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Did you leave your house the week before your due date?

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My baby is due Saturday. I've been running errands all week getting ready for Easter and the baby. Without fail, when people ask when I'm due and I tell them Saturday, they follow it up with, "I can't believe you're doing XYZ so close to your due date." Things like taking my son to TKD (I don't participate, I just watch), shopping for fancy stuff like toilet paper and milk, crazy stuff like that. Sure, I don't feel at the top of my game but does the rest of the world just sit around with their feet up?? Very strange.

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I was working full time when pregnant with DD(now 10!). So I was working 10-12 hour days on my feet supervising about 20 people on a major software project. We finished the project on Tuesday and she was born Thursday night.


So - Yes! Running around like crazy!

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I was shoveling a foot of snow on my due date :) So no, being ready to pop didn't stop me from getting out and about and doing stuff. I made sure I had the best night's rest I could, and put my feet up for a while in the afternoon, but other than that, the world didn't stop for me, so I didn't stop either.

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I left my house all the time - I was also still working full time, right up until the day before I went into labor (DD was born a week before she was due and I was on the work schedule up to my due date). People I ran into usually chalked it up to me trying to induce labor by walking and shopping and such :tongue_smilie:

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I certainly didn't! The day I went into labor with DD (40wks, 5 days) I raked the yard. At 37wks DW had to have surgery and we spent the next three weeks in and out of the hospital with complications. I was pretty much doing everything at that point. However, it was a relatively comfortable late pregnancy.


DW went to the zoo two days before the twins were born. She was 35wks pregnant with twins (carrying a total of 14.5lbs of baby), measuring like she was 48wks pregnant and swollen like crazy. She needed a wheelchair, but she still went!


Some people like to stay home and that's fine, but it would drive me nuts and I can't see what's wrong with getting out and living your life... It's a lot easier now than it will be with a newborn!

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My baby is due Saturday. I've been running errands all week getting ready for Easter and the baby. Without fail, when people ask when I'm due and I tell them Saturday, they follow it up with, "I can't believe you're doing XYZ so close to your due date." Things like taking my son to TKD (I don't participate, I just watch), shopping for fancy stuff like toilet paper and milk, crazy stuff like that. Sure, I don't feel at the top of my game but does the rest of the world just sit around with their feet up?? Very strange.


I certainly did, but people seemed surprised. One woman in restaurant said "I can't believe you're out" after learning my due date was yesterday. "Well I'm sure not going to COOK!" was my response. :D

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People are funny about pregnant women.


I was standing in line for the self checkout ar the grocery store three or four days after my due date, and I had a conversation something like this:


Random stranger: How much longer do you have?

Me: Hopefully not long!

Stranger 2: When is your due date?

Me: Last Sunday.

(Everyone within earshot takes two steps away, some with mouths hanging open.)


Seriously. It was as if they thought the baby was just going to fall out on the floor right there. I don't usually like nosy people at the the store, but watching the shock was one of my favorite pregnancy moments. :lol:


I actually went out to lunch for my mom's birthday while I was in labor. The waiter side eyed the contraction timer app my husband had open on his iPhone sitting on the table. I'm glad I ate a big lunch because I ended up being in labor for 37 hours. ;) So, I guess the answer is yes, I do go out at 39 weeks pregnant.


Happy birthing thoughts to you!

Edited by Annie
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I've never actually made it to within a week of my due date, but I was out of the house as much as I could be right up until labor with both of my kids. You're so tied down in those newborn months ... I wanted to get as much done as I could and enjoy freedom while I had it.

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Yep. i was quite ticked that DD decided to be late for her own birthday. My BFF took me out to lunch as a diversion. The waitress asked "when are you due?" I replied "Today". She immediately looked at my belly and then looked on the floor as if my water had broken and I hadn't noticed.

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My baby is due Saturday. I've been running errands all week getting ready for Easter and the baby. Without fail, when people ask when I'm due and I tell them Saturday, they follow it up with, "I can't believe you're doing XYZ so close to your due date." Things like taking my son to TKD (I don't participate, I just watch), shopping for fancy stuff like toilet paper and milk, crazy stuff like that. Sure, I don't feel at the top of my game but does the rest of the world just sit around with their feet up?? Very strange.


I worked right up until the same day I started going into labor with my younger DD, though she arrived 3 weeks before her due date. I went to a baby fair at an annex of the hospital after my due date with my first. I kept hoping all the walking around would get things moving and I could just walk over the L&D, but she didn't arrive until a few days later.

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I actually went out to lunch for my mom's birthday while I was in labor. The waiter side eyed the contraction timer app my husband had open on his iPhone sitting on the table.


So funny! I went out to dinner while I was in labor. I had had a false alarm and my attitude was that I was going to keep "doing life" until it was INDISPUTABLE that I was in labor. Well, I had very strong contractions all through dinner and had to keep looking out the window and breathing so as not to upset the kids. Then I DROVE MYSELF HOME to take a bath and just make sure (we had met dh there after work and he had his car; I was so stubborn, I was convinced I was fine to drive, which was pretty stupid). Ds was born about three hours after that pizza dinner.

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I actually was out mowing my lawn as well as my neighbors lawn with an old style rotary (only people power) mower the afternoon before I had my 1st son.

I never stopped doing my normal stuff as long as it was safe for me and the baby. I also wasn't one of those that didn't leave the house for X amount of time after the baby was born, we were at the outlet mall the day after our kids were each born, they needed clothes and we didn't have much since DH never wanted to know if it was a boy or girl.

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Both my children were postdates (DD 41+4; DS 40+6) and I worked until pretty much the day each of them were born. I was not about to sit at home--I'm just not the kind of person who does that, ever.


I actually went to a work meeting while in early labor with my DS. I didn't tell anyone that I was having contractions, though. My boss called the next morning to ask me about a project and I told him I'd had the baby overnight! :lol:

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Yes, I went out the week before my due dates each time. I went about a week past my due date with each of my first three babies; it was hilarious when people would ask when I was due, and I'd say "a week ago." They looked like they thought I would be having the baby on the floor any second. I actually felt pretty good at the end of my pregnancies.


With my fourth baby, I was out at the park with friends on Friday, having a great time, and then the baby was born (a couple of weeks early) on Tuesday morning.

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On my due date with dd I attended a birthday party for our best friends' little girl. It was Easter Sunday, and I spent a lot of time running around after my two yr old at the Easter egg hunt. We left the party at about 9pm, and I started having contractions at 10:30. She was born at 7:30 the next morning.


I also did my 45 minute spinning class on Friday before she was born. People at the gym kept asking me how long I was going to keep exercising. I gave them the answer my ob gave me - stop when the contractions are 5 minutes apart!


I can't imagine sitting around. That would make the time go so slowly!

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Yup. In fact, my water broke with my first right after finishing dinner at the Cheesecake factory. Luckily, I made it JUST past the door to the walk way LOL.


With number 2, I went grocery shopping at my first sign of contraction and started cooking a couple quick meals for the fridge for the day after.

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That's hilarious! Yes, of course. I actually went two full weeks past my due date. I did things EVERY DAY. It was the only way to keep from going insane. You think people give you looks when you them you are due that week? Try telling them you were due two weeks ago. It was worth it just for that! But yes, I went several places shopping on the day I went into labor at 42 weeks. My BFF was shopping in Costco in early labor at 40+3.

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I've never actually made it to within a week of my due date, but I was out of the house as much as I could be right up until labor with both of my kids. You're so tied down in those newborn months ... I wanted to get as much done as I could and enjoy freedom while I had it.


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Yep. I went over by at least 6 days every time, so my due date was nothing more than a mere suggestion for me. :tongue_smilie:


With my first two, I was still waiting tables the week before my due dates. :) I heard about a hundred, "well, don't have your water break on our table!" jokes:glare:.

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With oldest DD we were rarely ever home. My water broke at 5 am at a friends shop while helping him finish up a project for a customer all night.


With younger DD I was busy running around getting ready for Christmas and older DD was in a co-op preschool so no sitting around with my feet up. When she went past her due date we went 4x4ing, snowmachining and anything else we could think of to help things along. We were in Kmart Christmas eve getting some last minute stuff for christmas when a lady walking by us asked when I was due. I said "last thursday" (it was wednesday) She just gave me a look of pity and said "I'm sorry". I went into labor at about 11:30 that night.


With DS I had a first grader in PS and a just turned two year old so while we were home a bit more there wasn't much sitting around with my feet up.

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With my first I was a resident in ObGyn. I was having contractions at work, helping other ladies deliver their babies. When I got off work I went home and ate a big meal, then headed to the hospital.


I would not recommend the kind of physical work and hours I was putting in (youth, gotta love it), but why wouldn't you work or go out or whatever? It's not a disability to be pregnant, lol!

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I was working 70 hours a week trying to save up time to get some maternity leave. My blood pressure went up a bit on Wednesday, and I went home early. Kiddo was born Sunday. After I got home on Wednesday, I "nested" by baking 2 dozen loaves of apple bread for hubby to distribute to the nurses at work, and that Saturday I spent the day on my feet at a Highland Games. Every time I stopped to lean up against a wall, a woman would come running up and tell me she was a nurse. I must have looked *very* ready.

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My baby is due Saturday. I've been running errands all week getting ready for Easter and the baby. Without fail, when people ask when I'm due and I tell them Saturday, they follow it up with, "I can't believe you're doing XYZ so close to your due date." Things like taking my son to TKD (I don't participate, I just watch), shopping for fancy stuff like toilet paper and milk, crazy stuff like that. Sure, I don't feel at the top of my game but does the rest of the world just sit around with their feet up?? Very strange.


OOOOOH! I am starting to fume just remembering those times. When I was pregnant with my first, he was 11 days late. My contract at work ended 4 weeks before my due date and they didn't renew it. So, I was one lonely mamma-to-be and relished any chance to get out and talk to real live humans other than the Pakistani quik-e-mart owner. One man tried to refuse to let me into his store to because he was terrified that I would have the baby in his store. If I wasn't so annoyed, I would have peed my pants laughing at the ridiculous notion. I didn't go on to have that baby for 2 more weeks. Hmmmfff ... do nothing, indeed.


When I was in my 8th month with my second, after getting a ticket for "improper lane usage" for trying to get around a huge back up so that I could get to work and not have an accident, the police officer would not let me get out of my car to use the washroom at the gas station nearby and made me sit for 20 minutes while he wrote up my ticket. Yeah - I was a danger to society with my big belly and small bladder. When I got to work, I was fuming mad. The man in the elevator was shocked to see me so pregnant at work, asking if I was due any day. "Nope - 2 more months." "Surely it must be twins." "Nope - only one. You trying to tell me I'm fat? This is what pregnant woman look like. No, we don't go on home confinement so as to not offend the public with our large girths. We are real people who don't need to be shuttered away ... " We both got off the elevator and I stormed off to the bathroom. I turned around to see this man head toward the executive wing. I then realized that I had just told off the vice president of the company.

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Yes, I worked up until the day I went to the hospital with dd. My middle son was born the day after I helped dd try on her recital outfit, youngest was a scheduled induction (good thing too or dh would have delivered him at home, at 7cm I did not know I was in labor lol), so I went to the store, had the car washed, did laundry, and went out to pay bills that day. :001_huh:

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People are funny about pregnant women.


I was standing in line for the self checkout ar the grocery store three or four days after my due date, and I had a conversation something like this:


Random stranger: How much longer do you have?

Me: Hopefully not long!

Stranger 2: When is your due date?

Me: Last Sunday.

(Everyone within earshot takes two steps away, some with mouths hanging open.)


Seriously. It was as if they thought the baby was just going to fall out on the floor right there. I don't usually like nosy people at the the store, but watching the shock was one of my favorite pregnancy moments. :lol:


I am always late, too, and the only perk is going to the grocery store and having people back away when they casually say, "oh! When are you due?!" and I say, "3 days ago."


IF ONLY the baby would fall out right there....THAT would be nice.

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I am always late, too, and the only perk is going to the grocery store and having people back away when they casually say, "oh! When are you due?!" and I say, "3 days ago."


IF ONLY the baby would fall out right there....THAT would be nice.


I know! It would have saved me thirty something hours of back labor and a csection!

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I certainly didn't! The day I went into labor with DD (40wks, 5 days) I raked the yard. At 37wks DW had to have surgery and we spent the next three weeks in and out of the hospital with complications. I was pretty much doing everything at that point. However, it was a relatively comfortable late pregnancy.


DW went to the zoo two days before the twins were born. She was 35wks pregnant with twins (carrying a total of 14.5lbs of baby), measuring like she was 48wks pregnant and swollen like crazy. She needed a wheelchair, but she still went!


Some people like to stay home and that's fine, but it would drive me nuts and I can't see what's wrong with getting out and living your life... It's a lot easier now than it will be with a newborn!


So true.


Getting out of the house is a good distraction. We took DD to the playground on my due date, and I went into labor as soon as we got home. This time with #3, I plan to work until the baby is born. May as well, since I work on the floor where we plan to have the baby! :lol:

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I wouldn't know. Both mine were born at 35 weeks. 1st was a total surprise. Dh got up on a (very early) Monday morning to catch a 6;30 a.m. flight. About 6 a.m. my water broke. In time, fortunately, to get him out of the boarding line and home for the (much later that day) birth. I had worked through Friday, and was planning on going to work that Monday morning.

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I carried on life like normal with each and every pregnancy. With my first i saw my OB on my due date and he did an internal and said i was 2-3cm and perhaps i might go straight home and not the the shops as we'd already discussed i had a busy afternoon ahead. I think he was trying to save me the embarrassment of my waters breaking in the line at Coles LOL. I didn't listen and went about my business as normal. She didn't arrive for 4 more days :D

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I experienced the same thing. I remember going to the mall to exchange something the week ds was due. The lady at the store was shocked I was out at the mall so close to my due date. I told her I hoped all the walking would help me go into labor!



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