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Day from h*ll= I am so totally miserable

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I could use prayers. I normally deal with my own Sjogren's, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Asthma, Migraines, B12 deficiency, and coumadin therapy plus taking care of sick children and sick animals with not many problems. I am so used to pain that until someone specifically pokes and asks, I don't even usually pay it any mind. But not today.


Last Thursday, I found out that I had an enlarged thyroid. Then yesterday, the pain started- nerve pain on top of arthritis pain and muscle cramp pain. That was bad enough but today, I developed oral thrush too. Also my thighs are hurting too= which is a new place for hurting. I don't even know which doctor to call first tiomorrow, that is, after I call the pediatrician to schedule dd's stitches removal- my internal med doctor or my rheumatologist. This is just so miserable and dh made a dumb comment about how my problems exist because I don't do enough exercise. He, who has hardly ever known any pain at all but becomes a baby when he gets strep or something. Usually he is supportive but he just doesn't get it that with nerve pain, exercising at this time would make it worse, not better.

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I could use prayers. I normally deal with my own Sjogren's, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Asthma, Migraines, B12 deficiency, and coumadin therapy plus taking care of sick children and sick animals with not many problems. I am so used to pain that until someone specifically pokes and asks, I don't even usually pay it any mind. But not today.


Last Thursday, I found out that I had an enlarged thyroid. Then yesterday, the pain started- nerve pain on top of arthritis pain and muscle cramp pain. That was bad enough but today, I developed oral thrush too. Also my thighs are hurting too= which is a new place for hurting. I don't even know which doctor to call first tiomorrow, that is, after I call the pediatrician to schedule dd's stitches removal- my internal med doctor or my rheumatologist. This is just so miserable and dh made a dumb comment about how my problems exist because I don't do enough exercise. He, who has hardly ever known any pain at all but becomes a baby when he gets strep or something. Usually he is supportive but he just doesn't get it that with nerve pain, exercising at this time would make it worse, not better.


Oh, no! I'm so sorry. That's a lot to deal with. Hope you get some relief soon. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I could use prayers. I normally deal with my own Sjogren's, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Asthma, Migraines, B12 deficiency, and coumadin therapy plus taking care of sick children and sick animals with not many problems. I am so used to pain that until someone specifically pokes and asks, I don't even usually pay it any mind. But not today.


Last Thursday, I found out that I had an enlarged thyroid. Then yesterday, the pain started- nerve pain on top of arthritis pain and muscle cramp pain. That was bad enough but today, I developed oral thrush too. Also my thighs are hurting too= which is a new place for hurting. I don't even know which doctor to call first tiomorrow, that is, after I call the pediatrician to schedule dd's stitches removal- my internal med doctor or my rheumatologist. This is just so miserable and dh made a dumb comment about how my problems exist because I don't do enough exercise. He, who has hardly ever known any pain at all but becomes a baby when he gets strep or something. Usually he is supportive but he just doesn't get it that with nerve pain, exercising at this time would make it worse, not better.

I'm sorry. Praying for quick deliverance from the pain.

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I hope this is just a passing thing. We had a virus go through recently and I had pain in my thighs for a week or two. Dd felt pain but sometimes actually said her thighs felt numb. Could something like that be going on?


FWIW, we get the same well-intentioned comments about exercise here, aimed at dd. But, really, does dd not feel well due to lack of exercise, or is dd not exercising because she feels too sick? It's very hard.

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That sounds so very tough.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I am sorry you feel so miserable right now. Have you ever considered Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurvedic medicine? we have all but given up on western medicine.


I have had my share of caring for people and animals while sick myself. Talk about tough!!!! I can tell you that on any given day when I was BONE TIRED or sick, that was when my mom's ulcerative colitis would act up. I had to stay up for hours or deal with a bed sore (not an option) and I remember the despair I felt. Also, I still feel like I am missing something while going to bed since I put my beloved Bandit down. i had to give her medication every night (and morning) and a month later I still feel imcomplete and empty without doing it.


It is so hard, I know, and I didn't have the issues you have. I am so sorry. I can't imagine.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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:grouphug: praying for some pain relief for you. I have been dealing with nerve pain in one isolated area and it is causing me serious issues, I could not imagine going through all you do. I wish I lived close enough to clock your dh over the head with frying pan while making all the calls you need for you so you can rest.

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Thanks all, for all your support. I think this all just spiraled out of control because I didn't get the arthritis pain controlled last week and that caused my muscles to spasm in my neck and shoulders and probably other issues from walking awkwardly because of the arthritis in my knees and that just led to pressure on the nerves and there comes that pain. I am going to ask doctors for PT along with medications. I don't have full range of motion of my neck by a long shot because of the muscle spasms and I think PT could help. I also think PT could help me with knowing how to walk better to not aggravate the arthritis in my knees or in my feet. IT just gets hard managing everything. BUt thanks for the prayers and hugs. I really appreciate it.

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I could see myself having another B vitamin deficiency. I will ask the doctor about this. With Sjogren's the digestive juices are compromised so the longer you have it, the more nutrional deficiencies you get. For example, B12 deficiency is usually with people over 50 but I got it before fifty.


Very interesting. I had a significant B12 deficiency at a young age. I don't have Sjogren's as far as I know, but no one could ever explain why I have this problem.

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Still in pain but a bit better since I decided to do the pain pills that say every four to six hours on the four hour bit (And these don't have acetomeniphen so no risks there and I make sure I am below the maximum allowable per 24 hours). It s*cks to have pain just carrying a coffee cup, let alone anything heavier.


I have an appointment at the internal medicine doctor's office tomorrow. Thanks again for all your support.

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I could see myself having another B vitamin deficiency. I will ask the doctor about this. With Sjogren's the digestive juices are compromised so the longer you have it, the more nutrional deficiencies you get. For example, B12 deficiency is usually with people over 50 but I got it before fifty.


The b1 injections have been the difference between dd32 being practically an invalid, and her running and working out at the gym and being pain free.:grouphug:

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:crying: I hope this isn't taken the wrong way but I jist can NOT imagine being you. I obviously Do Not have your strength. My muscle spasms in my shoulders and neck after whiplash, sustained twice, was excruciating and debilitating. I had that along with a head injury/migraines but no other pain. I was beyond miserable. I was heavily medicated and dd9 was only 2 or 3 three first time. I laid on my side on the couch, bent my knees and had her nestle behind them while watching cartoons as I dozed off and on all day. It was the most desperate shape I have ever been in. I couldn't ask somene to come watch dd because she had huge issues at the time and needed me. I remember having snacks and juice bottles all around and just had endless cartoons on. She loves tv but never really watches it. It was a great babysitter that day.


I am really sorry you are feeling so miserable. You are an AMAZING woman to keep doing all that you do while suffering so.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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