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TLC's newest train wreck....

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I love Toddlers and Tiaras and am unashamed--it makes me feel like an awesome parent. But I can NOT watch the episode featuring this family. It is banned in our home, and I do not know that I can articulate exactly why I have to draw the line there. Needless to say, we will not be tuning into their series.



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To me it seems a lot like making fun of those less fortunate, but, in this case it is hard to articulate what makes them "less fortunate". It's like they don't have the good sense to be embarrassed or something? :001_huh:

My second or third thought was "redneck." But that is an insult to rednecks world wide.

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I watched the trailer. At the end, she says "only on TLC."


Yes. Quite. Only on TLC would you find such... hmm... I seem to have lost my polite-words-thesaurus.



Yes. It's one of those things that makes me think, "Wow. I hope that foreigners don't see stuff like this and think that THIS is what Americans like!" (But, really,.....apparently a lot of Americans DO like this crap or they wouldn't keep coming up with more and more of it. So ashamed right now. Ugh. Yuck.) :glare:

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Yes. It's one of those things that makes me think, "Wow. I hope that foreigners don't see stuff like this and think that THIS is what Americans like!" (But, really,.....apparently a lot of Americans DO like this crap or they wouldn't keep coming up with more and more of it. So ashamed right now. Ugh. Yuck.) :glare:

Of course they do. It is crap like that which makes foreigners think we are all fat, loud and rude.

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To me it seems a lot like making fun of those less fortunate, but, in this case it is hard to articulate what makes them "less fortunate". It's like they don't have the good sense to be embarrassed or something? :001_huh:

Uh... Yes. Yes, I think that is, indeed, their primary misfortune.

My second or third thought was "redneck." But that is an insult to rednecks world wide.

Well, you should have turned on the sound. Then you would know they AIN'T rednecks, cuz they got all their teeth.

This kind of crap is why we stopped paying for cable.


I am done D-U-N done!


Me, too. There is enough appallingly lowbrow carp on regular network tv, why would I want to pay for them to look for more appalling people to show?

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" (But, really,.....apparently a lot of Americans DO like this crap or they wouldn't keep coming up with more and more of it. So ashamed right now. Ugh. Yuck.) :glare:


I don't think it's so much that people "like" it, as that they are fascinated with it. I mean, it's one of those things that people can tell you exists, but you don't quite believe it, until you see it with your own eyes. Kinda like how you look at a car wreck, not because you "like" it, but because you are just amazed. It's like, "For real? You're putting me on, right?"

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I don't think it's so much that people "like" it, as that they are fascinated with it. I mean, it's one of those things that people can tell you exists, but you don't quite believe it, until you see it with your own eyes. Kinda like how you look at a car wreck, not because you "like" it, but because you are just amazed. It's like, "For real? You're putting me on, right?"


:iagree:Which goes along with the OP's title that includes the words "train wreck".


We don't have cable anymore, but I've seen clips online. That's all I need to see. :tongue_smilie:

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I remember at one point we used to watch TLC all the time. I liked What Not to Wear, and Trading Spaces. What on earth happened?!?




It used to be the channel I loved most. What Not to Wear, In a Fix, Trading Spaces (when they had Paige), Clean Sweep, Faking It, and probably other great shows that I can't remember. We were out of the country and didn't watch any TV for about three years. Imagine my surprise when I was in a hotel channel hopping, and I thought I'd check out what was on TLC. :001_huh:

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I'm a transplant to the south and love it - but this kind of thing only gives crediability to those who think that everyone who lives here is like that! And I won't insult rednecks - they are above that!:D


When I first came to the south - here are some questions that I was asked.

1. Do they have cars down there?

2. Do they wear shoes?

3. Does everyone including the ladies chew tobacca?



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:ack2: :ack2: :ack2:


The saddest thing is that the idiot families on these reality shows are too dimwitted to realize that they are not on television because they are exciting, wonderful, beautiful people. They don't have a clue that people are laughing at them, and not with them.


They are absolutely pathetic.


I can't watch any of those shows. I get too irritated with the stupidity and complete and utter lack of common sense.

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I remember at one point we used to watch TLC all the time. I liked What Not to Wear, and Trading Spaces. What on earth happened?!?

:iagree: the honey boo boo show makes me want to throw things at my tv.


I love when the girl says, "We're not rednecks. We have all our teeth." Oh. That settles it then! :lol:

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The saddest thing is that...they are not on television because they are exciting, wonderful, beautiful people...people are laughing at them, and not with them.




I find this sad rather than irritating. I can not see how anything good will come of this for them.

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We don't have cable, but I just saw this trailer at my parent's house. The grown ups who are encouraging that obnoxious behavior are what I can't wrap my brain around. How did we get to this place where people just want to get on tv any way they can?


I keep wondering the same thing.


And along the same lines, how did we get to a place where everyone thinks they are interesting enough to be on TV?


I guess other people have a lot more self-esteem than I do, because I can't imagine that anyone would care in the slightest about what I do every day.

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I keep wondering the same thing.


And along the same lines, how did we get to a place where everyone thinks they are interesting enough to be on TV?


I guess other people have a lot more self-esteem than I do, because I can't imagine that anyone would care in the slightest about what I do every day.


Because people ARE watching them. I think the question might be better posed, "How did we get to a place where people are so bored, lazy, and dumb that they watch this drivel for entertainment?" I'd rather dig a ditch with a spork.

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We don't have cable, but I just saw this trailer at my parent's house. The grown ups who are encouraging that obnoxious behavior are what I can't wrap my brain around. How did we get to this place where people just want to get on tv any way they can?


Or that this sort of spectacle is an appropriate way to conduct yourself. I see that a good bit. Sigh.


And, yes, aggieamy, it makes me sad for our society, too.

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I keep wondering the same thing.


And along the same lines, how did we get to a place where everyone thinks they are interesting enough to be on TV?


I guess other people have a lot more self-esteem than I do, because I can't imagine that anyone would care in the slightest about what I do every day.


Me, either. But, then, I hope I'm not a train wreck, so I take it as a good sign that TLC isn't beating down my door.

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I truly think the family is playing this up for the money. Yeah, they're rednecks, but this is extreme. Her Toddlers and Tiaras episode included an extreme couponing segment- it was obvious she was fishing for her own reality show. And was willing to do anything to get it.


And I'm embarrassed that I know this much about trash tv. In my defense, I've never seen Jersey Shore. g

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You know who I would have watched? Isabella Gielniak. My dd and I watch Toddlers and Tiaras sometimes to inoculate her against princess culture, and Isabella was a delightful surprise. Posy and I wanted to have that kid over to play. She was hilarious, sweet, goofy, and her mom loved every minute of it. But of course, her family doesn't appear to be a train wreck, so what would be the point of giving her her own show?

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I have to say this doesn't surprise me, it is like a trip to Wal-Mart around here or some of the people dh works with and they are proud of it. Some people really do act like that, really, and worse. Those people aren't really in my circle, dh thinks I'm sheltered and I am happy to be in my own bubble. I seen a guy in a store last year telling his ~12yo that the shirt she was trying on wasn't sexy enough. I've seen adults who think it is cute to teach their toddlers to cuss, talk about inappropriate things, act like thugs etc. A lot of times in that culture if you don't approve of the behavior then you are a snob.

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A few of the Toddlers and Tiaras kids (and their mums) were on an aussie morning news program some time ago.

I just knew who the show was about before I clicked on the link. How can this family not be mortified beyond belief??

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To me it seems a lot like making fun of those less fortunate, but, in this case it is hard to articulate what makes them "less fortunate". It's like they don't have the good sense to be embarrassed or something? :001_huh:


Oh my...


I am so embarrassed for them. :001_huh:


I know. I'm so horribly embarrassed for them, and I think the people that started that show-whoever got that idea? Should be fired.


That poor kid. :confused:

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