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A few prayers for my new little one please?

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If you didn't see my post the other day....I just found out baby #4 is on the way. I got a faint positive on Friday that I confirmed with a digital. I should be about 5wk today. I just went to the bathroom had had red/pink blood when I wiped. A significant amount, but not enough to need a pad or anything. I've never spotted in any of my pregnancies. As scared as I was/am to have this baby, I'm even more scared, now, of losing it.


If you have a minute and wouldn't mind throwing up a few prayers, I'd really appreciate it. This is scary. Sigh.



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:grouphug: and prayers right now.


I had spotting/bleeding around the same time as you and then again at 8 weeks. My dr said something about your body still thinking you were having a period so some light bleeding was not entirely unexpected. I hope this is what is going on with you.



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I had the same thing with my fourth. Lots of bloodwork and ultrasounds and all later, she is now 6! I was short on progesterone and took that. I don't know if that was the difference or not.


I continued to bleed for the first 20 weeks. There are so many reasons you can bleed during pregnancy! I pray yours is one of the simple ones!

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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:grouphug: Praying for you and your little peanut. I remember having bad cramps a few weeks after I found out I was pg with dd13. The Dr. told me that cramping was normal and even some bleeding was ok....the little peanuts are burrowing into the uterine lining and it can be irritating to the uterus.


Stay positive, drink water, and call your Dr. tomorrow. You can even get some natural progesterone cream to use for now. :grouphug:

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