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s/o Budget for the 2012/2013 School Year?


How much are you planning to spend for the 2012/2013 school year?  

  1. 1. How much are you planning to spend for the 2012/2013 school year?

    • Less than $500
    • Between $500 - $750
    • Between $750 - $1000
    • Between $1000 - $1250
    • Between $1250 - $1500
    • Between $1500 - $2000
    • Between $2000 - $2500
    • Between $2500 - $3000
    • More than $3000

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Well so far we are at about $1,575. I think with lit and guides & lit for history, science supplies for dd who will be in 9th will have a lab science, and a few other things I need I will probably do another $350-450, unless we do get dd a microscope and slides for 5th grade Biology, then.. well :crying:


This will be more for us because of those pesky science supplies :glare:



HA! Poll wasn't up til after I answered. Oh well.

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WOW! Does that figure include extracurricular activities?



Yes if it is part of your schooling...A math class or gymnastics would qualify if you are using the gymnastics as PE...Dance or sports that your child would take regardless of whether at home or school does not apply...Same with instruments...

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I think you also have to take number of children into account. About $1100 here for one child with all consumables for the next child also purchased. That doesn't include support group fees, accountability group fees, supplies, yearbooks, extracurricular activities, and field trips.

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Less than $500. This is the first year we have had to be so extreme with budgeting. Luckily I have been fortunate enough in past years to purchase all the Math manipulatives, Art supplies, and Science experiment materials we could possibly need for years to come. I also, as my husband puts it, have more homeschool materials on my shelves than the library, lol. So, yeah, we're good. :) We have three bookshelves full of quality literature, access to the library, and I've bought ahead on several curriculum in previous years. There was actually very little I *needed* to purchase. Though I admit, if the money were there, I would love to try All About Reading with my youngest next year.

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For me, high school has been far more costly than any of the lower grades. Next year, I'll have two high school kids, including one that's prepping to go off to college. Educating my special needs little guy is costly too, especially the co-pays for speech/OT, adaptive swimming, etc.


Ugh, and if you count speedskating and figure skating as part of our homeschool budget...:svengo:


I don't think I want to add it all up.

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I voted 500-750. Normally I budget at least 1000. I just went through my list this morning, it's about 450.00, plus I need another couple of books for the rest of this year which will be used next year as well.


Things are very tight this year and these are numbers for high school. I'll probably spend at least 100.00 throughout the year for additional stuff. So I imagine the number will be about 600.

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We haven't gotten into extra outside activities yet, but when we do it will be done within the same budget. I buy some things ahead like Sonlight, because I know I will use the books even if I don't use the IG's. I buy a lot of TWTM stuff ahead too. I know that the farther we go the more expensive things will get, and no matter what path we take literature will be the center of it. So that makes it easy for me to buy ahead.


I spend $1000 at income tax time every year, then spend $50-100 a week on keeping the next thing on hand. Or save for bigger items like Microscope, Rock Tumbler, Telescope, Rock Collections, Etc. So far I am collecting for 3rd at the moment, and will be most of the year.


I know many say not to purchase ahead, but 90% of our curriculum is literature, can't imagine having to much of that. LOL

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I think for curricula, it will be around $500. I wasn't sure how to count DD's tumbling class because I count it as her PE, but we might have done it anyway. I didn't include horseback riding or Girl Scouts, though, since those would definitely have been done regardless of whether she was in school. I only have one child to educate, otherwise it would probably $500-$750 per kid.

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I voted between 700-1,000. Our school books are about 750-800. I wasn't really thinking of extracurricular or supplies. My oldest does about one sport per season, dd1 does swimming and soccer, and dd2 is doing swimming now. As far as supplies I buy most of them cheap at back to school time, but I do need to get some notebooking supplies. Our field trips are usually part of our vacation or weekend fun, so I don't really know how much we will spend. I guess I should have also counted our Netflix subscription and Y membership.

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I think our budget for the big used book sale is less than $200. We do get a lot for the children there, but probably half of that is for my husband and me. I have found curricula and books in French in the past, which we do use specifically for lessons. We spend $20 at the used book store here and there. I have such a tough time calling that a school expense because we would be buying those books even if we sent our children to school.


I need to spend $25 soon to get the last guide and student text for our math program, but that (hopefully) won't be used for a couple years. Sometime this year I will start buying Story of the World for next year. I may or may not buy BFSU.


I'll go through at least one black and one color ink cartridge printing out papers for this year.


If we move back to NY we might find a tutor once a week to add to our French, but I don't know if it will happen or how much we will spend.


Aside from the possible tutor, we will probably spend less than $100 on ink and a few craft supplies for this year. Having young children makes that much easier. We will probably spend less than $500 on everything we actually purchase, although a lot of that will be set aside for the future or not actually intended for the children. I foresee them reading some of the classic literature or scifi we buy from the book sale, but I'd be lying to say we bought those for them. ;)

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I said between $500-750. In the past, curriculum costs for 2 have been under $500. Last year the only curriculum I bought for DD5 was English and Math. Next year I anticipate needing a little more but I can also reuse some of what I used for DS.


I don't count AHG, Cub Scouts, museum memberships, zoo memberships, dance class, sports (football, baseball), camps (science/art, church, rock climbing), etc., because we would do them whether we HS'd or not.

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I voted just thinking about supplies, books, fees for homeschool specific stuff. Probably about $500.


If you include ds's ballet, summer camps, memberships to museums, excursions that are educational, gas for driving all around town... quite a bit more. But that's the stuff that's always impossible for me to tease out what's homeschooling and what's life. We definitely do more of that sort of thing than if we weren't homeschooling, but we'd definitely do a lot of it anyway - it's just the cost of being an awesome parent.

Edited by farrarwilliams
misspelled homeschooling... clearly fuel for the anti-hs league and had to be corrected at once
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I put between $500-$700, actually I don't know! I'm not certain of what we're going to use for 4th grade so, i'm not really able to price anything yet. I do know what our math and english will be. I am certain of what my highschooler will be using and his cost is a little smaller due to having two older ones go through.

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Less than $150. Everything has been paid for with gift cards earned online. The only things I have to buy is our science {$30}, DD's brownie vest and Girl Scout Patches {trying to work out trades}. I am also budgeting $50 for the annual local PTA used book sale too, but trying to keep it below that.

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My actual budget is $972/year ($81/month). I do a pretty good job staying in it, though I'm currently in the red a bit after buying Omnibus and VP self-paced history. I need to figure out what I need to see if that's a realistic number as we approach high school.


This doesn't include Judo, gymnastics, or piano lessons, or supplies because those are a different budget here.

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I spent $2200 in the last 12 months, higher than usual. I have 4 kids and that includes everything. It was about double what I usually spend honestly. I did a boxed fun stuff pre-K curriculum (monthly subscription) and bought TOG included in there, which we just started and will be continuing into fall.

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For this year less than $100 total (everything) for one will be 2nd grader. I do have living books already so that saves me a bundle, but still I would never spend huge dollars. Bargain hunting has always been a must.


I know high is more expensive; I graduated 3. But in all of our years of hsing we have never spent more than $1000 for all 3 kids , and it was usually far, FAR less.

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I voted just thinking about supplies, books, fees for homeschool specific stuff. Probably about $500.


If you include ds's ballet, summer camps, memberships to museums, excursions that are educational, gas for driving all around town... quite a bit more. But that's the stuff that's always impossible for me to tease out what's homeschooling and what's life. We definitely do more of that sort of thing than if we weren't homeschooling, but we'd definitely do a lot of it anyway - it's just the cost of being an awesome parent.


Ha! Pretty much the same here. Our actual books and curricula won't cost all that much, but it's hard to calculate all the cost of the extras. Also, I tend to have a little bit of an issue with buying books- I'm constantly buying books that look interesting and building a very large home library of children's literature. I'm sure I'd keep on buying books even if the kids went back to school, but homeschooling sure gives me an excuse to buy a few new books with each paycheck. :tongue_smilie:

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I've only got a kindergartner. So between a math curriculum, the phonics program I am creating by reading library books :), and copywork....that's less than $50. Add on to that a few CDs on tape and a few living books, we might be over $100.....and I may buy a few things here and there for fun (music, a few art supplies)--I doubt we'll get over $200. And most of that will be stuff I can use again with dd.


My library card is F R E E !!!!!:D


I'm not counting gymnastics--that would add $600ish but I don't consider it PE or school-related.


I am keeping things simple and cheap now because I do plan to drop some money in later years (3rd grade-ish on....), probably on online classes, private foreign language tutors, etc. For now I want to keep things very simple and very inexpensive.

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I am planning on no more than 1,500. But this will be our first year of homeschooling (in place of afterschooling) and I'm buying maps, globes, etc.


I didn't include piano lessons or outside sports lessons, though, since we would probably do that either way.


It actually feels like a lot of money to me . . . but I keep thinking about what private school costs in the U.S. Right now we don't pay tuition because dh works at the school, but next year he is going back to school himself . . . :)

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I voted over $3000 and I will have a 6th grader and a Kindergartner. A big chunk went to buy 2 new SL cores. I also included our drum lessons and rec center sports. I am sure it adds up to a substantial sum once I include every single thing purchased through the year. But if it was up to me I would not include the lessons and sports, because they would be taking place whether we home schooled or not.

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I bought my TOG year plan and IEW materials for next year so that is around $700. I believe I can keep it under $500 in additional materials. No firm decisions have been made about any online class for my oldest DD's math yet so I didn't count that.


It helps that I already own almost all of what the youngers are using with the exceptions of math. Most of my cost is with my oldest. We are purchasing from Oasis this year for Algebra I (for me to have as a home reference), and Miller Levine Biology. All five will be schooling next year. :svengo:

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We are going to have to spend $3,600 on vision therapy for dd, so that killed my school budget. I'm now down to less than $100 for school stuff. Luckily, I have an mild obsession with books/curricula, and have been building my HS library for a few years lol. I just have to organize everything I want to use.

Edited by Gentlemommy
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I h ave not added it all up yet, but we should be around $1,000. That is not including team gymnastics for dd :001_huh: soccer for ds, and piano for dd. Also, I couldn't even begin to add up the cost for the "fun fridays" for next year (field trips with our homeschool group. Anything from park days to aquariums). It gets expensive, but it is something we value highly. It also helps that in the back of my mind, I know it would $14,000 next year to send 2 to the private school :001_huh: So, dh thinks we are getting off cheaply! :lol:

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True, but I can't calculate it that way because if they were to go to private school, I could work full time, so we would be far more AHEAD.




I h ave not added it all up yet, but we should be around $1,000. That is not including team gymnastics for dd :001_huh: soccer for ds, and piano for dd. Also, I couldn't even begin to add up the cost for the "fun fridays" for next year (field trips with our homeschool group. Anything from park days to aquariums). It gets expensive, but it is something we value highly. It also helps that in the back of my mind, I know it would $14,000 next year to send 2 to the private school :001_huh: So, dh thinks we are getting off cheaply! :lol:
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I don't know yet. I am still not sure what curriculum we will be doing. I had planned to do Sonlight all the way though, but it simply is NOT working with my LD child.


So, I am looking at some more workbook type things but not sure how far I will take that either.


My guess is that we will spend about $1,000 or so for actual books/curriculum but I am not including outside activities in that.


My boys golf and do scouts. Right now that is all they do. Scouting is by far the best bang for our buck.



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As long as we stay away from Barnes and Noble, I should manage to stay within budget for the year. The discount/bargain section at B&N gets me everytime.


We do more with art, music lessons, dance, theatre, special interest classes (labs/computer), workshops, camps, clubs and so forth than we would have been able to do timewise if in school. It would be difficult to compare. One factor in deciding to homeschool was to be able to have the time to do so.


If I don't include those areas it would be $500.00 for the 2012-2013 year.


On a funny note, my daughter and I recently discussed what her friends spend on clothing versus what she spends. Her school "uniform" is sweat pants or pajama bottoms and a t-shirt/sweatshirt. It prompted me to talk to a few in school mom's. I can see where we are saving a whole lot by not being in school. Funding a few trendy items for weekends is far less than meeting a daily need.

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I wasn't going to vote, because this poll is on the K-8 board, but then I saw others with older kids voting, and I wanted to play, too.


I'll be schooling one kid, doing his second year of a planned three-year high school sequence. Currently, I expect to spend about $100 on curricula. If we decided to count choir for credit again and, therefore, add tuition for that, it would bring my total to about $400.

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