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Spin-off: How much did gas cost when you started driving?

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That was almost twenty five yrs. ago, I can barely remember what we had for breakfast. I dont drive that much now, so dont know what gas prices are until I see them on the news.




You know what is really bad , we owned a gas station for eighteen yrs.

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I could get gas for 85ish cents, if I recall correctly. I remember the OUTRAGE, not long after I started driving, when the Gulf War pushed it up over a dollar for a time.


How 'bout you?


I have no idea. I never paid attention because I was in the mindframe of "if I use my credit card it's not real money" :ohmy:. Thank goodness I married a man who is much smarter than me :001_rolleyes:.


I started driving in 1993ish. I waited a year to get my license because until then my brother got me back and forth to school and a boyfriend took me everywhere else (thank goodness I didn't marry him-he was much dumber than me :lol:).

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Guest Virginia Dawn

All I remember is that 10 years ago oil for our furnace was only 98 cents a gallon, and the price runs fairly close to gas at the pump. We felt like paupers but we could afford to heat our house. Now dh makes 20 thousand more than he did but we are scrambling to figure out alternatives to using the oil this winter.

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in college, I remember going to the gas station and requesting 50 cents worth of gas


:lol: I vividly remember scrounging my car for change and getting $2.61 worth of gas!



I can remember paying about 89 cents a gallon. How I weep for times past!:crying:

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. . . after filling up my little Ford Escort.


Dh and I bought our motorcycle when gas when up to the exorbitant price of $1.25. We used to budget $3 a week for the bike and $10 a week for the car.


I was cruising through the channels at MILs last weekend and caught a few minutes of Die Hard. There was a scene where the nice cop was sitting in front of a gas station. The sign read $.79 a gallon.


I don't remember Die Hard being THAT old.

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but I am an older mom than a lot of parents on this board. I remember paying 29 cents a gallon in my early driving years (1973 to be exact), and back then you also got the following with a fill-up:

  • Full window wash & oil check


  • S & H Green Stamps (For those of you that don't know about savings stamps: after each purchase you'd paste them into books until you had enough to trade in for cool stuff from a store or catalog)


  • Free drinking glass (we collected matching sets of them)


  • Free maps of the area AND/OR directions from the attendant

In my mind I don't seem old enough to say, "Those were the good ol' days!" but I guess I must be because they really were.




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Yup, I took driver's training in 1973..bought my first car in January of 1074 and I remember it being about .35 cents a gallon..DH says it was under .50 for sure..but that's all he can recall.

I do remember filling up for under 8.00 and it lasted me til the next paycheck two weeks later!

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S & H Green Stamps (For those of you that don't know about savings stamps: after each purchase you'd paste them into books until you had enough to trade in for cool stuff from a store or catalog



I remember helping my mom & grandmother paste their stamps into the books, and after I got married (1980), I collected them for myself as well! I loved those trips to the Green Stamp store!



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I don't remember, it was the early 80's. I do remember putting 5.00 in my first car, 1980 Datsun 210 hatchback aka: "the mean green crusin' machine", and it lasted all week.


Man, what a car. 2/40 AC, no power steering, and $79.00 payments for 18 months.



*2/40 AC means you rolled, yes rolled, down both windows and drove 40mph to catch the breeze. :D

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Yep, same here as it was for Andie. In 1990 was when I started driving, I remember about 85¢ too but the economy report below says $1.16, that must have been the jump.


Just 4 years ago it was just below or at $1.00 before all this (war/Middle East, etc.) began. It used to cost $12.00 to fill my 10-11 gallon tank, now it costs $40-$45 for the same car.


Here's the Economy back then:

President: George Bush

Vice President: Dan Quayle

Population: 249,438,712

Life expectancy: 75.4 years

Dow-Jones High: 3,000

Low: 2,365

Federal spending: $1252.52 billion

Federal debt: $3206.6 billion

Inflation: 5.4%

Consumer Price Index: 130.7

Unemployment: 5.3%

Prices Cost of a new home: $149,800.00

Cost of a new car: $

Median Household Income: $29,943.00

Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.25

Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $1.16

Cost of a dozen eggs: $1.00

Cost of a gallon of Milk: $2.78

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