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Bounty on Tim Tebow

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That's just wrong.


The poor man is trying to live to his convictions, all the while being smack dab in the middle of the public eye.


I don't get why it's so 'news worthy' that he is waiting until marriage. Good grief, do you know how many children I know that are being taught that same ideal? I even know plenty of adults who were *gasp* able to control themselves until marriage.


You know, it used to be a given that one would wait until marriage. I don't understand why now it has to be made into some sort of circus side show spectacle that a man would chose that.

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That's just wrong.


The poor man is trying to live to his convictions, all the while being smack dab in the middle of the public eye.


I don't get why it's so 'news worthy' that he is waiting until marriage. Good grief, do you know how many children I know that are being taught that same ideal? I even know plenty of adults who were *gasp* able to control themselves until marriage.


You know, it used to be a given that one would wait until marriage. I don't understand why now it has to be made into some sort of circus side show spectacle that a man would chose that.

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This is not the slightest bit surprising, we live in a culture that seems to want to ruin anything noble. Remember after the Clinton/ Lewinsky scandal how badly the popular media wanted to try to prove that every president has been as much a servant of his desires as a servant of the people? Yuck.

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Remember that couple that was going to lose their virginity together on a pay per view, some years back, that was revealed to be two actors?


People are threatened or irritated by others' choices and like to sabotage. I know lots of people who do this in real life. People who don't drink -- people want to get them drunk. Etc.

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Now that is class :rolleyes::ack2:


Yup. Klassy.


I really don't even care what his convictions are. Any website offering money to the person who can invade someone's intimate life first is just... :ack2: What's next? They'll be selling his (stolen) panties on EBay?


Aaaah, just more signs of the decline of civilization.

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What an interesting concept. If he remains a virgin until marriage there will be no reward and he'll have the satisfaction of keeping this goal. If he doesn't, he'd be yet another person who is outspoken about a behavior defined as moral, unable to practice what they preach.

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People are threatened or irritated by others' choices and like to sabotage. I know lots of people who do this in real life. People who don't drink -- people want to get them drunk. Etc.



I am not a fan of speculating about people's motivations . . . but I totally agree that certain ethical stances--esp. commitments to refraining from drunkenness or refraining from sex outside marriage--tend to attract a lotof weird attention from people who would seem to have absolutely nothing to do with those commitments.


It is bizarre enough and specific enough that I do end up suspecting that there must be some pretty compelling personal issues they are trying to work out.

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I am not a fan of speculating about people's motivations . . . but I totally agree that certain ethical stances--esp. commitments to refraining from drunkenness or refraining from sex outside marriage--tend to attract a lotof weird attention from people who would seem to have absolutely nothing to do with those commitments.


Right. It would be different if a prominent virgin male and his girlfriend got carried away and did what he had intended not to do. It's something else for some woman (? I'm assuming) to go after him with the intention of "taking" his virginity away -- what's the proof anyway? A video? Sweaty jock strap? Eew.


But I also find it a bit unnecessary to ask or declare if one will wait until marriage. Seems very inappropriate to me. More privacy, please. I don't want to know.

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Unfortunately our slowly spiralingly down culture is going to have more and more of these bad situations. I am big proponent of research backed proposals and ideas. Unfortunately, the research predicted that our culture would be getting cruder and ruder and it is coming through. PM me if you want to know the reasons since I really don't want this to become an argument for what is causing the disintegration of our culture here in the US>

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Unfortunately our slowly spiralingly down culture is going to have more and more of these bad situations. I am big proponent of research backed proposals and ideas. Unfortunately, the research predicted that our culture would be getting cruder and ruder and it is coming through. PM me if you want to know the reasons since I really don't want this to become an argument for what is causing the disintegration of our culture here in the US>



I have never really bought into the "society is getting worse" line of thought. Less than 200 hundred years ago keeping other human beings in bondage and slaughtering native inhabitants was considered acceptable by a large portion of society. Working young children for long hours in horrible conditions was the norm as well.

Are we cruder? Maybe. More likely we are simply more aware of our failings due to mass media and long distance communications.

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I have never really bought into the "society is getting worse" line of thought. Less than 200 hundred years ago keeping other human beings in bondage and slaughtering native inhabitants was considered acceptable by a large portion of society. Working young children for long hours in horrible conditions was the norm as well.

Are we cruder? Maybe. More likely we are simply more aware of our failings due to mass media and long distance communications.


:iagree: It is long established component of human nature to believe that subsequent generations are devolving into moral and intellectual decay. Didn't Socrates offer same complaint many years ago?

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But I also find it a bit unnecessary to ask or declare if one will wait until marriage.



I agree, though I don't follow sports at all (not sure I could pick Tebow out of a lineup) so I don't know if this is something he simply announced one day, apropos of nothing, or if he was asked in an interview, which is a tad different, IMO.

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Originally Posted by stripe viewpost.gif

But I also find it a bit unnecessary to ask or declare if one will wait until marriage.

I agree, though I don't follow sports at all (not sure I could pick Tebow out of a lineup) so I don't know if this is something he simply announced one day, apropos of nothing, or if he was asked in an interview, which is a tad different, IMO.

I agree with this - if someone is a devout religious person where relations outside of marriage is a no-no, it would never even occur to me that person would. I've always been bothered by people who must sound trumpets before them.


if he was asked in an interview (and journalists aren't known for being friendly to the religious), saying "of course" without going into a dissertation on the subject would be sufficient.

If he announced it - he comes across as wearing his religion on his sleeve and that puts most people off.

I don't know much about tebow - but from what I've actually caught in the news about him, he has left me with the impression he wears his religion on his sleeve and it squicks me out. I"m more of the "by their fruits" type.

Edited by gardenmom5
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This is not the slightest bit surprising, we live in a culture that seems to want to ruin anything noble. Remember after the Clinton/ Lewinsky scandal how badly the popular media wanted to try to prove that every president has been as much a servant of his desires as a servant of the people? Yuck.

well - kennedy was notorious, FDR . . . . yeah, they indulged themselves . . . .

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I went to college with a girl who talked nonstop about her virginity. And found ways to work it into conversations in really inappopriate ways. Finally she confessed she wasn't. The weird thing was -neither I nor any of the other girls cared, but we found it weird to be told about it constantly. It's sort of a case of "the lady doth protest too much." I am all for people behaving morally, but part of that is discretion. In deeds as well as words.

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This is not the slightest bit surprising, we live in a culture that seems to want to ruin anything noble.


I think it's probably more likely that we as a culture are redefining what is noble. It's increasingly understood to be a noble act to allow two lovers to be married, regardless of their gender or sexual identity. It's increasingly noble to treat mental health illness as a physical condition rather than a behavioral choice that needs stronger operant conditioning. It's increasingly noble to accept the religious beliefs (or non-beliefs) of non-Christians in a traditionally Christian culture. Tebow, whether he likes it or not (and I can only assume he does), has become a bit of a "spokesperson" for Christianity, a spokesperson for one who can identify and pursue superior moral choices. In a culture where that idea is increasingly rejected, anyone putting himself out there like that is asking for attention, positive and negative. I don't think there's anything particularly noble about the website sponsoring this reward, but I do think there something valuable in exposing hypocrisy, especially when there is power at stake. Tebow himself may never be a hypocrite, in which case he has nothing to fear, but other self-proclaimed representatives of the Christian faith have been and will continue to be illuminated as hypocrites, as well they should.

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Remember that couple that was going to lose their virginity together on a pay per view, some years back, that was revealed to be two actors?


People are threatened or irritated by others' choices and like to sabotage. I know lots of people who do this in real life. People who don't drink -- people want to get them drunk. Etc.


This is so true...I have never drank in my entire life, so therefore I have never been drunk...When I was in college, all my friends wanted me to drink or get drunk just once...Every once in a while some will still try and get me to drink, though most have given up...I am trying to go to my grave without ever having been under the influence of alcohol ;)

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if he was asked in an interview (and journalists aren't known for being friendly to the religious), saying "of course" without going into a dissertation on the subject would be sufficient.

If he announced it - he comes across as wearing his religion on his sleeve and that puts most people off.



He was asked in an interview once if he "is saving himself for marriage" and after blushing a bit he answered, "yes"...Now people are portraying him as "the self professed virgin" :glare:...I haven't heard it mentioned again until now...

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...When I was in college, all my friends wanted me to drink or get drunk just once...


makes me wonder about some people. I never had that, 1dd never did, 2dd ONLY had that from her crew teammates, and but mostly because they were incapable of having "fun" unless they were drunk and were uncomfortable being around someone who wasn't. she had other friends whose company she enjoyed far more who didn't drink. oh, the girls went to a college that is in a rural area and has a known drinking problem on campus.

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That is deeply disturbing and totally inappropriate. I don't understand why anyone feels this is any of their business.


just as drunks can't stand being around the sober, the promiscuous can't stand being around the fidel. it reminds them of what they are not.

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This is so true...I have never drank in my entire life, so therefore I have never been drunk...When I was in college, all my friends wanted me to drink or get drunk just once...Every once in a while some will still try and get me to drink, though most have given up...I am trying to go to my grave without ever having been under the influence of alcohol ;)


That's interesting. I've almost never been pressured at all to drink. Most people didn't seem to care whether I was drinking or not. There were a few times in high school.....but in college people seemed pretty respectful of other people's choices. I wasn't telling them NOT to drink and they weren't telling me I SHOULD.

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He was asked in an interview once if he "is saving himself for marriage" and after blushing a bit he answered, "yes"...Now people are portraying him as "the self professed virgin" :glare:...I haven't heard it mentioned again until now...


What the...???? Ok, I'm sorry. Who asks that?!?! And who answers? If somebody asked me that in an interview, the only "answer" they would get is a diatribe on the appalling state of interviewers and the questions they think as appropriate.

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I don't understand why anyone feels this is any of their business.


I dunno... maybe because he's a celebrity and he put that information out there in the first place, in part to enhance a certain image of himself? Or, at least, I assume so, as I only know a little bit about the guy. I'm not saying that he made his choice for his image or that his beliefs are false, but he obviously is creating a public persona for himself in order to both enhance his stardom and put forth his ideas. While it's clearly crass, it seems obvious to me why people with different ideas about sexuality would want to counter that.

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The problem with the whole thing in my opinion is that people are being offered a large sum of money to get him to compromise...There are many things I would and would not like to do in life, but no one is offering the public a million dollars to get me to fail...It is sad that people won't just leave him alone on this issue...A million dollars is a lot of money...Someone could drug him to cash in on the jackpot...It is just an unnecessary burden the website is putting on him...Besides, the website is a site designed to help men cheat on their wives without getting caught, like a "safe" dating site for married men...That alone is sad enough...

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The problem with the whole thing in my opinion is that people are being offered a large sum of money to get him to compromise...There are many things I would and would not like to do in life, but no one is offering the public a million dollars to get me to fail...It is sad that people won't just leave him alone on this issue...A million dollars is a lot of money...Someone could drug him to cash in on the jackpot...It is just an unnecessary burden the website is putting on him...Besides, the website is a site designed to help men cheat on their wives without getting caught, like a "safe" dating site for married men...That alone is sad enough...


:iagree: It's scummy. Period. Tebow couldn't win. If he hadn't answered the question in the interview he would have been accused of hiding something.


I wish we were back in the days when nobody knew who did what in anyone else's bedroom.

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The problem with the whole thing in my opinion is that people are being offered a large sum of money to get him to compromise...There are many things I would and would not like to do in life, but no one is offering the public a million dollars to get me to fail...It is sad that people won't just leave him alone on this issue...A million dollars is a lot of money...Someone could drug him to cash in on the jackpot...It is just an unnecessary burden the website is putting on him...Besides, the website is a site designed to help men cheat on their wives without getting caught, like a "safe" dating site for married men...That alone is sad enough...


Claiming that money would be admitting to drugging someone against their will.

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:iagree: It's scummy. Period. Tebow couldn't win. If he hadn't answered the question in the interview he would have been accused of hiding something.


I wish we were back in the days when nobody knew who did what in anyone else's bedroom.


:iagree: That is a very good reason why famous people answer those kinds of questions, even when it is none of the public's business...People would have had a field day if he didn't answer...Too bad they are still having a field day anyway :001_unsure:



Now I have to google Tim Tebow. Sports or singer? :D


Ex-homeschooled quarterback for the Jets...So sports :001_smile:

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