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DH got stopped by the cops - I can't stop laughing

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DH got sent out for last minute stocking stuffers. I finished wrapping all of the Santa gifts, so I called him to see how close he was to home. I thought I could wrap a few of my presents for him if I had time. He said, "I'll be home in 20 minutes" and then "I will call you when I am close". I registered the first statement, but not the second. It just blew right by me.


After 15 minutes, I put all the wrapping supplies away and went into the laundry room to tackle the mountain of folding, leaving my phone on the charger in the kitchen. I blasted the radio, I was having a great time. DH was late - what was taking so long???? As I waked out of the laundry room, I saw that the cops had someone pulled over in front of the house, lights flashing away. Guess who? I was a little annoyed. He'd probably been speeding, I thought.


I walked into the kitchen and my cell phone rang. "Can I come in now?" he asked. "Is that you in front of the house with the cops?" I asked back.


"Why yes it is," he replied. "I've been circling, waiting for you to answer the phone - and now the police have stopped me for suspicious behavior. Come out here!"


I went out and one of the officers asked him, "Do you live right here?!" and then asked me, "Are you done wrapping his presents yet?" :lol:


Dh had been trying to call me, but I had left the phone in the other room while I was managing the laundry. I found and showed the police 4 missed calls on my phone. He didn't want to interrupt my wrapping, so he would pull up at the end of the street, call me and get no answer, then circle the block a few times and pull over to try again. The police noticed and thought he might be drunk because he was behaving suspiciously, so they ended up pulling him over right in front of our house! They were both cracking up when we pieced the whole story together. DH did not get a ticket for his suspicious driving. ;)

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Oh, my goodness! That brings back memories...

My dad used to own a full-service gas station back in the '70s and early '80s. He bought this huge piece of equipment, used, from this guy that had it in storage. The guy was going out of town over Thanksgiving but gave my dad the key to the place so he could come and get it. My dad thought Thanksgiving morning would be a great time to go pick it up, as all the male relatives would be around to help load the equipment.

So off goes my dad and several uncles and older cousins...

They didn't return... and didn't return...

My mom didn't know exactly where he was going, but called the police in every town in the area, to see if there had been an accident. Somewhere along the lines, they decided everyone should go ahead and eat Thanksgiving meal w/o the guys.

Late in the afternoon, in came the guys.

Someone had noticed them loading up the equipment and called the police on them. It took the police hours to track down the owner and confirm the story before they would let my dad and the other guys free.

I don't think the other guys ever forgave my dad. It was snowing like crazy that day and my dad spent the whole time handcuffed, in the back of the patrol car - but warm and toasty. The guys? They spent the time spread-eagle against the side of a patrol car.


Anyhow. Glad that your husband isn't spending Christmas eve in jail. :lol:

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