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Do you and your dh "chat" in the middle of the night?

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Do you and your dh wake each other up in the middle of the night, just to "chat" about something?


A post in another thread, about a dh waking dw up in the night to tell her about something he was considering buying on HSN, has me wondering. Do other people do this? Wake each other up just because they have an idea, or there's something interesting on TV, or because they can't sleep, or because they're "in the mood for love", or whatever?


I think that if I woke up my dh for something less than an emergency, he would just grunt at me, look bewildered, then -- I don't know because I've never tried it.


I know what would happen if he woke me up for something like that -- Let's just say he probably wouldn't try it again.


So, what say ye? Do normal, happily married couples wake each other up from a deep sleep just to chat? (in other words, am I abnormal)

I'm all ears. :bigear:

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It would be talking to myself here. LOL. Dh sleeps very soundly once he's asleep and even if I woke him up temporarily, I guarantee within minutes of listening to me he'd be asleep again. And not just because I ramble. ;) I've found I'm less likely to get frustrated with him if I save my chatting for daytime hours, over the computer if need be. Having someone fall asleep when you're mid-profound thought isn't particularly encouraging. :tongue_smilie:

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LOL, Suzanne!!! I was going to post something along those lines as well.....but it wasn't about middle of the night "chatting", as it were.


I guess you *could* call it "chatting", however. LOL!






Oh *that* kind of "chatting"...well sometimes that happens. ;) I don't expect much conversation though.

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LOL, Suzanne!!! I was going to post something along those lines as well.....but it wasn't about middle of the night "chatting", as it were.


I guess you *could* call it "chatting", however. LOL!





Camy! :lol:


I will just say :iagree: That is all.;)

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Wild horses couldn't wake my wife once she's asleep, but she has great difficulty falling asleep in the first place.


But she will decide to talk about whatever is on her mind just as I'm dropping off to sleep. She'll usually stop when I ask, peevishly, if I'm going to be allowed to sleep tonight.


Oh well, into every life a little rain must fall. :)

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Well, when I'm pregnant, I like middle of the night "chats". Or chats anytime for that matter. I like chats when I'm not pregnant, too, but I don't usually wake in the middle of the night with such a strong desire for conversation.;)


Ah pregnancy libido.... :D

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Well, when I'm pregnant, I like middle of the night "chats". Or chats anytime for that matter. I like chats when I'm not pregnant, too, but I don't usually wake in the middle of the night with such a strong desire for conversation.;)


:lol: So that's what we are going to call it now, conversation. I remember those pregnancy hormones fondly.;)

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A very few times but usually it's because I hear something I'm sure is someone breaking into the house or the fire alarm is beeping because the battery is low (is it just us, or does anyone else have snarky fire alarm batteries that only complain at 2am?).


There have been many many times I've talked his poor sweet ear off at 5 or 6 in the morning (the only time my brain seems to function on overdrive). He's not a morning person, but he's very forebearing. :D

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Wild horses couldn't wake my wife once she's asleep, but she has great difficulty falling asleep in the first place.

But she will decide to talk about whatever is on her mind just as I'm dropping off to sleep. She'll usually stop when I ask, peevishly, if I'm going to be allowed to sleep tonight.


Sounds like here.

DH falls asleep within seconds after his head hits the pillow. He's in no mood for anything, least of all chatting. He wakes up within seconds in the morning, all ready for action.


I take *hours* to fall asleep. I want to chat or see action when I get into bed. But if you wake me up before my time (and it takes me an hour of slowly getting awake) I'll be in a foul mood for days.


We haven't seen much 'chatting' of any kind these last years.

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nope. My dh is have a very stressful time at work right now - long hours, not enough time to get things done, etc.... SO when he's asleep, I want him to sleep. He has so much on his mind right now that if I accidently wake him and he comes completely awake... he's up for hours and then his sleep is out of whack.


We do have a routine that when he comes home from work and goes upstairs to change, I go up with him and we talk for a few minutes at that time. We also talk on his way home.



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Sounds like here.

DH falls asleep within seconds after his head hits the pillow. He's in no mood for anything, least of all chatting. He wakes up within seconds in the morning, all ready for action.


I take *hours* to fall asleep. I want to chat or see action when I get into bed. But if you wake me up before my time (and it takes me an hour of slowly getting awake) I'll be in a foul mood for days.


We haven't seen much 'chatting' of any kind these last years.


Wow, that really does sound like my house. :eek:

At least I know I'm not alone.

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Yup... well, usually we don't wake up in the middle of the night and chat but we've had some of our best talks just laying there until midnight... might be about us, the kids, philosophy, theology... I love those. They are the best!


Generally speaking, I get chatty just as he's falling asleep but sometimes we get those great late night talks...


(I am of course talking about real CHATS here... other kinds of discussions... well, they do tend to happen late at night but they are a lot more frequent than our philosophical or theological late night chats! LOL)

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It would be talking to myself here. LOL. Dh sleeps very soundly once he's asleep and even if I woke him up temporarily, I guarantee within minutes of listening to me he'd be asleep again. And not just because I ramble. ;) I've found I'm less likely to get frustrated with him if I save my chatting for daytime hours, over the computer if need be. Having someone fall asleep when you're mid-profound thought isn't particularly encouraging. :tongue_smilie:


Well, having someone fall asleep mid-any-other kind of chatting isn't particularly encouraging either! :tongue_smilie:

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That kind of chatting is fine, but a home shopping channel chat...We would need counseling;).


LOL, Suzanne!!! I was going to post something along those lines as well.....but it wasn't about middle of the night "chatting", as it were.


I guess you *could* call it "chatting", however. LOL!




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the rule in my house is if he wakes up and I am still awake, he is free to intiate any kind of conversation he is interested in, verbal or otherwise. However, waking me up under any circumstances at any time is absolutely verboten unless the house is actually burning down or someone is bleeding to death. No one wants to suffer the consequences of dealing with a very grumpy mommy if this happens.


On the other hand, hubby has given me express permission to feel free to wake him any time that I am in the mood for an intimate conversation. I have rarely taken him up on that but he is always a very happy man when it happens, even if he can barely keep his eyes open the next day.


Most of our chatting of any kind happens whenever we can escape from the children long enough to make it into our room and lock the door before they catch us. We have an office attached to our room that has both of our computers, reading chairs and our music collection so we can sometimes while away the hours just enjoying each others company before the children start banging on the door and insisting that we feed them. We try to get a couple of an hours each day since he is only home two days a week.

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Absolutely not. If I get awoken for any reason, I usually have a very hard time falling asleep. I will be up for hours. My dh gets to sleep right away but he will only awaken for things like phone calls or doorbells or our dog barking. (Our mini poodle is very good and will not bark unless someone is at the door or I assume, trying to break in). We don't go to bed at the same time always and we might have a very short conversation when the others does go to bed but is usually on things like did you out the sighwasher on?

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Oh, my goodness. NO.


I'm open for a good talk at bed time. I even like coversation first thing in the morning. Heck, I'll get chatty in the middle of the day when the kids are occupied elsewhere.;)


I am NOT, however, receptive to middle of the night conversations. :001_huh:

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Wild horses couldn't wake my wife once she's asleep, but she has great difficulty falling asleep in the first place.


But she will decide to talk about whatever is on her mind just as I'm dropping off to sleep. She'll usually stop when I ask, peevishly, if I'm going to be allowed to sleep tonight.


Oh well, into every life a little rain must fall. :)



I can see this response coming from my husband.


Well, I could more easily be awakened, but anyway.

DEFINITELY the 'are you going to let me sleep?' part :p


To the OP, uh, no, no such happenings going on here.

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Even our cats know not to bother him when he's sleeping! DH is a very easy-going guy during the day, but when he's sleeping, watch out! He's been known to punch out a fist in the first seconds of being wakened.


Actually, I have no desire for middle-of-the-night talking. Now, if you are talking about middle-of-the-night chats (wink wink), wow, I can only dream about that! That would be just fine! :D

Michelle T

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NO! Especially during the week. Now on occasion (usually on a Fri night), I'll go out with some friends and come in around 11:30. DH is usually already asleep and he's fine if I want to wake him up to "chat". He is a really light sleeper and doesn't sleep but maybe 5-6 hours/night anyway so even if *I* were to wake up, I wouldn't wake him up because of how it effects the next day for him.


And you know the old saying: "Do you wake up grumpy?" My dh answers with "No, I let her sleep." That about sums us up. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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The only times I wake dh in the middle of the night if for labor and the time that I had 3 kids puking at the same time and I couldn't keep up. The dogs even know better than to wake him up!


Your post made me laugh. I remember when dd was about 2 and she woke me in the middle of the night sick. She just couldn't make it any further, she said I sick and then puked right in dh's new boots:ack2: Dh didn't even wake up for that.


Now the other kind of "chatting", he wakes up wanting to do that all the time.

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He wouldn't dare. I have difficulty falling asleep and all it takes for him to fall asleep to to just put his head on a pillow. If he wakes me up for 'chatting' after it has taken me 2 to 3 hours to fall asleep, I'll have his head.




I thought I would be odd man out. But, right there with you, if I fall asleep, the door is closed and dont bother knocking.



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My dh knows better than to wake me up in the middle of the night for anything less than a serious emergency. His pelvic region is NOT an emergency. He has expressed if I ever wake up in the middle of the night wanting to "chat" I am more than welcome to wake him up, but he is a heavy sleeper and would probably forget to stay awake.

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Dh used to wake me up frequently for "midnight chats" until one time it ended up with baby #4 ;). He doesn't do that anymore...:lol:

As for middle of the night talking- no way. It's out of neccesity only if we talk about anything. We are both too grumpy and usually we have what I affectionately call our "middle of the night fights"



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If one's dh goes to bed early, middle of the night for him might not be middle of the night for most people. He's never, ever gotten mad if I've woken him up to chat. :blush:


Now, to wake him up to actually talk, not chat, only a couple of times. I woke him up once when our long-time babysitter announced her retirement because reality had just sunk in and I was freaking out.

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Do you and your dh wake each other up in the middle of the night, just to "chat" about something? A post in another thread, about a dh waking dw up in the night to tell her about something he was considering buying on HSN, has me wondering. Do other people do this? Wake each other up just because they have an idea, or there's something interesting on TV, or because they can't sleep, or because they're "in the mood for love", or whatever?...Do normal, happily married couples wake each other up from a deep sleep just to chat? (in other words, am I abnormal)

I'm all ears. :bigear:


I have no clue what normal people do (are there such creatures?;)), but this doesn't describe us at all. I can't fathom my husband waking up in the middle of the night unless there was a farm-related emergency. (For that matter, I can't fathom my husband watching HSN, much less mulling over a purchase. LOL) Manual labor equals being genuinely tired. So my dh goes to bed (long before I do) and is asleep within seconds. He remains pretty much dead to the world. Even when there are middle-of-the-night farm issues (e.g. last night when the milker phoned at 2 a.m.), I'm on the forefront of that. Nights are precious to him ~ he wants the sleep; they're precious to me ~ "I vant to be alone".:D

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It sounds good but we have sleep issues here. At different time dh, ds, or I have suffered from anxiety (ds) or insomnia (me). We're not spontaneous. We schedule our chats but we tell the kids (when they are up) that we are doing the "budget." It's a good thing we are good with our money so the kids don't know yet.

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Oh, this SO sounds like us.


Dh doesn't do much manual labor. He's an aerospace engineer. I guess his brain gets tired because he's asleep most nights at the same time as the kids


This leaves me my only alone time, which sometimes stretches into the wee hours (I really need to work on that).


I wouldn't dream of waking him, and he's learned it's a bad idea to wake me. :D


I'm glad to see you on the boards more. Did you get your computer glitch worked out? Or did it just go away on it's own?

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Occasionally, we will wake each other up for all types of chats. That's ok by me; I'm already so sleep deprived...what's waking up for one more person gonna hurt????


A very few times in our married life, we have had the bizarre and beautiful experience of simultaneously waking up in the middle of the night in a hypnotic and...really, there's no other word than... erotic state. I wish I could figure out what made the conditions perfect! It was so random, but amazing. Has anyone else ever had this happen?

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