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To coffee or not to coffee

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It all started with the mocha frappe' at McDonalds. It graduated to a mocha at Starbucks. I just drank a Starbucks dark brew at a hotel Keurig machine. I liked it. Also, a side effect I've found is that I actually feel healthier and more awake. I'm in my early 40s, have 4 children, one with multiple disabilities, and another with ongoing medical needs...i don't have a lot of "luxuries". So, am I going down a dark road that I should just stay far far away from? Or should I go with my coffee lover friend's advice that states, "if it makes you feel more awake, I say go for it." Ultimately, is coffee bad for your health?



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No. Studies are proving coffee has many lifelong health benefits: http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/coffee-new-health-food


Although sugary Starbucks and McDonalds aren't doing you any favors :)


:iagree: Coffee is actually good for you as long as you don't go overboard. The stuff you put in your coffee on the other hand...try to go minimalist as a coffee lover and you'll be much healthier.

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I agree that moderate coffee intake isn't bad for health and can actually be good for one's health! It has lots of antioxidants. But McDonald's frappes and Starbucks blended drinks are hardly coffee...more like coffee flavored milkshakes.


I don't like coffee unless it tastes like candy so I stay away from it.

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Coffee is good for you. I make mine with organic instant, 50% water, 50% skim milk. Save the sugar and flavors for a "special treat."


It's addictive, though. If you get used to it and then cut back, you can get headaches. Worth the risk, in my opinion.

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We like our Cuisinart coffee pot for big pots, and I will probably get dh a french press for his birthday this year for only 1 or 2 cups. Also, if you like cold coffee, the cold brew method makes fantastically smooth coffee that is perfect over ice.


I like a bit of homemade chocolate syrup and half and half in mine.

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Machines--I use a Keurig now. I do like it, for the variety. I have not had good results with the insert that lets you use coffee grounds. Mine keeps overflowing and leaking.


I started with a cheap machine, which functioned perfectly well for my needs. My next thing to try is a French press.


Anyway, don't look over healthier additions that make coffee yummy and can also be healthy. Cocoa powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice, ginger, vanilla extract, almond extract (or anything that sounds good.) I don't know if all the above are "kosher" for coffee, but I'll try anything that sounds good.


I actually use unsweetened almond milk in mine, to whiten it, then add whatever flavor sounds good to me.

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I personally put coffee and chocolate in the same category: Essentials for Life.






My dh introduced me to a frappuchino after ds3 came home. I went from being totally exhausted to zipping around the house for hours. It was great.


He rues the day though because now I'm a bigger coffee drinker than he.


My brew of choice is just coffee with cream or a latte if I'm treating myself.


I say enjoy! :auto:

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Mmmm. Coffee. I also don't function without it.


I only have one- very, very occasionally two- cups a day, so I go ahead and splurge with a couple spoonfuls of sugar and some cream. The calories and fat it adds are negligable, and it makes it taste soooo good.


If you can afford it, go for the organic whole bean stuff and grind it at home. Tastes like heaven. Plus, non-organic coffee is full of pesticides.

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I totally agree with grinding the beans at home. They are so much fresher that way! And they probably have more of the antioxidants and such too - I would think ground coffee loses that stuff over time the same way wheat does. Though I must admit, that is just a guess. ;)

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I heartily agree with grinding your own [organic] beans fresh. I do it each morning, and then use a French press, and a dash of organic half and half. Yum! Sometimes I buy lightly flavored beans for a change, but you can add your own spices while brewing too.


I read somewhere that coffee may help ward off Alzheimer's too!

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I personally put coffee and chocolate in the same category: Essentials for Life.



That's me after going for many years of not drinking coffee. It used to upset my stomach. Now, I drink one or two cups a day.


OP, I'm not serious about coffee and we don't drink much, so we have this Melitta for under $20.


I can't stand Keurig, but I realize it is a convenience for a lot of people. We had one and gladly are rid of it. We get organic coffee from a local roaster. I don't regret starting back on having a cup or two a day. I think my family is glad I did, too. :)

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Go for it. Lots of studies about the antioxidants in coffee.

Honestly, I wouldn't even care if it were not good for me though. I need it. ;)


Well.....I agree with all the good health stuff, but I more agree with the above -- I just love the taste of good coffee. We get ours from a local roaster and I use a bit of half and half. If you are counting a cup of coffee to be 6 ozs (yeah, right, that's like 2 swallows) then I guess I drink 3 cups a day. I am out of the house by 6:30, with a mug in hand!


I say if you like it, and it helps you feel more alive -- GO FOR IT!



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Go for it! I'm drinking a dark Costa Rican blend right now! mmmm! :) I agree with others though: stay away from all the fancy frappuccinos, etc. with all their syrups and heavy creams. If you need cream use a little whole milk instead. And anytime you order cappuccinos, be sure you ask for "extra dry" or the milk drowns out the espresso flavor.

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Cannot live without my coffee. My husband appreciates my coffee drinking, even though he doesn't drink it nearly as strong as I do. I drink 2 cups of very strong in the morning, cut with a little half and half, and 1 regular strength in the afternoons, cut with half and half. I keeps me awake enough to do school, take care of life, and still sleep at night. I'm very picky about my roasts but since we're strapped for cash until our house sells, I'm using store-bought coffee from Starbucks. I hope to get back to fresh beans and even roasting my own when we have some spare change (and time).

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Well, I certainly won't say coffee is bad for you (but I'm am thinking it as I type:001_smile:). I am much more alert without caffeine in my body. I feel better, more alert, and have less anxiety.


Although there are reports that claim it is healthy, there are equal reports that show it can be bad for you.



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What a perfect thread for me today :)


I've been battling this same thing! I was a coffee drinker (about 2 cups every morning) before my surgery. It started as a way to battle my daily headaches (the headaches came BEFORE the coffee), but it got to a point where I felt like I was dependent on it.


I've been REALLY dragging the last few days and have a TON of stuff to get done. I've contemplated going back to the coffee. Not sure what I'm going to do yet, lol.

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Hey Kristin--I have to give up coffee for a while to do a juice fast. Have you thought about staying off the caffeine and trying a green juice for a while instead? Heard it can help with energy.


Or maybe it's just me trying to convince myself that I can live w/o my cuppa...

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Hey Kristin--I have to give up coffee for a while to do a juice fast. Have you thought about staying off the caffeine and trying a green juice for a while instead? Heard it can help with energy.


Or maybe it's just me trying to convince myself that I can live w/o my cuppa...



Yes! I have a green smoothie everyday. It is fabulous!:)



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If you do a search, you can find that at one time I tried to quit drinking coffee all together -- a new doctor I saw said caffeine wasn't good and to try giving it up. I figured I could at least try it.


I cut it out and even avoided those dreaded headaches by drinking LOTS of water. But, about 2 weeks in, my asthma started flairing up, which was weird because it had been quite a while since I'd had any problems with it. I went back home to visit family and saw my regular doctor and he about flipped that my new doctor would even suggest stopping coffee!!! It's pretty much how I keep my asthma under control (I didn't know this at the time) and he said there are plenty of benefits to caffeine. It's all about moderation.


Needless to say, I added coffee back into my diet ;) I use to drink a whole pot a day, now I drink between 2-4 cups a day.

Edited by BramFam
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No. Studies are proving coffee has many lifelong health benefits: http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/coffee-new-health-food


Although sugary Starbucks and McDonalds aren't doing you any favors :)


:iagree::iagree: i put stevia in my coffee to sweeten it and a little half and half. I don't like it plain black, but that helps cut down the calories. Plus it's cheaper. I feel much better with coffee.

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There is plenty of evidence that coffee helps prevent a lot of things- like Type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, etc. I didn't drink coffee for that- it is a great way to naturally help mild ADHD, which I have. As a pp said, it also helps my asthma. I don't drink coffee usually from coffee places- I make my own. My preference is Kona coffee. My next preference is a few German blends. I use a regular drip coffee maker (better for your health than French Press) and take it off the burner and put it in a thermos type carafe to keep it from burning. I drink it with half and half and sugar- I tried stevia but didn't like the test. (It sucks to be a super taster if you are trying to lose weight).

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A very small voice of dissent. As I get older, I am finding that caffeine wreaks havoc with my hormonal balance and my sense of peace. I find that for me the psychological and physical addiction is not pleasant. I think that keeping our lives free from as many toxins (chemical, emotional, spiritual, cognitively, and relational) is hugely important to achieving our full potential. I will say that while I am currently drinking mostly herbal tea, I still enjoy a cup of black tea. I guess we are are all moving along in the continuum of health and happiness.:001_smile:


I drink coffee, and am inclined to agree with this. If we didn't have other coffee drinkers in the house who have no interest in giving it up (and really, since they both have asthma, they probably are better off drinking it), I'd probably cut it out entirely, or save it for times when I REALLY need it. As it is, the smell overrides my willpower.

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Hey Kristin--I have to give up coffee for a while to do a juice fast. Have you thought about staying off the caffeine and trying a green juice for a while instead? Heard it can help with energy.


Or maybe it's just me trying to convince myself that I can live w/o my cuppa...


I hadn't....but I'm interested!! I'm tired of being tired!

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