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Where are all the slackers today?

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Yesterday there were so many of us. So, who's slacking and who's not?


In other words, what have you done today? Hang out on the boards, or actually accomplish items on your to-do list?

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Today I went and did my 2 hr GTT and other blood work>

taught the kids a new craft

posted it online

nit picked dd4's hair again.

nit picked myself again, found 1 nymph. Covered my head with conditioner again to be sure

I have done 3 loads of laundry

called and talked to ex for a moment

talked to my brother on the phone (he moved back to my province yesterday)

talked to my mom making arrangements for when all 3 kids get picked up tomorrow night

dug out the suitcases

gave both dogs a bath

replied to a stack of emails



So not totally slacking but really I have so much to do that this list is barely scratching the surface.

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I had to go to the grocery store. Our fridge was near empty. I came home with sweat running down the backs of my legs (105F outside and I'm pregnant). I've spent the rest of the day listening to NPR and planning lessons with my feet up and the kids have been watching PBS.


We go back to our full school schedule Monday.

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Totally slacked today. Woke up feeling unwell, didn't get to make coffee before our power was cut for 4.5 hrs due to road widening a street over, it is 90 degrees outside, and I took a nap after waking up because I felt so cruddy. So...we pretty much did nothing. And we did not really do anything all week as one day DD had a stomach virus, yesterday we had to run errands (although I did drop off our official HSing paperwork at the post office, so that counts, right?), and it just hasn't been a productive week. Oh well.

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I've been glued to the legal blogs all day. Say no more. :D


ETA: It's not that I'm a completely negligent homeschooler; everyone but me and Wee Girl is out of town, so I have a lot of blog-reading time while entertaining the little one.

Edited by Sharon in Austin
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I'm definitely slacking. Our farmer's market only happens once a week, is just 2 blocks from our house, and I have a "spend $10, get $10" voucher. You would think I could get motivated to go over there, but the heat index is 108 (actual temp 102) and I am just dreading it. Yes, I am dreading walking 2 blocks, choosing veggies, and walking back. It is that hot out. I would not survive in the tropics.


Ds had his first allergist appointment today so that took all afternoon. At least we now have confirmation that he is super allergic to pets (which is awesome with me, since I don't want any.) We also found out that he is allergic to few other things, including the ash tree in our front yard. (We also found out that 5mg. Singulair costs $165/mo. Holy wow. I had no idea. Luckily, insurance paid for most of it.)


Dh has the day off so I spent the morning talking to him, which was nice. He actually looked at the new language arts (purchased used, but new to me!) that arrived in the mail and said, "Yeah, that'll be okay." Umm, that's the most input I think I've ever gotten from him on curricula, so I'll take it! :lol:


Swellmomma, I feel for you. BTDT and don't ever want to go there again!



I've been glued to the legal blogs all day. Say no more. :D

Oh, yeah. That too!

Edited by Element
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I wish I was slackin' today. I am so tired!

I haven't slept well in four nights and it is 105+ degrees out. I just want to lay on the couch and snooze.

But DS had swim lessons this morning, then we came home and had lunch, then schooled all afternoon. He has music lessons after bit, so I need to get around. (Get dressed and all that.)

I'm not cooking supper tonight - how is that for slackin'? DH is bringing home Tex-Mex. :D

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Today I have accomplished:

1 load of laundry

took out all the trash (which was a lot since I've been slacking lately)

minimal school with DS


I have also:

finished the book I started yesterday

caught up on my DVR list

spent a lot of time on the computer


So I guess those lists cancel each other out :tongue_smilie: I guess I'll have to find one more productive thing to do today.

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I spent most of the day at the beach with 8 boys between the ages of 7 and 14. Somehow, it was actually relaxing. :001_huh:


I have a lot to do this evening though - pack my youngest up to send him on a vacation with my ex-husband, figure out exactly what we need for my daughter's "end of school" party that we're hosting on Saturday, respond to about 5 e-mails about that and 10 about diving, call my mother and (what I find the most exciting) call my ex-husband to confirm that he's okay with me homeshooling my oldest next year! I was going to wait a few weeks to drag him into our dilemma, but we made our decision this morning and just need him to okay it before I start my planning. :)

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Hi, My name is Kymmie, and I am a slacker.


I've done pretty much nothing today. I've hung out on the boards. I've..... right. That's about it. :lol: I mean, I fed the kid. I helped her change her clothes while she was dressing up for her impromptu dance performance. I watched her performance. We watched a bunch of Animal Cops.


Yeah, we're being lazy today.

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I woke up unable to breathe through my nose.....I have been battling this stupid sinus.infection for over a week. I finished my antibiotics a few days ago and the doctor told me that being pregnant, it will just take a while to clear up. So I slept in, snuggled in the chaor qoth Dd and watched tv, gave the kids a swim lesson I. Our new little pool. I did have to help DH shovel some dirt under It to level it out. Then, I took a nap.



I am feeling better now. I am going to have some milk and cookies and then clean something.

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Ugh. Still slacking. I did just run around and improve at least one obvious thing in each room to fool DH. I'm still working the 'render him oblivious' angle.


I spent the day reading beach trash and watching sitcoms with my son. (We like shows that DH and DD hate, so we bond over Malcolm in the Middle.) I threw food at people a few times.


I LOVE summer.

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Well the first half of the day the kids and I stayed in my room watching Jumanji and another movie. I did fold laundry during this time. So all the laundry is folded and put away. Cleaned the kitchen so we could mess it up again. We painted 2 "Welcome Home" banners to meet my uncle at the airport with on Saturday. And I've asked DH to pick up dinner because...well, just because. :)


Slacker enough? :lol:

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In other words, what have you done today? Hang out on the boards, or actually accomplish items on your to-do list?


My son is volunteering this week as a junior counselor for theatre day camps. So, I had to get him up this morning, pack him a lunch and deliver him to the theatre.


Then I came home and mowed and edged the front yard.


I watched the first half of one of the movies on my list for next year.


I took my daughter to her voice lesson, picked up my son from the theatre, picked up my daughter from the lesson . . .


Then I went grocery shopping.


Tonight, I think at least some of us are going to a free movie in the park.

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Well from 5-noon I did two loads of laundry, hung one out, folded one and put it away, unloaded the dishwasher, tidied the kitchen, watered the lawn, got the kids up and fed, took them to work with me, worked the wellness floor for 3 hours (super dull), talked to the kennel to coordinate picking up our dog at the end of her stay this weekend (4 times), canceled the reservation, punted to my husband because I needed to teach a class, taught strength training for an hour, came home (still w/ the kids because my husband took OT), made lunch, did more laundry... shut my eyes for about 30 minutes... did hair (team pics this evening), got water jugs together, got ice and snacks and I am now sitting in the car with a lovely breeze blowing through while I make a grocery list for my husband to pick up for the weekend.


When I get home, I'll shove some sort of food into the kids and hustle them to bed because they are coming to work with me again tomorrow and that means they're up no later than 4:30.


Maybe on my way home I'll stop and get them some portable but junky breakfast food. They'll be ecstatic. :D

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Got the lawn mowed, made a big batch of soup with some leftovers in the fridge and ate half for lunch and froze the other half. Got a batch of Gouda cheese started. Did history with the bigger kids and phonics with the little guys and Bible with everyone.


Definitely not a really busy day, but enough that I can say I wasn't really slacking :tongue_smilie:

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Let's see......the usual morning routine; quiet time, bed, laundry, breakfast. Bible, Math, Reading and read a book for our "dino week". Watched and refereed while the boys swam. Made lunch. Dil called and said she would be picking up grandsons at 2 (yippee, afternoon off for me!) Still have my own boys but they are a piece of cake compared to the gsons. Cleaned up house, sat by the wonderful QUIET pool, made easy dinner and now I'm about to go watch Jeapordy ( I know that's not right but I'm too tired to spell) and the Olympic swimming trials! Night all;)

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I ate a nectarine and picked up three toys...dd is watching.strawberry shortcake and that made me hungry again. I had toast and butter. I am going to try and accomplish something....but I am still hungry! Off to.dig in the fridge ;)

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:001_smile: I'm here.


Today is supposed to be our last day of school before winter break.


So far I got up


and now I'm eating breakfast while hanging on the computer :001_smile:


In my defense - I have no voice so can't teach today.


The kids are at the kitchen table in their PJ's painting pictures -so that's school done ;)


I have no plans to do anything today beyond looking after childrens needs


So that's pretty slack :tongue_smilie:

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Not sure I have attained slacker status (if that is something you can attain). I know I read this thread and felt sorta bad about all the things I could have done. I really need to bathe the dogs, but I think I'm gonna pawn that off on Ds and Dh since I have to do all the grooming.



What I did:


Cleaned the caked on mess in the juicer left over from last night--won't leave it like that again!

Made Dh and I some apple/pear/peach/carrot juice.

Took youngest doggie for a 11/2 mile walk.

Watered the gardens out front.

Made some major progress towards my Empress Bee goal --too much posting here.

Posted some for sale items.

Pm'd a couple WTMers.

Talked to Ds & Dd piano teacher about what they need to do to finish up the pieces they are working on.

Called the dog trainer to figure out which classes Ds & Dd should take this summer.

Talked my mom through about 10 phone calls to help her figure out where in the world she had made a wrong turn. Navigated her to my house and took her where she needed to go so that she would not call me 10 more times. Brought her back for a late lunch.

Dropped many hints to her about all I needed to get done, (I need more posts you know.)

Walked youngest doggie again and made sure Dd did some agility with him while I made a large salad for dinner. We want him tired for class Thurs nights.

Juiced some green juice for Dh and I.

Took Dd to her Rally Obedience class and reminded her over and over how to handle the dog if he gets touchy about another dog (which rarely happens anymore, but I am paranoid). Watched and cheered her on during class.

Stopped to point out to my neighbor tha tthe landscapers he hired left plenty of the poison ivy they were supposed to remove behind. They removed it, but they left lots of leaves around their yard. (Not trying to be picky, but I know one of their kids gets it bad.)


And now that I'm home I 'm back here working on Empress Bee again! My list made me feel a little better. It looks like I did something today.

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got up late, feeling like dog poo. Apparently, my children couldn't sleep last night and ended up in my bed, pushing me out of the bed twice. :glare:


met a craigslist buyer to sell a Rockband set we don't use anymore.


had a craigslist buyer come to my house to pick up a HUGE recliner that I don't want to take when we move.


talked to DH about his job opportunities and housing in new areas. Then I wept bitterly when I got off the phone because Atlanta is now off the table and renting in Chicago is sooo expensive.


sorted a bunch of winter clothes - donate, sell, hang and price for fall consignment, and kept a few. I have to actually DO those things tomorrow though ;)


talked with a friend who is moving in a couple of weeks :crying: and taking her kids, my two youngest children's BFFs with her.


unpacked several suitcases from vacation and sorted that into "use now" and "pack for later" piles.


watched a little youtube on my phone while waiting on one of the buyers.


am about to eat supper so I can go to bed early tonight and hit it in the early morning (and hopefully cooler) hours tomorrow.

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Slack-o-rama here!


Up at 6, took out trash, watered lawn.


Took care of pets, took care of errands, 3 loads laundry.


Took kids to pool. Started sewing a pair of pants, but the power went out.


Tried not to panic that the power went out while the temperature was 108F out. Had dd find the cat outside and drag him in, protesting, before he baked.


Read party of a fluffy murder mystery. Watched part of a really bad movie with the kids once the power came back on.


I'm on here supposedly figuring out American History for high school, but I've sort of got that slacker groove going now.

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I haven't slacked yet this summer aside from spending more time on the boards.


Today, I:


took my son to camp after making lunch for him


came home and took care of paperwork and listed out stuff I need to get for the school year


packaged and shipped books


fertilized and watered flower and vegetable gardens




showered and got ready for the day


ate lunch


picked my son up


went grocery shopping


went to library


made dinner


cleaned kitchen


organized pantry


read about Tecumeseh (trying to finish SOTW V. 3)


finished invoicing customers


balanced business checking account


ordered some clothes from JC Penny


going now to take a bubble bath


movie and glass of wine to come :auto:

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Cooked breakfast burritos for breakfast


Washed dishes by hand


Raked up lawn debris and filled the 95 gallon bin with it while DS mowed the lawn (there's still several more bins worth of debris out there)


Deadheaded the rhododendron on the traffic circle in our cul-de-sac near where the kids were playing with my neighbor's guests (grandkids, I think)


Made lunch from leftover spaghetti sauce


Went through a mountain of mail and paid the bills, threw away half the mountain, and still have the other half to file or put away


Emailed two very important emails considering a potential legal issue with our homeschool group


Went to Office Max and Fred Meyer


Cooked dinner (chicken fajitas)


Next up: Dishes, dessert (Orange Juliuses for the family, Coconut Bliss ice cream for me)

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I set a timer for 30 minutes and cleaned in the playroom. I made it halfway around the room! DD's toys are sorted, I pulled the baby toys to put on the shelf I bought for them, and put stuffed animals in one container. Then I put dinner in the oven. 20 minutes to bbq ham and green bean casserole!!

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