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What are your pets names?

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Or should that read "What are your pets named?" oops.

I'm just curious.... and my sister just called and asked if we want a kitty. If my dh says it's ok we will have a new family member. Although the idea of a kitty litter box isn't appealing...hmm. Decisions, decisions.


So I may need pet name ideas lol.

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Hank, aww I love that name! Perfect for a goat or dog! Cute I love those names. I think the cat is supposed to be a girl but I'm not sure. The one cat we have now is named Sally and it turned out to be a boy! ROFL I told dh it doesn't matter Sally is a boy because he's neutered... so really, he's kinda an "it".

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Cats: Twink, Dory, Miranda and Simon

Dog: Toby


Other cats we've had: Jasper, Sophia, Sammy, Gabriel, Galadriel, Milo


Twink, Miranda, Simon and Toby all came with their names. I wanted to change Twink to Dagonet, but Twink was so fitting, that after we got him I just left it.


I think Miranda is a silly, too-long name for a cat but she's *such* a queen, it fits, and I can't figure out how to shorten it, we usually call her by her name.

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Our current cats are Daniella, Benno, and Minna (whom I would have named Tonks, but no one else in the family agreed). I've had dogs named Skipper, Pokey (short for Pocono Rob), and Little Bear, and cats named Eleanor, Finnegan, and Oliver. I've also lived with friends' cats named Bobo, Iman, and Abigail, and the owners of our (two-family) house have a cat named Hokio and a dog named Kia. The dad is from New Zealand. :)

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Two lops

one was thought to be a female and was named "Lovey Buns" but was actually a male so now is called "Little Mister" the female lop that actually is a female is "Zoe"

One blue parrotlet named fiji

10 hermit crabs; named Barbossa, Trojan, George, Hector, Miss Kitty, Grum, Athena, Earthclaw


: )

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Our pet names:


dogs: Wolfgang, Huckleberry, Casey, Snuffy Scruffy Pretty Flower (St Bernard-big dog needs big name), Taz, Stanley, Wilbur, Roxanne, Mercedes Gabriel (Mercy for short), Lucy, Cocoa, and Scotch


cats: Samantha, Harley, Zebra, Flower, Serena, Smokey, and Smokey (brothers).


Rabbits: BonBonBinaryThumper, Flower, David, Q-Tip boy, and Q-Tip Girl.


Guinea Pigs: Princess and Rose


Hamster: Chestnut Rose


Parakeets: Blue and Lemon


Fish: Angel


Mallard Ducks: Father Duck, Duck 1, Duck 2, and Duck 3, and sometimes a Duck 4


Wish List: A Horse



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Dogs - Bailey and Fibi

Cat - Joy

Gecko - Taneem (means dragon in Hebrew or greek - I can't remember)

Rabbit - Buster

Hermit Crab - goliath

Parakeet - Killer


Must I go on? :blink: The names aren't creative, but when I list all the animals we have, my mind kind of does funny things.

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The one cat we have now is named Sally and it turned out to be a boy! ROFL I told dh it doesn't matter Sally is a boy because he's neutered... so really, he's kinda an "it".


When I was 10, we got a 'male' Siamese cat and named it Sam. Turned out it was a Samantha. I got my first kitten from her, named Chips. :D


Now we have a dog, Cocoa, and cats: Mittens, Copper, Patches, Mooch, and Sable & Midnite (sisters). Mostly they're named for color or pattern, except Mooch. :001_smile:

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We have a cat named No-no. He showed up in our backyard when our youngest was one and just starting to talk. Every time the kitty was around, little ds heard "No no, don't touch the kitty," or "No no, don't pull kitty's tail," etc. Wasn't long before ds starting saying "No no!" whenever he saw the kitty.


Of course when we decided the kitty should become a permanent part of our family, we didn't dream of naming him anything else . . . No-no it is!

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Phoebe didn't get her name until she was 6months old, so while dh was trying to think of a name we called her dog. She knows she is in trouble when we say DOG. We have had Ruffy(dog), Maggie(dog), Rizzie(dog), Smeag(cat), and Sweetie(dog).

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Well, we pet sat for the neighbor a week ago... does that count?


Her cats are Xena and Seles and the dog is Prada. The cats are long haired somethings and the dog is a chihuahua.


The kids' webkinz cats are:

Kitty, a charcoal cat, belongs to ds4

Fuzzball, a himalayan cat, belongs to ds7

Wishing Star and Penny, a tiger and alley cat, belongs to dd9

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are dk (dear kitties) Loveday and Minette, and dp (dear pup) Wrolf, all named after characters in a favorite book.


Past critters have been dk Hobbes, Sam, Wolfgang, Arlene, and Striper. (There were two neighborhood dk we fed; we called them Butler and Gideon.) We've only had 2 dp: Leia (she was born not long after Star Wars first came out) and Sheri.


I decided not to name the hermit crabs, as they all look alike to me:D


We also wait a while before we name our pets. Wrolf was several different names for about a week before I knew he was Wrolf.

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We have a chihuahua named Shadow because he follows me everywhere, and he's black. We have a betta fish named Odysseus which we got last fall when we were reading The Odyssey. We have two baby box turtles which my children named Rocket and Singalong. We have two tadpoles named Hornet and Jaguar, actually one of them recently passed and I don't know which is which.

I grew up on a farm, with all kinds of animals including two horses named Nutmeg and Ginger, and a rooster who my very mild mannered non-cursing mom christened D*mn You because he attacked everytime she went in to gather eggs.

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Or should that read "What are your pets named?" oops.

I'm just curious.... and my sister just called and asked if we want a kitty. If my dh says it's ok we will have a new family member. Although the idea of a kitty litter box isn't appealing...hmm. Decisions, decisions.


So I may need pet name ideas lol.


Harri (the Corgi) and Oliver (the black and white cat).

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We currently have 2 dogs: Sisko and Jordi. (Kira passed last year). We will be loosing Sisko later this week:angelsad2: and we have already started looking at white German Shepherds (the others are/were black and tan GSs) his name of course would be Data!


Our cat is none other than Mister Neelix--he looks the part too!


One 'mature' black quarter horse named Black Jack.


2 gerbils--Zippy and Hippy


2 Bearded dragons: Drako and Bella (short for Lizzardbella)


1 Yellow Beta fish named Banana


We would have more pets but DH says this ark is full--we live in a rural neighborhood called 'Rainbow Ranch'.

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Our yellow Lab is Benjamin Buford Blue...but we call him Blue

Our cat is simply Jack...and goes by many variations...Jacque, Jack Spats, Jack Swallow, etc.

Our English Shepherd is Tristan, and he goes by Triss, Sir Tristan of the round table (when Im feeling particularly dramatic) and my persona favorite "TRISTAN knock it OFF!!!"

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Hank, aww I love that name! Perfect for a goat or dog! Cute I love those names. I think the cat is supposed to be a girl but I'm not sure. The one cat we have now is named Sally and it turned out to be a boy! ROFL I told dh it doesn't matter Sally is a boy because he's neutered... so really, he's kinda an "it".


I got a kitten I thought was a girl (oh about 20 years ago) and I named her Simone. Well, it turns out I was wrong, she was a he. I still called him Simone. When I met dh, he refused to call a gigantic male cat Simone, so we started calling him Simon. Simon never liked dh. I wonder if is has anything to do with changing his name. :glare: DH says Simon didn't like anyone and that his lousy disposition was due to the fact that he was called a girl's name for so long. :001_huh:

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Without disclosing too much on a public forum....our kitties are named after Neil Gaiman's 'the Endless' - it's a 'Sandman' (Vertigo comics) thing. So far we've had Destiny, Delirium-who-was-once-delight, Death and we're looking to adopt Dream.


They are not actually named those names but rather synonyms or suggestive of those names if that makes sense. Death would be a bit much to name a kitty even for a goth turned suburban mom like myself. ;)

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Dogs- Boone and Hank (border collies) and Tick (ACD)

Barn cats- Thomas, Arya and Patches

In/outdoor cats- Felix, Sammy, Sophia and Bucers

Betta fish- Rainbow and something else

Horses- Shiloh, Memphis, Tishaminga, Gavotte, Julep, Hunnibunni- Quarter horses

Hacinta and Nabila Rafiqa- Egyptian Arabians

Jedi, Blaze, Mace- Welsh ponies

Legend, Soliloquy, Fable, Rumor- the half Arabs.

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This is a fun thread! Here are ours:


Dogs- Sassy and Cassy

Cats-Murray and Quincy

Rats-Marly and Carly

Fish-Ariel and Eric, Snow White, Aurora



As if you couldn't tell, my children named everything except the two cats, who I named. :D

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Oh no... I didnt realize there was just a pet thread. Sorry ladies!


Anyways, what great name ideas! Dh and I keep talking about getting a cat. I think it's either a new kitty or some chickens lol. I really want some laying hens.... maybe dh will agree to some sort of pet before the week is over!

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Our dog is named Dublin but he's a shelter dog and came with that name.


My first dog as a kid was named Frodo and our second dog was named Penny Candy.


We had hamsters named Bud and Dude.


We got a hamster when my eldest was around 3 and she named him Max.

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