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A family member nicknamed their "Jr" son Deuce. I get it. I see how it's a clever twist on him being a Jr but I think the kids are going to attack that in school mercilessly in middle school if not before. I have a pretty innocent type mind but the first thing I think of is a women's hygiene product.


I did avoid any of those names but barely. I liked Madison as a girl.



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I think people have too much time on their hands. I can't imagine bothering to have a strong opinion about what someone names their child, as long as it's not mean-spirited or truly weird (Blanket comes to mind).



:iagree: I could not care less that a bunch of people are griping about names in chat rooms. If you want to name your dc with the most unusual name ever or the most common, have at it. As long as those people don't get to name my dc, I don't particularly care. :lol:


Having said all that, I am glad that ds wanted to be called a different name when he came to us. His original name was a cover you put on a lamp or what you may seek under a tree in the sun :001_huh:. Though the name he wanted/is now called is on that last. But, I think he chose a wonderful name for himself. I am actually very surprised to see it on the list. It's the name he always wanted. I'm glad we could make it happen for him.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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Hooray - I managed not to name either of my kids anything on that list!


I have to admit I dislike most of those names and a couple of them make me gag. Although, I have no problems with Jackson or Michael. Especially used as family name.


I live in the upper midwest, so the name Madison has always made me :001_huh: given it's a president's surname and the capitol of Wisconsin. I know it was the mermaid's name in Splash, which was actually another turn off for me. I do know a very sweet Madison who is 13 or 14 that has a very cool mom though, so I guess it's not all bad! :D


I also know a Mackenzie that is named that because it's her mother's maiden name. I don't know, I just like family names or names that have some sort of deeper meaning and can give quite a bit of leeway for a back story.


I have a niece and 2 nephews ALL from the same family that have names mentioned on that list. LOL. I have to admit, I did the internal eye roll when I found out their names.

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A family member nicknamed their "Jr" son Deuce. I get it. I see how it's a clever twist on him being a Jr but I think the kids are going to attack that in school mercilessly in middle school if not before. I have a pretty innocent type mind but the first thing I think of is a women's hygiene product.


I did avoid any of those names but barely. I liked Madison as a girl.


:001_huh: It reminds me of that, too. But don't they know what it is slang for?

Edited by Miss Peregrine
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Never understood 'Nevaeh' either. For some reason, the backwards spelling comes across as indicating "opposite of." So, it's like naming your little girl 'Hades' or something.



This exactly what I have always thought too! Exactly!


Most kids around here have names that are fairly common. W do have a Chloe and Khloe at our church who are both 4. I have a nephew with one of the "dreaded" -yden names too.

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I have a Paden. I saw that Aiden, Kaden, Jaden, Brayden and Hayden were hated. Does that mean I pass?


We named our Paden after the Kevin Kline character in "Silverado".



Paden? You have a 'Paden'? A woman after my own heart! :D



Paden "Can't you see this horse loves me?"


Paden "My name is under the saddle"

Sheriff "What's your name?"

Cobb "Paden. P. A. D. E. N."



Ahh.... I love that movie. Dh not so much. I would have loved to have a 'Paden'. :D :D Your ds' name is fine by me! :lol:

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I managed to avoid all of those names. I think it boils down to overuse of the names. I bet I know at least 3+ kids with each name on the list. I have never understood Nevaeh though :confused:


When i worked neontal ICU we had a baby named Tamiracle deheaven....

themiracletoheaven is how the parents pronounced it! we had lots of nevaeh named babies, never liked it either.

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Well, my son's middle name is Michael. I think it's a classic, great name, if a bit common :) . I also like the names Grace and Aiden ( AW Tozer, the Christian devotional writer from last century's name is Aiden) We choose not to use any of the "ay-den" names, though, because they are soooo common where we live, at least. More so than Michael, I'd think.

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There is not a name on either of those lists that I don't dislike,:thumbdown: but I've heard worse.


I have a niece who named her daughter Jazlyn. What a craptacular thing to name a kid. :001_rolleyes: Hello stripper pole! Jazlyn's on her way! :glare:

Edited by Audrey
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There is not a name on either of those lists that I don't dislike,:thumbdown: but I've heard worse.


I have a niece who named her daughter Jazlyn. What a craptacular thing to name a kid. :001_rolleyes: Hello stripper pole! Jazlyn's on her way! :glare:



I'm naming my next child Deuce Hulga Craptacular! And Fred NMI Craptacular if it's a boy. :D

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Oldest DS's name is on the list- it is in the 'Aden' family. When we chose it 12 years ago, no one had ever heard of it. We even chose a basic middle name, in case he grew up and didn't like the rarity of his first name, he could go by his middle name. :001_smile:It is also a name from the bible, which most people don't know. However, being as how it is SO trendy today, I probably would not choose it again.

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Like some of those names and dislike some too.


I go for classic, not trendy. I want their names to sound like names of people, not pets.:tongue_smilie: That said, a child's name should be meaningful to the parents and not a bunch of strangers.




I'm not generally a fan of kre8tiv spellings, but I've known about 3 names that I liked better on the person with a slight tweak in the spelling. If it takes decoding with a cursor to read the name, it's tooooooo kre8tiv.

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I have a friend with a daughter named Jazlyn and that isn't what crossed my mind at all.


I remember about 15 years ago a baby name book came out and lumped Kathy and Dawn in with the name Candy and said they all sounded like strippers :glare:




There is not a name on either of those lists that I don't dislike,:thumbdown: but I've heard worse.


I have a niece who named her daughter Jazlyn. What a craptacular thing to name a kid. :001_rolleyes: Hello stripper pole! Jazlyn's on her way! :glare:

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Dh and I both have extremely common first names and spent our childhood with our last initial tied to our first name. I obviously didn't want that for our kids. Ds10 is Cullen his grandmas maiden name. His middle is Michael, dh and his father both have that as their middle name. Dd8 is Lilith after dh grandmother. Her middle is Anne. It is a tradition in my family for the oldest girl to have Anne in her name. EVERYONE did it. I thought for a moment of using something else but was afraid my grandmother would haunt me:lol: ds4 is Barrett (not Barry!) That is the other grandmas maiden name. My father only had girls and I told him if I had a second son I was naming his middle name after him. I let him pick which of his 3 names he wanted used and he picked his middle for ds middle. So he is Barrett Vincent. I know a lot of people don't like the last name first thing but I think if you have a legitimate claim to it it's pretty cool. In fact I think hey its your kids whatever :D. I have never gotten anything but compliments on their names. I like them because they are different, but not "weird" also no one forgets them and we have never actually met anyone else with their same names (other then dh grandma)

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My son's t-ball team practices with another team who has a boy named Meat-Meat on it. I thought it was a nickname but no that's his actual name.


Ok, this made me :lol::lol::lol: I like unique names, but that one takes the cake!


Three of our kids have unusual names that are objects (nature names) but they are all spelled correctly. DS's name wasn't popular when we named home, but now it's around 200 or so on the top baby names list. All of my DDs names aren't even in the top 1000.


I like unusual names, but not unusual spellings...unless they're spelled traditionally (I like the traditional spelling of Rhys instead of Reece, etc).

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There's really only one on that list I can give a hearty "Amen!" to. The others fall into the category of, not really my thing but whatever floats your boat.




I think it also depends on why a child is named something. I care for a little boy named Jayden. He is named after his grandpas- James and Dennis. Everyone loves that he's named something special (to them), even if it is on some list.

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This dates me for sure... but back in the stone age when I taught Elementary grades, there were a lot of Ashleys, Jennifers, Brandons, Michaels, etc. One year there were 4 different Ashleys in my class. I had to assign them a Last Name "initial" on nametags, books, supplies, to avoid confusion. They knew to turn in work with their last name initial on it as well. That was the year I declared to my fellow co-workers in the teacher's room how MUCH I disliked the name Ashley. :lol:


Years later, I had another student whose name was Ashleigh. And yes, there was another Ashley in the same class. But it was a creative use to make the common name more unique. One year I taught Kindergarten and a parent demanded her daughter be labeled Lady Ashley on all paperwork, cubby, supplies, and more. The poor kid was teased by her peers as a result. She also hated being called Ashley. I think she chose to go by her middle name by the time she was in 3rd grade.

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The name of the little girl I babysit is on the list. I don't hate the name, but I wouldn't have picked it if I had a girl. My boys have traditional, old fashioned names for both first and middle names. Neither of their names are on the list. Dh's name is Michael, though, and I don't understand why it made the list, except that I agree about it being so common. I guess I know a gazillion Mikes.

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:confused: Wow, that really surprises me.

On one hand, it doesn't and, on the other, it does. There are certain groups that are well known for naming their children after virtues and other such. But we also have a daughter named for a virtue and another word. I was surprised to see Aidan make the list. The other "-ayden" names don't surprise me. Michael doesn't really surprise me as I have been surrounded by them my entire life and most of them have similar personality traits. I like it as a middle name though.


My names also fall under the "hated" categories, even though they aren't listed. It's why I go by my initials. First, they are WORDS, not NAMES. Second, one is predominately used for males, generally those of African or Middle Eastern descent.

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I don't think the same rules apply for middle names though. Jackson as a middle name to me is a lot like the traditional practice of giving last names as middle names. My poor grandmother got "Bagshaw" as her middle name, from some long-toothed ancestor or relative.


My kids have family names as middle names too: Calvert and Randolph.

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The only one I really can't stand on that list is Neveah. It's just . . . odd.


As to unusual names I have known IRL, I went to school with boys named Chance and Maverick. Those were their legal names. Then there was the woman I met named Princess. (I thought it was a nickname at first.)


I guess the trend to give girls last-name names is still going strong. We used to live next door to a Morgan who was given her mom's maiden name as her first name. Years later the parents were divorced and the dad was a major deadbeat. So much so that the mother wanted to change the kids' last name to Morgan (to match hers--she took back her maiden name) but felt she couldn't because Morgan Morgan would sound stupid.

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I can't come up with what you are thinking about? I'll have to google it to figure out.


I knew a "Trey" who was a third.


Ime, "Trey" is a really southern thing. My MIL suggested it when we were trying on nicknames instead of the male name than runs in the family. I told her, very innocently, that I'd rather call him Cookie Sheet. It took her a second to realize I was messing with her and not just being a clueless northerner.

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Ime, "Trey" is a really southern thing. My MIL suggested it when we were trying on nicknames instead of the male name than runs in the family. I told her, very innocently, that I'd rather call him Cookie Sheet. It took her a second to realize I was messing with her and not just being a clueless northerner.


It could be his parents were Southern? I was living in Washington at the time.

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Ime, "Trey" is a really southern thing. My MIL suggested it when we were trying on nicknames instead of the male name than runs in the family. I told her, very innocently, that I'd rather call him Cookie Sheet. It took her a second to realize I was messing with her and not just being a clueless northerner.


I think of Trey as a southern thing too. In fact, I know 3 (teehee) Treys and they are all III's. BTW, Cookie Sheet??? I pink puffy heart you.


I'm still nominating Hrmny (from my dd's preschool class) as the worst creative spelling ever !:001_huh:


What the heck is that supposed to even spell? Hermione? Pat, I'd like to buy a vowel. I'm a Harry Potter fan and all (my license plate in IL read XPLERMS-can you figure that out?), but that's a weird spelling.

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I think of Trey as a southern thing too. In fact, I know 3 (teehee) Treys and they are all III's. BTW, Cookie Sheet??? I pink puffy heart you.




What the heck is that supposed to even spell? Hermione? Pat, I'd like to buy a vowel. I'm a Harry Potter fan and all (my license plate in IL read XPLERMS-can you figure that out?), but that's a weird spelling.


I'm guessing Harmony.


I had to laugh when my DH tried to correct one of my twins on the spelling of a classmates name on a valentine. The name is a noun meaning "a trip" but the spelling in the dictionary is not the one the parents used. I had to step in and explain, that no, the kid was right. That really was the spelling of the girl's name.

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I'm still nominating Hrmny (from my dd's preschool class) as the worst creative spelling ever !:001_huh:


And it's probably pronounced Hermione, yet the mom gets mad when people pronounce it "wrong," right? ;) I know of a mom who named her kid Genie, pronounced it something like juh-NYE, and just couldn't understand why everyone called her daughter Jeannie.

Edited by WordGirl
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What the heck is that supposed to even spell? Hermione? Pat, I'd like to buy a vowel. I'm a Harry Potter fan and all (my license plate in IL read XPLERMS-can you figure that out?), but that's a weird spelling.


I think it's supposed to be Harmony. I guess only the mom really knows. :tongue_smilie:

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And it's probably pronounced Hermione, yet the mom gets mad when people pronounce it "wrong," right? ;) I know of a mom who named her kid Genie, pronounced it something like juh-NYE, and just couldn't understand why everyone called her daughter Jeannie.


I also think Hrmny is probably Harmony, but I keep thinking HER-mun-ee when I see it.

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Well, I feel totally clueless now. There's a Neveah in DD5's dance class, and until this thread, I had no. idea. about the "heaven spelled backward" thing. All year, I've been thinking that they must've really liked the name of the lotion, Nivea. :001_huh: While I hear her name, um, A LOT, ;), I had never seen it spelled until a couple of weeks ago, and I was completely flummoxed.

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My oldest dd was born in 97. I knew NOONE with her name. Once I named her that, they came out every where! (call me a trendsetter!) She is an Emily, a fact that she dislikes because they are EVERYWHERE. I did use the traditional spelling, and oddly, people spell it wrong ALL THE TIME. Emilee. Emylie. Emilie.


My other kids are fairly unusual without being strange.


I have a Brooke, Melanie and an Ethan. So far we haven't run into too many kids with those names.


Trey is a southern thing.

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