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MIL Is Missing

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I hope she is found soon, Imp. Is there any other family she hasn't annoyed, I mean visited lately? I'm praying that she is found safe and quick. Also, what will your plans be if she does show up on your doorstep? You and Wolf need a plan.


This is what I am thinking. Start to plan for if she shows up at your house. Or if she calls with some major drama she wants to involve you in.


In the meantime, I'll join with everyone in praying she is found safe and sound. :grouphug:

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This is what I am thinking. Start to plan for if she shows up at your house. Or if she calls with some major drama she wants to involve you in.


In the meantime, I'll join with everyone in praying she is found safe and sound. :grouphug:


You really do need a plan. If she turns up there, can you just return her to the RCMP? Like a found wallet? Sigh.


(I realize that sounds insane to people with normal relatives, but Imp isn't dealing with any standard variation of normal)

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I've tracked down some ph#s, and made some calls, still making more.


Only thing we know is that she was last seen, stuff packed, waiting for a ride.


And apparently, her ride was an 80 yo woman. Nobody has a clue who that may have been.


Family members I've spoken to agree that it's totally w/in her personality to take a jaunt, not tell anyone, then be surprised that everyone is doing a nut over her not being home when she was supposed to have been.


Praying that's the case.


WHY she would get a ride w/another 80 yo (MIL is 84-85 this nov) is beyond us, considering there were other family members there in their 40s. :glare:

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Am I the only one who sort of things, "Well, you've reported it to the police, just let them handle it and not worry about what's happened to her as long as she isn't on your doorstep?" Or is that just showing what an awful person I am?


I'll join you in the "awful person" corner. I'd let the RCMP handle it from here on out and just call every so often for updates.

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Am I the only one who sort of things, "Well, you've reported it to the police, just let them handle it and not worry about what's happened to her as long as she isn't on your doorstep?" Or is that just showing what an awful person I am?



Honestly, I don't think quite that way, but I do find myself thinking that it's a bit ironic....


We fight for the freedom to be treated like adults by our parents. But often times when parents do the kind of things we once anticipated (or occasionally still fantasize about!) the freedom of doing - like taking off on a spontaneous road trip with a BFF - we get all flustered that they aren't acting like our parents!


Imp, I understand there are many complex layers which make your situation with your MIL a bit different. I am mostly thinking about my own folks, who I often cannot reach for days at a time. They usually return my call when they get back, "Oh, we just took a little trip to see such-n-such..." They live cross country, so they don't advise all their friends and family of their plans. That's perfectly reasonable for an unfettered set of grown-ups. But I confess, when I ring a couple of days in a row with no answer, I get that squicky feeling, kwim?


Anyway, I do hope she is found safe. But she is an adult, so hopefully she is off at a casino or somewhere with a friend and just didn't want to tell anyone she was going to feed a slot machine and overindulge at the buffet.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You've done all you can, all that could be reasonably expected of you. Try to keep yourself busy with your beautiful kids while you wait for further news. Hope you get some soon.

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I've tracked down some ph#s, and made some calls, still making more.


Only thing we know is that she was last seen, stuff packed, waiting for a ride.


And apparently, her ride was an 80 yo woman. Nobody has a clue who that may have been.


Family members I've spoken to agree that it's totally w/in her personality to take a jaunt, not tell anyone, then be surprised that everyone is doing a nut over her not being home when she was supposed to have been.


Praying that's the case.


WHY she would get a ride w/another 80 yo (MIL is 84-85 this nov) is beyond us, considering there were other family members there in their 40s. :glare:


Old people can be crazy-stubborn and impossible to understand. kiwm?

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Honestly, I don't think quite that way, but I do find myself thinking that it's a bit ironic....


We fight for the freedom to be treated like adults by our parents. But often times when parents do the kind of things we once anticipated (or occasionally still fantasize about!) the freedom of doing - like taking off on a spontaneous road trip with a BFF - we get all flustered that they aren't acting like our parents!


Imp, I understand there are many complex layers which make your situation with your MIL a bit different. I am mostly thinking about my own folks, who I often cannot reach for days at a time. They usually return my call when they get back, "Oh, we just took a little trip to see such-n-such..." They live cross country, so they don't advise all their friends and family of their plans. That's perfectly reasonable for an unfettered set of grown-ups. But I confess, when I ring a couple of days in a row with no answer, I get that squicky feeling, kwim?


Anyway, I do hope she is found safe. But she is an adult, so hopefully she is off at a casino or somewhere with a friend and just didn't want to tell anyone she was going to feed a slot machine and overindulge at the buffet.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You've done all you can, all that could be reasonably expected of you. Try to keep yourself busy with your beautiful kids while you wait for further news. Hope you get some soon.

She has someone staying w/her, asolutely NONE of the ppl she'd normally check in w/has heard from her, incl the woman staying at her place.


That's where the concern comes from. I really hope that she's out visiting, and it didn't occur to her that her stating she'd be home Sun, and not turning up would be a concern.

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She has someone staying w/her, asolutely NONE of the ppl she'd normally check in w/has heard from her, incl the woman staying at her place.


That's where the concern comes from. I really hope that she's out visiting, and it didn't occur to her that her stating she'd be home Sun, and not turning up would be a concern.


Well, this is a longshot, but - any chance she & your mom are conspiring, perhaps planning an intervention? IIRC you recently went no contact with your mom?


Also, I apologize for my Thelma and Louise comment - I was really just thinking that when my kids are grown and gone I'll be prone to such jaunts myself.

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:grouphug: My elderly aunt, who frequently took off and acted all surprised when people told her they were worried, finally ended up in a doozy. She drove from Florida to the middle of Georgia and got confused. Nobody knew where she was for 4 days. The police finally found her at a coffee shop.


In the States we have a Silver Alert, which is like an Amber Alert for the elderly. Does your province have something similar?



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:grouphug: My elderly aunt, who frequently took off and acted all surprised when people told her they were worried, finally ended up in a doozy. She drove from Florida to the middle of Georgia and got confused. Nobody knew where she was for 4 days. The police finally found her at a coffee shop.


In the States we have a Silver Alert, which is like an Amber Alert for the elderly. Does your province have something similar?



I'm still trying to track down *exactly* where she was last seen, and by whom. It's all 3rd, 4th hand info at this point.


One cousin is apparently looking for Wolf's work ph#, rather than talking to me. WHY?! He doesn't even always have cell service, for pity sakes. I guess everyone wants first hand feeding off of the son's worry.

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WHY she would get a ride w/another 80 yo (MIL is 84-85 this nov) is beyond us, considering there were other family members there in their 40s. :glare:



Because they don't have to argue about what to listen to on the radio? ;)


Hoping it all turns out positive, which could be a variety of answers...don't let it make you crazy!

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Guest submarines
I honestly have no freaking clue what is going on.


I'm HOPING that she's just decided to visit someone w/out telling anybody, and will be shocked to discover that ppl were spazzing out.



I do get not wishing her ill and being concerned, but I don't get why you seem to be in such a hectic state over it? I have an uber controlling, toxic mother, from whom I managed to separate, so I know where you are coming from, but it seems to me you're making it way more dramatic than it deserves. She's missing. The police are looking. Your primary concern should be on how not to let her back into your life when she shows up on your doorstep. With the frenzy you're creating in your mind you'll be tempted to take her in and restart the drama, which exactly what she wants.


I'm not a callous person. I do care about the elderly, and I wish her to be safely found. But I don't think this deserves such a drama.

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I do get not wishing her ill and being concerned, but I don't get why you seem to be in such a hectic state over it? I have an uber controlling, toxic mother, from whom I managed to separate, so I know where you are coming from, but it seems to me you're making it way more dramatic than it deserves. She's missing. The police are looking. Your primary concern should be on how not to let her back into your life when she shows up on your doorstep. With the frenzy you're creating in your mind you'll be tempted to take her in and restart the drama, which exactly what she wants.


I'm not a callous person. I do care about the elderly, and I wish her to be safely found. But I don't think this deserves such a drama.



This is the MIL, not her mother whom she has cut-off contact with...the mother-in-law, while a real piece of work, is still in their lives. Also, whatever the fall-out, they are likely to deal with it because Wolf's sibs aren't exactly on top of the mom stuff.


That's the problem. MIL, no matter what, will not be living with them, but she's been exhibiting some signs of possible dementia or something. Basically, Wolf could easily get stuck calling the shots and from 5 provinces away. That's why this is so difficult for IMP to deal with...were this IMP's mother, who is literally becoming dangerous, it would be a no brainer because it is a ZERO contact allowed situation.



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This is the MIL, not her mother whom she has cut-off contact with...the mother-in-law, while a real piece of work, is still in their lives. Also, whatever the fall-out, they are likely to deal with it because Wolf's sibs aren't exactly on top of the mom stuff.




I thought wolf was an only.


Imp, one thought I had, to check with the rcmp - has another 80 woman also been reported missing in that area? they probably wouldn't give you a name, but maybe a yea/nay. if she went off with another older woman, I would think it would be likely they disappeared together.

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Guest submarines
This is the MIL, not her mother whom she has cut-off contact with...the mother-in-law, while a real piece of work, is still in their lives. Also, whatever the fall-out, they are likely to deal with it because Wolf's sibs aren't exactly on top of the mom stuff.


That's the problem. MIL, no matter what, will not be living with them, but she's been exhibiting some signs of possible dementia or something. Basically, Wolf could easily get stuck calling the shots and from 5 provinces away. That's why this is so difficult for IMP to deal with...were this IMP's mother, who is literally becoming dangerous, it would be a no brainer because it is a ZERO contact allowed situation.




My bad. Got them confused.

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She's been missing since Sunday ?!? Crazy, psycho drama-prone or not, I would be worried sick! There's no love lost between my MIL & I, but I would be worried too if his mom went MIA for 3+ days.


:iagree: Me either. Someone may drive me crazy, but I would never wish them any harm. I do hope she is okay. Poor woman. I'm praying for her Imp. Please keep us updated. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I thought wolf was an only.


Imp, one thought I had, to check with the rcmp - has another 80 woman also been reported missing in that area? they probably wouldn't give you a name, but maybe a yea/nay. if she went off with another older woman, I would think it would be likely they disappeared together.

He's her only child, but Wolf has birth sibs, which is probably where Faith got confused. He as adopted by her, raised as an only, didn't meet birth sibs til he was in his 30s.

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I don't have the full story.


What I do know is that the person MIL was supposed to get a ride home w/on Sun couldn't get her til Mon...then that changed to today.


So, she stayed w/another friend, waiting for a ride (it's an hr from where camp mtg was) and didn't bother to let anyone know.


That's as much of the story as I have at this point. I thought it was her roommate calling, so let it go to vm, as I was already informed MIL had been located at the friend's and was talking to Wolf. He's calling her from work, and will let me know any details.


I need a drink, and it's not even 130pm. *headdesk*

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As frustrating as it all sounds, I'm very glad she was found safe and sound.

Oh me too! i'm just...boggled, not quite sure exactly what all I'm feeling.

Glad you have an answer. You know, it's 5:00 somewhere;)

If Wolf was home, I would...but since I'm the only adult here, I'll wait.

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Oh me too! i'm just...boggled, not quite sure exactly what all I'm feeling.


If Wolf was home, I would...but since I'm the only adult here, I'll wait.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry Imp, but glad she is safe. I can't even imagine that conversation between her and Wolf. Enjoy that drink when you get it. I'll have one in your honor! :D hehe

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