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I was talking to another mom at ds' baseball practice. I happened to mention that we homeschool. Later I said I might not stay for the whole practice, that perhaps my other ds and I might go to the library. She kind of startled, looked surprised, and then said, "Ohhhhhh, because you homeschool, right?"



Tonight I was at Goodwill. I was looking at the books and had picked out a few. Another woman saw me and said, "You like books too?" I said yes. Then she said, "What do you do with them?" I said, "Read them." ;) "And I read them to my kids and give them to them to read." Kind of threw her I think. Then hsing came up and she was so supportive. I still wonder what she does with the books.:confused:

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I guess some people don't read? I don't know--I can't imagine not reading.


At our library story time for toddlers, the library employees always cheerfully remind the kids and parents to check out "a" book to read that night. A single picture book seems like a very low bar to me.




My ds goes into and leaves the library every week with a huge bag of books. A Book? That wouldn't last the car ride home!

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I guess some people don't read? I don't know--I can't imagine not reading.


I'm with you. Always have a book going. ALWAYS. Thank God for the local library or I'd be more broke than I already am :lol: But I've noticed more and more friends in the various places we have lived who have no books. I mean ZERO books. No bookcases. Nothing.


And they are almost proud of the fact that they do not read. It's really weird.

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"what do you do with it?" Oh my!



I usually have to ease my way around people at the book shelves at my goodwill. There are few books that stay on the shelves for very long. I've run into other homeschoolers looking at books.


now at the library there are very few people looking at books. Everyone that is there is on the computers, at least when I go.



we're only allowed six books at the library, and my son isnt allowed a card until he's first grade, so we only get a few. The book selection isnt great anyway, I have better books at home and I dont have to kill myself crawling on the floor and straining my eyes to get them...And I don't have to bring them back! LOL!

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I'm with you. Always have a book going. ALWAYS. Thank God for the local library or I'd be more broke than I already am :lol: But I've noticed more and more friends in the various places we have lived who have no books. I mean ZERO books. No bookcases. Nothing.


And they are almost proud of the fact that they do not read. It's really weird.



yes I've seen that too. I went in one friends house and didn't see a single book or bookcase. I couldn't live like that. People seem to look down on you for reading saying loftily "I just don't have time to read." I tell them I make time to read, even if it's midnight, i HAVE to read! Loving my kindle and the free books I get every day from pixelofink. I have a stack of books waiting to be read. I feel so rich!!

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yes I've seen that too. I went in one friends house and didn't see a single book or bookcase. I couldn't live like that. People seem to look down on you for reading saying loftily "I just don't have time to read." I tell them I make time to read, even if it's midnight, i HAVE to read! Loving my kindle and the free books I get every day from pixelofink. I have a stack of books waiting to be read. I feel so rich!!


Hear hear! No Kindle for me, but the local library in our town rocks, and I've got two cubes in our Ikea bookcase dedicated to library books. No matter how busy I am, I'll squeeze in some reading every day. I cannot imagine how brain dead I would feel without books. True, I didn't read much when my boys were 0 and 2, and then 1 and 3. But eventually I figured out how much I missed books...and it was wonderful getting back in that habit!

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I stopped at a Dollar General today to pick up some lightbulbs for our ceiling fan and when we were checking out, the cashier asked my kids if they were in school. I answered that we homeschool and she asked my oldest DD what grade she was in. Then she turned to my son and asked him his age. He answered that he was four, and she said, "Oh, so you still have a few years before Mommy starts teaching you."


I commented that we had already started with him and that this was his second year to which she replies, "Oh so you'll be smarter than your sisters!" :001_huh:


"what do you do with it?" Oh my!



I usually have to ease my way around people at the book shelves at my goodwill. There are few books that stay on the shelves for very long. I've run into other homeschoolers looking at books.


now at the library there are very few people looking at books. Everyone that is there is on the computers, at least when I go.



we're only allowed six books at the library, and my son isnt allowed a card until he's first grade, so we only get a few. The book selection isnt great anyway, I have better books at home and I dont have to kill myself crawling on the floor and straining my eyes to get them...And I don't have to bring them back! LOL!


Only SIX books?!?! I would have to move. lol We have a 40 book limit per card at out library. Let's just say that my two oldest both have their own cards and I regularly take a laundry basket or a milk crate with me to carry our load back out to the car. :D

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I'm still perplexed... what else would one do with a book?? ;) (Yes, I know some people decorate or do art with them, but... that seems secondary to the actual general use...)


No, I can't imagine not reading either. I used to work in a bookstore. (Yes, it was pretty cool!!) Some families that would come in, the kids would be *begging* for a stack of books. The parents would tell them no, or maybe just one, because they'd just bought them a new video game/toy/whatever.


At my house, it's more like, no, you can't have a video game, you just got new ones at Christmas. :lol: Oh, a book? Sure, here, have another, and by the way, there's an Amazon package arriving tomorrow... :D


I can't say no to books to save my life and I'm SO delighted my child feels the same way.

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Some people shop for books at Goodwill and the library book sales then resell them on Ebay or to used book shops. It's actually a bit of a problem at our huge library book sale because Ebay sellers show up at the crack of dawn to line up with their rolling carriers to snatch up all of the "good" books.



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Our UPS guy just delivered a package that was obviously books. He rang the doorbell and asked, "Do you homeschool?" My first thought was, Uh-oh, what weird assumption am I going to hear about homeschooling now?!


Then he made my day by telling me that he and his wife homeschooled their kids and that they only live two miles away from us! I LOVE that the UPS guy "gets" my excitement over Box Day! :D

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yes I've seen that too. I went in one friends house and didn't see a single book or bookcase. I couldn't live like that. People seem to look down on you for reading saying loftily "I just don't have time to read." I tell them I make time to read, even if it's midnight, i HAVE to read! Loving my kindle and the free books I get every day from pixelofink. I have a stack of books waiting to be read. I feel so rich!!


:iagree: The only thing I love better than having so many books - good books - too read is that my kids have discovered my kindle. It's a little irritating, but everytime I turn around, someone else has my kindle and is reading as fast as they can before I find them and make them give it back.

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Well, FWIW, I have a friend who buys antique books and then dismantles them and makes art pieces with the pages. Still, it seems odd to walk up to someone browsing in the books and ask them what they do WITH the books :lol:


This is what I thought of right away -- altered art. It's huge. And it doesn't need to be "antique" -- any book could be used. People also hollow out books to make boxes or picture frames. You can even buy books that tell you how to make altered art from old books. Or you can attend museum shows dedicated to it.


I buy tons of books new and used for reading, visit the library at least once a week, but I would still associate Goodwill books with altered art. Or, yeah, someone finding books for resale online -- plenty of people have a tidy business doing that.

Edited by GailV
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Our UPS guy just delivered a package that was obviously books. He rang the doorbell and asked, "Do you homeschool?" My first thought was, Uh-oh, what weird assumption am I going to hear about homeschooling now?!


Then he made my day by telling me that he and his wife homeschooled their kids and that they only live two miles away from us! I LOVE that the UPS guy "gets" my excitement over Box Day! :D


That's awesome!!!

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My friends were at dinner the other night. The waitress looked at their 13yo and says "You're reading a book! How cute!"


What does that mean?


How cute, at 13 you can actually read?


At 13 you're using one of those old fashion books instead of some electronic?


We were totally confused by that statement. I mean if she were 4, it would make sense, but at 13??

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Our UPS guy just delivered a package that was obviously books. He rang the doorbell and asked, "Do you homeschool?" My first thought was, Uh-oh, what weird assumption am I going to hear about homeschooling now?!


Then he made my day by telling me that he and his wife homeschooled their kids and that they only live two miles away from us! I LOVE that the UPS guy "gets" my excitement over Box Day! :D


I got that from the FedEx lady (our UPS guy knows we homeschool... He's usually the one with the books). Homeschooling came up and I though I was in for an awkward conversation because she looked a little funny, but then she said her son asked to be homeschooled, so she pulled him out, but he's a teenager and pretty self-propelled so it's not as much fun for her as she assumes youngers would be. :D (little does she know about the cocktail hour that directly follows math. ;) )


Yeah, asking what one does with books is odd. (though maybe she's a frequent peruser of the GW stacks and only ever runs into crafters there so she's started to assume there are no other readers) Connecting your library plan to homeschooling is weird... Do other-schooled children not go to the library? I mean, I practically lived ther when I was a kid (in public school), but we go in the middle of the day so we only see grownups and other homeschoolers.

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I got that from the FedEx lady (our UPS guy knows we homeschool... He's usually the one with the books). Homeschooling came up and I though I was in for an awkward conversation because she looked a little funny, but then she said her son asked to be homeschooled, so she pulled him out, but he's a teenager and pretty self-propelled so it's not as much fun for her as she assumes youngers would be. :D (little does she know about the cocktail hour that directly follows math. ;) )



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My friends were at dinner the other night. The waitress looked at their 13yo and says "You're reading a book! How cute!"


What does that mean?


How cute, at 13 you can actually read?


At 13 you're using one of those old fashion books instead of some electronic?


We were totally confused by that statement. I mean if she were 4, it would make sense, but at 13??




oh my goodness! Unbelievable!




I had a friend that took her two kids to the library for the first time at ages 6 and 3 and she told me "I didn't think anyone went to the library anymore!"




I always ask kids if they like to read and I'm so disappointed when they say no. I found a family of kids that love to read so I'm always finding books for them. I'm their hero.:001_smile: Makes me feel good to encourage such a good thing and find them good books.

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I stopped at a Dollar General today to pick up some lightbulbs for our ceiling fan and when we were checking out, the cashier asked my kids if they were in school. I answered that we homeschool and she asked my oldest DD what grade she was in. Then she turned to my son and asked him his age. He answered that he was four, and she said, "Oh, so you still have a few years before Mommy starts teaching you."


I commented that we had already started with him and that this was his second year to which she replies, "Oh so you'll be smarter than your sisters!" :001_huh:




Only SIX books?!?! I would have to move. lol We have a 40 book limit per card at out library. Let's just say that my two oldest both have their own cards and I regularly take a laundry basket or a milk crate with me to carry our load back out to the car. :D



yes, it's quite annoying to get only six. The library in the next town has unlimited but it's a little far for us and I can't usually get back there too often.


I often even have a hard time finding six books I want to read at my library anymore. They got rid of a lot of older ones and the newer ones they get are more trashy than what I want to read. The good stuff I find online to check out they don't have. I requested a book and it took nearly a month to get it. It's so disappointing to have a list of books and then I can't get them.






to the PP about kids reading the kindle - right now my son steals mine to listen to his audiobooks.(I have the kindle keyboard, can play mp3s) I believe when he starts to read it, I'll have to get him his own.:) I think I have a while tho, he's just 5 and still likes books with pictures, unless it's being read to him.

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I was talking to another mom at ds' baseball practice. I happened to mention that we homeschool. Later I said I might not stay for the whole practice, that perhaps my other ds and I might go to the library. She kind of startled, looked surprised, and then said, "Ohhhhhh, because you homeschool, right?"




:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: That made me LOL.

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I'm still perplexed... what else would one do with a book?? ;) (Yes, I know some people decorate or do art with them, but... that seems secondary to the actual general use...)


No, I can't imagine not reading either. I used to work in a bookstore. (Yes, it was pretty cool!!) Some families that would come in, the kids would be *begging* for a stack of books. The parents would tell them no, or maybe just one, because they'd just bought them a new video game/toy/whatever.


At my house, it's more like, no, you can't have a video game, you just got new ones at Christmas. :lol: Oh, a book? Sure, here, have another, and by the way, there's an Amazon package arriving tomorrow... :D


I can't say no to books to save my life and I'm SO delighted my child feels the same way.


The bolded is totally my family too. My kids beg to go to this used book store down the street from us every single time we pass it. :)

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Only SIX books?!?! I would have to move. lol We have a 40 book limit per card at out library. Let's just say that my two oldest both have their own cards and I regularly take a laundry basket or a milk crate with me to carry our load back out to the car. :D


No kidding! Our library has a 50 book limit, and we have five cards in the family: one for our school (no fines), mine, DD12's, DS10's, and DS'4s. We about 60-70 books checked out currently, and the first thing you see when you walk in our door is the library book basket and little kid books.


I chided a friend recently when she took her 2 year old to the library for the first time. I couldn't believe it was his first time! My 2 year old loves going to the library. I don't like taking her to the library because she randomly grabs books off the shelf and then goes running for the self check out computers to scan the books. She makes it hard for me to get the books I need for school.

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I was buying a book once at a local store. The checker told me, "I'm going to have to cut you off!" so I asked her why. She said I bought too many books. I told her that I've only bought two books from that particular store in the several years it's been open. She complained that I always went through her line when I bought them so she was going to cut me off. I told her, "Ok then. I promise you this. I will never buy another book from this store and to make sure that I keep that promise, I will email the store when I get home and let them know why. Is that ok?"


We have a very nice library system, a book exchange where they are all free and don't have to be returned, and several used bookstores. I don't need to buy books from that place anymore to have enough. :001_smile:

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I was buying a book once at a local store. The checker told me, "I'm going to have to cut you off!" so I asked her why. She said I bought too many books. I told her that I've only bought two books from that particular store in the several years it's been open. She complained that I always went through her line when I bought them so she was going to cut me off. I told her, "Ok then. I promise you this. I will never buy another book from this store and to make sure that I keep that promise, I will email the store when I get home and let them know why. Is that ok?"


We have a very nice library system, a book exchange where they are all free and don't have to be returned, and several used bookstores. I don't need to buy books from that place anymore to have enough. :001_smile:


What kind of business complains when you actually BUY their things???

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I can see someone like me down on the floor next to the lamp 'table', head turned sideways, reading the titles and asking my flustered hostess some random question about the books there...........:lol::lol::lol:


:iagree: This would be me, too! :D



I was buying a book once at a local store. The checker told me, "I'm going to have to cut you off!" so I asked her why. She said I bought too many books. I told her that I've only bought two books from that particular store in the several years it's been open. She complained that I always went through her line when I bought them so she was going to cut me off. I told her, "Ok then. I promise you this. I will never buy another book from this store and to make sure that I keep that promise, I will email the store when I get home and let them know why. Is that ok?"


We have a very nice library system, a book exchange where they are all free and don't have to be returned, and several used bookstores. I don't need to buy books from that place anymore to have enough. :001_smile:




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I was buying a book once at a local store. The checker told me, "I'm going to have to cut you off!" so I asked her why. She said I bought too many books. I told her that I've only bought two books from that particular store in the several years it's been open. She complained that I always went through her line when I bought them so she was going to cut me off. I told her, "Ok then. I promise you this. I will never buy another book from this store and to make sure that I keep that promise, I will email the store when I get home and let them know why. Is that ok?"


We have a very nice library system, a book exchange where they are all free and don't have to be returned, and several used bookstores. I don't need to buy books from that place anymore to have enough. :001_smile:


I can't imagine a clerk saying that to a customer!? :confused: and I'd love to hear what she said back to you AND what her boss thought of the whole thing. Do tell!

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I never go anywhere without a book, one never knows when there will be even just 15 min or so to get some reading in.


Also, pre kids, I worked at a bookstore on the Boardwalk, talk about the best of both worlds, books and the ocean. Oh, and my boss would give me any books that were even a little damaged by all the tourists, I would end up with at least a box of books free each week.

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I was at a used bookstore in Boulder a few years ago, with my 3 oldest girls and I found a Landmark. My oldest commented, "Oh, I don't think we have that one!" When I went to pay for it, the owner remarked, "You must homeschool!" Don't other people buy books?



We had a similar experience just this week. We went to a used book store. We left with bags full of books. Dh was with us. He was the one who paid and was dumbstruck that the clerk would guess we HS by the books we bought.:lol:

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I never go anywhere without a book, one never knows when there will be even just 15 min or so to get some reading in.




One day I was sitting at the ball park during ds practice and had laid my book down for a minute. One of the mom's walked by and made some snotty comment about me reading. :confused: Hello what business is it of yours?

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Tonight I was at Goodwill. I was looking at the books and had picked out a few. Another woman saw me and said, "You like books too?" I said yes. Then she said, "What do you do with them?" I said, "Read them." ;) "And I read them to my kids and give them to them to read." Kind of threw her I think. Then hsing came up and she was so supportive. I still wonder what she does with the books.:confused:



Next time someone says something like that to you, I want to be next to you and go into a little skit about how we live in a house made of books. "Why, we're expanding our garage of course!"


The oddest thing I ever heard was from a homeschooling mom. She was/is (I don't know. I make it a point of not keeping track of her.) one of the founding members of the big local Christian group.


She asked me why I homeschooled if I didn't go to church. I explained yada yada yada and her response was, "Oh. I thought maybe you were teaching your children to kill Christians. Hey, maybe we could come over to your house for a lunch picnic tomorrow!"


(I lived on the bay at the time and that was a fun house to have people over to!)


But I thought it was so weird. She thinks I'm teaching my kids to kill her kids but she wants Subway with us? :001_huh::001_huh:


And who teaches a 4 year old to KILL people? Wouldn't I start that a little later, say around 15 or so because a 4 year old isn't going to get who is Christian or not and 4 year olds can have some doozy tantrums. I don't want my psychotic 4 year coming after ME when I don't give her a lollipop. :D

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One day I was sitting at the ball park during ds practice and had laid my book down for a minute. One of the mom's walked by and made some snotty comment about me reading. :confused: Hello what business is it of yours?


Obviously, you are supposed to be gossiping during baseball practice!


(I take books to my dc's baseball practices too! :))

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This year my kids were dual enrolled at the public school and I noticed we went to the library less frequently. Usually we go at least once a week, often twice a week. With them taking classes at the school and being busy with homework and other activities, we simply did not have the time. I guess this is the reality of many families: too busy to go to the library.


I have noticed though, especially when we were house hunting, MANY houses do not have bookshelves in them. I do not know if people tend to clear out a lot of stuff to get their houses ready for selling or what, but I cannot think of a single house we looked at that had more than one or two book shelves. Most had NO bookshelves at all. I recently babysat for a neighbor and they had no bookshelves in their main living area either.

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At our library story time for toddlers, the library employees always cheerfully remind the kids and parents to check out "a" book to read that night. A single picture book seems like a very low bar to me.


The last time the kids and I were at the library, I overheard two moms say things that made me almost sob.


Mom #1: "Now remember, honey, you can only check out two or three books. No more!"


Mom #2: "No, sweetie, we don't want that. It's not a video, that's a BOOK."

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Next time someone says something like that to you, I want to be next to you and go into a little skit about how we live in a house made of books. "Why, we're expanding our garage of course!"


The oddest thing I ever heard was from a homeschooling mom. She was/is (I don't know. I make it a point of not keeping track of her.) one of the founding members of the big local Christian group.


She asked me why I homeschooled if I didn't go to church. I explained yada yada yada and her response was, "Oh. I thought maybe you were teaching your children to kill Christians. Hey, maybe we could come over to your house for a lunch picnic tomorrow!"


(I lived on the bay at the time and that was a fun house to have people over to!)


But I thought it was so weird. She thinks I'm teaching my kids to kill her kids but she wants Subway with us? :001_huh::001_huh:


And who teaches a 4 year old to KILL people? Wouldn't I start that a little later, say around 15 or so because a 4 year old isn't going to get who is Christian or not and 4 year olds can have some doozy tantrums. I don't want my psychotic 4 year coming after ME when I don't give her a lollipop. :D


Do you think it could have been an awkward attempt at a joke??

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I have noticed though, especially when we were house hunting, MANY houses do not have bookshelves in them. I do not know if people tend to clear out a lot of stuff to get their houses ready for selling or what, but I cannot think of a single house we looked at that had more than one or two book shelves. Most had NO bookshelves at all. I recently babysat for a neighbor and they had no bookshelves in their main living area either.


Interesting. In the house we are trying to sell there is an entire wall of book shelves in the room we used as an office and a huge floor-to-ceiling book case in what was my son's room.


And also, in the last house we lived in we had to install book shelves in one of the closets just so I could have a place for school books.


Apparently we are leaving shelves behind us wherever we go! :lol:

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Wow, this thread is making me laugh. I get it that homeschoolers seem to have a reputation for buying books, but I still bought tons before we homeschooled. My kids get books as gifts for every Christmas an birthday. Between three uncles and two aunts, my eleven year old recieved 13 books for her birthday this month. One of my brothers gets my kids overly large gift cards to Amazon or Barnes and Noble for birthdays. This same brother is an obsessive book collector. He just moved and 3/4 of his boxes were books. He saves up money to spend at library sales. He is unmarried and childless. What's his excuse for book buying? :) Oh wait, he was homeschooled. :p I absolutely can't imagine growing up in a house without books. I have a friend who just formed a book club and in the course of deciding our first book, I encountered the idea that one must finish the book one is reading before picking up another. I didn't get that memo... ;)

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The last time the kids and I were at the library, I overheard two moms say things that made me almost sob.


Mom #1: "Now remember, honey, you can only check out two or three books. No more!"


Mom #2: "No, sweetie, we don't want that. It's not a video, that's a BOOK."


Well, I am guilty of saying the bolded above. Sometimes we have 60+ children's picture books checked out at home and we run to the library to pick up a hold and the kids want to get 60 more. Sometimes I am not in the mood to carry that many. :tongue_smilie:


As for the videos, heard that, too, and it is sad.

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When we bought our house ~5 years ago, I became pretty well acquainted with the previous owner, as we sorted though odds and ends of business after the house closed. (They weren't quite as prepared to tie up their loose ends as they thought they had been, but I choose to be "neighborly" about it and so had more interaction with her than one normally would.)


During one convo, I mentioned our movers really earning their keep carrying in close to 50 heavy boxes of books, many of them up to the second story. There was dead silence on the other end of the phone, then a horrified, "Where did you put them all? None of the rooms are big enough for that many books!" and then, for the pièce de résistance in cluelessness, she asked, "What do you do with them?"


I told her with as much airy cheerfulnees as I could muster that the books lived all throughout the house, especially in everyone's bedrooms, and reminded her that books were needed for homeschooling.


And I wondered to myself what in the world she filled up the space with.

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I had a friend that took her two kids to the library for the first time at ages 6 and 3 and she told me "I didn't think anyone went to the library anymore!"






Is she in CA? A friend just posted on Facebook, that she just took her 6 and 3 year old to the library for the first time!


How can you not take your kids to the library?

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We had our library booksale today, and as DD and I checked out our rather large stack, the volunteer commented to DD "You must be homeschooled". Since DD is small enough for her age that a lot of people assume she's simply not in school yet, I'm guessing the fact that she was happily paging through Wheelock's Latin and reading off words she didn't previously know had something to do with it :).


I do admit that I've stopped using the library for print book checkouts as much because I can do e-books from home and return them an hour later when DD finishes them-with no late fines, and they often don't have the books I need for school, while I can go to the library booksale and often get almost all of the books on a Sonlight list for $.25 each. In many cases, it's cheaper to stock up on used books at library sales, Goodwill, and Amazon with prime shipping than to pay the library costs. We do donate heavily to our local library, though-both in money and in books (I think my husband pretty much stocks their sci-fi section each year-we always mark our books before donating them to the library because otherwise we end up buying our own books back-and I'd say that at least half the books that end up shelved in that section have my DH's mark in them :) ).

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In defense of those without bookshelves - we have none in our main living areas, or in the bedrooms. Our guest room closet is full of cubbies and that's where most of our books are. Plus in the book basket, on desks, under beds, on nightstands and on the kitchen counters. :)

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