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JCPenney Changes

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Is this what all those HORRIFICALLY OBNOXIOUS TV commercials are about? OMG the SCREAMING!!!! Seriously, it's enough to make me never spend another dime at JCP. Not that I shopped there much at all, but wow. Those ads just make my eardrums bleed.



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Is this what all those HORRIFICALLY OBNOXIOUS TV commercials are about? OMG the SCREAMING!!!! Seriously, it's enough to make me never spend another dime at JCP. Not that I shopped there much at all, but wow. Those ads just make my eardrums bleed.



:iagree: I was just saying to DH last night that I may never set foot in their store again.

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Has anyone heard much about this? I've read a little about their pricing changes and not using coupons and sales gimmicks. Do you think it will be successful? The 1st/3rd Friday lowest price deals look good, but think how crazy the stores may be on those days. :tongue_smilie:


Where did you read about the changes? I'm curious as well.

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If they stop mailing me $10 off a $10 purchase coupons I'll be sad. Most of my kids' clothes are hand-me-downs, but I got about 10 of those coupons in the mail last year to fill holes in their wardrobes.


If you have a Kohl's card, Kohl's sends those out on their fliers sometimes. I just got one. Good timing because DS is growing out of all his jeans!

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I'm not too excited about it. Like Kohl's, you can always find what you want on sale at JCP. If it's not on sale that week, just wait till the next and it is sure to be. They mark up so they can have their "sales."


I'm pretty sure this new JCP thing will just be them stopping the mark ups and now charging regular prices. I never buy full price from JCP or Kohls.

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I'm not too excited about it. Like Kohl's, you can always find what you want on sale at JCP. If it's not on sale that week, just wait till the next and it is sure to be. They mark up so they can have their "sales."


I'm pretty sure this new JCP thing will just be them stopping the mark ups and now charging regular prices. I never buy full price from JCP or Kohls.


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Interesting that you should say that since the new guy in charge came from Target!


... by way of Apple Computer. Here is one article (of many -- see WSJ, etc.) in which he explains his strategy. Excerpt:


Q. How did you come up with the new pricing strategy?


A. Pricing is actually a pretty simple and straight forward thing. Customers will not pay literally a penny more than the true value of the product. And as I have been watching the department stores for the past decade, I have been struck by the extraordinary amount of promotional activity, which to me, didn't feel like it was appropriate for a department store. My instinct was that it wasn't a good thing.


Q. Won't shoppers be turned off because they won't see the big markdowns?


A. I wouldn't assume they like the pricing strategy. I think they're insulted by it.


My ds16 works at JCPenney 25-35 hr/wk, and has "inside information" about some (not all) of the changes. What he sees IRL are customers who (as in the excerpt above) really want to use their coupons and get their markdowns!!!. :001_smile: There are certain demographics that shop at JCPenney and LOVE the "bargains." My son tries to explain that the new "regular" price is the same as the previous "sale" prices, but they still want to use their coupons ... My ds14 is a total Apple fanboy and thinks the changes are "awesome"; I'm thinking, sure, they worked at Apple b/c Apple has a product no one else can match, and customers who don't mind paying a bit more for quality. And who appreciate the clean look and whole-number pricing (not "14.99") at Apple. JCPenney has SO many competitors, even just a few doors down in the mall, who have -- if anything -- better-quality merchandise. We'll see how it all plays out ... Target did/does have a lot of competition, too, and I love shopping there now.

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I like it!


I was just in there tonight, and they were already switched over for tomorrow's changes.


The lack of sale signs everywhere made the store feel calmer to me--less cluttered and all that.


But what I really liked were the prices. The new everyday pricing is a significant change. For example, I went in to buy a new Easter dress for our soon-to-be-here baby. I know that dress would have been marked at $40-45 previously. And that's about what the original prices is at Kohls right now, (although, it is on "sale" there for $28). But the everyday price at Penney's was $25, which was comparable to what it would have been on sale at Penney's before, but without the gimmick.


That's always been my biggest complaint about department stores--the sale gimmick. I worked at Kohls in college, and the mark-up on items was ridiculous. Everything is almost always on sale there, and if it's always on sale, it's not really a sale, kwim? So I like that Penney's is going to be more upfront from the get-go.


I'm really hoping that this new plan works for them, and helps them improve their business!

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Wow, this is the first I've heard about this. I do a lot of our shopping at Penney's - it is the only option besides Wallyworld in our small town. BUT, I find that I still go there when I make a special shopping trip to the "big city". Penney's just seems to have a lot of what I'm looking for.


When are these big changes supposed to take place? I read the linked article but didn't see a date for the overhaul.


Oh - Amanda and I posted at the same time! It's going to change starting tomorrow. Hmmm, this will be interesting.

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I can't wait as I don't get to JCP often and then I find what I want not on sale so I go elsewhere. I can't wait to shop there now and not have to do mental math to figure out how much things are. My favorite is when I would go to buy something thinking it was the sale item only to be told no it was the other item on the rack.

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Where did you read about the changes? I'm curious as well.

I happened to hear a spot about it on the program Marketplace about it last week.


I got a catalog as well and intended to toss it in the recycle bin, but decided to use some of its pages for an art project and saw inside a brief description. Then one of the pages I ripped out to use said in Feb. t-shirts would be $5. That would make me really excited if they were long sleeved, as all of mine need to be replaced and fast!

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What always bugs me about JCP coupons is that the window is too small. BIG BLOWOUT SALE for two hours tomorrow. Hope you're not busy, you know, living or anything.


I do like most JCP clothing for my kids and myself. I like the American Living clothing. (I think that's what it's called.)

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We wondered if something was up with them. I haven't heard any ads, but we got a slick new catalog in the mail. It was a very different look for JCP, and reminded me a lot of Target.


I read that some have received this catalog. I want one! We have a Penney's card and have not gotten a catalog or any info about this. I think it's strange because they use to send tons of things all the time. I know that is what they are trying to get away from, but I figure they would want to promote their new plan.

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I hadn't heard about any of this. I guess I should pull the catalog out of the recycling bin to see what it's all about. I chucked it when I saw there were no coupons.


I actually went to Penney's tonight, expecting to pay too much for what I needed, since I didn't have a coupon. What I bought was very reasonably priced. I didn't think about it at the time, but the price was about what the sale prices have been in the past.


Also, they had cleared a huge aisle right down the middle of the store from the door to the escalator. It really opened it up and made the place seem more peaceful, less crowded.

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I'm sorry to hear this. ds is in need to dress shirts, and I like some of the stafford dress shirts on sale. (I loath van heusen which seems to be everywhere else in that price range)


oh well, better to know now so I can keep an eye open for deals elsewhere.

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I read that some have received this catalog. I want one! We have a Penney's card and have not gotten a catalog or any info about this. .

My husband has (had?) their credit card but for some reason, I'm the one who gets mailings. Well, and the lady who used to live here.

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I agree WendyK! It's not really a sale if it's always on sale...it's just something marked up in the first place, that's always offerred at a better price.


I really hope people give the new set-up at Penney's a chance. Like I said before, I was really impressed when I was in there yesterday, and I really think their prices are just as competitive now as they were when they were having constant "sales," and maybe even more so! If there's something you really liked buying there in the past, take a look at the new everyday price...I bet you'll find that you'll end paying the same as you used to, but now you don't have to wait for a sale, or for a "better" sale, or try to figure out what is on sale, and for how much.

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You guys had me hopeful, so I hopped over and checked out their site. It still sounds like sales gimmicks to me. :glare: Their site says:

Everyday Prices - Our regular prices which are always great

That's your opinion...let's see if I think they are really that great


Month-long Values - Even better prices on the things you need now

Sounds like a month-long sale...really nothing new, is it?


Best Prices - Our lowest prices always happen on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month. While they last!

Another sale...reminds me of Kohls Power Hour specials

This is just another attempt to boost sales. :confused: But if their prices will beat the deals I get at Kohls with the power hour sales, %-off coupons and "cash" back, then I will absolutely shop JCP more. I DO like the set times for the special sales...makes it easier to plan.


It seems like I'm always shopping for clothes...at least one of the kids needs of something. :glare:

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I have limited time, more money but am frugal. I don't care whether the price is a sale price or a regular price. I don't want to pay more than X for a certain product. NOw that X changes as prices change but between my health and all the things I am running around doing, I don't have time or energy to really shop sales. I think it will make it more likely that I buy.

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I have always liked shopping at Kohl's, but we've decided not to shop there anymore after the recent Human Rights Campaign ratings were released.


Penney's, on the other hand, gets a pretty good rating. So, they'll continue to get our buckage.


It's my son's favorite place to shop, anyway. (Well, it was, until I made the mistake of taking him into Dillards for one item.) I'm kind of hoping the stores will be nicer -- less crowded, better organized, etc. -- if they aren't having to constantly pretend things are on sale.


Plus, I find I often can't decide whether to buy an item the day I'm in the store if it's not on some great markdown. After all, it might be cheaper tomorrow! Or next Thursday! If I can feel reasonably sure the price I'm getting today isn't marked up for the sake of having a pretend sale next week, I'm much more likely to just buy the shirt. And, if I feel like shopping for fun, I'll now know when the best times are to do that.


I'm very willing to give it at chance.

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Okay...did a quick a browse through their Best Prices and it does look promising! There were some great deals, and I like that I can get free shipping to store so I don't have to make a special trip to hit the store during their sale hours. :001_smile: I'm definitely going to be watching JCP to see what kind of deals I can score when I need things. Thanks for the info ladies!!

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I have always liked shopping at Kohl's, but we've decided not to shop there anymore after the recent Human Rights Campaign ratings were released.


Penney's, on the other hand, gets a pretty good rating. So, they'll continue to get our buckage...


Can you share more about this? I'm not familiar w/ it. I like shopping @ Kohl's, too, but only because I seem to find the best deals there.

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My closest store quit carrying Levi's for ladies. If I have to go somewhere else to buy jeans (a 4 hour round trip) then I'm going to do my shopping elsewhere.


This particular Penney's is the only place for a lot of people to get some of the higher end products without having to drive all day. If I have to drive all day I'm certainly not going to shop at Penneys when I get there.

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Can you share more about this? I'm not familiar w/ it. I like shopping @ Kohl's, too, but only because I seem to find the best deals there.


The Human Rights Campaign is an organization that works for civil rights and marriage equality on behalf of the LGBT community. It's a cause near to my heart. So, we take their ratings quite seriously.


Here's a link to the online guide: http://www.hrc.org/apps/buyersguide/index.php

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I'm sorry to hear this. ds is in need to dress shirts, and I like some of the stafford dress shirts on sale. (I loath van heusen which seems to be everywhere else in that price range)


oh well, better to know now so I can keep an eye open for deals elsewhere.


But the point of this new sales strategy is that it won't need to be on sale, because the everyday low price IS what you would have paid for it on sale. So a shirt that was regularly $50, and frequently on sale at 40% off, you would buy on sale for about $30. Now, instead of being marked up to $50, the everyday price will be what you would have paid at the sale price- so the $30 for the shirt all the time. You won't need to wait for a sale to buy it.


I think the whole strategy is very interesting, but I'm concerned about the quality declining. I love JCP, and our wardrobes contain a lot of clothing from there- but if the lower prices lead to lower quality, I'll be very perturbed and will likely shop elsewhere.

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I was there last week and they had already begun changing everything over. Like somebody else said the store looked way less cluttered. It was very open! I was exchanging a shirt that was marked $16.99 (I paid $4.49 with sale and coupon). The exact shirt - different size was marked $6 now. So, basically the same as the sale. I wonder if they will still send the coupons though. That is where Kohls still wins with me. I love their coupons. It is the only dept store credit card I have because it is worth it for the coupons. I just pay it in full. I can go in and find a sale or clearance price and still take 30% off on that. I can't tell you how many cute tops I have gotten for my dd at Kohls for under $3. I am a confirmed Kohls junkie.

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If they stop mailing me $10 off a $10 purchase coupons I'll be sad. Most of my kids' clothes are hand-me-downs, but I got about 10 of those coupons in the mail last year to fill holes in their wardrobes.


That is the only time I step foot in there. If they stop those, I stop going. I didn't spend only $10 then, but it got me in the door.

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Can I just say that I hate shopping Kohl's because of their pricing stategy? I honestly never have any idea how much something costs. They have the sticker prices and then percentage off prices, and then $ amount off prices, and then only if you buy a certain amount prices, plus coupons only if you have a Kohl's card prices. My girls like to get their panties and bras there and I swear it takes hours for them to fit the right size items and then match them up with other coordinating sale price items. Panties especially are terrible. There will be a sign that says, "Five of these brands (whatever they are) for $25" so I will make the girls pick five of those items. It never fails that when we go to check out at least two of three items are not part of the sale and cost $25 all by themselves even if they are the right brand. The sales person always says something like well that only includes the items in this display not the ones that are hanging. Or the girls will pick from the display and then they will say those brands aren't included even tough they were in the display. Finally, it never fails that when I compare the base price of an item on-line with the same item in the store the in store item is always cheaper which means that you really need to go to the store and deal with the whole pricing rigamarole. I hate it. Unfortunately, my girls love the store. I would really love to shop in a store where items are just priced at what they costs and you didn't have to deal with advanced algebra and stock prices to figure out how much something costs.

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I was there last week and they had already begun changing everything over. Like somebody else said the store looked way less cluttered. It was very open! I was exchanging a shirt that was marked $16.99 (I paid $4.49 with sale and coupon). The exact shirt - different size was marked $6 now. So, basically the same as the sale. I wonder if they will still send the coupons though. That is where Kohls still wins with me. I love their coupons. It is the only dept store credit card I have because it is worth it for the coupons. I just pay it in full. I can go in and find a sale or clearance price and still take 30% off on that. I can't tell you how many cute tops I have gotten for my dd at Kohls for under $3. I am a confirmed Kohls junkie.


I prefer Kohls, also, They have jeans that my boys like, cute clothes for my daughter and lots of dollie and me sets for dd and her AG doll and the extra 30% off makes everything reasonable. Not to mention I can get my k-cups 30% off plus bonus cash.

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We got the catalog the other day and I too thought wow JCP is revamping. Now, after reading this thread I understand. I have to go over and check it out. I appreciate it that now the prices won't be marked up, but I now wonder if I will get the same crazy deals I was getting with the coupons. You can't beat the $10 off $10 coupons. I got a lot of free stuff there this fall and winter.

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:iagree: I do not enjoy the madhouse atmosphere during a sale anyhow.

I do! I love it! Ha. But I am probably one of those crazy people. ;) heh. Actually, there really aren't too many crazy shoppers near me. One time they had a HUGE rack of 100% silk blouses at the entrance for like $2.77 each and EVERYONE walked right by them! I bought one for everyone I know!!!

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