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Prayers Please - A Miracle is Needed

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A friend of mine has a daughter who is very, VERY ill.



is Molly. She is seven years old. On her first day of kindergarten, Molly collapsed and her life, and the lives of her family, changed forever. Her mom, Kristen, is never far from my thoughts and continues to show her strength, courage, vulnerability, humor, and frustration in the face of a world that no longer makes much sense.



You can learn more on her Facebook page or on her Caringbridge page.



Four hours ago, her mom posted this:



"We ended up taking Molly into the hospital last night to get her pain under control. Her breathing is getting worse as well. Emergency meeting tonight to get Hospice in place. Please keep Molly in your prayers!"



My heart hurts for them. If you could spare a moment and a prayer or two for Molly and her family, I know it would be appreciated!



Thank you!


*UPDATE on page 5*

Edited by k2bdeutmeyer
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Oh sweet Molly--- how utterly unfair. I"ll be holding that darling lamb in the light, and sending strength to her family. I cannot begin to imagine.


Now I'm going to go wake up my own Molly and give her an extra mama hug.



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How sad :( She was denied a transplant because "recovery" isn't "possible"? That is incredibly sad for her and her family :( Gosh... makes you wanna hug your kids tighter... and cry for Molly :( and her family :(


I know. It breaks my heart. Reading her mom's Caringbridge update when she had to explain that Molly's death is inevitable to her other 2 children was almost more than I could handle.


The sheer number of machines in the video just made me burst into tears.


Prayers for sure, my dear. :grouphug:


I know......they are an amazing family and Kristen's strength is superhuman!


Thank you to everyone!

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Is she a twin?


I have a dear friend who is a twin and who gave birth to twins. One of her twins was diagnosed with rare cancer at 18 months. She said that the thing that made her cry the most when Hannah was in the hospital was that her twin couldn't come see her. There is a special, special bond between twins.


Praying for Molly and family.

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I read her entire CB journal last night and was in tears. I am praying for this little girl and her family. dh is out of town, and when I finished reading (at 2:30 a.m.) I woke up my 3 boys and had them all come in and curl up in bed w/me so they could be close.


Molly will be in my thoughts and prayers each and every day, as will her siblings and her parents. I cannot even imagine what they are living through, and it is times like this that make you feel so helpless, as a parent, and as someone wishing they could help in some small way.

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I cannot even imagine what they are living through, and it is times like this that make you feel so helpless, as a parent, and as someone wishing they could help in some small way.




I am simply amazed every single day at the way Kristen (her mother) handles this with such grace. Even in the worst of times she finds a way to be strong.

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This popped up on Facebook today, so I wanted to add it here too:


"So many people have asked if they can help with Molly's bucket list, it's completely amazing. With Molly's sudden decline over the last week, I'm not sure what she's going to be able to accomplish and I had an idea. Please print this picture of Molly, and take it to your favorite place, and take a picture of yourself holding Molly's picture. Sort of a "Flat Molly" to all of you who know Flat Stanley. There are so many MollyBelievers from all over the world, we could send Molly on the trip of a lifetime. You can post them here [Facebook] or email them to miraclesformollydunne@yahoo.com and I plan on putting them together in a book so that the Dunnes can see how much Molly means to so many people. Thanks for your support, prayers, and positive thoughts."


There is talk of trying to get celebrities involved, so if anyone has any connections, that would be awesome!! :)



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Is there somewhere to see the bucket list she has?




This popped up on Facebook today, so I wanted to add it here too:


"So many people have asked if they can help with Molly's bucket list, it's completely amazing. With Molly's sudden decline over the last week, I'm not sure what she's going to be able to accomplish and I had an idea. Please print this picture of Molly, and take it to your favorite place, and take a picture of yourself holding Molly's picture. Sort of a "Flat Molly" to all of you who know Flat Stanley. There are so many MollyBelievers from all over the world, we could send Molly on the trip of a lifetime. You can post them here [Facebook] or email them to miraclesformollydunne@yahoo.com and I plan on putting them together in a book so that the Dunnes can see how much Molly means to so many people. Thanks for your support, prayers, and positive thoughts."


There is talk of trying to get celebrities involved, so if anyone has any connections, that would be awesome!! :)

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Just wanted to update with Kristen's latest FB post:

"Today was a rough one. Molly was very uncomfortable this afternoon. Lots of nausea and pretty agitated. We had to increase her meds to try and keep her comfortable. Best moments of the day...laying in Molly's bed, rubbing her legs all while looking at all of the pics of "Flat Molly". Molly smiled at each and every pic. I am completely blown away by the outpouring of love and support from so many. ♥"

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Prayers and big hugs for Molly. :grouphug:


We had an absolutely lovely girl in our homeschool co-op in Denver who also had primary pulmonary hypertension. She received a double lung transplant three years ago, and today is a professional opera singer. Her story is incredibly inspirational, and you can read about her on her blog. http://www.charitysunshine.com You can also check out other articles about her struggle by googling her name... Charity Tilleman-Dick. She has been very public about her health struggles, and there's lots out there about her. Maybe Molly's parents can feel some comfort in knowing that not all cases of PPH end badly. There is hope.

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This is heartbreaking. WHY did they deny her for a lung transplant? God bless that little girl and her family. I can't even imagine...


Oh, no! They denied her a transplant? I'm sorry, I didn't read her Caring Bridge, so I was unaware of this. What was the reasoning behind their decision?

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