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What do you think of facial piercings?

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Is it the norm nowadays? What about piercing the space between the nose and mouth - or slightly over toward the cheek?

How would you respond to an adult child doing this?


I don't like it, I don't think I will ever get used to it - am I turning into an old fuddy-duddy? :glare:

Edited by 5KidzRUs
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Is it the norm nowadays? What about piercing the space between the nose and mouth - or slightly over toward the cheek?

How would you respond to an adult child doing this?


I donor like it, I don't think I will ever get used to it - am I turning into an old fuddy-duddy? :glare:


I don't like it either. I find it quite repulsive, actually -- sticking holes in your face like that. Ick, IMO.


If the adult child was asking my opinion, but hadn't done it yet, I'd tell them that IMO it's icky and immature looking. I'd also have a discussion with them about how it is probably going to make obstacles for them they might not have anticipated.


If the adult child has already done it, I would probably just shake my head and hope they'll grow out of the phase and remove the hardware. But, they're an adult, so they can make their own decisions, and live with their own consequences, too.

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I would not do it to my own face. It's definitely not my thing. It doesn't bother me on other people, though I do find some piercings more attractive than others. Piercings and tattoos have become really mainstream these days.


Pretty in Pink:


Yes, some are more widespread than others but they are not at all unusual.


I think the OP is talking about labrets and monroes.

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The sorts of piercings you describe don't bother me at all. What *does* bother me are those ear gauges. :shudder: They are fine in, but I can't stand to look at what's left behind when they're out.


I like to think I'd keep my mouth shut unless asked, if my adult child got one.



Yes, those gauges give me the heebie jeebies big time. If an adult child did that, I would have them cover it with a band-aide in my presence.

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It is what it is. I don't really have a problem with them.

My brother had a few piercings a few years ago (I can't remember what, but 2-4 facial piercings). He took them out of his own accord because he said 'people just didn't look at me right. It sucks that people judge because of piercings, which mean nothing. But they do. And I don't like being looked at as though I'm a freak.'


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The sorts of piercings you describe don't bother me at all. What *does* bother me are those ear gauges. :shudder: They are fine in, but I can't stand to look at what's left behind when they're out.


I like to think I'd keep my mouth shut unless asked, if my adult child got one.


ravinlunachick: Yes, this stance is probably the wisest.


Over 18, it's kind of their call, I guess.

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My cousin (who is an editor for. Christian book company) has a very cute tiny nose piercing. I know a chaplain's dd who has an eyebrow piercing, I like that too. I guess I think one small one looks cute. Anything too big or if they aretoo numerous and I don't like it. It distracts and obfuscates instead of enhancing.

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The sorts of piercings you describe don't bother me at all. What *does* bother me are those ear gauges. :shudder: They are fine in, but I can't stand to look at what's left behind when they're out.


I like to think I'd keep my mouth shut unless asked, if my adult child got one.



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I don't like them, but there are bigger battles to wage.


Ds20 pierced his own eyebrow (in class, no less) but hit a nerve. Now his eye droops just slightly, and he never wears an eyebrow ring. Stupid is as stupid does...

at least get it done professionally.

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Sara in IL:


Maybe ppl should be better educated about the Point of No Return.


For example, yours and most people's are 20 or 18 gauge, I think.


When progressively gauged to 10g, 8g, 6g, 4g, they will usually still return to the way they were eventually, if the jewelry is removed. But for some ppl the Point of No Return is around 2g or 0g, but it does vary.

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Sometimes the placement of a piercing is just "off", kwim? It doesn't look like jewelry, it looks like something gross is on their face (leftover lunch maybe??) until you get close enough to see that it is a piercing. That said, I do have a close friend who jokingly said that she was going through her second childhood and got a tiny diamond stud in her nose. It looks ok on her since it is not huge, but I wouldn't do it.


If one of my children (in the future) wanted to do it, I would give them my honest opinion (IF they asked for it), but would let them know that it is their decision and I would respect their choice. I am sure there are quite a few things that I do that others wouldn't agree with:).


What happens to those holes in the face when you decide to get rid of the piercing? Is there a lot of infections with facial piercings?

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Is it the norm nowadays? What about piercing the space between the nose and mouth - or slightly over toward the cheek?

How would you respond to an adult child doing this?


I don't like it, I don't think I will ever get used to it - am I turning into an old fuddy-duddy? :glare:


I don't consider it the "norm"...IMO it's disgusting.


I don't like it either. I find it quite repulsive, actually -- sticking holes in your face like that. Ick, IMO.


If the adult child was asking my opinion, but hadn't done it yet, I'd tell them that IMO it's icky and immature looking. I'd also have a discussion with them about how it is probably going to make obstacles for them they might not have anticipated.


If the adult child has already done it, I would probably just shake my head and hope they'll grow out of the phase and remove the hardware. But, they're an adult, so they can make their own decisions, and live with their own consequences, too.



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I don't like them, but there are bigger battles to wage.


Ds20 pierced his own eyebrow (in class, no less) but hit a nerve. Now his eye droops just slightly, and he never wears an eyebrow ring. Stupid is as stupid does...

at least get it done professionally.


Chris in VA:


Yes, I agree; sometimes the most sensible and moderate thing to do is to look up the number of the nearest piercing parlor, so that there isn't the sort of 'accident' that you mention; if they want to do it, help them do it cleanly and hygienically and professionally (as long as there isn't some overriding principle at stake, which I don't think there is).

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Can I ask a quick question about nasal piercings? I've always wanted to ask this, but it's rather gross--

So, my earrings have a back on them that keeps them on. Do nasal rings/studs have this? If so, don't...um...boogers get caught in them on the inside?


I can't believe I'm asking this. :tongue_smilie::lol:


(and making it green just shows how awesomely mature I am...)

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I have a facial piercing AND 0ga holes in my ears. Neither were out of rebellion. And to be honest people don't even notice. It's been 12 years and people still ask me sometimes if I just had it done.


The piercing in question (between mouth and nose) is highly visible though. Even at a small gauge it will be blatant. I have lost a job over my piercing, though that wasn't the official reason. And it's not like I didn't have it when I was hired. If I had a more obvious piercing, I'm sure I would not have been hired for that job, or for a couple others.


If the adult child has not yet done it, I would advise them to be sure that they understand the consequences. And if they have, I'd help them pick the best jewelry to minimize the visibility (for job interviews and formal events)


The least offensive for a monroe (placed between lip and nose off to one side like a beauty mark) A small diamond. Black, dark brown, or blue solid ball.

Never anything red or pink.

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I think they come across as a sign of rebellion, I know people will disagree but...that's my opinion.




Actually I think it's more to do with what people are accustomed to and with personal taste. Like, if a teen gets a nose stud, when mom or an aunt already have one, it's hardly rebellion, I wouldn't have thought. (Did you know that even in the Bible, God gave Zion a nose ring, in Ezekiel 16.12?)

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Actually I think it's more to do with what people are accustomed to and with personal taste. Like, if a teen gets a nose stud, when mom or an aunt already have one, it's hardly rebellion, I wouldn't have thought. (Did you know that even in the Bible, God gave Zion a nose ring, in Ezekiel 16.12?)


It's just my opinion. :001_smile:


ETA: AND I think it's funny that you are using God to try to change my mind! (truly funny, not being snarky)

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Can I ask a quick question about nasal piercings? I've always wanted to ask this, but it's rather gross--

So, my earrings have a back on them that keeps them on. Do nasal rings/studs have this? If so, don't...um...boogers get caught in them on the inside?


I can't believe I'm asking this. :tongue_smilie::lol:


(and making it green just shows how awesomely mature I am...)


They look like this:


And yes it can get boogery.

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Can I ask a quick question about nasal piercings? I've always wanted to ask this, but it's rather gross--

So, my earrings have a back on them that keeps them on. Do nasal rings/studs have this? If so, don't...um...boogers get caught in them on the inside?


I can't believe I'm asking this. :tongue_smilie::lol:


(and making it green just shows how awesomely mature I am...)


Chris in VA:


Unlike your earring studs, nose studs have a curved pin, which will extend down the inside of the nostril.


So it can be firmly embedded, but with a different sort of 'backing'. In effect the curved pin acts as back, all in one.

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Is it the norm nowadays? What about piercing the space between the nose and mouth - or slightly over toward the cheek?

How would you respond to an adult child doing this?


I don't like it, I don't think I will ever get used to it - am I turning into an old fuddy-duddy? :glare:


My first thought when I see these things is, "Ouch!" :D


I wouldn't call it commonplace, but it is definitely more common now than 15 years ago. As pp have stated, some piercings are more attractive than others. I cannot think of anyone I've meet IRL with a piercing in that area that I liked.


When my eldest reaches adulthood I already plan to take up the motto of several generations of women in my family:


"I reserve the right to tell you what I think, and you receive the right to completely ignore it."


If they came seeking my advice I would give them the benefit of my experience, and super glue my mouth after that on the topic. When it is already done, *shrug* there isn't any point in turning it into a family war.


If one of my children pierces themself as an adult I will remind them I wouldn't even take so much as an aspirin during my pregnancy in my great and exhausting effort to bring them whole and unmarred into this world. Then I will roll my eyes with all of the ridiculousness I can manage, inquire about the rate of infection where it was performed, and let it go. FTR- this is my plan for tattoos as well. :tongue_smilie:

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I think some can look good and some can look awful. I have a brother who dresses like a bogan, is growing his hair so he can have dreads again and has a variety of ugly ear piercings, but he's one of my favourite people. I can't really hold such things against other people because they could be just like him- feral looking, friendly intellectuals!


When my eldest reaches adulthood I already plan to take up the motto of several generations of women in my family:


"I reserve the right to tell you what I think, and you receive the right to completely ignore it."


Lol, this. :)



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I do not like any kind of facial or oral piercing at all. They gross me out to look at.


If someone chooses this for themselves, I do not hold it against them. But I try not to look at it.


Came back to add, the tiny nose studs that are up high do not bug me. The nose jewelry that hangs bugs me. Pierced eyebrows, lips and cheeks bug me. And seeing someone's tongue jewelry when they talk or laugh bugs me. But I realize that my problem with facial jewelry is my problem. I really do not hold it against anyone.

Edited by laundrycrisis
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They don't bother me a bit... One of my daughter's drama teachers has a gold stud under his bottom lip. I think it's his way of staying hip, now that he is in his 30's and has a kid. :lol: I know a number of friends who after a time got rid of theirs. I never got around to getting my noise done (really wanted to), but now just see other ways in which I'd like to spend my money.


However, I do find most men & women who've had major plastic surgery to be odd looking. :tongue_smilie: Do they not realize how strange they look? :lol:

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To each their own, but I'm not crazy about it.

:iagree: not talking "trash" but my neice has just about every nook/cranny pierced that you can think of and some places you WOULDN'T think of doing....sometimes I think I'd like a side nose ring (little diamond) but am chicken!

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Sara in IL:


Maybe ppl should be better educated about the Point of No Return.


For example, yours and most people's are 20 or 18 gauge, I think.


When progressively gauged to 10g, 8g, 6g, 4g, they will usually still return to the way they were eventually, if the jewelry is removed. But for some ppl the Point of No Return is around 2g or 0g, but it does vary.


That's very interesting, and encouraging in a weird way. Thank you for explaining that. :)

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Doesn't bother me at all. I love nose piercings and lip piercings on certain people, and had my eyebrows and ni**les pierced when I was (much) younger. The thing is, when you get tired of them, you can take them out and usually, there is little resulting scarring.


One that I don't care for is tongue piercings. Probably only because two of my friends' tongue piercings got infected: green, swollen, and pussy. Nasty.

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Well, I've been wearing a tiny nose stud and a tongue ring both for over 20 years . . . So I'm fine with them. ;)


I hadn't realized I was so ghastly and disgusting, but such is life. :D



I adore nose piercings! I had mine pierced last year, but alas, got the dreaded "nose pierce bump" that simply would not go away (think large zit-like thing next to piercing) and was told the only way it wouldd go away was to remove the piercing. :(

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Mrs M: In fact these days it can almost be quite elegantly conservative to have a tiny nose jewel, I suppose. Like your cousin in publishing that you mentioned. By conservative I guess I mean as part of an understated, classy business casual look.

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Mrs M: In fact these days it can almost be quite elegantly conservative to have a tiny nose jewel, I suppose. Like your cousin in publishing that you mentioned. By conservative I guess I mean as part of an understated, classy business casual look.


I agree, obviously some people hate it, lol.

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