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Do you have a physical reaction to the alarm clock?

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I asked DH and he said, "I wake up."


When I'm awakened by an alarm clock, it scares the crud out of me, and then I quiver (just my insides) for a while. I have no idea why or what is going on with my body that does that.


Do you have weird physical reactions to alarm clocks? Or know what this could be?



I'm having the same quivering but nearly 24/7 along with a mild headache for the past two weeks straight. I think it is related to whatever is causing the vertigo I've been having which I think is migraine related vertigo which causes all kinds of other weird symptoms too.

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Well, I'm using the alarm on my phone which is pretty quiet. The 24/7 quivering was more violent this morning which reminded me that I react like that with the regular alarm all the time.


I just want to figure out what it is so I can make it stop!

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Yes I do. I bolt up and hit dh in the shoulder and say, Turn it off! Turn it off!


I hate alarm clocks. Especially when they blare music I also hate, which is dh's preference. Which I argue is a bold faced lie bc he is not the one the alarm wakes up!


Grumble... Grumble...

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There's no need for the alarm clock to sound like the fire alarm.


Try one of the alarm clocks that plays music and gets gradually louder. (They make ones that light up gradually too, but that doesn't wake everyone.)


It wakes you up without the adrenaline.



Alarm clocks scare me. My heart starts racing, I shake a little, and just *feel* scared inside, like I'm being threatened.


I use my phone now, which plays music and gets louder as time goes by. It's a little better.

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Yes! I thought I was the only one in the world who did, lol. I can't stand to hear an alarm clock go off, and will feel sort of sick for a while afterwards. Haven't used one for over 25 years now. I just wake up when I decide I want to get up.


How on earth do you do that? I don't doubt you; I know others who do the same. It just doesn't make any sense at all to me. When I'm asleep I don't have any awareness of the time (when I'm awake it's not much better LOL), nor do I have control over waking myself up.

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I have been told that the heart racing and anxiety feeling upon waking can be a sign of sleep apnea. I have that feeling and have had a sleep study, which show bued mild sleep apnea but I haven't been able to bring myself to use a CPAP machine yet. My dr said since it was mild, he was leaving it up to me if I wanted to try it.

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I smash it. Hard. around 17 times hitting snooze. That is about it. I had always used the music setting because when I used the alarm setting once I thought the house was on fire, and jumped up screaming for the kids. I scared them so bad I am surprised they don't have memories of it still. I have since unplugged it and now use my cell phone and just get up when it says. I don't want to smash my phone though I sometimes call it a long list of obsenities as I get up for being so mean and going off at that time.


I am one of those ones that must use an alarm clock to get up. I can't sleep at night so left to sleep until done means sleeping until 1030 or so, I start work at 730 M-F so I have to be up by 6-630 to start my day. Alarm clock is a must but never on that "beep, beep,beep" setting.

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Yes! I thought I was the only one in the world who did, lol. I can't stand to hear an alarm clock go off, and will feel sort of sick for a while afterwards. Haven't used one for over 25 years now. I just wake up when I decide I want to get up.


I thought I was the only one, too. I hate alarm clocks.

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Yup, I can't sleep if I know one's set. I keep looking at the clock, ready to turn it off before it rings!

That's funny... I can't sleep (if I have somewhere important to be in the morning) unless I have at least two separate alarm clocks set, one of which is across the room or in the hallway. Otherwise, I stay awake worrying that one may not go off due to power outage, or I'll turn one off in my sleep.


Fortunately, now that I'm homeschooling we don't have to be anywhere important in the morning!

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That's funny... I can't sleep (if I have somewhere important to be in the morning) unless I have at least two separate alarm clocks set, one of which is across the room or in the hallway. Otherwise, I stay awake worrying that one may not go off due to power outage, or I'll turn one off in my sleep.


Fortunately, now that I'm homeschooling we don't have to be anywhere important in the morning!


Glad to know I am not the only one that does this. ANd then I need 12 pots of coffee to get to the location I need to be at (because of course it is one I had to drive at least 2 hours to) and am super snippy with my kids for not hustling faster to get ready to go, after all don't they get that I have been up all night JUST to be sure that we get there on time. And then we are 10 minutes anyway and I realize I really should have just got some sleep. :lol:

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I do set an alarm, but before going to sleep, I just tell myself "I need to wake up at ___". If my alarm is set for 6:30, I say 6:15 to myself. I'm serious, it works. The few times it hasn't, the alarm clock scares me, so I think my body gets the idea now lol


With an alarm clock, I have about the same reaction I do with a phone call. The few times my father has called at 5 or 6 am while at work, I usually leap out of bed on the first ring before I even register what I'm doing. After a shock like that, my body is fully up. Effective, but not fun.

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How on earth do you do that? I don't doubt you; I know others who do the same. It just doesn't make any sense at all to me. When I'm asleep I don't have any awareness of the time (when I'm awake it's not much better LOL), nor do I have control over waking myself up.


Honestly, I am a very light sleeper, and I wake up several times through the night, just enough to turn over and go back to sleep. I generally have a feeling of what time it is, and am usually right. Not sure how, lol.

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Like your dh, my first thougt to the title question was, "I wake up." :D


I will keep my smart phone for the rest of my life if for no other reason than my white noise app which doubles as an alarm clock. It gently chimes and gets louder ever few seconds so I wake up a git gentler than the typical screeching alert tone of a regular alarm clock.

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Honestly, I am a very light sleeper, and I wake up several times through the night, just enough to turn over and go back to sleep. I generally have a feeling of what time it is, and am usually right. Not sure how, lol.


I'm a light sleeper too, but I never know what time it is when I wake up. The alarm clock is across the room, and I can't read it without standing up and putting on my glasses. (So I usually don't.) I wish I had your ability!

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I do set an alarm, but before going to sleep, I just tell myself "I need to wake up at ___". If my alarm is set for 6:30, I say 6:15 to myself. I'm serious, it works. The few times it hasn't, the alarm clock scares me, so I think my body gets the idea now lol.


That is one FREAKY sort of ability you have there.




I don't mean to offend (please don't be offended :D) but that is INSANELY crazy that you can do that.


I wish I could do it, too. :D

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I hate the alarm clock, but as long as I get enough sleep I don't need one. I always just wake up when I need to. On the rare occasion I need to be up extra early, I set the clock, but I always wake up before it goes off. When the clock is set I usually have a bad night's sleep because I keep waking up in anticipation of it going off.

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Absolutely! I feel jolted almost to the point of post-electrocution type feeling. I feel buzzy and more than slightly queasy is normal for me. Terribly uncomfortable and unsettling. If I have to wake up early (5am, 6am or so) I feel sick until mid afternoon most of the time. I was this way when I worked a job for years and years also. Not a pleasant way to spend the day. :) But I ate even less. LOL


P.S. Can I add that once again on this board I'm so glad to find I'm NOT the only one about something?

Edited by PinkInTheBlue
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I'm in this crowd too. I hate the sound of any alarm, including music. I am a light sleeper and if an alarm goes off anywhere in the house when I'm asleep, I will wake up panicked. I continue to feel nervous and edgy for hours if not the rest of the day.


Because of this, I am the family alarm clock. I wake up whenever I tell myself to wake up (5:45 most mornings, but I can change it). I then wake my husband and daughter whenever they want me to. DH will use an alarm if he knows I will be up and gone before he needs up. Ds can wake up when he wants to the same as me. My mom had the same internal alarm clock. She never used an alarm but got up whenever she needed to. She taught me to do the same. I do set an alarm if I need to get up dramatically earlier than usual, but it almost never goes off.

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I don't like an alarm clock that beeps or buzzes but having it set to a radio station causes another problem. If there's talking instead of music when the alarm goes off one of our cats jumps up and starts digging on the top of the clock to rescue the people who are trapped inside. :001_smile:

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I don't use an alarm clock either. I'm a VERY light sleeper. My husband sets the radio to go off and it is very quiet. He'll keep hitting snooze until I come in the room (I wake up nearly 2 hours before he does) and tell him it's time to get up. LOL.


What I have a physical reaction to? My son deciding to set the kitchen timer to go off at 3am just because he thinks it will be funny. :-\

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That is one FREAKY sort of ability you have there.




I don't mean to offend (please don't be offended :D) but that is INSANELY crazy that you can do that.


I wish I could do it, too. :D


Lol, not offended at all.


My father can do it, too. I think it is like a survival mechanism. Alarm clocks scare me, so I think I subconsciously keep track of time or something. :001_huh::D

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I do set an alarm, but before going to sleep, I just tell myself "I need to wake up at ___". If my alarm is set for 6:30, I say 6:15 to myself. I'm serious, it works. The few times it hasn't, the alarm clock scares me, so I think my body gets the idea now lol


With an alarm clock, I have about the same reaction I do with a phone call. The few times my father has called at 5 or 6 am while at work, I usually leap out of bed on the first ring before I even register what I'm doing. After a shock like that, my body is fully up. Effective, but not fun.


Honestly, I am a very light sleeper, and I wake up several times through the night, just enough to turn over and go back to sleep. I generally have a feeling of what time it is, and am usually right. Not sure how, lol.


Me too! It's my special skill :)

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I do set an alarm, but before going to sleep, I just tell myself "I need to wake up at ___". If my alarm is set for 6:30, I say 6:15 to myself. I'm serious, it works.


That is one FREAKY sort of ability you have there.




I don't mean to offend (please don't be offended :D) but that is INSANELY crazy that you can do that.


I wish I could do it, too. :D


I thought this was a normal thing that most people can do.

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I hate alarm clocks, but still use one. However, I seem to be able to wake up within 10 min. or so of the time that it will go off and shut it off before I have to hear the noise! I hate waking up TO the alarm...when I do I have a slight nervous, butterflies in the stomach reaction, probably because the days that I do use an alarm I have somewhere important to be. I tend to be a little anxious about new things sometimes so I think my reaction is tied to that.

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When I'm awakened by an alarm clock, it scares the crud out of me, and then I quiver (just my insides) for a while. I have no idea why or what is going on with my body that does that.


I did the first time I stayed at dh's place. Do you know how loud a half deaf guy who lives in a deaf household's alarm can be? I felt like that cat from the Pepe Le Pew cartoons.



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I don't think I necessarily react in a strange way other than when it goes off I seriously want to kill it! I do NOT use them. When I have to I hate it and I most often end up waking before it goes off. Thank goodness. But my has to use it for work to get up everyday at 4:20 but I just sleep through it and don't always hear it. Any later though and I would. I think that I feel like it's someone yelling at me demanding me to wake up and that idea just ticks me off!:lol: I have the attitude that I'll get up when I'm ready!

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Yes. I get an adrenaline rush. I have one with soft chimes now that doesn't make me jump. I can't understand why so many alarms are so loud and harsh. Getting a sudden rush of adrenaline first thing in the morning is not good for people, imo. And for older people, one has to keep in mind that most heart-attacks happen in the morning.

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Yes, I despise them!! I mean they CREEP me out, especially ones that BEEP REALLY loudly. :unsure:


I never use to, I think it's because my dh worked 2nd shifts for a couple of years. To the point where he often didn't get home until after midnight. Then it would take him an hour or two to unwind. Thus it was normal NOT to get to bed in anything close to a normal time frame. Anyway, one day they said to him, "Tomorrow you start first shift!" Nothing like giving him at least a weekend to adjust or anything. It was HORRIBLE. For weeks I'd wake with a fright to the darn alarm clock.


I can't even stand hearing them in commercials or tv shows now. The aversion is THAT bad. If I have mine set and I wake up I just sit up and turn it off so I can avoid hearing it go off. I'm weird, I know.

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Yes, I despise them!! I mean they CREEP me out, especially ones that BEEP REALLY loudly. :unsure:


I never use to, I think it's because my dh worked 2nd shifts for a couple of years. To the point where he often didn't get home until after midnight. Then it would take him an hour or two to unwind. Thus it was normal NOT to get to bed in anything close to a normal time frame. Anyway, one day they said to him, "Tomorrow you start first shift!" Nothing like giving him at least a weekend to adjust or anything. It was HORRIBLE. For weeks I'd wake with a fright to the darn alarm clock.


I can't even stand hearing them in commercials or tv shows now. The aversion is THAT bad. If I have mine set and I wake up I just sit up and turn it off so I can avoid hearing it go off. I'm weird, I know.


I'm the same way when it comes to alarms on TV, too. Loud noises, like a passing motorcycle or ambulance or the like make me nauseous and make me want to flee lol. Unfortunately, we live on the main road leading to two major hospitals.

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How on earth do you do that? I don't doubt you; I know others who do the same. It just doesn't make any sense at all to me. When I'm asleep I don't have any awareness of the time (when I'm awake it's not much better LOL), nor do I have control over waking myself up.


My dh and I both do that, if it is after 5AMish. I'm usually accurate to within 15 minutes or so. It is very rare that our alarm clock gets set. I don't know how...we just can.


My reaction to the alarm, if it has been going off regularly for more than 5 or 6 mornings in a row (like when dh used to have to get up at 4 or 5AM)...I turn it off in my sleep before it gets a full ring out. So they don't do me any good anyway unless I put it all the way across the room :lol:

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