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:001_huh: Seriously, at 2:30am I woke up to hearing this splashing noise going on in my master bathroom. There was a Flying Squirrel in the toilet that somehow came up through the pipes. How the heck does that happen anyway??? We live in the country and are on an underground septic tank. I just can't figure out how it gets in there.:confused:


Fortunately, my next door neighbor had told me about 6 months ago that this happened twice to the people that built and lived in the house for 15 years. I was able to prepare myself when I walked in the bathroom as to what I might see. If not, I would have been running around the house screaming my head off traumatizing my entire family.


In case you're wondering what I did with it, I slammed the lid shut and flushed the toilet twice.:ack2:

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You flushed it?!? Did that work???


I told our neighbors we get mice and she told me they get squirrels! They chewed their way in and I guess once they find a way in, they will keep coming no matter what your do to close up the hole. She had three BIG squirrels in her closet! They've been back three times. They've tried everything!

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I'm going to Hell, because this whole business cracked me up. :D


We get raccoons in our basement among other things - once a skunk who got killed in a fight with a cat (pee-yoo) - so I sympathize. A squirrel is a rodent after all.


I would have thought I was having a nightmare.

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Yeah, that's great you did that, but honestly you just gave me something else to worry about.




When my sister and I had a used book shop (as college students), a large rat was found writhing in the toilet in our rental space. I left it there for my sister to deal with. She . . . left it there. Eventually it met its karma and she got a couple of sticks to pull it out of the toilet and into a garbage container. I was conveniently unavailable.


It was one of those times when I knew I should feel guilt, but I couldn't quite muster it.

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Sorry, not to make anyone feel bad, but we go through great lengths to save animals. We even save most bugs, except those GIANT flying roaches. shudder, those just need to die.


I do, too, when it's safe and easy. But squirrels have big teeth, and scared critters bite. They also could have rabies. Besides, what's so terrible about sending the critter back the way it came? Maybe it could survive.

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I think that even if I had been prepared to find some kind of rodent in my toilet, I still would have screamed like a banshee and demanded someone else take care of it.




I'm impressed by your calmness.


And grossed out at hearing about all these animals in toilets. :tongue_smilie:

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To make you feel better, my cat killed the only flying squirrel I've ever seen outside tv. It was headless, but the flaps under it's arms(or are they legs?) were still pretty cool. I normally don't mind my cat killing things, but geez- don't kill rare things I never see!


If it was alive, what else would you do put try to flush and kill it? Squirrels have teeth and carry rabies, I can't see trying to fish it out, myself.:confused:

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I do, too, when it's safe and easy. But squirrels have big teeth, and scared critters bite. They also could have rabies. Besides, what's so terrible about sending the critter back the way it came? Maybe it could survive.


Exactly! :iagree:


I just wanted to know how the thing actually made it to inside my toilet.:confused:

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I'm going to Hell, because this whole business cracked me up. :D




:D Me, too!


Even when I had a rat come up our toilet I trapped it in a tupperware container and relocated it to a nice sewer far away.


You're a better woman than I!



I'm impressed by your calmness.


And grossed out at hearing about all these animals in toilets. :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: I'll never toilet in the dark again. Can you imagine?


I'll reserve passing judgement on the OP's humanity until such time as I've been faced with a toilet rodent of my own. :001_smile:

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Sorry, not to make anyone feel bad, but we go through great lengths to save animals. We even save most bugs, except those GIANT flying roaches. shudder, those just need to die.


I jokingly tell my friend (when she's getting on my nerves) that she's going to be reincarnated as a cockroach. They have no natural lifespan; if something doesn't kill them, they live forever.


Thankfully, we do not have roaches around here. So I don't have to kill them.


But I do kill ants when we get an infestation. Actually no, it's the poison that kills them. I'm sorry. I do not do millions of ants in my kitchen / shower / kids' bedroom.

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:iagree: I'll never toilet in the dark again. Can you imagine?


I'll reserve passing judgement on the OP's humanity until such time as I've been faced with a toilet rodent of my own. :001_smile:


Yes, I can imagine but I really don't want to. :glare: :lol: I keep thinking, but what if I sat down without looking and the squirrel, rat, whatever got scared and felt cornered and, well, took a chunk out of my backside? :001_huh:


I'm also cracking up throughout this whole thread.

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Yes, I can imagine but I really don't want to. :glare: :lol: I keep thinking, but what if I sat down without looking and the squirrel, rat, whatever got scared and felt cornered and, well, took a chunk out of my backside? :001_huh:


I'm also cracking up throughout this whole thread.


Like the OP, I heard splashing first so you would have some warning. Does that make you feel any better?

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I do, too, when it's safe and easy. But squirrels have big teeth, and scared critters bite. They also could have rabies. Besides, what's so terrible about sending the critter back the way it came? Maybe it could survive.



Yes , they do have teeth, sharp claws, and might even have rabies. Back in the early days of our marriage, Dh and I both worked at a living museum with a variety of animals. I held opossums and bats on a regular basis. I have had many a opossum expel a posterior wind on me (to use a gas metaphor from a fellow hive member :D). They get gassy when they're nervous or agitated (useless fact of the day). Dh and I both re-habed injured creatures and are not that bothered by the concept. I am not saying that everyone should, just that we do and are not bothered by claws and teeth.



A funny story:

About 4 yrs ago we stopped and rescued an injured opossum from the middle of the road. My dh had appropriate safety traffic gear btw, he works for traffic engineering, anyway... He threw a raincoat over it and was able to scoop it up and kept it away from his body. We were able to hold onto it until parks and rec arrived. The opossum survived and so did we. Unfortunately, the rain coat that dh had grabbed from the back of our car was not ours. It was my friend's. She had left it there a week before. She was very unhappy that her coat had been used. I told her it saved a life :D and then offered to buy her a new one. She was not amused and grumpy for about a week. I bring it up every now and then...she still is not ready to laugh about it though.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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:001_huh: Seriously, at 2:30am I woke up to hearing this splashing noise going on in my master bathroom. There was a Flying Squirrel in the toilet that somehow came up through the pipes. How the heck does that happen anyway??? We live in the country and are on an underground septic tank. I just can't figure out how it gets in there.:confused:


Fortunately, my next door neighbor had told me about 6 months ago that this happened twice to the people that built and lived in the house for 15 years. I was able to prepare myself when I walked in the bathroom as to what I might see. If not, I would have been running around the house screaming my head off traumatizing my entire family.


In case you're wondering what I did with it, I slammed the lid shut and flushed the toilet twice.:ack2:

This thread is freaking me out.

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I jokingly tell my friend (when she's getting on my nerves) that she's going to be reincarnated as a cockroach. They have no natural lifespan; if something doesn't kill them, they live forever.


Thankfully, we do not have roaches around here. So I don't have to kill them.


But I do kill ants when we get an infestation. Actually no, it's the poison that kills them. I'm sorry. I do not do millions of ants in my kitchen / shower / kids' bedroom.



Lucky you! The day a flying roach flew into my head was the day I thought I was going to have a stroke! I hate them with a purple passion. They are HUGE! They seem to like a magnolia tree behind our house. They will come in when you open the door at night. :willy_nilly: It is horrible. I am afraid to kill them. I call my dh to do it or throw stuff from a distance and hope to hit it. They just laugh at me, I know it. Well, they stop laughing when dh's honking size 13 shoe comes down on their head! Yeah! Take that roach!

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When my sister and I had a used book shop (as college students), a large rat was found writhing in the toilet in our rental space. I left it there for my sister to deal with. She . . . left it there. Eventually it met its karma and she got a couple of sticks to pull it out of the toilet and into a garbage container. I was conveniently unavailable.


It was one of those times when I knew I should feel guilt, but I couldn't quite muster it.


Okay, too much NaNoWriMo...I totally read "a large rat was found writing in the toilet" :D

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I used to think I was all big and bad until one day when I was living in my first apartment as a student. I saw a rat and went in there to think about how to trap it. Suddenly it ran over my bare foot. Next thing I know I'm standing on top of the kitchen counter, screaming. Never did figure out how I got up there.


At that point I called the custodian who collected the critter and set him free outside.


However, the OP's situation is that she woke up in the middle of the night and found a rodent in her toilet. Now, that's wrong on so many levels. You're tired, you might need to go to the bathroom, you don't want to alert your kids, you're a little freaked out. And if you're me, there is no man around to delegate this matter to. I'm thinking there is no 24-hour humane pest rescue service in the local phone book, though I could be wrong.


And although the critter probably could not actually fly in the condition it's in, the fact remains that this is a FLYING critter IN your bathroom.


But I suppose a person on the true path toward Nirvana would go find some safe way to transfer this writhing, biting creature into a container and take it outside and somehow release it without getting bitten. That would take a fair chunk of time and be a challenge to do without waking the kids, but sure, it's a noble thought.


But flushing - that's tough love. And sometimes tough love is what a flying squirrel needs. Fwoooshhhh.....

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I live way, way out in the boonies. One time I opened my front-loading washer, only to have a SNAKE fall out. I totally fed that thing to my cats. I love animals, but there is just a line you do not cross, and that line is my threshold. If you, as an animal, cross my threshold, you run the danger of being fed to either the cats or chickens.


I would have moved if I found a squirrel in my toilet.

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I would have tried to save him. It's not like he showed up in the toilet on purpose. The poor thing was probably so scared. :(


I wish I wouldn't have read this thread. :crying:


Wait a second. You are a catwoman and you are pro-rodent?

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To think, I was just about ready for bed.


Rabid flying squirrels, feet-attacking rodents, giant home-invading cockroaches, sneaky salamanders, AND the world's cleanest snake?


Looks like I'll be on appliance duty for a while, instead.



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Exactly! :iagree:


I just wanted to know how the thing actually made it to inside my toilet.:confused:


It probably came in through the vent in your pipes. It is not a closed system, all toilets are vented to the outside of the house. You should climb up on your roof and check the vent and repair it so nothing else falls in or climbs in.


On another note...I'm so glad there are no rats where I live!!

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I live way, way out in the boonies. One time I opened my front-loading washer, only to have a SNAKE fall out. I totally fed that thing to my cats. I love animals, but there is just a line you do not cross, and that line is my threshold. If you, as an animal, cross my threshold, you run the danger of being fed to either the cats or chickens.


I would have moved if I found a squirrel in my toilet.




Lucky you! The day a flying roach flew into my head was the day I thought I was going to have a stroke! I hate them with a purple passion. They are HUGE! They seem to like a magnolia tree behind our house. They will come in when you open the door at night. :willy_nilly: It is horrible. I am afraid to kill them. I call my dh to do it or throw stuff from a distance and hope to hit it. They just laugh at me, I know it. Well, they stop laughing when dh's honking size 13 shoe comes down on their head! Yeah! Take that roach!


This is my monologue with roaches. Now... none of them around here FLY. You should have heard me cooing at a baby roach I found "Aw, hi you cute creature of the apocalypse... " my DH thought I was going nuts he was like "Why aren't you screaming?"


But a Flying Cockroach? I would seriously lose it. I would be arms failing into walls falling over and death.




Thankfully I am already afraid to go to toilet in the dark (thanks, Roaches) but now I will be on the look out for rats, flying squirrels, and other assorted critters. :lol:

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My mom says that she wouldn't want to live much south of us because they have "bugs as big as Buicks." (Do Buicks exist any more?)


My mom also has childhood memories of being awoken by a mega-rat biting her in the head. Kinda hard to feel warm and fuzzy toward a rodent after that.


She also has stories about bedbugs. When she tucked me in at night, she'd say "goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!"


The things we take for granted!

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This is my monologue with roaches. Now... none of them around here FLY. You should have heard me cooing at a baby roach I found "Aw, hi you cute creature of the apocalypse... " my DH thought I was going nuts he was like "Why aren't you screaming?"


But a Flying Cockroach? I would seriously lose it. I would be arms failing into walls falling over and death.




Thankfully I am already afraid to go to toilet in the dark (thanks, Roaches) but now I will be on the look out for rats, flying squirrels, and other assorted critters. :lol:


Snakes creep me out. Roaches make me completely apoplectic. They do not exist in my universe. I love me some God, but ROACHES?!?! Seriously God?! What were you thinking?!?!?! Ain't nobody got time for that.

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I am shuddering from these stories!!! I still have nightmares about roaches I encountered in my childhood. (Big, flying roaches. Found one in my glass of coke AFTER I had taken a sip!!!) :001_huh:


However, a squirrel in the toilet takes the cake. I cannot imagine. I am impressed at how calm you were.


Also, I think this thread should win a title award! :D

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To think, I was just about ready for bed.


Rabid flying squirrels, feet-attacking rodents, giant home-invading cockroaches, sneaky salamanders, AND the world's cleanest snake?


Looks like I'll be on appliance duty for a while, instead.





This thread is hilarious. Thanks!!!

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I would have tried to save him. It's not like he showed up in the toilet on purpose. The poor thing was probably so scared. :(


I wish I wouldn't have read this thread. :crying:


:iagree:It's a horrible thing to joke about. The poor little thing. :crying:

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It probably came in through the vent in your pipes. It is not a closed system, all toilets are vented to the outside of the house. You should climb up on your roof and check the vent and repair it so nothing else falls in or climbs in.



:iagree: but with a sad face :(

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It probably came in through the vent in your pipes. It is not a closed system, all toilets are vented to the outside of the house. You should climb up on your roof and check the vent and repair it so nothing else falls in or climbs in.


On another note...I'm so glad there are no rats where I live!!


Thanks for explaining how it got in. I've been reading this thread, trying to figure out how in the world a rodent comes up through watery pipes.

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I used to think I was all big and bad until one day when I was living in my first apartment as a student. I saw a rat and went in there to think about how to trap it. Suddenly it ran over my bare foot. Next thing I know I'm standing on top of the kitchen counter, screaming. Never did figure out how I got up there.


At that point I called the custodian who collected the critter and set him free outside.


However, the OP's situation is that she woke up in the middle of the night and found a rodent in her toilet. Now, that's wrong on so many levels. You're tired, you might need to go to the bathroom, you don't want to alert your kids, you're a little freaked out. And if you're me, there is no man around to delegate this matter to. I'm thinking there is no 24-hour humane pest rescue service in the local phone book, though I could be wrong.


And although the critter probably could not actually fly in the condition it's in, the fact remains that this is a FLYING critter IN your bathroom.


But I suppose a person on the true path toward Nirvana would go find some safe way to transfer this writhing, biting creature into a container and take it outside and somehow release it without getting bitten. That would take a fair chunk of time and be a challenge to do without waking the kids, but sure, it's a noble thought.


But flushing - that's tough love. And sometimes tough love is what a flying squirrel needs. Fwoooshhhh.....



Okay, this is hilarious. :lol: And fwiw, I am totally with you. Compassion would pretty much be the last thing on my mind if I found a flying rodent in my toilet in the middle of the night. <shudder>

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