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Do you do this?

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Just wondering if any of you do the following:


*walk into a room to get something and forget what you were coming to get


*look at something and call it a completely different name (for example, say you are watching a movie about a dolphin and you call it an elephant)


*get distracted during a conversation and then totally forget what the conversation was about


*begin to tell someone something and have them say, "Oh, you actually already told me that."


*lose your train of thought mid-sentence


*forget that you did or said something (like forget that you took your kid's ipod for sassing until said kid brings it to you and says, "Mom, remember you took this?") I guess this would include frequently forgetting where you put something.





Now, I'm not saying any of these have happened to me or anything, especially the part about calling a dolphin an elephant. :tongue_smilie:


In all seriousness, I'm trying to figure out how much is normal, how much might be some meds I am on, how much could be from insomnia/exhaustion, and how much is just plain weird. I am still young, but I did read that people begin to become forgetful in their 30s, and I am mid-30s. I am also a medicated, tired, overworked homeschool mom of 3, lol.

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I do all of the above but I don't think my answer will help you much. Today, I told my family to remind me to get the Swedish eyeballs before we left Ikea. Of course, I meant Swedish Meatballs and they laughed at me. Sometimes I spit out several nouns before I find the right one. At leasst I know that I am in good company.

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ALL the time! :D All of it. Last week I was having a conversation and plopped the word Thanksgiving into the sentence. And, I've learned that if I stare at what I need to say-the dog, for instance, and say it in my head, to myself first, then the wrong word won't come out. But if I'm rattling off, the wrong noun will spill out.

Edited by justamouse
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Just wondering if any of you do the following:


*walk into a room to get something and forget what you were coming to get


*look at something and call it a completely different name (for example, say you are watching a movie about a dolphin and you call it an elephant)


*get distracted during a conversation and then totally forget what the conversation was about


*begin to tell someone something and have them say, "Oh, you actually already told me that."


*lose your train of thought mid-sentence


*forget that you did or said something (like forget that you took your kid's ipod for sassing until said kid brings it to you and says, "Mom, remember you took this?") I guess this would include frequently forgetting where you put something.





Now, I'm not saying any of these have happened to me or anything, especially the part about calling a dolphin an elephant. :tongue_smilie:


In all seriousness, I'm trying to figure out how much is normal, how much might be some meds I am on, how much could be from insomnia/exhaustion, and how much is just plain weird. I am still young, but I did read that people begin to become forgetful in their 30s, and I am mid-30s. I am also a medicated, tired, overworked homeschool mom of 3, lol.


I KNEW we were related. :001_smile:

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It's a wonder my kids even know their names as I'm constantly resorting to calling them "hey you" because I can't for the life of me remember their names. ;) Personally I think it has more to do with being a busy mom than age or health or anything else. There isn't one mom I know that wouldn't be writing the same exact post.

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Did I write this and then forget about it and you posted it instead?




Well, actually, you asked me to post it for you, remember? :D


I'm in my 40s. Four children. I'm not on any medication. I've never called a dolphin an elephant but I almost never call my children by the correct name on the first try.


What was the question again?




I do all of the above but I don't think my answer will help you much. Today, I told my family to remind me to get the Swedish eyeballs before we left Ikea. Of course, I meant Swedish Meatballs and they laughed at me. Sometimes I spit out several nouns before I find the right one. At leasst I know that I am in good company.


Yeah, I think we've talked about this before. I will say that I think eyeballs and meatballs are a lot closer than dolphins and elephants. Although dolphins and elephants are both gray...


Anyway, I think I know the problem. But you know the problem is the solution to other problems, so what do you do? Just press on. I just wonder what my brain is going to be like in 10 years. :(


My kids and husband laughed at me, and I've had a rough week (been sick all week) so I cried. What a wimp. :tongue_smilie: I would've laughed at something calling a dolphin an elephant.

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I've never called a dolphin an elephant' date=' but I've done the rest! I saw saying on Pinterest- "Y'know when you walk into a room and can't remember what you were going to do? That's God playing Sims and he just cancelled your action." I thought that was hilarious![/quote']


ALL the time! :D All of it.


YAY! You all are nuts too. :lol:


I KNEW we were related. :001_smile:


Of course we are!


It's a wonder my kids even know their names as I'm constantly resorting to calling them "hey you" because I can't for the life of me remember their names. ;) Personally I think it has more to do with being a busy mom than age or health or anything else. There isn't one mom I know that wouldn't be writing the same exact post.


That's good to hear. I actually usually get my girls' names right. That's a miracle considering how similar their names are. Weird.

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Oh, yes. I blame it on the kids. They distract me much of the time. I'm not good at multi-tasking, so I really have to concentrate on what I'm doing at times. I'm 33 1/2 by the way!


Well, I'm 34 1/12, lol! So I've officially crossed into mid-30s. And yes, it's the kids!


There's an actual scientific study that shows walking through doors kind of resets your brain so you forget what you went in there for. That one happens to people of all ages for that reason.




Pretty sure the rest is normal too. :tongue_smilie:


Okay, maybe it's the doors. Yes, that's it. I'm going to read the study now if I can remember to. :glare:

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Seriously, I am so glad to hear that I'm in such good company. Since MIL has been diagnosed with dementia & Alzheimer's, I'm certain that I'm following close behind her. Especially since the dementia hit the speech part of her brain. She can't hardly talk anymore, but knows what she wants to say.


So, when I look at my kids and call them Maggie, the dog that I got rid of 6 years ago....I do start to worry. Or even worse, when I look at them and say 'You'. But it appears that my brain is normal for an overworked homeschool mom :D

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My issue is with meals. I CANNOT say the right meal. It's randomly breakfast/lunch/dinner no matter *what* time it is. For goodness sakes, WHY did I call dinner breakfast today???


Oh yeah... and the kids' names. Thankfully the boys are only confused with each other. Same with the girls. I have two of each and it's ALWAYS a fifty-fifty shot. :lol:

(My parents used to confuse me with my brother. I hated that.) Oh well, at least I don't call any of them Lola (that's the dog)!

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Yes. Here's what happened to me just this morning, which is typical: Decide to get dressed; walk upstairs towards bedroom. See cute bunny (he's my avatar). Pick up bunny, snuggle him, kiss his face, talk baby talk to him. Put bunny down. Go back downstairs. Remember I went upstairs to get dressed.


I blame the bunny. :D



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Seriously, I am so glad to hear that I'm in such good company. Since MIL has been diagnosed with dementia & Alzheimer's, I'm certain that I'm following close behind her. Especially since the dementia hit the speech part of her brain. She can't hardly talk anymore, but knows what she wants to say.


So, when I look at my kids and call them Maggie, the dog that I got rid of 6 years ago....I do start to worry. Or even worse, when I look at them and say 'You'. But it appears that my brain is normal for an overworked homeschool mom :D


I hear you on this. My mom has Lewy Body Dementia and can no longer carry on a conversation. It has gotten progressively worse this year and now I've been scared to find myself dropping off mid-sentence forgetting what I was going to say. I'm too aware of memory issues :tongue_smilie:.


My daughter hardly gives me a chance anymore before trying to fill in the blank when I'm searching for a word. That drives me crazy :glare:.

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Well, actually, you asked me to post it for you, remember? :D








Yeah, I think we've talked about this before. I will say that I think eyeballs and meatballs are a lot closer than dolphins and elephants. Although dolphins and elephants are both gray...


Anyway, I think I know the problem. But you know the problem is the solution to other problems, so what do you do? Just press on. I just wonder what my brain is going to be like in 10 years. :(


My kids and husband laughed at me, and I've had a rough week (been sick all week) so I cried. What a wimp. :tongue_smilie: I would've laughed at something calling a dolphin an elephant.


Well, my kids love it when my mood is good and they find me highly amusing as well. I just try not to worry about what anyone else thinks. I have told them that they need to have me barcoded here soon in case I get lost. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, I didn't call a dolphin an elephant, but....when we were at Sea World once I was walking toward the Beluga tanks and said, out loud, "I wonder if the whales will be in the water or up on the land?" Not sure what I was thinking, but I justified it by saying that the polar bears go in and out of the water, the walruses go in and out of the water, maybe the beluga whales do too. (they don't).

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At least a dolphin and an elephant are both mammals. I told the kids to put on their cucumbers instead of shoes!


Thank you, Jean. Strangely that made me feel better, and I plan to point it out to my kids tomorrow. :D


Seriously, I am so glad to hear that I'm in such good company. Since MIL has been diagnosed with dementia & Alzheimer's, I'm certain that I'm following close behind her. Especially since the dementia hit the speech part of her brain. She can't hardly talk anymore, but knows what she wants to say.


So, when I look at my kids and call them Maggie, the dog that I got rid of 6 years ago....I do start to worry. Or even worse, when I look at them and say 'You'. But it appears that my brain is normal for an overworked homeschool mom :D



Yes, on an almost daily basis.


Yep! All the time. It's been happening to me ever since I can remember. Well...let me rephrase that...it's been happening since I was a pre-teen.


My issue is with meals. I CANNOT say the right meal. It's randomly breakfast/lunch/dinner no matter *what* time it is. For goodness sakes, WHY did I call dinner breakfast today???


Oh yeah... and the kids' names. Thankfully the boys are only confused with each other. Same with the girls. I have two of each and it's ALWAYS a fifty-fifty shot. :lol:

(My parents used to confuse me with my brother. I hated that.) Oh well, at least I don't call any of them Lola (that's the dog)!


Seriously, thank you all. I have been truly worried! Sometimes I think I'm really losing my mind.


Yes. Here's what happened to me just this morning, which is typical: Decide to get dressed; walk upstairs towards bedroom. See cute bunny (he's my avatar). Pick up bunny, snuggle him, kiss his face, talk baby talk to him. Put bunny down. Go back downstairs. Remember I went upstairs to get dressed.


I blame the bunny. :D




That is most definitely the bunny's fault!

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I hear you on this. My mom has Lewy Body Dementia and can no longer carry on a conversation. It has gotten progressively worse this year and now I've been scared to find myself dropping off mid-sentence forgetting what I was going to say. I'm too aware of memory issues :tongue_smilie:.


My daughter hardly gives me a chance anymore before trying to fill in the blank when I'm searching for a word. That drives me crazy :glare:.


Oh, yeah, my girls do that. Little turds.


Oh, right! I remember now (I think!).




I'm trying to help you out. :D


Well, my kids love it when my mood is good and they find me highly amusing as well. I just try not to worry about what anyone else thinks. I have told them that they need to have me barcoded here soon in case I get lost. :tongue_smilie:


I'm thinking I need an identification tattoo or something.




you made my day..


Robin in NJ


Well, I didn't call a dolphin an elephant, but....when we were at Sea World once I was walking toward the Beluga tanks and said, out loud, "I wonder if the whales will be in the water or up on the land?" Not sure what I was thinking, but I justified it by saying that the polar bears go in and out of the water, the walruses go in and out of the water, maybe the beluga whales do too. (they don't).




I am now convinced we are all normal. I think.




One of the things I love about this board, I feel I am not alone in my crazy.


I think you need to change your avatar to a pic of a dolphin and an elephant jumping out of the water so then I can blame that for my lapse. :lol:

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Every day.


"Honey, will you get me the....you know, in the fridge. You drink it and it's orange."


"Come here....you. Whoever you are...The one I'm pointing at. No, not you, that one. The shortest one, you know who I'm talking to."


My kids finish my sentences or ask me to finish them: "What were you saying, Mom? 'It's in the' " <expectant pause>


In ten years your children will be older and you will be able to remember things again. :grouphug:


Cat, who HAS called the kids by the dog's name...and the cat's

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Well, I didn't call a dolphin an elephant, but....when we were at Sea World once I was walking toward the Beluga tanks and said, out loud, "I wonder if the whales will be in the water or up on the land?" Not sure what I was thinking, but I justified it by saying that the polar bears go in and out of the water, the walruses go in and out of the water, maybe the beluga whales do too. (they don't).


oh my freakin pig, now I'm crying, I'm laughing so hard (after reading the pioneer woman doughnut post)

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I often exchange names for things. I also stop in the middle of sentence, sometimes forgetting what I meant to say. Ds finishes my sentences a lot. I should probably teach him that his habit won't always be appreciated by everyone he tries to do that with. :lol: It's very helpful to me.


I am a list maker. When I am old I will put post its on the wall like in that movie with Elisabeth Shue, The Saint?


I actually have a bic marker pen on my nightstand and have been known to jot notes on MY ARM so I don't forget. Usually it's once I'm in bed and don't want to get up or even reach for the notepad. It works. When I'm old I'll probably have to wear long sleeves to cover up notes, and then make a note to roll up my sleeve.


I can not use a planner on the computer, I forget about it. Google calendar? Calendar on my phone? Forget it. I need to see it, touch, and write it down to remember.

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Well, I didn't call a dolphin an elephant, but....when we were at Sea World once I was walking toward the Beluga tanks and said, out loud, "I wonder if the whales will be in the water or up on the land?" Not sure what I was thinking, but I justified it by saying that the polar bears go in and out of the water, the walruses go in and out of the water, maybe the beluga whales do too. (they don't).


BTW, Katie, that was a great cover. Wish I could have thought of something to cover the dolphin elephant thing. Instead I just cried because everyone was laughing at me. Meanies. :tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, I know what you mean. It is pretty bad when you look one of your daughters in the eye and call her by three different names before you hit the right one (while she laughs hysterically, no less).


The best part of it all is when I read something that is entirely different from what was printed on whatever I was reading, like the other day I was on a website that had a link that read 'Women earn less than men' and I read it as 'Women learn less than men' or when I saw a sign for a filtration plant but read it as a 'flirtation plant'..........I've learned not to comment on anything until I take a second look..........:lol:

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BTW, Katie, that was a great cover. Wish I could have thought of something to cover the dolphin elephant thing. Instead I just cried because everyone was laughing at me. Meanies. :tongue_smilie:


I tend to laugh harder than anyone else. I love silliness, even if it is me. As for the dolphin elephant thing, they are both grey, and both mammals. Close enough.


Oh, and in other memory silliness, I have a mental block with Koala bears and Panda bears. My husband and son torture me about this, as I am a veterinary technician and total animal geek. But I can't remember what those two animals eat. I totally confuse which one eats bamboo and which one eats eucalyptus. You could ask me twice in 10 minutes and I would get it wrong both times. I justify it by saying that I know both eat only one food, which is very unusual, but I just can't remember which one. As they tease me horribly for this I finally came up with a way to remember. Koala and eucalyptus both have a "k" sound in them. If I say it in my head i can hear that sound and remember. But that takes a minute, which means I still pause noticeably every time they ask. And they ask a lot, just to tease me.

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My issue is with meals. I CANNOT say the right meal. It's randomly breakfast/lunch/dinner no matter *what* time it is. For goodness sakes, WHY did I call dinner breakfast today???


EVERY MEAL, EVERY DAY. "What do you want for lunch, I mean breakfast? Come sit down, supper's ready! I mean, LUNCH! No, you don't need a snack, I'm about to make lunch, I MEAN SUPPER!" It's no wonder my 3 year old can't get it right either.


Every day.


"Honey, will you get me the....you know, in the fridge. You drink it and it's orange."


"Come here....you. Whoever you are...The one I'm pointing at. No, not you, that one. The shortest one, you know who I'm talking to."


Yep. :lol:


Yesterday my daughter stepped on some piece of food and I told her to go wash her foot in the toilet. Um... :001_huh: Right, yeah, cause that's totally normal. "I meant TUB, PLEASE USE THE TUB!!!!"

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EVERY MEAL, EVERY DAY. "What do you want for lunch, I mean breakfast? Come sit down, supper's ready! I mean, LUNCH! No, you don't need a snack, I'm about to make lunch, I MEAN SUPPER!" It's no wonder my 3 year old can't get it right either.




Yep. :lol:


Yesterday my daughter stepped on some piece of food and I told her to go wash her foot in the toilet. Um... :001_huh: Right, yeah, cause that's totally normal. "I meant TUB, PLEASE USE THE TUB!!!!"



Oh my! Cannot breathe! This is TOTALLY me!

It only recently started, though... at about the time I had my last baby. She's now 2. I've been scaring myself imaging that I've got a brain tumor or early Alzheimer's or something b/c this NEVER happened before these last few years. Honest.


Now I can breathe easy and chalk it up to being OLD. And not getting enough sleep. :glare: Yeah. That's my fault. Off of the computer now!

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EVERY MEAL, EVERY DAY. "What do you want for lunch, I mean breakfast? Come sit down, supper's ready! I mean, LUNCH! No, you don't need a snack, I'm about to make lunch, I MEAN SUPPER!" It's no wonder my 3 year old can't get it right either.




Yep. :lol:


Yesterday my daughter stepped on some piece of food and I told her to go wash her foot in the toilet. Um... :001_huh: Right, yeah, cause that's totally normal. "I meant TUB, PLEASE USE THE TUB!!!!"



omgomgomg :lol::lol:

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onelist.com; busymoms@onelist.com

Subject: [busymoms] But First


I call it the “But–First†syndrome. YOU know. It’s when you decide to do the laundry. So you start down the stairs with the laundry when you see the newspapers on the table. OK, you’ll do the laundry.

BUT FIRST, you decide to put the papers away. So on your way to put the papers away, you notice the mail on the table. OK, you’ll put the papers away.

BUT FIRST, you’ll pay that bill that needs to be paid. So you look for the checkbook. Oops...there’s the baby’s bottle from yesterday on the floor. OK, you’ll pay that bill.

BUT FIRST, you need to put that bottle in the sink. You head to the kitchen. Oops, there’s the remote for the TV. What’s it doing in here? OK, you'll put the bottle in the sink.

BUT FIRST, you need to put the remote away. You head for the TV room. Aargh!! Stepped on the cat. Cat needs to be fed. OK, you’ll put the remote away.

BUT FIRST, you need to feed the cat…So, do I need to describe what happens at the end of the day?

(HINT: Laundry not done, papers on the floor, bottle on the table, bills unpaid, checkbook still lost, cat ate the remote…) And when you try to figure out how come nothing got done all day, you are baffled…you KNOW you were BUSY ALL DAY.

And that’s the “But–First†syndrome.

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I do these things all the time! I have actually wondered if I have a brain tumor! I have been through culture shock a few too many times, have kids, live with constant stress (mostly self-induced), and probably have ADD. I figure with that combo my brain is mush. :001_smile:


I am forever mixing up the pieces of furniture. Blah! Oh, and I will make a statement and then completely forget what I just said. Yikes!

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I do all those things daily.


Today, I was working with another lady with a spreadsheet for our co-op and some of the kids were highlighted in pink for a certain reason. And I referred to the kids "in blue."


And once, I said to our hostess some food was "yucky" when I meant "yummy." Duh, how do you take THAT back. It sounded like a freudian slip but it was simply a brain frat (I can't even spell, can I?).


I am always walking to a room to get something and forgetting. I have learned to repeat whatever it is, "toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper" as I go to the garage where the big stash is... Even then, i can walk back, still saying "toilet paper, toilet paper..." carrying a box of Kleenex or something.



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One day I went back to my bathroom to brush my teeth FOUR times, forgot what I was there for, came out and went to pour a cup of coffee, remembered that I wanted to brush my teeth, went back to the bathroom... forgot... came back out and when I went to pour coffee the fourth time and realized that what I really wanted was to brush my teeth I called out,


"Hey, Cody! In 30 seconds I need you to yell back to me, 'Mom! Brush your teeth!', so that I can remember what I am doing!"


And, I think I've done everything in Nakia's op recently...



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I'm in my 40s. Four children. I'm not on any medication. I've never called a dolphin an elephant but I almost never call my children by the correct name on the first try.


What was the question again?


This is me, only I am mid30s not 40s. The kids never get called the right name the first time. ever. I have started to accept I am just getting older, my memory was never that great to begin with, but now it is getting worse. I am having issues with my hearing and I keep finding more grey hairs. I am starting to think that every grey hair is a physical sign of a memory circuit in my brain fizzling out :lol:


I should say as well that while I have never called a dolphin and elephant, I know of a lot of whozits and whatszits and thingamajigs and thingys because I can't remember what they are called while I am staring right at them.

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Well, I didn't call a dolphin an elephant, but....when we were at Sea World once I was walking toward the Beluga tanks and said, out loud, "I wonder if the whales will be in the water or up on the land?" Not sure what I was thinking, but I justified it by saying that the polar bears go in and out of the water, the walruses go in and out of the water, maybe the beluga whales do too. (they don't).


Beached Whale!


This thread has me laughing WAY too hard for quarter at 2 in the morning. :lol:

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It's the dementia of having small children. I think homeschooling extends it.


  • You can hide something from me completely by covering part of it with a piece of paper.
  • I have said to my children (and the dog) "Don't worry about whose name I said. I'm looking at you, so I'm talking to you."
  • "Dishwasher" became my all-purpose noun at Lowe's the other day. We were buying paint. For the bathroom.

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onelist.com; busymoms@onelist.com

Subject: [busymoms] But First




(HINT: Laundry not done, papers on the floor, bottle on the table, bills unpaid, checkbook still lost, cat ate the remote…) And when you try to figure out how come nothing got done all day, you are baffled…you KNOW you were BUSY ALL DAY.

And that’s the “But–First†syndrome.

This is cousin to the "Might as Well" syndrome associated with reonvating an old house. "If we're fixing X, we might as well do Y..." Good grief.

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