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S/O Anyone NOT excited about the upcoming school year?

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We're about to start our 7th year homeschooling. I've always felt a little backed into a corner by it, having only decided to try it in desperation when school was such a catastrophe for ds in spite of getting lots of help and accommodations from a great team of very caring professionals there. Some years I've felt better about it than others, and some years I've really looked forward to it, but this year I'm actively dreading it. It's been a hard year here, and I'm physically and emotionally worn out, and the idea of having both children trip cheerfully off to a classroom where Someone Else would teach them wonderful things is SOOO appealing. Dd went back to school this past year after a couple of intensive years at home catching up on some skills she really struggled with before her ADHD was diagnosed. She seems more or less happy there and is making good progress, so that's good. Ds will be taking one class each semester down at the high school this year. I'm really hoping that will help him work through his extreme aversion to classrooms (because he wants to go to college, and I think it would be good for him to work through the anxiety). Visits in the spring went well, and I'm optimistic. But that will mess with my scheduling at home, especially during the second semester. The school has a wonky every-other-day block schedule going, along with adjusted scheduling depending on the day of the week, so the class won't start at the same time every day and I'll have to keep track of what time to get him down there. Yuck. His first semester class is first period, which starts earlier in the morning than I would prefer, but at least it's at the same time every day--although its ending time will vary. Should be an "adventure". Especially for ds, who feels safest when his schedule remains more or less constant. I suppose if it's too disastrous we can always pull him back out again. I think it will be fine, though, and will help him grow in some important ways that have little to do with academics. But it makes me tired just thinking about it. And I'm already so tired. But I've got a couple of weeks blocked out at the beginning of August for me to take entirely off from anything school related, and that will feel good. In the meantime, I'm trying to get all my wrap-up notes from last year taken care of, and get all my little duckies in a row for next year, so I can take those two weeks off without anything "unfinished" hanging over my head. I'm sure I'll feel better then. In the last couple of weeks the new books and materials have started to trickle in, and I'm actually starting to think some of this might be fun, and not as hard as I'm making it seem (I'm a little intimidated by high school).


So yeah...not excited about it yet. But it'll be fine. At least that's what I keep telling myself...lol. I'm sure I'll feel better about everything once dh comes back from his out of state trip. He's been gone since mid-April, which is a long time to be on my own with my two hoodlums, but he'll be back in about a week. And THAT I am most definitely excited about.

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This will be my 12th year, and yeah... I'm over it. :D


I usually enjoy starting once September rolls around, but I kind of dread it a little until then. This will be my older dd's last year at home, so I'm not really in a hurry for it to start.

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I don't feel much excitement this year, but more apprehension, as dd is joining us and the two set each other off. I am not done planning out my stuff and I haven't ordered anything yet. Everything after vacation. This is going to be my fifth year homeschooling.

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Summer is flying by! It is way too hot to enjoy the outdoors! What else can I complain about? Oh, yah, I haven't ordered anything for fall yet. Ugh!


Didn't we just finish a few weeks ago? Would love to insert another month off. We always seem to be glad to get started about the 3rd week in August, though. Hope it happens again this year.



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I guess that would be me. I was laughing at the relative dearth of "well-seasoned" homeschoolers posting in the other thread.


I am very much overwhelmed when I think about the upcoming year. I am excited about the possibilities, but then I deflate when I think about all of the work/planning that has to be done. Not to mention the cost of everything. Oy!


This is my first year with 5 school-aged kids, so that plays into it. I will have 2 high-schoolers this year and my oldest desires an appointment to the Naval Academy, which I find daunting as the teacher/guidance counselor.


I would really rather just have a glass of wine :lol:

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I should be excited, seeing how my girl is finally starting K, :tongue_smilie: but I'm too busy being afraid those Charlie's Playhouse timeline mats won't come back into stock in time for second semester! What frustrates most is I bought one each for dh's nephew and my small cousin last year so they both have one and we won't. I felt at the time that I should have bought ours at the same time...




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Me -and I'm not even seasoned -I've only been at it for 6 months :001_huh:


A resistant child makes it not very fun. :glare: We are on winter break right now -I'm loving it. Dealing with constant struggle and special needs is draining - doesn't matter how fun the curriculum is - the execution usually isn't :banghead:


The planning is fun though -especially when I pretend I am planning for a child like those pictured in the Sonlight catalogue:lol:


I'll be excited when my DS starts K next year - he is eager to learn and easy to teach :D

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Me! Last year , I was so stressed and miserable the whole year. I even called the ps once to see what I needed to bring to enroll the 3 younger ones. This year looks to be the same. Going into our 10th year. I'll have an 11th grader, 8th grader , 2 6th graders and a 2 year old. I have bought a few things but haven't planned anything yet, but I'm thinking now of outsourcing a few more things for everyone. My oldest will be taking classes at CC and a couple of online classes; Lukeoin and Captive Though Tutorials is lined up for my 8th grader, and my 6th graders will do Home2teach and Currclick for spanish. They enjoyed the Spanish last year and learnt a lot.


If I can get my 2 year old potty trained, he'll go to preschool 2 mornings a week.


Hopefully, this will relieve some of the pressure on me and will make it less stressful.

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I used to be so excited about starting a new year but we are starting our 8th year of homeschooling and the shine is off the apple--at least for this year. Now with high school looming not far off in the distance (next year) fear and a feeling of being overwhelmed have replaced being excited. I keep thinking of how much work preparation is going to take this year plus still having a child that cannot read and that pretty much rubs the shine off.

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This year, I've been having fun with the planning. Looking at all of the catalogues and websites, the new & fancy curricula for various subjects..:drool:


But planning & implementing are 2 different beasts. I LOVE getting all of the packages & boxes, but the thought of having to do up schedules and enforce them.......oy vay. Not so exciting.


I want to be excited. But right now it is 100 degrees out and I am a cranky pregnant mama who is beginning to freak out just a little about schooling the 3 olders, keeping the toddler busy and looking after the newborn...and the house and the husband, and myself (in that order). Eeek.


ETA; we will be starting our 3rd year in mid-August....wow - I can't believe Year 3!

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I was, until bad luck found our automobiles. Both cars are giving us trouble.


I don't want us to be stuck in the house all day while DH is at work. DS was excited to try co-op, Awana and soccer this fall. He really wants some friends. I think I'll be more excited when (and if) we get the cars fixed.

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We'll be starting our 3rd year of homeschooling at the end of July or beginning of August. I was so excited to start our first 2 years but am just not feeling the excitement this year. Is anyone else feeling like this?


Me. My oldest is going into 8th, and we've homeschooled from the beginning. Last year was exhausting--it was the first that all 5 were actual required school age. I'm tired. I've got a chronic illness, and I'm sick of all the doctor appointments that cause disruption that go along with that. We're still finishing up work that we fell behind on over the past 2.5 years since I first started showing symptoms. I need to declutter my house and lesson plan, but now I'm all discombobulated from the fires and evacuation and return, not to mention the fact we still smell smoke and hear helicopters and see the charred hills from our house. I'm just plain ol' burned out, I think.


Today I will work in the school room. I did buy a desk apprentice yesterday--maybe that will inspire me :lol:.

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I don't even know how many years I have been homeschooling. My eldest is 20, and I homeschooled a step-daughter for 1.5 years before he even started school. The last 2 years have been tough, and this year doesn't look ANY easier. I really wish I could just do school with my younger 3 and not have to do high school (and high school according to the NCAA, not just my idea of high school) with my 15/16 year old son. My ds 13, almost 14, is a great student. He CARES about his school work. He ENJOYS learning. Why do I have to devote ALL my time to my 15, almost 16, year old son who hates everything about school? Reminds me of public school where all the teachers' time was always consumed dealing with the trouble makers and those of us who wanted to learn had to sit and wait.


Rant over....for now.

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I was, until bad luck found our automobiles. Both cars are giving us trouble.


I don't want us to be stuck in the house all day while DH is at work. DS was excited to try co-op, Awana and soccer this fall. He really wants some friends. I think I'll be more excited when (and if) we get the cars fixed.


Ugh! I hope they're fixed quickly. I'm always sour when I don't have access to a car--even if I don't actually want to go anywhere.

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I guess I have seven year itch. I am usually ALL about getting started. Sometime this week I am going to drag myself to the school supply aisle.


We had estimated a July 9 start date (Monday). I'm REALLY not feelin' it.


I will go ahead and start though because dh is concerned over the kids' unstructured time (translate unhealthy video game obsession).

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I am a bit of both. I'm excited to start next year...but not so excited that I want to get a head start on it! :) I am burnt out and very ready to take the summer off. We will start back up in September. This was the first year (ever) that I've had all my curriculum picked out and ordered. All but 1 set of books has arrived. I feel less stressed knowing that it's here and ready to go.

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I am so not ready for summer break to be over. I can never get all that I want to/need to done around the house in 2 months. I have to pack 2 bday parties, 1 4th of July Holiday, a short lake trip, and a vacation with a sister that doesn't drive (meaning I will go and take her places and fix up things in her house on her vacation week...) into this month and then start homeschooling next month. Um, when am I supposed to plan. I also babysit once a week now and am taking on a 3 yr old 3 days a week during school starting in August.


Oh, and my youngest whines anytime a pencil is placed near her. So yeah, I would rather stay on summer break. I now have to plan how to make school more fun for her and how to work on skills with the 3 yr old while not distracting my distractible 8 yr old.


Seriously I am not that down about all of my to dos. But I am overwhelmed right now. I also have other things going on in August on top of starting our new year.

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I am and also not at the same time.


I have my oldest in school, so my DD is my only at home. She gets very lonely by herself and all the kids her age on the street are boys.


She has some language problems so making new friends is hard for her and she doesn't like going to co-op type classes because she compares herself to others. So we are having a hard time finding outside social activities for her.


She also just barely slogs through her work. She hates school and it takes all my energy to make it even remotely enjoyable.


At to that, I still don't have all my books for next year and I'm still undecided about some courses so I haven't even started planning yet. My only positive seems to be that we are going to try to do some things differently this year and add in some more structure, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes.

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We are going on our sixth year here (counting my oldest's K year), and no, I am not excited about or looking forward to the upcoming school year. I have all the shiny new books, and they hold no appeal whatsoever. I like what I chose, and I feel that we will be able to accomplish my goals with minimum stress and a reasonable amount of time each day, but I am not looking forward to it. I hit burnout really bad this spring and I have not come close to recovering from it.


Who knows, maybe when I shop the back to school sales next month the excitement will appear....

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We'll be starting our 3rd year of homeschooling at the end of July or beginning of August. I was so excited to start our first 2 years but am just not feeling the excitement this year. Is anyone else feeling like this?


We are starting our 19th yr in 3 weeks. Over the yrs I have gone through cycles of being excited, pure resolve, or simply dreading. I find that making sure that I add variety and a couple of courses that I enjoy teaching really boosts my enthusiasm.


I am mostly looking forward to our upcoming yr, but dreading certain aspects. Our 11th grader will be taking 2 classes at a university which will require him to be on campus a few hrs every day and a lot of out of the house time for me driving......that is a dread. He is also taking a philosophy of science and religion course that I have spent well over a 100 hrs creating this summer. It is a really heavy, intense course. I am dreading having to balance that in my already full days and the other kids' work.


However, he and I are also doing a CS Lewis, Percy, Dante course that I created and I am looking forward to it. My rising 8th grader and I are doing a study I created around Wind in the Willows that is going to be interesting. Based on my research of Kenneth Grahame and his ds, the kids are going to create a monthly magazine that we are going to publish and send out to certain family members and friends. (it will include art work, a novel in monthly chtp editions, stories, essays, etc. Our 20 yo Aspie that is a budding artist will design the monthly covers.) I am looking forward to seeing what they produce each month.


Anyway......all that to say if I didn't get creative and find ways to inspire me, our experiences over the last 2 decades would not be what they have been. I need the pick-me ups mixed in our days on top of the elbow-deep stuff.

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Not excited. I was supposed to FlyLady the entire house, purge our books (as if), lose atleast 10 pounds, spends lots of time at the pool, and do a unit study on Lewis & Clark. Instead, I would just as soon move out, I have more books than we started with, I am as flabby as ever, and I relegated all learning to "delight-directed" which means one kiddo is obsessed with coins (actually getting quite a bit of history with that, so that's good) and the other is apparently working on his character development (considering how often I am blessed with the opportunity to give him correction). We've been to the pool twice because "it's too hot".


I'll probably start getting excited in about... three weeks.

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We are starting our 19th yr in 3 weeks. Over the yrs I have gone through cycles of being excited, pure resolve, or simply dreading. I find that making sure that I add variety and a couple of courses that I enjoy teaching really boosts my enthusiasm.


I am mostly looking forward to our upcoming yr, but dreading certain aspects. Our 11th grader will be taking 2 classes at a university which will require him to be on campus a few hrs every day and a lot of out of the house time for me driving......that is a dread. He is also taking a philosophy of science and religion course that I have spent well over a 100 hrs creating this summer. It is a really heavy, intense course. I am dreading having to balance that in my already full days and the other kids' work.


However, he and I are also doing a CS Lewis, Percy, Dante course that I created and I am looking forward to it. My rising 8th grader and I are doing a study I created around Wind in the Willows that is going to be interesting. Based on my research of Kenneth Grahame and his ds, the kids are going to create a monthly magazine that we are going to publish and send out to certain family members and friends. (it will include art work, a novel in monthly chtp editions, stories, essays, etc. Our 20 yo Aspie that is a budding artist will design the monthly covers.) I am looking forward to seeing what they produce each month.


Anyway......all that to say if I didn't get creative and find ways to inspire me, our experiences over the last 2 decades would not be what they have been. I need the pick-me ups mixed in our days on top of the elbow-deep stuff.


The bolded sounds fabulous. I wouldn't attempt something like that until my kids are older, but it would be so nice to send something like that to my family in PA, OH, IN, KS, MO, and CO. We are going to be focusing on writing this year. Maybe we could do a family newletter once a month to send out. Good practice and my grandmothers would love it.

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Me -and I'm not even seasoned -I've only been at it for 6 months :001_huh:


A resistant child makes it not very fun. :glare: We are on winter break right now -I'm loving it. Dealing with constant struggle and special needs is draining - doesn't matter how fun the curriculum is - the execution usually isn't :banghead:


The planning is fun though -especially when I pretend I am planning for a child like those pictured in the Sonlight catalogue:lol:


I'll be excited when my DS starts K next year - he is eager to learn and easy to teach :D


This will be our third year, but eldest is resistant as well. We really struggled this last year with tantrums and an unwillingness to try hard things. But all things are hard until we have some practice, right? I worry that I started too soon with her. She is very mature in some ways, but immature when it comes to school. She will be going into second grade, but I wish we could redo first grade so her phonics/reading and math skills would be strengthened, and she wouldn't be confronted with a lot of new material.

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Me. I want to feel inspired, but really, I'm just tired. I work too much. The house needs to be decluttered. Summer is going by too fast. Oldest will be home for his 3 weeks of summer break soon, but I haven't bought his plane tickets yet. Middle is supposed to be enjoying her summer volunteer job, but the smoke and evacuation have put a hold on that. Park days with friends can't happen right now. Middle is going to school in August, and I'm just not ready for that. Poor youngest is going to be the only homeschooled child for the fall. I can't picture how she's going to have fun in the fall with her sister at school.


I just need some mental rest then maybe I can get back to normal. I think inspiration is too much to ask for.

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I am very much overwhelmed when I think about the upcoming year. I am excited about the possibilities, but then I deflate when I think about all of the work/planning that has to be done. Not to mention the cost of everything. Oy!


I would really rather just have a glass of wine :lol:


:iagree: This is exactly how I am feeling....

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To sort of quote 8Fill I am between "Pure Resolve and Simply Dreading". I am trying to free myself to just pick the curricula I want to teach my kids with no thought for history cycles or some else's idea of "where my kids should be" and blah blah blah. Grrrrr.


I crave variety. I want to read whatever pleases us and study in a more delight directed manner. I want to feel a freedom in my soul to LET GO of "boxes" and lists in the content realm. Yet, I don't want to short change my kids because if I don't have a PLAN of some sort I won't actually DO anything. There must still be a plan to hold me accountable.


Did I mention that I am not excited; not one little bit?! Sigh. I am dealing with this issue on a heart level because it is not good for my kiddos or my husband. I want to teach with joy despite how I really feel on the inside....

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I'm not, and this is my 25/26th year of homeschooling.


The reason is that I am in the process of moving. In Florida, I didn't do anything to prepare for the year, legal-wise, as we were a private school; however, there's preparation needed when notifying in Ohio.


I don't have my curriculum (well, I don't have the new items that I want but do have a ton already). Due to not having possession of the house we purchased yet and moving from our current, I haven't wanted to order any. In Ohio they want people to register by the time the public schools start, but that is not going to happen. Since we still have residency in Florida, I most likely will postpone until September. Hopefully by then I will be excited - or too exhausted to care. :tongue_smilie:

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I am excited for kindergarten and gr 3 with the younger kids


I am not excited for the big kids, they are doing 60% of their program online next year, It is for good reason, I now my decision to do so is sound, but I am not excited by them doing so.

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We have been so busy that I have haven't really had a chance to be excited about it yet. We usually start in July but our summer is going to be pretty crazy. We won't be starting until the end of August and I'm sure I will be excited then.

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I AM excited. This is my 18th year, but I truly enjoy homeschooling, so I'm always excited about a new year. In fact, I'm going to spend the day lesson planning on the shady front porch, cool drink in hand.


Now that I'm down to just one homeschooler (older kiddos are in college), I'm having even more fun. I've always been a unit study/huge messy projects kind of mom, and now I can focus all of that enthusiasm on one kid. We have a big exciting year planned with a jazzed up version of WP's Children Around the World, and I can't wait to do all the cultural experiences, art projects, activities and FOODS I have planned. :D

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I guess that would be me. I was laughing at the relative dearth of "well-seasoned" homeschoolers posting in the other thread.


I am very much overwhelmed when I think about the upcoming year. I am excited about the possibilities, but then I deflate when I think about all of the work/planning that has to be done. Not to mention the cost of everything. Oy!


This is my first year with 5 school-aged kids, so that plays into it. I will have 2 high-schoolers this year and my oldest desires an appointment to the Naval Academy, which I find daunting as the teacher/guidance counselor.


I would really rather just have a glass of wine :lol:


I found this great post, I hope it encourages you! :D



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This coming year will be our tenth year. This past year was our worst ever.


Shocked by the news we were expecting #6. Spent most of the school year depressed and unmotivated.


The 3rd grader is behind in math and probably fell further behind because of me. I need to get her tested for dyslexia.


The 4th grader was ahead in math, and now is either at grade level or slightly behind because of me.


The 8th grader didn't get enough writing practice and a whole host of other things because of me.


History and science petered out for the middles after we had a great start. Again.


I don't think I'm very good at this homeschooling thing anymore.


We've outgrown our house and need to either move or add on. Lots of repairs need to be made first, no matter what we do. Not a lot of extra money for that right now, but we still have to do as much as we can before I have this baby in six weeks.


I bought new math curriculum for the middles to use over the summer to get caught up. I haven't had time to crack open the books and figure out where to start them. By the time I do, the 30-day return window will be over.


I signed up the kids for lots of fun stuff to do this summer, partly so I could distract myself from the death march known as the final month of pregnancy. But that doesn't leave much time for planning and ordering books.


Did I mention I left the standardized testing to the last minute, out of dread? And we're still testing, and it's the 4th of July tomorrow?


I'm outsourcing all of my new high schooler's stuff next year. We're going piecemeal with providers, so lots of Wednesday driving and online stuff the rest of the time. She starts as early as August 29. I haven't a clue when to start the middles.


I'm planning to do BJU online for science, and VP self-paced history for the middles. Everything else will have to be seriously independent-oriented.


We had way too many extracurriculars going on this past year, but I haven't been able to figure out what we're dropping next year. On Fridays I'll be doing Mommy-and-me preschool with the 4yo, so something has to give. I suspect it will be what's left of my sanity.


So, short answer, I'm not excited about next year.

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This coming year will be our tenth year. This past year was our worst ever.


Shocked by the news we were expecting #6. Spent most of the school year depressed and unmotivated.


So, short answer, I'm not excited about next year.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I'm sorry. I'd really like another baby, and the idea is still overwhelming.

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Excited, no. But interested. I'm still playing around with the schedule to make it highly adaptable, and I'm enjoying reading Climbing Parnassus and LCC which are not exactly practical in terms of working for us, but interesting and food for thought.

Then there is the whole history curriculum that I am working on for next year. That is going to require some research and a lot more trips to the library and scavenge of vintage resources; and that will be diversion for me. I like that sort of thing.


We do have testing this year. But I'm not even really worked up about that. It's the first time we do it, so I guess I'm just expecting it to be a sort of baseline to find out where we need to work next year.


I think I would have been at least agitated about the last, but either I've mellowed or some of the changes I've made for myself in exercise, diet, personal time and work have been helpful in reducing stress.

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I guess that would be me. I was laughing at the relative dearth of "well-seasoned" homeschoolers posting in the other thread.


I am very much overwhelmed when I think about the upcoming year. I am excited about the possibilities, but then I deflate when I think about all of the work/planning that has to be done. Not to mention the cost of everything. Oy!


This is my first year with 5 school-aged kids, so that plays into it. I will have 2 high-schoolers this year and my oldest desires an appointment to the Naval Academy, which I find daunting as the teacher/guidance counselor.


I would really rather just have a glass of wine :lol:


:iagree: I am so with you! I have 4 dc next year rather than 5, but yeah - the possibilities excite me, the realities really don't.

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Not excited, not intrigued, not there AT.ALL.

dread, hesitance....


I would rather just have apathy...lol:D


Right now, I am in a holding pattern....waiting the days out until I can figure some other stuff out.


We will start second week of August come hell or high water....but, I don't need to be all gushy about it....do I?



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