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Went shopping for something special

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DH has a birthday this week so I went to V!ctoria Secret yesterday. I was really surprised to see a man working behind the register. I don't consider myself a prude but it made me uncomfortable. I looked around a bit and then went somewhere else. I wonder what they were thinking hiring a man?? Maybe the rest of the world doesn't care??

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Do you realize that those pretty new things were probably handled by quite a number of people, both male and female, during the manufacturing and shipping process?


Yes, of course. But I wasn't standing there saying, "I'm buying this pretty thing to wear during fun time."


It might be possible I'm just a prude, IDK.

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I think most of their customers wear those pretty things on a daily basis- they're just undergarments to them. So the male cashier wouldn't think anything sleezy- he probably is just like every other employee- thinking about how long until his break or end of shift.


Actually, I used to occasionally be uncomfortable buying tampons from a young guy cashier. I mean, he certainly knew what I was going to do with those.


Do you buy from VS often? If not, maybe that's why. We get coupons for free panties all the time and often go in to pick those up. So it's no big deal for me, but if I went in there rarely, I'd probably feel uncomfortable.

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I thought I would be uncomfortable with it too - until I finally just sucked it up one time. Actually, the male employee helped me find something I needed; he didn't just ring me up. I was mortified. I am a prude. I'm okay with that.

In the end, he was far better than most of the women I've had help me and he had a very calming demeanor about hit; within minutes I felt much more relaxed just chatting with him.


With that said, yes I cringe when I hand a male cashier my feminine products at the pharmacy. Lol.

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I think most of their customers wear those pretty things on a daily basis- they're just undergarments to them. So the male cashier wouldn't think anything sleezy- he probably is just like every other employee- thinking about how long until his break or end of shift.


Actually, I used to occasionally be uncomfortable buying tampons from a young guy cashier. I mean, he certainly knew what I was going to do with those.


Do you buy from VS often? If not, maybe that's why. We get coupons for free panties all the time and often go in to pick those up. So it's no big deal for me, but if I went in there rarely, I'd probably feel uncomfortable.


I don't shop at VS often because I don't get to the mall often. Buying *pretty things* is a bit of a hobby for me though; this is the first time there has been a man working in the store. Sometimes I worry what people will think of me if I die suddenly and they go looking through my dresser :blush:. And I wasn't looking for something that could be worn on a daily basis, IYKWIM.

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I don't shop at VS often because I don't get to the mall often. Buying *pretty things* is a bit of a hobby for me though; this is the first time there has been a man working in the store. Sometimes I worry what people will think of me if I die suddenly and they go looking through my dresser :blush:.


They'll just smile - because they likely have that stuff too.

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You can just ask for a female cashier. Find a girl associate on the sales floor and ask her to get you a girl to ring your purchases. Stores like VS do need to hire male employees, but you do have the option to request a girl.


It the pharmacy I work at, we occasionally have a request for a female pharmacist to counsel a patient instead of the male. We have ZERO problems with that. We also have a few male customers who only want to request the male pharmacist to speak with (usually regarding Viagra or other ED drugs). We don't think anything of it and honor the request without second thought.

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We run a male dominated shop and sometimes need ky jelly (to run a sonic testing machine).


It is the new employee initiation to go to walmart and purchase three extra large tubes. :D


Thanks for today's laugh:lol:!

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Yes, of course. But I wasn't standing there saying, "I'm buying this pretty thing to wear during fun time."


It might be possible I'm just a prude, IDK.

But he doesn't know it is for teA time. Chances are he prefers nekkid teA and just thinks most women buy the stuff as undergarments. ;)

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I don't shop at VS often because I don't get to the mall often. Buying *pretty things* is a bit of a hobby for me though; this is the first time there has been a man working in the store. Sometimes I worry what people will think of me if I die suddenly and they go looking through my dresser :blush:. And I wasn't looking for something that could be worn on a daily basis, IYKWIM.

me too. I'm even more prudish, though, because I order from CATALOGS! Don't even want to go in the store..(What if someone sees me???)

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If I were to feel uncomfortable, I would personally see that as my hangup to get over, and not something I would judge a retail employee for. It's a job.


There are men who do hair, men who sell skin care and makeup, men who can give an excellent facial and makeover, and men who do body waxing.


I seriously doubt this guy is working at VS for the thrills. Even if a guy started out working there for that in mind, frankly I think that might wear off very quickly after a few long shifts of re-hanging stuff and ringing up sexy lingerie for real adult women with real adult bodies - let's face it, most of us don't look like the models in the catalog ! I'm guessing the shine would wear off that "thrill" pretty quickly ! :lol: There is also the possibility that women don't interest him anyway.


In any case, how he felt about working at VS, or ringing me up, or whatever I was buying, would not be any of my business or concern. If I had an issue with it, it would be my issue. Why he works there is his business. As long as he does the job, I don't see any problem with it.

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I seriously doubt this guy is working at VS for the thrills. Even if a guy started out working there for that in mind, frankly I think that might wear off very quickly after a few long shifts of re-hanging stuff and ringing up sexy lingerie for real adult women with real adult bodies - let's face it, most of us don't look like the models in the catalog ! I'm guessing the shine would wear off that "thrill" pretty quickly ! :lol: There is also the possibility that women don't interest him anyway.


:iagree: Maybe he works there for the discount?

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My husband will buy female products for me but he won't buy teA supplies. :glare: I am the one who has to get the ... teA gloves and teA glove lotion, and sometimes there isn't a female checker.


Just something to try to make you feel better. Is it to late to see what you liked and buy it online?


But he doesn't know it is for teA time. Chances are he prefers nekkid teA and just thinks most women buy the stuff as undergarments. ;)


I giggle every time I read "nekkid." :lol:

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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I'd be uncomfortable too. I'd probably leave, and then follow up with a manager later.


Surely there are other choices of employment for him out there; it's icky to think he would want to work there.


Really? If you are uncomfortable, I would say it is your issue, but he does have a right to work there.


Think about your daughter or your son wanting to work in a store or a profession that may usually hire the opposite sex. How would you feel if someone else didn't want them there? Not a good feeling, is it?


The employee did nothing wrong, he is there to do his job. Who knows? He may be a really good salesperson or clerk. Why would you want to contact a manager, do you think he should be fired? In this economy, the young man is probably lucky to have a job, and it may not have been his first choice.


It is definitely your prerogative to spend your money elsewhere. I rarely ever shop there, but it wouldn't bother me.

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Let's examine this. How do you feel about the teen boy at Target ringing up your feminine hygiene items or prophylactics?


I can tell you that when I picked up a pregnancy test for my last pregnancy at Target, two couples ran away from the prophylactics shelf, which was next to the pregnancy test.


I don't care who handles my stuff as long as they charge me correctly.

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I worked at VS part time about 5 years ago. We had one guy working there who was in college. He did all the heavy duty lifting in the back and brought all the stuff up front. If we were short handed, he would work the register but he would never work the floor.

It is really not a big deal. We loved having him there and he worked there thru his college years. And yes, he was straight. Also, during the holidays we would have another guy in the back helping with the merchandise. They never were inappropriate with the pretty little things.

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I don't shop at VS often because I don't get to the mall often. Buying *pretty things* is a bit of a hobby for me though; this is the first time there has been a man working in the store. Sometimes I worry what people will think of me if I die suddenly and they go looking through my dresser :blush:. And I wasn't looking for something that could be worn on a daily basis, IYKWIM.


I'm trying desperately to think of something they sell there that fits in this category. I'm drawing a blank. Then again some of my friends in college must have spent more on lingerie than tuition, so my perspective might be skewed.

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I'm trying desperately to think of something they sell there that fits in this category. I'm drawing a blank. Then again some of my friends in college must have spent more on lingerie than tuition, so my perspective might be skewed.


Yeah, VS is tame as far as lingerie is concerned. Nothing naughty in the entire store...not that I've ever seen, anyway. :lol:

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It wouldn't bother me at all to have a salesguy, but I don't think you're prudish for feeling uncomfortable. Buying delicates is often an emotional and not purely practical experience. You weren't lobbying to get him fired. You just went somewhere you were more comfortable.


As for me, I don't care who sells me something as long as I don't know the person. But buying...personal items...from my history TA who also worked at CVS was pretty awkward.

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I only by VS online, because I have a problem walking out of the mall and running into someone I know lol. I seem to run into people I know everywhere I go, and though I usually love it I would be embarrassed with a bag from there. It never occurred to me that a man would work there though, so I would probably have done the same as you OP.

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I have told this story before, but some of you are new.


Once, when dh was deployed (of course), I started my period in the middle of the night and did not have enough supplies. The kids and I were super-sick with colds. I had together the sick kids out of bed in their PJs and go to Wal-Mart (I hate going to Wal-Mart, but it was the only thing open). I purchased: tampons and pads, soda, chocolate, Midol and a ton of cold medicine. The teen male checker neither looked at me nor talked to me. He just scanned everything while looking down. I am sure he was afraid that I might snap and kill him. :lol: I think it bothered him more than me.

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We run a male dominated shop and sometimes need ky jelly (to run a sonic testing machine).


It is the new employee initiation to go to walmart and purchase three extra large tubes. :D




There is just no good way out of this, either.


"We use it at work. It's for our machinery."


OK, buddy, whatever you say.

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I would feel the same.


Unless he was young and hot! :tongue_smilie:


Sadly, if he's a guy working at VS, he'd probably be more interested in having a romantic little teA party with your dh than he would be in having one with you. ;)


Or maybe the guy just wanted the employee discount. Moxie probably didn't ask him what kind of undies he was wearing, so for all she knew, he could have been wearing the same stuff she wanted to buy for herself. :tongue_smilie:

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There is just no good way out of this, either.


"We use it at work. It's for our machinery."


OK, buddy, whatever you say.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


"For the machinery" you say... Hmmm.... First time I've ever heard it called machinery, but hey, whatever works for you..." :tongue_smilie:

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When we first got the sonic tester I was the one who had to purchase the jelly. I seriously though about stealing it from my OB just so I wouldn't have to look the guy at Walmart in the eye. Now the new guy has to do it. Three large tubes should last about a year. They do make sure it stays hidden in the back of a bottom drawer.:D

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When we first got the sonic tester I was the one who had to purchase the jelly. I seriously though about stealing it from my OB just so I wouldn't have to look the guy at Walmart in the eye. Now the new guy has to do it. Three large tubes should last about a year. They do make sure it stays hidden in the back of a bottom drawer.:D


But HOW FAR in the bottom drawer? :lol:

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When we first got the sonic tester I was the one who had to purchase the jelly. I seriously though about stealing it from my OB just so I wouldn't have to look the guy at Walmart in the eye. Now the new guy has to do it. Three large tubes should last about a year. They do make sure it stays hidden in the back of a bottom drawer.:D


That's a lifetime supply! Perhaps for several couples if it's only 'supplemental.'


In the future, you should make them attend one of those Slumber Parties for supplies. In fact, I think they also sell "sonic testers" at those parties.

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I did tea-time toy sales for years and loved working with the customers. I miss it a lot. The places I worked at were women owned and operated, so the work environment was very positive.


A guy working at VS has a high possibility of being gay IMO. Even if he's not, there may be no thrill he gets from lingerie.


For those of you who like VS stuff, please check out La Perla. Sadly my b00ks are too big for either store to supply me with pretty b00kshelves.

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We run a male dominated shop and sometimes need ky jelly (to run a sonic testing machine).


It is the new employee initiation to go to walmart and purchase three extra large tubes. :D

You have to make this more fun and make the shopping list more interesting. Add Duct Tape, a car battery, and a shovel. :D

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The idea of handing him the new pretty things I picked gave me the creeps.



Really? Huh.


I'm afraid I'm with Mrs. Mungo on this one. I guess I don't understand why that would bother anyone.


Of course, the last time I was in a Victoria's Secret, it was with my daughter. It's one of the few places she can buy a bra without mail order. So, we weren't buying anything for "fun time," as someone else so eloquently phrased it. And it didn't hurt that the man behind the counter was rather certainly gay. But, even if he weren't, it wouldn't bug me. If anything, it might be nice to have a guy around for opinions. (I'm not talking about modeling lingere for a strange man, just someone to consult as I'm browsing the shelves.)

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