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1 year ago tomorrow

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While we are having a great Canada day and I am loving being able to hang out with dd4 by herself I am also being hit with mixed emotions about tomorrow and my other kids being so far away.


1 year ago today we were at family bible camp having a great time. On July 1 last year I rode a horse for the first time in 20 years, my then 3 yr old and 7 yr old shot arrows for the first time. We caught a frog, and a caterpillar and a squirrel was living in our cabin.


1 year ago tomorrow I decided after lunch I decided to just hang out in my cabin and see if dd would nap. I sent my big 3 kids off to the afternoon activities without me.


1 year ago my daughter ran up to the cabin to grab a swim suit telling me she changed her mind about horseback riding and was going to canoe instead. I told her to make sure ds got in the van to go horseback riding so he would not miss his chance to do an activity without me. She double checked he got on board.


1 year ago I was laying in my cabin reading a book when I suddenly heard a man calling my name, I thought he must have been calling someone else, no one would be calling me.


1 year ago as I popped my head out the door he said you have to run now, there has been an accident. I grabbed my then 3 year old and ran down the hill, dd asked "what did A do now?", I thought ds must have gotten kicked or fallen off a horse. The camp director whipped dd out of my arms handed her to a kitchen staff and said get in the car it was a car accident, and it is bad.


1 year ago I pulled up on the scene of the van my son was in laying half way on it's roof. traffic lining both directions on the highway as far as the eye could see. I was told a semi hit the van making it roll. I was sure they lied and that my son was dead.


1 year ago I heard my son screaming in pain and calling for me. I ran barefoot through the debris lining the side of the road and hit the dirt next to him. I laid in the dirt holding his hand in the ditch waiting for an ambulance to arrive. His foot was facing the wrong way. Children were scattered around crying, the camp counsellor driving was bleeding, passers by had stopped to help.


1 year ago I heard the sirens approach, and helped rip weeds out of the ground around my son so the EMTs could put on the neck brace and get him on a board. DS was screaming that he could not feel his legs. An EMT took me aside as they put ds into the back of the ambulance and told me to prepare to be told that his leg and hip if not his back were broken.


1 year ago as I turned away from teh EMT in shock I saw the driver of the semi with a smug look watching everything going on from the back of a police cruiser. There was no need to channel Doran or Remudamom that driver is lucky he was already in the back. The officer standing by the car moved aside as I approached and stood back while I tore into this guy up 1 side and down the other. I was told later it was me yelling at him that finally made it sink in what he did, he eventually apologized to every family but mine. The case is pending against him.


1 year ago I sat in the front of the ambulance unable to be near my son as they had too many EMTs in the back working on himto have any room for me. I was also in a panic as my other 3 kids were back at camp without me, and my cell phone, purse etc was in the cabin.


1 year ago I heard the best news of my life when they said it was just a broken leg.


1 year ago I witnessed a miracle knowing that my son should have died in that wreck.


The initial seatbelt failed and he was moved over 1 spot, the spot left vacant when my daughter decided to switch activities at the last moment. The semi hit the spot he initially was in.


The seatbelt he was using in the middle spot loosened and he ended up falling out of it, BUT he said he didn't because he felt a hand holding him in his seat. That hand could have only been God protecting him, his seat partner was a little girl smaller than him, there is no way she could have held him in place.


He was in a cast for 8 months. He is left with a permanent deformity of his left leg, it is shorter than the right. He has a constant limp and daily pain. BUt he lived, he can walk, he is my miracle.


I want nothing more than to hold him close tomorrow, to hold all my kids close and praise the Lord for giving us this past year together no matter how stressful things have been and how rough the path of recovery has been. But they are scattered across the province in various locations.


I am terrified that death will come back looking to take what he lost out on 1 year ago and again I will not be there to protect ds and that he has used up the only miracle he will get.


Hug your children close. Thank God everyday for that day with them. Thank Him for the miracles he bestows daily giving you that new day with them. When you tuck them in bed tonight think what it would mean to you if tomorrow they were taken back into His arms. I know that tomorrow that is all I will be able to think about.


ETA to add some pictures of my boy. 1st one was taken the day of the accident shortly after we returned to camp after he was discharged at the hospital. 2nd one was him in the wheelchair he spent the summer in. 3rd and 4th finally out of the wheelchair and into an aircast. He was not letting that leg slow him down. Last one was taken at the end of May, standing on his own 2 healthy legs.

Edited by swellmomma
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Wow, how terrifying and amazing! Was he hurt the worst in the accident? Thank God for your boy and thanks for the precious reminder!


He was. The other kids had a few bumps and bruises. The parent in the van has some soreness the next day but was fine within 48 hours. The camp counsellor driving needed stitches in his hand but was otherwise fine. The semi driver never had anything wrong with him.


The outpouring we received after this was amazing. 2 camp counsellors came and picked us up at the hospital, 1 of them his dad was best friend's with the man that owned the pharmacy in town so he went in just for us to pick up crutches and meds. That same counsellors mom put together a care package of snacks for ds, and handed the counsellor some $ to take us through the tim horton's drive through so ds could get anything he wanted (he picked a chocolate chip muffin and chocolate milk). While we were in the hospital a group of camp counsellors back at camp took care of my other kids, hung out with them at the beach and kept them well stocked in snacks from the tuck shop. I had only been allowing them to spend $2 per day there and based on what they ate I would say they each easily spent $8 there on snacks.


We went back to camp because I wanted him to see that camp was a safe place, this was just a freak accident. He did very well and everyone was awesome.


When we got back home, my folks came and took oldest 2 kids. The 2 of them be-bopped back and forth between grammas and aunties when not attending their actual week at the same camp ds was hurt in. It gave me 5 weeks of the summer with just ds and littlest dd to tend to.


Red Cross supplied us with the wheelchair free of charge for the summer. The locla health unit supplied us with a toilet seat and special bath bench again free of charge to make care for ds easier.


We missed out on a lot of our plans over the summer but the events we made it to everyone was fabulous to ds. I would have to say that summer he got more candy at the parades than any year before. Those handing it out would just pour it in his lap by the handful and those that asked what happened to him, would double what they had just given him when they learned his van was hit by a semi and he lived to tell the tale.


We are suing the driver of the semi. He was ticketed with careless driving at the scene and found to be 100% at fault. The camp van was stopped to make a left hand turn. The semi came up behind them and the driver decided he wanted to pass on a double solid. At the last second he changed his mind and served back into the proper lane rear ending them as they made their turn. According to the passengers in the van ds broke his leg on impact, the side of the van where he had been sitting was pushed in so much it was touching him. His leg snapped under the seat in front of him is the speculation, breaking both the tibia and fibula. The rolling is what caused such twisting of the limb. When the van stopped ds was layiing crumpled on the ceiling of the van. Do to the damage done to ds's leg he will never play soccer again (he has played since he was 3), no contact sports at all for years to come, we have been told as of last month there will be no trampolining for years to come, he jumped on a trampoline in May and it made his pain levels worse and instead of intermittent pain he now has constant daily pain. He is due to start physio once back home from his 2 weeks at gramma's house.


He had nightmares for weeks, and spent those weeks co-sleeping with me. SOmething he has not done since he was 3 years old.


He is a fighter though. Our house was built in the early 1930s, doorways are too narrow for the wheelchair to fit through so he learned quickly how to get out of the chair and bum scoot around the house instead of waiting for me to carry him. As his leg healed he challenged himself more and more wanting to be normal again.


I had nightmares longer than he did. Remembering that day still reduces me to tears. We have been told by others that hearing his story has turned them back towards Christ when they were uncertain of the path they were on. That they could not deny His greatness while watching my son heal from this and hear what he had to say.


Ds asked me in the ambulance if I yelled at the man that hurt him. When I said I did he calmly said "then we will be okay"


A few days after the accident, he asked why he was the only one hurt in the crash. I could only respond that God must have felt he was the only one that could get through it. DS replied to that "He let me get hurt, but kept me alive because I am special mom. God wants me here"


I praise God every day for wanting DS here. There is some greater plan in the works that we can't see but I know ds's accident fit into that plan. I know that while the accident was just that, an accident. Ds felt the hand of God holding him in his seat, keeping him alive for a purpose. That Ds *only* broke his leg and not his hip, or his back like the EMTs thought he did, because there is a purpose to the injuries he sustained. One day we will know what that greater plan is, for now I can simply praise that part of that plan is ds being safe and alive and home with me.

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I praise God every day for wanting DS here. There is some greater plan in the works that we can't see but I know ds's accident fit into that plan. I know that while the accident was just that, an accident. Ds felt the hand of God holding him in his seat, keeping him alive for a purpose. That Ds *only* broke his leg and not his hip, or his back like the EMTs thought he did, because there is a purpose to the injuries he sustained. One day we will know what that greater plan is, for now I can simply praise that part of that plan is ds being safe and alive and home with me.
Awesome...just awesome. What an incredible testimony.
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Thank you everyone. I have been in a bit of a mess tonight, it was one thing to type up the post and then go off on more celebrations and not have to think about it much, it's another thing when it is the middle of the night and he is not here to hold tight while offering praises.

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My heart was racing, too. July 1st is going to have special meaning for you, that's for sure. So glad your ds is alright. He sounds like an amazing boy!


He really is! In addition to his leg he has multiple learning disabilities and a bowel disorder and it never slows him down. This kid if going to change the world in some way. It may be in a small way, but this little boy of mine is going to have an impact that makes the world a better place. I just know it.

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