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Losing my pregnancy?

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Gosh, I am almost ten weeks pregnant and I woke up this morning and had some blood come out. Now every time I go to the bathroom there is blood. The amount is small nothing crazy, but now I have terrible terrible cramps. I mean it actually feels a little like the beginning of labor bad. And I don't get menstraul cramps.


Anyway, what should I expect? I called the doctor and will go in tomorrow for an ultrasound. I am so scared about how bad this is going to be. I feel like I want to know either way right now. The pain is pretty bad that I know I need to probably make peace with what is going to happen but I am so worried about how bad the bleeding and all will be.


Sorry, for all he info I was just hoping to get some advice. My dh told me to stop looking online because I was just getting more and more upset. I am trying to take heart in that I trust God's decision for this little life but it is still hard.

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drink lots of water and lye flat on your back. only get up to go to the toilet.

IT is the only thing I know to do.

I lost one at 11 weeks with the same symptoms you are describing. Then 4 months later I got pregnant again and at 9 weeks had the same symptoms. I quit work that day, and spent the next 20 weeks lying on my back. That baby is now 8 years old.

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I'd be more concerned about the cramps in combination with the bleeding (bleeding, while not normal, is not necessarily a sign of miscarriage, i.e., lots of people have bleeding - even big amounts, as I did - and go on to have successful pregnancies).


:grouphug: sending positive thoughts for tomorrow!


and I agree with the PP - I'd be horizontal for now.

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:grouphug: I am so sorry. I agree it doesn't sound too good, especially with the cramps. Bleeding is not altogether unheard-of, but cramping is usually not a good sign.


Did you have other pregnancy symptoms? With my miscarriage, I felt especially good - no nausea and my bOOks were not sore. I think in retrospect, that was a sign that the hormones were never really where they should be to begin with. I lost that baby at 8 weeks.

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I'm so sorry. I had 4 miscarriages in a row...all in the first trimester. The last was twins at 12 weeks. I had D&Cs with 3 of them (one was too early even for that), and I did not regret it. Two of them were done in my OB's office, and the last one was in the hospital (too much of a bleeding risk with a twin pregnancy).


Anyway, my recovery time was non-existent...I was back to my normal routine and taking care of my other children that day. Also, there was no bleeding to speak of afterwards...just some light spotting (more like a light period after the last one, which was to be expected).


Having the D&Cs also allowed me to move forward mentally and I wasn't worried about the miscarriage being incomplete.


HTH and :grouphug:

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Sending you :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: and prayers.


I'm so sorry this is happening, and wish you could get answers immediately. It always seems that the scariest stuff happens on a weekend.


The cramping worries me a lot more than the bleeding does, but the combination of the two is very scary. I agree with everyone that you should be lying down and not getting up unless it's absolutely necessary. And do keep track of the bleeding, as well. If you feel a lot worse or if you just get too scared, you can always go the ER to find out exactly what's going on.



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Thanks for the :grouphug:! I need them.


I just went in the bathroom and there was a a ton of blood and even clots. So, I guess this is it :crying::crying::crying:The cramping is so terrible. This is horrible!


How do they decide if you still need a D&C?

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My doctor could tell during my ultrasound that I hadn't expelled everything and sent me back home to finish the miscarriage. I went back a day or so later for another ultrasound and he said it was complete.


Also they should follow your beta numbers (blood test) back down to normal. If they stay up that could indicate an incomplete miscarriage that you will need a D&C for.


I have had a natural miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, and a third miscarriage I opted for a D&C with. The last one (D&C) was by far my "easiest" physically. None of them are easy emotionally.


I'm so sorry you are going through this. :grouphug: it sucks and is so awful.

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I'm so sorry :(. I had a D&C with my first m/c, but had a "natural" m/c the second time. My cramps were so bad that I saw spots and threw up. I had an early epidural with Asher so I didn't know that kind of pain existed. Thankfully, once I really started cramping, my body expelled almost everything very quickly. I went to my ob the next day and they did an u/s to confirm that the baby was gone. They did a blood draw that day and every few day for six weeks until my HCG reached 0. I don't know if that is typical, though, I developed something called Asherman's Syndrome from my D&C, which cause my body to retain part of the placenta and continue to bleed. I definitely knew when I passed the baby, I could feel it :(

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I just had a miscarriage in February at 10 weeks. The doctor told me the pain would be bad and that I would pass alot of clots. Once the main part passes the pain will ease considerably. And, trust me, you will know when it happens. Until then it felt like labor to me. The pain and cramping was much more than I expected but I have a low tolerance for pain. The doctor told me the only danger is if something gets lodged or blocked and you continue bleeding. Then you would need to get to the ER. Though I do agree with others that it might be safest to go to the ER.


:grouphug: So sorry you have to go through this.

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I don't want to give you false hope, but I had a pregnancy with heavy, heavy bleeding and huge clots and it wasn't a miscarriage. I would take the maximum dose of tylenol, and rest. There were lots of times that I went through more than one pad in 30 minutes, but the OB on call always said that was okay as long as I didn't have other symptoms.


The bleeding began at 6 weeks and stopped within a few days of starting progesterone injections (around 13 weeks).

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