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I'm in shock.

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I'm so happy for you! :grouphug: Slightly jealous also, our 2yo girls are just a few days apart I think...


Yes. They are. At midnight, on March 30th, I'll be posting, "How do you time contractions again? Could I really be I labor? Should I wake the kids and go to the birthing center?"


Then on March 31st I'll post asking, "Will this baby be spoiled if we never put her down?"


It seems like I've done this before.

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My period is one day late. I took a test because I monitor these things, and there were 2 lines, as dark as anything.


I'm 46, and I've had 4 miscarriages, so while I'd love another baby, I am seriously scared.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I can only imagine your anxiety, but for here and now you have a baby!!! Congratulations! :) I so hope that this one sticks. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I was able to tell Dh last night. He was shocked too, but very excited. I told him I hoped he liked big families and he said, "Have you you ever doubted that for one second?"


I tortured myself all night looking for statistics about my chances of carrying a healthy baby to term.


The good news is that since I conceived naturally, that increases my chances of having a healthy baby. So does the fact that I've already had two healthy pregnancies and unmedicated deliveries in my 40s.


I'm starting to feel a little less panicked.

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Do I need to buy another pony? Can't they share?


Nope, they won't want to share. :D I'm shopping for another pony for my 7 year old ds who tells everyone he meets that he's the only kid who doesn't have a horse of his own like his sibs. Seriously, we didn't plan it that way. It just worked out.

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I am very excited for you guys! :grouphug:


I was able to tell Dh last night. He was shocked too, but very excited. I told him I hoped he liked big families and he said, "Have you you ever doubted that for one second?"


I tortured myself all night looking for statistics about my chances of carrying a healthy baby to term.


The good news is that since I conceived naturally, that increases my chances of having a healthy baby. So does the fact that I've already had two healthy pregnancies and unmedicated deliveries in my 40s.


I'm starting to feel a little less panicked.

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I was able to tell Dh last night. He was shocked too, but very excited. I told him I hoped he liked big families and he said, "Have you you ever doubted that for one second?"


I tortured myself all night looking for statistics about my chances of carrying a healthy baby to term.


The good news is that since I conceived naturally, that increases my chances of having a healthy baby. So does the fact that I've already had two healthy pregnancies and unmedicated deliveries in my 40s.


I'm starting to feel a little less panicked.


How are you feeling? :001_smile:

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