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  1. 1. What do you think?

    • Magic and sorcery do exist in the world today.
    • Magic and sorcery do not exist in the world today.
    • Magic and sorcery may have existed in the past.
    • Magic and sorcery have never existed.
    • Person A can cast a spell on Person B
    • Person A cannot cast a spell on Person B
    • Demons exist and have magical powers
    • Demons exist and do not have magical powers
    • Deamons do not exist
    • Chocolate for everyone

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Without going into why I'm putting up this poll, I'm interested in seeing the results.


Feel free to discuss the subject at hand.


To be clear Options 7, 8 and 9 should say The devil and his demons exist...

Edited by Parrothead
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What definition are we using for magic & sorcery? Like Harry Potter style? Like horror flick "witches are evil" brand satan worshiping stereotypes? Or like the pagan understanding of magic?

Yes, HP style which is what the discussion I'm involved in is about.

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Not sure exactly what you mean by magical power. I am thinking you mean supernatural power? As in power beyond what humans are capable of?


I noticed that too. I clicked on it anyway because I figured you were meaning supernatural but I don't believe that demons have "magical powers' but rather supernatural ones.


And yes chocolate is indeed for everyone. :)

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No magic, spells, demons, wizards, dragons, goblins, orcs, giants, gnomes, hobbits, Phoenix, unicorns, gods or monsters.


Now pixies, OTOH...

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I am having a hard time with the magic thing, so I haven't voted yet. I do think demons exist, and I think they are able to manipulate the physical world. I think it is possible for people, purposefully or inadvertently, to be involved with demonic powers in order to manipulate the physical world. I don't tend to think that this is very common, and it may be that it has never happened.


I also would say that most people I know who are pagans and really believe in magic do not think it is anything much like story book magic.


I find it a bit hard to relate Harry Potter type magic to the question, because there is never in those books or others of the same type much explanation of what magic really is and where it comes from.

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Hey, now, don't go saying hobbits don't exist. That's just not cool.
I've known as couple guys with hairy feet. It could be evidence of interbreeding, but I'd want to see the results of a DNA test first.
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I don't believe in magic, demons, ghosts or sorcery. I believe these are different from the spiritual. I believe in God. I do not get the feeling that the Frank Peretti style of angels and demons fighting is happening around me. I can't remember which book that was from... I do believe in the power of suggestion and that our minds are very powerful in that respect. I do believe strongly in chocolate.

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Chocolate has magical powers. :D


I don't know, I'm skeptical about magical power ala HP, but what about voodoo, that's some funky stuff, or Santeria?


Is it magic if it uses some form of science that we don't currently understand? Wouldn't some of old say that? Do mind altering drugs allow us to sense different things that AREN'T all in our head? Do we really know? I'm not sure where I really fall, but I don't discount everything. I think there is a big old grey area of we don't know why that happens still to be discovered. It might redefine what we consider "magic".



What about Vegas and David Copperfield? :tongue_smilie:

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What about Vegas and David Copperfield? :tongue_smilie:

Never liked him much, but I do miss Doug Henning.
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Chocolate for everyone, unless it gives them migraines!



I over-think questions like these. These things exist even if they are fictional. To say Heidi or Anne of Green Gables don't exist would be silly. They are fictional, but they are definitely real because so many people have read them, enjoyed them, thought about them, wondered what happened after, have taken lessons from them, had their perception of the world altered slightly by them, etc.


So, I don't believe in Satan but he is still real. People cast spells. I don't necessarily believe in them, but I don't necessarily disbelieve either. I definitely don't believe in Harry Potter style magic. :)



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I only voted Chocolate for Everyone :D


I really don't know where I stand on all that stuff. I do know I believe in ghosts/spirits, good and bad, but I don't know how to explain them. I don't really feel a need to explain them, though.


I've heard stories of people doing "dark magic" and opening themselves to spirits, but I don't know. My mom used to tell me watching scary movies could welcome evil spirits, but beyond that, I have no experience with that stuff and hopefully, never will :tongue_smilie:

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One of my answers was that demons exist but don't have magical powers but seeing your later explanations, I am not sure I answered correctly. Basically I believe in God and believe that Satan exists and has followers. That doesn't mean that I think little gremlin like creatures are running around (like a previous poster, I am not believing the Frank Peretti portrait of angels and demons fighting around us). More like I believe that some people are being willingly led by the Devil to do evil. Not supernatural evil but evil nonetheless.


But chocolate is for everyone. That is one thing I am sure about- yum, yum.

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Chocolate for everyone.


I prefer to think that demons don't exist but I do believe in Angels so don't think you can have one without the other. Spiritual warfare - yes. Magic warfare no. Sorcery like HP variety - don't believe in it.

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Then I vote no, they do not exist and have never existed. *I* believe that demons exist, but I do not believe that they have magical powers.


I guess this is part of my question - do demons have any powers at all? If they do, while it might be a perfectly natural power for a demon to have, it might look like magic to us. Just as a possible example, if demons are not constrained by time, which is a pretty standard understanding, they would be able to pass on information from the future to people.

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No magic

No sorcery

No demons


Chocolate is forever.


I will qualify that however. I do believe that our minds are very powerful things and that they can affect us in ways that we do not understand, but it is not supernatural. It is biological, psychological, sociological, etc. There is a sense in which we create what we believe. That is why I do believe that we should think on the things that are good, pure, lovely, and true.


I think C. S. Lewis was right about laughing at the devil and demons, but not because it takes away their power, because they have no real power.

Edited by Onceuponatime
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Wait, so only 132 of the 205 people that voted thinks that chocolate should be for everyone? What is wrong with the rest of you?! Chocolate for everyone! EVERYONE!




Honestly, though, I'm disappointed in my other answers. I'm so boring. I don't believe in demons, magic, spells, etc. I sometimes wish I did.

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Harry Potter magic has not and will never be real. Is that discussion seriously happening?! Oh, dear.


I do think demons exist, but I don't know about magical powers - or rather, I wouldn't use the word "magical" considering that you appear to be intending HP-style magic there. I think it's possible that demons can have great influence on the world around them, but I live in the US in the 21st century so it's unlikely that I will see it. I also think that things attributed to demons in more ancient cultures may actually be caused by other things (eg mental illness).

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I noticed that too. I clicked on it anyway because I figured you were meaning supernatural but I don't believe that demons have "magical powers' but rather supernatural ones.


And yes chocolate is indeed for everyone. :)


This. I didn't vote. LOL


ETA: I went back and voted for chocolate. For everyone but demons, just to be clear. :P

Edited by dalynnrmc
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Now that i know what you mean by your questions, I answered incorrectly. I do believe there is real sorcery being practiced today (not HP type stuff) and I do believe there are demons with supernatural powers. I had assumed that's what you meant by magical powers. Don't believe in HP type stuff. There are certainly people who cast spells, but I'm not sure whether that has real effect.


Chocolate answer still stands.

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I believe magic and sorcery (witchcraft) do exist today and that person A can cast a spell on person B, though I don't believe most witches do cast spells on others. I think most of them are generally good people who use witchcraft to help and not harm, even though I don't agree with the practice. I believe that demons do exist and have supernatural powers (which is how I understood you to mean "magical").


Since I read later that you meant HP style, I would change my answer to the first question to "never existed."

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