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Very bizarre domestic case gets worse.

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In case you haven't seen this, the dad is suspected of murdering his wife in Utah. He claimed he suddenly went camping in the winter in the middle of the night with two toddlers, and returned to find his wife had run off with someone else.


Then he moves back with his dad, who has a computer full of child p*rn, and the kids are given to the mother's folks.


Now he appears to have killed them, exploded the house, and done a powder.


Mom's poor parents must be just about ready to die of misery at this point ...

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Supervised....so the case worker who was supervising was outside and he used that opportunity to kill the kids?


Wow. Just wow.


He let the boys in & blocked the sw from coming in. She called supervisors to tell them she smelled gas and the house exploded.

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Supervised....so the case worker who was supervising was outside and he used that opportunity to kill the kids?


Wow. Just wow.


He killed them, blew up the house, and disappeared all whilst the social worker was outside? How long was she outside for?? He never should have had visitation with these children much less custody.

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Supervised....so the case worker who was supervising was outside and he used that opportunity to kill the kids?


Wow. Just wow.


This is what I do not understand!!! I am sooo angry, have prayed for months for their mother, hoping she would be found....her poor parents to have to deal with this psychopath who took so much from their family...

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He killed them, blew up the house, and disappeared all whilst the social worker was outside? How long was she outside for?? He never should have had visitation with these children much less custody.


The newest reports say she was blocked from entering, and his body has also been found.


She probably should have called 911 instead of her supervisor, but it may not have helped anyways.

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She probably should have called 911 instead of her supervisor, but it may not have helped anyways.




As for no visitation, his DAD, not him, had the p*rn. I'm sure if they'd found it on his computer they would have been all over him. They have been panting to find a way to get those kids from him, but since they were happy and healthy and unhurt, it is hard to bad him, legally.


If he is dead, at least no man hunt, no one else hurt, no awful trial for the GPs to live through.


This guy reeks of angry control freak.

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Now, that I have spent 20 min making sure this is not the same Josh Powell I went to highschool with, this is really sad. :crying:



It is really eerie how similar they look, age, coloring and we are all from that area.


I cannot imagine what the wife's parents are going through.

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As for no visitation, his DAD, not him, had the p*rn. I'm sure if they'd found it on his computer they would have been all over him. They have been panting to find a way to get those kids from him, but since they were happy and healthy and unhurt, it is hard to bad him, legally.


If he is dead, at least no man hunt, no one else hurt, no awful trial for the GPs to live through.


This guy reeks of angry control freak.


Another report said on February 5th his fight for custody was put on a conditional that he get a psychosexual evaluation...this was a large setback and the article reported that it was based on stuff found on HIS computer or attached to his user....I think that was the impetus for all this, he just found out today?

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There was another one like this, except it was a woman. IIRC, it was in England. She killed the father of her child. She lost custody of the child, but had visitation, and then she drowned the baby and herself. Awful, awful. And then, as in this case, the grandparents are left with nothing because of one evil person.

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The kids were taken away based on the sick stuff on his dad's (Steve's) computer, because they were all living with him at the time. The therapy he was just ordered into was based on the stuff the police found on his (Josh's) computer in Utah.


His dad and brother seem as mental as he did, with all the "explanations" they cooked up for what happened to Susan. His own sister has been quite staunchly against him from very early in the case. If I recall, she was the one who suggested that the couple had moved to Utah to get away from the dad (Steve).


Here's another version of the story: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700222367/News-reports-Explosion-at-Josh-Powell-home-in-Washington.html

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I live in WA and have been following this, too. Very sad case, but it makes me wonder if there wasn't something else going on.


Like: What if he was involved with some really bad criminal activity and the bad guys killed his wife to get him to do something. And what if they were now threatening the children? And he thought this was the only way out to save his kids from torture.


I read too much fiction, but what if? We'll never really know and it's still unfathomable that two innocent children lost their lives.

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I live in WA and have been following this, too. Very sad case, but it makes me wonder if there wasn't something else going on.


Like: What if he was involved with some really bad criminal activity and the bad guys killed his wife to get him to do something. And what if they were now threatening the children? And he thought this was the only way out to save his kids from torture.


I read too much fiction, but what if? We'll never really know and it's still unfathomable that two innocent children lost their lives.


Soooo....the child porn on their computers was just....? A diversion from the trail of the real killers?

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There was another one like this, except it was a woman. IIRC, it was in England. She killed the father of her child. She lost custody of the child, but had visitation, and then she drowned the baby and herself. Awful, awful. And then, as in this case, the grandparents are left with nothing because of one evil person.


Maybe the case in Canada? The one that the documentary Dear Zachary was based on? That was heartbreaking.

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I live in WA and have been following this, too. Very sad case, but it makes me wonder if there wasn't something else going on.


Like: What if he was involved with some really bad criminal activity and the bad guys killed his wife to get him to do something. And what if they were now threatening the children? And he thought this was the only way out to save his kids from torture.


I read too much fiction, but what if? We'll never really know and it's still unfathomable that two innocent children lost their lives.


The article I read said he was a narcissist. It's more likely that he was angry he didn't get his way and had a "well, I'll show them (the GPs) or "If I can't have the kids, no one can" type of mentality.

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The article I read said he was a narcissist. It's more likely that he was angry he didn't get his way and had a "well, I'll show them (the GPs) or "If I can't have the kids, no one can" type of mentality.


We must have posted at the exact same time...and read the same article. :001_smile:

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The judge was an a$$.


Who in the name of Heaven allows children BACK into the environment w/someone charged w/possessing kiddie p**n???


Sadly, it's far more common than you might think. After all, these are his children, there were no formal charges (yet), and the visit would be supervised. I don't agree with this mentality, but that is how the child protection system operates.

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I have been sick to my stomach over this all afternoon. We live in Utah, so this case has been all over the news since Susan disappeared. My heart just breaks for Susan's family. And poor sweet Braden and Charlie...personally I believe they are finally with their sweet mama again though, but I still feel so sad for all they had to go through.


Apparently, Josh sent several emails before he did it, so I can only hope he told someone where Susan is and what he did...so there can be some closure here. I can't imagine never knowing what happened to your loved one. (and yes, I realize there was not evidence to prove Josh was guilty of killing Susan, but for me, this just kinda cinched the case against him).

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We must have posted at the exact same time...and read the same article. :001_smile:

It was linked on a friend's FB page. That's where I get all my news.


As the daughter of an extremely narcissistic man, the only thing I am grateful for is that my parents divorced after all us were over 18. I have no doubts that we would have been used as pawns by my father to "get back" at my mother. Even as it was, he was using us to make threats against her. I don't think he would have gone so far as to kill any of us, but our lives would have been miserable because he is always right and no one had better cross him.


With these types of people, it's all about control. When they can't control every little thing...bad things happen. May those two precious boys rest in peace.

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Run off so fast you leave a puff of dust.

He had full custody until his dad's computer turned up bad stuff.

He is SICK. Evil and sick.


and a whiney coward who loves his daddy dearest.


I'm really interested to know what "Images" the UT police found in *his* house (as in, he can't claim they belonged to daddy dearest) and turned over to family court instigating the judge's order of a 'pscyho-sexual evaulation' (oh, and a polygraph) before she would even consider another child custody hearing.

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