, then."


All I can say is it better not be the end. If I endured a dentist appointment today and it was all for nothing, I'm going to be right peevish.

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Nope, don't know anyone that believes it. The sermon Sunday talked about it (how silly it is), and how it's the end of a cycle, not the end of the calendar anyway. Apparently, they usually celebrate the end of a cycle, and this will end the 13th one?

ah - good luck then. dds university's "lucky number" is 13. it was founded by 13 men, with 13 prayers and 13 dollars. they party every friday the 13th. and wear their school colors.


All I can say is it better not be the end. If I endured a dentist appointment today and it was all for nothing, I'm going to be right peevish.

last week was my frist appointment for getting a crown replaced. I will not be happy if I don't get the new one on first . . . .
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There is a woman in our FB canning group who has gone insane this week in preparation for the end. She probably has enough food stored at this point for 10 YEARS. She's been canning all week long and I have to say, I get the giggles thinking of all the beans she's canned this week. If she eats all of those, she's going to be singlehandedly responsible for destroying what's left of our ozone layer.

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There is a woman in our FB canning group who has gone insane this week in preparation for the end. She probably has enough food stored at this point for 10 YEARS. She's been canning all week long and I have to say, I get the giggles thinking of all the beans she's canned this week. If she eats all of those, she's going to be singlehandedly responsible for destroying what's left of our ozone layer.

:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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There is a woman in our FB canning group who has gone insane this week in preparation for the end. She probably has enough food stored at this point for 10 YEARS. She's been canning all week long and I have to say, I get the giggles thinking of all the beans she's canned this week. If she eats all of those, she's going to be singlehandedly responsible for destroying what's left of our ozone layer.


So the world will end for everyone except those who have a decade's worth of beans? It reminds me of those guys with all the guns and potato chips in Seeking a Friend for the End of the World who didn't seem to understand the part about it being the end of the world.


ETA: To answer the OP's question: No. If I did, I probably would try to stop knowing them.

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That's what I don't get. If the world is going to end violently what do the preparations matter? Unless you're in a space shuttle heading to the space station and stocked with years of supplies, won't you die too?


I love shows like Terminator or Walking Dead when there is assumption that you'll be spared because you have a greater purpose. They're fun to watch, but heck if it's all going to end, we're all screwed. (no comment on the rapture)

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So the world will end for everyone except those who have a decade's worth of beans? It reminds me of those guys with all the guns and potato chips in Seeking a Friend for the End of the World who didn't seem to understand the part about it being the end of the world.


ETA: To answer the OP's question: No. If I did, I probably would try to stop knowing them.



Exactly! And I don't get this mindset anyway. So you have 1000 jars of canned food. Great! What the heck are you going to do when they run out because yes, 1000 jars is a lot but if you're 40ish and/or you have kids you will live to see the end of your stash. What are you going to eat then? The jar LIDS? Seriously. 1000 jars of food is a great plan if you're 98 and you don't give a rip about any other human being. Move into your bunker and have at that 1000 jars of canned corn and beans and strawberry jelly.


Everyone should have a few weeks of supplies probably, especially as the climate changes and some areas are going to get hit worse than others. You should probably be more prepared in those areas. Duh.


But these crazy extreme preppers crack me up. Are you going to store wheat for 50 YEARS? And even if you do, so what? You don't intend to have grandkids or great grandkids? You going to make a loaf of bread and eat it in front of them??

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The Bible quotes Jesus as saying no man knows the date or the time which my one dd means it is for sure not tomorrow.


I agree with your dd. When Jesus said it, even he did not know. Only God did. I'm positive that the mayans didn't figure it out :)

(btw, I do believe Jesus currently knows and the angels too. It just wasn't for him to know at the time he stated he didn't know).

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Exactly! And I don't get this mindset anyway. So you have 1000 jars of canned food. Great! What the heck are you going to do when they run out because yes, 1000 jars is a lot but if you're 40ish and/or you have kids you will live to see the end of your stash. What are you going to eat then? The jar LIDS? Seriously. 1000 jars of food is a great plan if you're 98 and you don't give a rip about any other human being. Move into your bunker and have at that 1000 jars of canned corn and beans and strawberry jelly.


Everyone should have a few weeks of supplies probably, especially as the climate changes and some areas are going to get hit worse than others. You should probably be more prepared in those areas. Duh.


But these crazy extreme preppers crack me up. Are you going to store wheat for 50 YEARS? And even if you do, so what? You don't intend to have grandkids or great grandkids? You going to make a loaf of bread and eat it in front of them??



You could store enough food to last until you are able to provide the majority of your food by yourself. There are all kinds of other reasons why it'd be pretty tough to pull off. But I don't know anyone who stores food who doesn't have some kind of longterm fantasy plan in place. Whether or not it's realistic, there is usually a gameplan beyond those 1000 jars.


(Yeah, I'm a bit nutty. If it wasn't clear from my earlier post, I apparently travel in circles where people expect to find individuals who are planning on a collapse tomorrow. No, I don't think it will.)

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There is a woman in our FB canning group who has gone insane this week in preparation for the end. She probably has enough food stored at this point for 10 YEARS. She's been canning all week long and I have to say, I get the giggles thinking of all the beans she's canned this week. If she eats all of those, she's going to be singlehandedly responsible for destroying what's left of our ozone layer.



I have a neighbor that is still eating wheat and pasta she bought for Y2K. Maybe I should ask her is she is doing anything to prepare for this "Catastraphic event". Oh wait she is already prepared with her left overs from y2k.

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Probably ya'll don't know anyone because they are all here, in my town.




We live in an "energy center" supposedly. Lots of fringe folks reside here, and many more flock here when stuff like this goes down. The hotels love it.


Ironically, we are experiencing a whopper or a snowstorm. Snow-pocalypse. Many of the "believers" had plans to convene in so-called "sacred locations".....mostly remote forest spots that are popular with New Agers. I'm a little concerned some will die of exposure, and it will be the end-of-the-world for them....which would truly be a tragedy.


Here's a glimpse of my hometown right now:





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My thought is... if the world actually does end tomorrow, the Mayan calendar has nothing to do with it. And yes, I don't understand why people prepare for the end of the world. Civil unrest, bad economy, natural disasters, sure. End of the world? All the beans in the world won't help you.


Random side note: Does anyone else have the REM song "End of the World as we Know It" in their head every time this topic comes up?

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I don't know her, but I did overhear a woman in the library this week tell the librarian that she was returning her books early because she didn't want "to be in debt when the world ends on Friday." He thought she was kidding, but unless she's the most spectacular deadpan actress I've ever seen, she was gravely serious. The poor librarian ascertained this and muttered something like, "Oh. Ok. Well...good luck, then."


All I can say is it better not be the end. If I endured a dentist appointment today and it was all for nothing, I'm going to be right peevish.



I had a similar thought today as I was getting my teeth cleaned. Actually, it was more like, "I wonder how crowded the dentist will be next month when all of these believers realize that they do, indeed, need to take care of their teeth again!"

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I don't know her, but I did overhear a woman in the library this week tell the librarian that she was returning her books early because she didn't want "to be in debt when the world ends on Friday." He thought she was kidding, but unless she's the most spectacular deadpan actress I've ever seen, she was gravely serious. The poor librarian ascertained this and muttered something like, "Oh. Ok. Well...good luck, then."


All I can say is it better not be the end. If I endured a dentist appointment today and it was all for nothing, I'm going to be right peevish.


I cancelled a dental checkup this week but not because I thought the world was ending.

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My thought is... if the world actually does end tomorrow, the Mayan calendar has nothing to do with it. And yes, I don't understand why people prepare for the end of the world. Civil unrest, bad economy, natural disasters, sure. End of the world? All the beans in the world won't help you. Random side note: Does anyone else have the REM song "End of the World as we Know It" in their head every time this topic comes up?


Well I do now! :tongue_smilie:

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Probably ya'll don't know anyone because they are all here, in my town.




We live in an "energy center" supposedly. Lots of fringe folks reside here, and many more flock here when stuff like this goes down. The hotels love it.


Ironically, we are experiencing a whopper or a snowstorm. Snow-pocalypse. Many of the "believers" had plans to convene in so-called "sacred locations".....mostly remote forest spots that are popular with New Agers. I'm a little concerned some will die of exposure, and it will be the end-of-the-world for them....which would truly be a tragedy.


Here's a glimpse of my hometown right now:





If I thought it was my last day on earth, I would want to be there as well, only skiing :) :)

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The 21st has been erased from the boards as if it never happened. Was it all a dream? Was it foretold? Have the Mayans had their revenge? Or was this the punch line? We'll never know for sure.

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