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What time does your 6/7 YO go to bed?

What time does your 6/7 year old go to bed?  

  1. 1. What time does your 6/7 year old go to bed?

    • Before 7pm
    • 7pm
    • 8pm
    • 9pm
    • 10pm
    • 11pm
    • After 11pm

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We don't have official bedtimes. We watch an episode or two of a show like Dr Who after dinner then the tv is off. Generally we read or hang out, maybe the adults go on the computer. The kids naturally either head back to bed or fall asleep in the living room and get carried back by around 9 pm. My 12 year old and 16 year old might stay up with the adults but the 8 year old, 5 year old and whatever grandkids are here don't. We adults head to bed ourselves around 10 pm. We all get up around 7 am, and that is 'enforced' really because no one can sleep through the commotion once dh gets up and antagonizes the dog into barking, starts singing, ect.

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Both my little boys (who are 6 1/2 and 9) are usually asleep by 10. It's unusual for them not to be in their pj's with teeth brushed by 9:30 for 'snuggle time'.


Yes, I realize that's later than the norm. Their 'official' bedtime is 8:30, although I have no idea why we even say that anymore, lol. We just all really like hanging out together at night, and since they can pretty much sleep until they want to get up in the morning, it works for us.

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i voted 9pm. If they are cranky and clearly ready for sleep, they are sent on to bed. We snuggle starting around 8pm after all our baths. My husband also works late and gets home at midnight and appreciates a later rise in the mornings. We typically get up around 8:30 or 9am. They would have to go to bed earlier if we got up earlier. We will also take naps sometimes during the day. Those days, they stay up till 10 if they aren't annoying me with whines or fighting ;)

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My 7 year old just recently had her bedtime moved from 7 to 8. Many days, we still regret it, as her behavior usually tanks after 6 or so, but the older dc are involved in enough activities that there's nobody home before 7:30 or so on a regular basis, so the 8:00 is the earliest that is practical.

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I voted 8, but it's really 8:30. My girls go to bed at 8 and about 4 months ago we started letting DS7 stay up until 8:30.


This always gets a little lax in the summer. But we tend to have more nap times in the summer because the kids want to wake up early and go to bed late!

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Children must be in rooms by 8 pm. We eat at 6 pm and then I send them back outside (if it's nice). They usually come in at 7:30ish, take showers and get ready for bed. They are allowed to stay up until 9ish. Dd6 never stays up this late unless she's taken a late nap. She's usually asleep by 8:15. Ds9 would stay up and read all night if I let him. He has a hard "lights out" rule at 9.

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So far I'm the lone "after 11pm" vote.


I know I'm not the norm, so my kids start chores at 7pm, (showers, cleaning up room, etc) then they come down pick 2 snacks and a drink and must be upstairs at 8pm. They are allowed to read, draw, or watch tv/dvds until midnight.


I was never one to put my kids to bed at 7, because then they'd be up at 6am and that's not going to fly for me.


I usually go up to bed about 11 and fall asleep about 2am. I am usually up between 8:30 and 9am and the kids usually come rolling down between 9:30 and 11. I'm good with that.

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I voted 10 pm, for all 4 (DS13, DS11, DS7 and DS5), but it can be half an hour before, or half an hour later. DH doesn't usually get in until around 7 pm and he likes to have supper with them, hear them do their piano practice and maybe watch something on the TV with them. Once upon a time it used to drive me mad, but then I realised it didn't really matter: we homeschool! So DS7 and DS5 don't wake up until 9 am and our day is just a little skewed towards lateness. It works on the whole. It also means that if I get up at 7 am I have two hours to myself, and I'm much more a morning person. Bliss :001_smile:.



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I voted 10--it's usually between 9:30 and 10. When my now teen boys were that age their bedtime was 9.


ETA: I used to aim for 9 but then ds2 was on a soccer team that had practice twice a week from 7:30 - 9--and dd had to come with me to take him. By the time we got home and ready for bed it was easily 10. We just haven't tried moving back to an earlier time.

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I had always envisioned that my kids would have a 7pm bedtime until middle school because, well, that is what both my husband and I had! Ha! But, my 6 year old is in team gymnastics and her team practice doesn't get her home until about 9:30pm 3 nights a week....which makes her bedtime around 9 on non gymnastics nights and around 9:45 on gymnastics nights. It isn't what I had planned, but it works well for us!


And I have to add--if we weren't homeschooling, I am not sure if her being on team would fly. I just can't see having a little one stay up that late when they have to get up for school early the next morning. Another high five to homeschooling!!

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Guest erynn42

My 3 children most of the time go to bed at 8. About 7:30 or so we start bedtime routine. There are a few nights a week where it's much later (10 or later) due to church or other activities. They are usually up before 7 a.m. Occasionally later, but usually if they hear me (or not?!?) they get up.


I have a 5, 3 and 1 year old and all still nap. 2-4 hour naps (yay me!) Sometimes the oldest doesn't, but most days. But with the long naps it can mean that they aren't as tired at 8. So they don't always fall asleep until 9 or 10. Baby usually does as long as the boys (who share a room) aren't being to disruptive.

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I love that homeschooling lets all of our families be on the best schedule for us! I couldn't handle the kids being up until 10 because I'm an early riser and like to be in bed by 10:30! But my kids are early risers too, so bedtime at 8 is perfect. I don't know about our activities, though. They seem to be pushing later and later. It's messing up my schedule!

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We try to have the kids ready for bed by 9, then the youngest goes to bed. I read to the others until at least 10, and by that time usually only the oldest is still awake. I'm not a morning person and dh works 2nd shift so it is easier to have them sleep in until 8 or 9.

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Dh puts the two youngers to bed; he just now took them upstairs, at 10 p.m. He will read to them for at least an hour, maybe longer, and hopefully when he finishes reading the 7yo will be asleep, but the 10yo almost definitely will not. I hate the late nights for them, but they don't get home from their tae kwon do classes until 8:15 or later 3x a week and dh doesn't get home from his tae kwon do class until 9:15 at least 3x a week. Once everyone has eaten and showered, it's at least 10 p.m. just to start relaxing and reading.


When our older kids were 6-7yo, and only had sports once or twice a week, but only in seasonal spurts, they were in bed by 9 p.m. They could read, but we wanted their lights off by 10 p.m.

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